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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
    30% Proc Rate for Scourge is achievable when the enemy is at 38% of their HP, according to the In-Game definition of how Scourge operates. I don't see that as horribly unachievable. In fact, you should pass by that number for every enemy you fight assuming you want to win the battle.
    You are of course free to believe whatever you like, but I've solo'd just shy of 100 AV's (92 irrc) and every GM (thx to AE) with my fire/traps corruptor. AV's and GM's are the ideal scenario for scourge to be fully maximized. My recorded scourge rates over those many many battles always fell well below 30%.

    The exact figure was largely irrelevant to me because I had made the discovery at the same time that traps was negatively bugged to the point the toon would never reach the performance marks I had established for it, so I don't recall exactly. I also don't have the logs anymore that I examined. However, over those many fights I don't recall it exceeding 23%, and I'd be much more inclined to say it was closer to 20%. It also tends to drop off dramatically as foe class goes down. Even most bosses (which often get lumped in with AV's for a high scourge rate) are actually much lower because you typically 'burst' them down quite close to death with your short duration damage buffs such as aim/soul drain. I'm sure if all you fought were bosses to average out your damage buffs they would fall more closely in with AV's though.

    Anyway, if you want to assign 30% as the value that is fine, it just isn't based off of what actually happens in the game, so I'm not sure how representative you will find any calculations you make turning out to be. Even if you were specifically talking about an AV solo'ing spec, your figures are very generous ime and while player power potential is certainly high enough for many corr builds to breach that threshold, I don't think that is an acceptable baseline (not that you are necessarily suggesting it is, but discounting minions, or 95%+ of the foes we face doesn't inspire confidence).
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    Well on the positive side, as long as you keep /bugging them they will get fixed eventually. and then the builds will perform as indicated!
    Unfortunately, not so much... I've been bugging powers for years, the only one(s) that have actually gotten fixed in that time are the traps powers that use the tripmine animation. But rather than actually fixing them to be what they were supposed to be they just changed the listed cast time to the much longer cast they were actually taking while bugged.

    That's only a 'fix' in the sense that I go to the store to buy a product, get up to the till and it rings in at $50 and I say, "wait on the shelf it says $30" and the clerk walks over with his price gun and changes the shelf price to $50 and then askes, "does that fix your concern?".
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
    Nosferatu has always had a running problem. A few years back I was trying to solo him on my Rad/Traps Corruptor in the Mender Lazarus arc. The moment he got hit by my Acid Mortar he took off and ran all the way across the map.
    I'm not sure if traps is the best example to prove a running problem with Nos explicitly. IME mobs NOT fleeing from acid mortar are the exception. I know I needed powerpool taunt for every single GM I solo'd with my fire/traps/mace and of the nearly 100 AVs that toon has taken out the vast majority either had to be immob'd via webnade or taunted or they too would flee all over the map due to acid mortar.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Candlestick View Post
    The Soul Drain power has different values then for the two epic sets, with the Dark Mastery one being *significantly* better then the Soul Mastery.

    Soul Mastery has a 240s Recharge and a 10ft Radius.
    Dark Mastery has a 120s Recharge with a 15ft Radius.

    All other values are the same. Can we get a fix?
    The 'fix' will result in a significant decrease in the power of the "defender" version. Is that something everyone really wants? IME the 240 version is utter garbage and not worth the power pick and the 120 version is great and nearly a 'must have' power.

    The increased radius plays a factor in that assessment.
    The higher target cap allowing a higher total buff when saturated of the defender version plays a factor.
    The fact that when used on a defender it gave a much better damage buff per target than the corr version (AT modifiers) plays a factor.
    But ultimately it is the recharge that plays the biggest factor.

    Asking for a correction is of course legitimate, it is just going to definitely result in a major decrease to the 'good' version of the power for corrs and defs. But that said, many epic powers have out to lunch numbers when compared to ppp powers and have since day 1. It has also been brought to the dev's attention since day one and nothing has changed. But then again, there are sooooo many bugged powers in this game when you start to look closely that it is overwhelming. Though I suppose someone needs to start somewhere correcting values.
  5. Your description of FE is still using the old design rather than the new design. It is of nearly equal benefit for all attack sets now. Actually is might have worked out to be a small downgrade for firemelee because new FE works off the base damage and doesn't boost the dot, whereas old FE did, and of course the duration is the same for that pairing.

