Tweets of the PAX Panel




Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
Flawed argument. If I counter with choosing Stealth, Grant Invis and Phase Shift, you now have no reason to add more slots.

The argument is that he will have less slots to spend not a harder time making his decisions. Of course being able to add 3 more powers has the potential to make slotting decisions more difficult.

But if he spends 4 out of his 67 earned slots on powers from the stamina pool now, he has 63 slots to use amongst his Primary, Secondary, Pools and Ancillary/PPPs. And when the Fitness pool becomes an inherent, and he decides to add 4 slots to the same Fitness powers, he still has 63 spots to spend, exactly like before.
Flawed math...why isn't it as funny as it used to be?



Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
I actually really enjoyed that clip.

Not relevant to the discussion, but definitely amusing.
Really? I thought it was very relevant. You didn't make the exact same error as he did, but you conclusion was in the same realm of obscurity.



Sorry, I haven't read the past 200 posts, but to address something that keeps coming up over and over again regarding the super secret I20 Beta:

A lot of supposition has been over "What new systems? CoH2.0?! Cross-Server Stuff?! Et Cetera?!"

If you watch the video, Positron makes it very clear that the I20 Beta is for testing the new systems of the end game content.

That's what it's for.

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Originally Posted by Knightfox View Post
There's no way they'll actually have mailed in NDA signatures, that's just absurd on a colossal level. It will simply be an electronic signature rather than the normal "signing in means you agree to abide by the NDA" method. Electronic signature is much quicker and doesn't involve sorting masses of snail mail. I don't see how so many jumped to the conclusion that it would be an actual physical signature.
I didn't say "would" I said "could." And I have specific reasons for thinking its within the realm of possibility.

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Originally Posted by Johnstone View Post
If you (or anyone) would be so kind as to explain how to set Fitness up as Inherent in Mid's, I'd appreciate it. I tried, but failed and would like to mess around with a few builds myself.
You can't yet, but what I've been doing is just not picking Fitness powers, and then not using any slots I'd use on the Fitness powers. It's not *quite* the same as if it was built in...but it works well enough for me.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
If you watch the video, Positron makes it very clear that the I20 Beta is for testing the new systems of the end game content
The words on the screen that read 'Focusing on doing a thorough, extended beta test for End Game content' kind of give that away, don't they?

I'm afraid my ears are bleeding now, excuse me.



Originally Posted by Tricia View Post
You can't yet, but what I've been doing is just not picking Fitness powers, and then not using any slots I'd use on the Fitness powers. It's not *quite* the same as if it was built in...but it works well enough for me.
Put the fitness slots in Rest, seems to be a good work around for me. Just don't look at end recovery, because it is much lower then it usually is ;-)



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Sorry, I haven't read the past 200 posts, but to address something that keeps coming up over and over again regarding the super secret I20 Beta:

A lot of supposition has been over "What new systems? CoH2.0?! Cross-Server Stuff?! Et Cetera?!"

If you watch the video, Positron makes it very clear that the I20 Beta is for testing the new systems of the end game content.

That's what it's for.
I had not watched the video so thanks ZM for explaining that.

I'm going to sleep now.. 4:30 am.



Originally Posted by Knightfox View Post
There's no way they'll actually have mailed in NDA signatures, that's just absurd on a colossal level. It will simply be an electronic signature rather than the normal "signing in means you agree to abide by the NDA" method. Electronic signature is much quicker and doesn't involve sorting masses of snail mail. I don't see how so many jumped to the conclusion that it would be an actual physical signature.
They've done it before.



Originally Posted by Knightfox View Post
There's no way they'll actually have mailed in NDA signatures, that's just absurd on a colossal level. It will simply be an electronic signature rather than the normal "signing in means you agree to abide by the NDA" method. Electronic signature is much quicker and doesn't involve sorting masses of snail mail. I don't see how so many jumped to the conclusion that it would be an actual physical signature.
Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
They've done it before.
For CoH's Beta 1 in December 2003, Cryptic required us to print out, sign and fax the NDA to them. I'd be surprised if this was required again, but it's certainly possible.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Yes, they are enhanceable and you can add up to 5 additional slots to them, just like the current versions. The powers are all available either at level 1 or 2 (I forget at the moment) -- no waiting 'til 20 for Stamina.
That is great. I don't know if anyone has asked this yet, but what are the plans for the respec system? Changes like these are great, however I always greet them with a bit of wariness because I very much dislike dealing with the current respec system.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Originally Posted by Foxy_Phoenix View Post
And what would be the problem with teams regularly hitting defense cap? Especially if you had a bubbler/cold on the team, or people with shield running Grant Cover?
When did I say it was a problem?