    However, even if it is a small downgrade for firemelee during normal damage ranges, it is still a buff if other damage buffers are around because old FE wouldn't do anything if you were already at the damage enhancement cap and new one will.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
    So we get Stamina at lvl 2 or something? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of being a "low-bie"?

    Having inherent Stamina is cool but can we have Swift/Hurdle open at 6, Health open at 14 and Stamina open at 20?

    The game is already very easy as it is. I don't want having Stamina below lvl 15. I hope I am not the weird one....

    I am excited about more power choices as those choices are going to be Recall Friend and maybe Aid Other on toons that can't heal. Nothing major change!
    Your position isn't as irrational as some people are trying to make it seem. I get why they are doing it, but it is unwarranted.

    Many players (especially in the rpg segment) like to feel that their character starts weak and grows to be very strong over the course of leveling and training. There is nothing wrong with that system and it has proved very very successful for many games.

    CoX isn't abandoning that design principle, but this is indeed a step away from it and further makes playing a lvl 10 much more similar to playing a level 40 (I purposefully left out both extremes of leveling) than it was before this change.

    Good or bad it is a change, so that will inherently cause some people to be apprehensive. I think it is a mostly positive change, but I can also understand where other people are coming from that aren't that exited by it. The only people I can't understand are those that are eagerly getting down on their knees over this change. It is hardly something that is worthy of that level of worship unless such people are similarly over-dramatic about all the changes in their lives.
  7. Tactics generally, but I also generally slot it up a bit and put a gaussian buildup proc in it so I still get a bit of the dam boosting that assault would have given me anyway along with all the benefits of tactics.

    Unslotted? I'd still probably go with tactics for the perception unless I was on a defender with ample ability to hit pretty much anything out there (ie strong -def like sleet) then I'd go assault because defs have such high value on it, and did on my storm/sonic.
  8. Nos is recently bugged imo. I did him in with my ill/cold before i18 and that toon packs a lot more debuff and damage than an ill/emp and would thus cause the morale meter to plummet much easier. He didn't budge.

    Few foes budge due to the taunt of PA, just like few foes budge when someone uses taunt on them.

    that isn't to say that mob fleeing works as any logical person would design it in this game, but in this case I'm reasonably sure Nos is bugged outside of that design implementation
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Medic_brietz View Post
    "Coming out of City of Heroes we launched to great acclaim, we got a lot of publicity, everybody loved it, but we didn't have crafting and we didn't have PvP. All there was to do was fight. Over the years everybody pinged us on this. We added PvP and didn't really gain any subscribers. We added crafting and we gained roughly ten thousand subscribers for three months and then it went back down. So in the grand scheme of things, what I learned is, if you didn't have a feature at launch, you might as well never have it. Whatever you're going to have at launch defines you as a game."

    there are other quotes and links and such. just google the name and read. anyhow, i completly disagree with this line of thinking. On another note, wasnt there a list somewhere of things that would never happen in city made by someone a while back?
    how many of these things have happened over the years?
    He's entirely right. None of the additions have added any significant lasting subs.

    In today's MMO market you are indeed what you are at launch. There is too much competition and too much communication between people to get away with things like CoH did when it launched. Which on that note, this game would have tanked as hard as any we've seen in the last couple years if it were to launch now as it originally did. Something to think about for some people...maybe.

    That isn't to say you shouldn't add features, you just shouldn't expect them to bring in many lasting new players beyond the normal churn. Marketing brings in new players in excess of the expected flow, not new features. New features can help marketing do their job, but isn't a necessity.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    When someone shifts their argument to ad homenim, it's often a good sign that they can't actually defend their position.
    Good thing that never happened. I think you need to expand your vocabulary. Ad homenim is not the term you were looking for.

    Also playing 'hurt' like you just did is often a sign of being a poor competitor or even a poor sport.
    Some other stuff that I'm sure is only meaningful to Uber
    Given the position of expertise you tend to take, I'm a bit surprised how little you actually know about this game. I'm not surprised about your knowledge base of things outside this game, I never expected that to be robust.

    The latter is also not an ad hominen attack just fyi, so you can save your 'go to' defense (does it ever work for you? just seems like being purposefully pathetic to pick up girls via sympathy to me, but if it works go for it) for some other time. I have no expectations of someones knowledge base outside of the matter being discussed.

    Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
    Since you seem to think that you have a point here, show me the math.

    Show me how spending 4 slots on Fitness Pool powers now leaves you with a different amount of available slots than spending 4 slots on the some powers once they become inherent powers.
    I already provided the very simple math in an earlier post. I can't be bothered to reference your post now, but I think you said something to the effect of subtract 4 of the additional slots devoted to stam/health still leaves you with 63 additional slots whether fitness is a pool or inherent.

    It does. However, that is 63 additional slots over 21 power picks+health and sprint = 23 available powers.
    Now it is an additional 63 slots over 24 power picks+health+sprint = 26 available powers.

    I get what you are saying. 7x13 = 28 . Would you possibly understand the other side of what is being said if the example was more extreme? Like take a look at khelds and you might start to understand what others are saying. Which again isn't necessarily negative, but rather just an observation about the change. One I'm personally fine with, but am not unable to see.

    edit: imagine if you have 23 people to feed with $63. Now imagine you have 26 people to feed with $63. Someone(s) aren't going to get as good of a lunch.

    Anyway, take care guys. All my best and enjoy City Of. I will hopefully be back for i20 if that incarnate system ever gets into full swing.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    That is awesome! Glad to hear at least one of them exists and can do what it claims on paper.
    Actually the ill/cold feel quite short of what I thought it would do, but still crushes anything else that has actually been made.

    Basically bugged phatasm that usually dies well before it is recharged and the sleet bug that prevents stacking (that is huge) of the -res debuff means a major detraction of damage output.

    My projections for the ill/cold (if the powers actually worked) was to be taking out AV's/pylons in around 100 seconds.

    But that said, there is no reason for builds not to match what they can do on paper as long as you create the paper with accuracy. After all the game is essentially just electronic paper...

    P.S. I had some pretty crazy expectation of my bots/storm, but low and behold key powers being bugged (plasma blast doesn't properly apply the -regen, and the sleet/freezing rain bug) really put a damper on that project. IIRC it his 325 dps (inc the mostly non-functional -regen) on a very lightly IO'd build. If I took my personal attacks and the powers actually worked it would be crazy. Sadly though, almost every toon I've pursued heavily I've uncovered large powers bugs. Either I'm just unlucky in my selection of power sets, or there are still a ton of bugs.
  12. stone melee says what's war mace? and what's a scrapper?
  13. good luck getting scourge to proc 30% of the time. You'll actually want to cut that number in half for reasonable calculations... and even that is being fairly generous.

    anyway, now that corrs can access the awesomeness that is defender dark app with the 120 sec souldrain they are pretty impressive in terms of dealing damage.

    Something like a fire/cold/dark or fire/storm/dark should be untouchable by any defender. Of course fire is 'that' good and freezing rain/sleet are also 'that' good, which easily make up for corrs self buffing for so much less with aim/soul drain/assault.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
    I actually really enjoyed that clip.

    Not relevant to the discussion, but definitely amusing.
    Really? I thought it was very relevant. You didn't make the exact same error as he did, but you conclusion was in the same realm of obscurity.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
    Flawed argument. If I counter with choosing Stealth, Grant Invis and Phase Shift, you now have no reason to add more slots.

    The argument is that he will have less slots to spend not a harder time making his decisions. Of course being able to add 3 more powers has the potential to make slotting decisions more difficult.