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Nicetry View Post
I gathered. When I talk about a change occurring in the city I'm generally not too worried about the hermit that lives 30km outside of the limits...
When someone shifts their argument to ad homenim, it's often a good sign that they can't actually defend their position.

Well you either haven't played any other MMO's and/or you haven't actually examined this game very closely. Both of which are fine, but not a great position to be in if you want to counter my statements.
Ooh, lets set up a completely unprovable assertion about my gaming experience and then lay out how I am in a worse position than you because your unprovable assertion. Awesome!

Most MMO's indoctrinate players with the holy trinity. People bring that preconceived notion into every new game they play whether they mean to or not. Additionally healing IS the most effective method of damage mitigation in the early game in CoX.
Who's in a worse position now? I'm sorry, before I give you a milligram of further consideration, I'd like you to produce quantified evidence of this assertion. How early in the game? What healing powers compared to what shileds/buffs? Are you claiming that healing is better mitigation before other powers are available? Or are you claiming that weakly slotted healing is better than weakly slotted shields?

Even if you manage to clarify the above questions and show strong evidence that healing is actually the better survival over some useful level range, are you arguing that people don't learn to use better tools when they become available?

So by the time that buff/debuff becomes so powerful that it greatly overshadows 'heals' you are facing two strong forces that contine to cause people to "look for healers".
Oh, so you are arguing that. But wait, doesn't that support my position? Is that really helping your position that they will jump on the Vengeance bandwagon?

It actually already does happen quite often at higher levels (especially on late game TF's) as a direct result of those uber buffs/debuffs that you were just ragging on people looking for healers about.
You can't have it both ways here. Either this is going to be a power shift because no one uses this stuff today, but they're all going to start tomorrow, or it's not going to be a power shift, because lots of people are already running around softcapped today, and Vengeance becomes a +toHit and +damage buff.

Every power in the game is conditional.
I'm talking about the conditions under which you can use the power. A Cold or FF user on a team doesn't have any preconditions on buffing their teammates. Vengeance requires a teammate to die. I can promise you that non-veteran people look at that and think "why would I pick that when I can use other stuff to keep them alive?" I'm not arguing about what knowledgeable people will do here. We're talking about the mythical casual gamer will do - the people who make up a big chunk of PuGs. You're claiming that so many of these people are going to figure out that they should now snag Vengeance that it's going to be a shift in overall power.

I don't think you're selling that very well.

It so happens that meeting the conditions of Veng just got a lot easier, which was namely - not having room for an additional power pool, especially going 3 deep into it. Actually employing the power is trivial even in terms of this game.
And that for the record is all I've said.
Really? Hmm.

HOWEVER, the team power creep is through the roof. People content with the build sacrifices necessary to fit in stamina by 20 can now replace that with vengeance by 20.
-Ignoring the power of unslotted leadership toggles on a team for now because we are pretending people don't have much endurance to spare-
Even the weakest AT modifier puts out huge numbers for vengeance and will easily allow teams to tackle some of the highest difficulty settings and plow through them like they are on base settings.

No vengeance isn't becoming MORE powerful, but it is currently *balanced* (or pretends to be) by the rarity of it, which should be completely eliminated with this change. It will only take 1 or 2 (incase your main guy with the power is the one that dies) people on a pug with similar insight to me and the game will be stupid-easy from 20+.
You declare massive team power creep, which you implicitly tie to increased access to Vengeance by reduction in demand for other power picks. You state, directly, that Vengeance is currently "balanced" by its scarcity. You imply strongly, by using the statement "the team power creep is through the roof" that this is going to change.

Again claiming something that I certainly never stated. The only claim with any assertion that I've made is that it will probably make the game a lot more fun for anyone that uses the knowledge to their advantage.

No, you declared directly it was going to be a change in power level. I quoted where you said that above.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Sorry, I haven't read the past 200 posts, but to address something that keeps coming up over and over again regarding the super secret I20 Beta:

A lot of supposition has been over "What new systems? CoH2.0?! Cross-Server Stuff?! Et Cetera?!"

If you watch the video, Positron makes it very clear that the I20 Beta is for testing the new systems of the end game content.

That's what it's for.
I was there and missed that part myself... doh.