    But if he spends 4 out of his 67 earned slots on powers from the stamina pool now, he has 63 slots to use amongst his Primary, Secondary, Pools and Ancillary/PPPs. And when the Fitness pool becomes an inherent, and he decides to add 4 slots to the same Fitness powers, he still has 63 spots to spend, exactly like before.
    Flawed math...why isn't it as funny as it used to be?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
    90% of the non-dark defenders/corruptors/MMs/Controllers I've played with in the last 6 years have skipped their rez.

    And 90% of the time I've died with a Dark on the team? "Sorry just used it on the mobs."
    60% of the time it works every time.

    Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
    After 41+ pages of discussion, the fact that most of you are obsessing about the Fitness pool becoming inherent more than any other feature announced for I19 at PAX really says something.

    I'm not sure what - but it really says something nonetheless...
    Well there was almost nothing actually announced for i19 to discuss. What it says is that with a powerful enough topic you can mask just about anything including an issue with almost nothing in it. This isn't a new revelation, but rather an entire industry.
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    You might notice I didn't make any claim about its frequency. I stated what it would do to my play experience.
    I gathered. When I talk about a change occurring in the city I'm generally not too worried about the hermit that lives 30km outside of the limits...
    PuGs are PuGs are PuGs. The powers and builds that allow people to softcap their teams are common and readily accessible, but people still run around looking for "healers".
    Well you either haven't played any other MMO's and/or you haven't actually examined this game very closely. Both of which are fine, but not a great position to be in if you want to counter my statements.

    Most MMO's indoctrinate players with the holy trinity. People bring that preconceived notion into every new game they play whether they mean to or not. Additionally healing IS the most effective method of damage mitigation in the early game in CoX. So by the time that buff/debuff becomes so powerful that it greatly overshadows 'heals' you are facing two strong forces that contine to cause people to "look for healers".
    I think the notion that some vast greater percentage of teams will be running around like demi-gods because of it is silly, because if it were going to happen, it already would happen a lot more today at later levels.
    It actually already does happen quite often at higher levels (especially on late game TF's) as a direct result of those uber buffs/debuffs that you were just ragging on people looking for healers about. Veng is just another uber buff and it just happens to be one that eclipses most others (actually all other group buffs). It also happens to be one that you don't need to role the die for and get a cold or FF toon on your team. It is available to everyone and it is with a single power essentially as good as the entire FF set.
    "Typical" players tend to shun most conditional powers, even ones as good as Vengeance.
    You were doing better when you were just speaking for yourself. Every power in the game is conditional. It so happens that meeting the conditions of Veng just got a lot easier, which was namely - not having room for an additional power pool, especially going 3 deep into it. Actually employing the power is trivial even in terms of this game.
    Will more people pick up Vengeance? Yes, almost certainly. Might that have a network effect and raise the percentage of users even higher? Probably.
    And that for the record is all I've said.
    Is it going to be a game-balance changing transition? I seriously doubt it.
    Again claiming something that I certainly never stated. The only claim with any assertion that I've made is that it will probably make the game a lot more fun for anyone that uses the knowledge to their advantage.

    I'm not going to counter the rest because it is mostly just you looking at things in a very limited scope, which is fine because IMO and IYO don't need to match.

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    I've read it and understood it, which is one more hashmark on the achievement board than you've managed.

    I eagerly await the inevitable nerf to Vengeance that your tidal wave of new adopters will bring.

    There you go again proclaiming victory over something that was never said. You are awesome NG. Please directly quote where I said anything remotely like what you are claiming. Please demonstrate your infallible degree of understanding. I won't hold my breath in the hopes you manage to pull the hoof out of your mouth before the end of this year.

    You should probably just stick to your market domain. I mean you believe using the market is as easy as clicking a single power while playing and if you believe it enough others might too! I believe in you.

    Originally Posted by stellar View Post
    Yannow...its amazing to me that everything we've gotten in the last few issues Jack Emmert said couldnt be or wouldnt be done - must be a stick in his eye that we're still here... :P
    I think you care more about Jack than Jack cares about this game. I just have a hard time imagining Jack breaking down and weeping about CoX like some people wish he would. Do you give a rat's *** about the job you were at several years ago?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
    For me at least it's not so much that it's a negative review as it's really not a very good negative review. If you're going to do a negative review, at least do a comprehensive and fact checked negative review.
    Perhaps, but I bet if he did a review where he just said "cox is great, cox is great" and it had large innacurracies the responses in this thread would be very different. Of course stepping in to the bear's den coated in BBQ sauce just as it wakes up from hibernation is generally only going to lead to one result.

    That said, I don't see these colossal inaccuracies that people are proclaiming in his review. I may and do disagree with many of the fixes he proposes to the problems that he identified, but that is not what most people are on him about.

    Yes he did not include GR and all of its awesomeness. GR is at most 16.7% of the game*
    50 hero levels
    50 vill levels
    20 GR levels
    Yes there are some GR features smattered elsewhere, I'm not discounting those because the percentage I stated doesn't weight the time spent in the level ranges. If it did the number would be much much lower and probably not exceed 7-10% of the entire game that is available. So I guess to be fair he should have done 1.4-2 min on GR in his 20 min review.

    Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
    er, watch the vid before proclaiming anyone foaming. more recently the moderator "the ocho" posted up a video review that fairly discussed gr,both the positives and negatives. the points were motly valid and properly backed up with facts as the player knew them, the reviewer was mostly professional, and the back and forth was fairly cordial, this is a garbled, careless train wreck.
    I have watched it now. My statement stands. His negative stance has got many of your hackles up and you are on full aggressive mode.

    I have also watched the "runner" review that Mod8 posted. It was a fairly cordial discussion, but it also led to Castle effectively telling us that runners are a player perception issue followed by several pages of people citing instances and arguing about that mechanic.

    If your point is that a red name posting a primarily neutral review leads to a neutral discussion compared to a player posting a largely negative review and actively engaging those that counter him leads to a largely aggressive discussion then I don't think you are going to win any awards for that observation.

    Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
    Incidentally, I'm honestly curious about your dislike of the enhancement system. I remember finding it a welcome relief from the rampant tinking (that's what it was called right? It's been so long ....) in EQ and the loot system in DAoC. I'll admit it can be a bit of a chore to slot new enhancements in the higher levels, but it's not the worst system I've seen.
    Simply put, the SO system is pointless since the introduction of IO's. Everything that SO/DO/TO's do and their purpose is better represented by the IO system on every level of design and implementation.
    - have superfluous and outright outlandish names that are neither intuitive, logical, or fun in any way
    - the combining system is clunky, slow, and largely serves no purpose
    - system that is gated by specific contacts and zones that serves no purpose other than to sink time. There is no reason for a mutation contact and a magic seller, when it could just be the same person like is seen in GR/Peregrine Island. Additionally there is no reason for them to sell only a narrow level range of enhancements
    - function and intuitive naming system
    -logical progression of linear power gain. Whereas old style enhancements are actually plotted on an inverse power slope, that spikes up every 5 levels.
    - encourages players to partake in a large game system

    Mainly though, there is no reason for both systems to exist because they do the exact same thing (just IO's do it better).
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    He hasn't built them so they're not in the rikti pylons thread.
    I did build the ill/cold and it is in the pylon thread. iirc it dropped one in like 112 (just under 2 min at any rate). But there are certain aspects that make that time not necessarily representative of its actual damage, or even its effective damage in comparison to other toons vs the pylon. Namely it does a lot of psy damage, which is unresisted in that test.

    I did kill Jurrasik in under 4 min though and most AV's hover around 2-2.5 min with that toon. Heck I think I killed statesman as an even con AV in around 3 min.

    The bane and fire dom would be pointless to test against a pylon because of its aoe attack that would wipe the pets. It is one of only a few tough foes out there that spams aoe attacks as most will happily focus on you alone while your pets go to town. The bane was nearly done when I unsubbed though. So hopefully one day it will be complete. Of course by the time a large portion of the incarnate system is in place and I'm willing to support this product (yay for it being pushed back and spread over many issues) again that very system may well present some other extreme damage options.

  19. I haven't watched the vid, but based on the foaming mouth reactions I'm going to harbor a guess that it was negative in nature.