Too much time spend trying to type out the important bits to Twitter in a timely manner.

The cross server question came during Q&A and Posi's comment was that its on the list, but nothing more. Which I believe I said, so not sure why people would think we'd be doing a beta for that in a week.

Also... how in the world did this thread get so massive?



Originally Posted by Doughboy View Post
For CoH's Beta 1 in December 2003, Cryptic required us to print out, sign and fax the NDA to them. I'd be surprised if this was required again, but it's certainly possible.
They've done it since, too, for various things...
... that I...
can't get into...





Seriously, though, I know for some/most of the "creation" contests, they needed a faxed copy signing off rights to them to use/distribute the content- a digital signature wasn't sufficient. Even in this age, if you want an agreement to really stick, you like to have the paper trail.

Normally, they'd probably keep the VERY EARLY closed beta to the typical friends-n-family crowd that they can easily get signed NDA's from. I suspect that this kind of endgame content is going to be too time-intensive and/or group-intensive to use very small beta pools with... hence the need for a possibly-larger pool of candidates.



Originally Posted by Nicetry View Post
Really? I thought it was very relevant. You didn't make the exact same error as he did, but you conclusion was in the same realm of obscurity.
Since you seem to think that you have a point here, show me the math.

Show me how spending 4 slots on Fitness Pool powers now leaves you with a different amount of available slots than spending 4 slots on the some powers once they become inherent powers.



Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
Since you seem to think that you have a point here, show me the math.

Show me how spending 4 slots on Fitness Pool powers now leaves you with a different amount of available slots than spending 4 slots on the some powers once they become inherent powers.
By controlling the definition. It's all in terms of a place-able enhancement slot/power ratio. Not total # of place-able enhancement slots.

Personally, I dislike that usage. It feels counter-intuitive to me on both sides of the ratio.

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by ransim View Post
Also... how in the world did this thread get so massive?
Because for some reason everyone's still whining about Fitness or something. I honestly don't even understand what the argument's about, to be honest. It's especially absurd that the devs threw us a bone and did something that's purely beneficial and has no negative side-effects and people are still complaining and nitpicking about it.

Shaddap, you Debbie Downers!



Well, I'm happy enough about the Fitness becoming Inherent issue, however, I do wonder if the Pool will be replaced with a new 10th Pool.

If it is a Pool of "good out of the box" powers, that might resolve this whole issue.

Of course, me, I'd like to see Vehicles.



Hey, this got lost in the shuffle, but...
Thanks for typing out these reports from the convention, Ransim!!

And thanks for the nice list in the second post, Orion Star!

Oh, and... fine... thanks to you as well, Marcian.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
I honestly don't even understand what the argument's about, to be honest.
At this point(and for several pages) it is about nothing more than semantics.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Yes, they are enhanceable and you can add up to 5 additional slots to them, just like the current versions. The powers are all available either at level 1 or 2 (I forget at the moment) -- no waiting 'til 20 for Stamina.

So basically........ I'm getting 3 new power for ALL my builds, which is cool, but in essence zero slots to put in them... since i'll still need to slot the inherent fitness line... (which, is normally only a small hand full of slots anyways.)

so all my builds will need massive reworking and prolly reslotting ALL my powers to try and find some slots to make use of some of these new powers i'll have...

It's an OK change I guess. I personally dislike "throw a way" powers, but with no slots to slot into my 3 new powers... 3 powers i might add i'll need to figure out what to take... that matches my concepts... all 40 of them... yeah, this looks more like WORK for *me* then a bonus.

But i am happy for everyone else who really wanted this.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
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Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post
So basically........ I'm getting 3 new power for ALL my builds, which is cool, but in essence zero slots to put in them... since i'll still need to slot the inherent fitness line... (which, is normally only a small hand full of slots anyways.)

so all my builds will need massive reworking and prolly reslotting ALL my powers to try and find some slots to make use of some of these new powers i'll have...

It's an OK change I guess. I personally dislike "throw a way" powers, but with no slots to slot into my 3 new powers... 3 powers i might add i'll need to figure out what to take... that matches my concepts... all 40 of them... yeah, this looks more like WORK for *me* then a bonus.

But i am happy for everyone else who really wanted this.
Besides the fact that you have to respec in the first place in order to get inherent fitness if you already have the pool power version of it. It doesnt come automaticly so if you respec when it comes out, you are saying you want the free 3 powers.

"An army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a bunch of BS." -General George Patton

-Lord Azazel