    I recently read a review of a motorcycle I'm interested in by a guy with 10 years racing/street experience and he put in considerable time on the specific bike. Enough where I thought his opinion was worthy. He got trashed by this other guy that had 20 years experience riding and the older guy refused to accept anything he said about the bike. My point is, that no matter how much time you spend someone will probably have spent more and will try to invalidate your opinion based solely on that premise. So that is something to avoid entirely and just let the accuracy of your statements prevail without making an appeal to authority whether inadvertent or otherwise.

    I will say this though that I rarely see get bagged on in CoH reviews: The enhancement system (not the IO system) is absolutely terrible. If i20 brought about the removal of that antiquated and poorly constructed system in favor of entirely supporting the IO system I'd be happy with that decision. Sadly, it is the original enhancement system that new players are primarily exposed and indoctrinated with as well.
  20. Hands down leadership. I get 2 lotg slots as opposed to 3 with concealment, but I'll be facilitating the entire team dominating content rather than picking 3 powers that I'll likely never use other than mules.

    Concealment = useless mules (more or less)
    Leadership = useful mules in a lot of situations

    I wouldn't foresee any of my doms picking up additional prim/sec powers. The core powers they have selected are more than adequate for everything the game can and does put forth.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    You're assuming that people aren't already teaming with one or more someones who packs Vengeance already, and/or aren't running around with enough defense for more mundane defense buffs to softcap them, or that they aren't already softcapped because someone on the team isn't running a FF or Cold Domination character, one or more Soldiers of Arachnos, and/or their own IO defense bonuses.

    I can tell you that this particular point will probably increase the survival of teams I run with something like ... 5-10% of the time.
    I'm not assuming anything. What you're depicting just isn't nearly as common as people on the boards pretend it is. If fact it is a mighty large assumption in and of itself to claim that teams are softcapped with any kind of frequency.

    I will say that I've never seen anyone with veng at lvl 20. I'm sure they are out there, but it is pretty rare. I don't see it popping up until the main TF range kicks in which is generally around 35+. And I hardly ever see it on freedom pugs.

    I will state definitively that any team I've been on that does have a veng caster has been extraordinarily fast at completing the content with almost complete disregard for the intended difficulty.

    It's also not like veng only buffs defense now is it? No it turns your team into nearly unstoppable demi gods. The great thing is though if your team is already softcapped and no one is dying then you don't need to use veng. Of course that team probably has no use for you using flurry or w/e else you might pick up in unslotted form with this change. At the very least you'll still benefit from the lotg you can put in it. Heck if someone does die on a softcapped team the other benefits of veng could very well prevent that from happening again. Perhaps more than any other power pool could.

    Finally I've never seen a grantable def buff that also includes DDR. That Forcefield team that is comfortably sitting at the softcap is a mere quicksand away from getting trounced. Veng to the rescue!

    To the thread in general this is a silly tangent. Of course there is almost nothing else to talk about in this announcement because it is almost all "it's coming...hold on", but I'm satisfied with the explanation I've given regarding the possibilities of this change. Which quite frankly in case anyone is still having issues understanding, are almost entirely positive provided you enjoy killing things faster.

    I'm am however, still seeing a lot of people countering an argument that was never made and proclaiming victory. I haven't seen anyone claim this is a negative change and yet people keep jumping up and down decrying this imaginary position.

    The last thing I want to say with regard to tightness is that if you inherently think it is automatically a negative thing then you my friend need to get out of the computer room and get out meeting people! have fun guys.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    vengeance is closer to learning the market than, say, Fireball.

    There are steps involved in utilizing Vengeance that are not present for most of the other powers in the game. Each one of those steps will shed some % of players who might otherwise have taken the power. It has two prerequisites, it needs a team to be useful, it takes a corpse to activate.

    These are not inconsiderable hurdles in a game where mashing a couple of attack buttons is the totality of most player's tactical understanding. Your insistence on pretending otherwise speaks poorly for your argument.

    Who is this "you guys"?
    I've never mis-characterized your position in this thread.
    it is instructive that you yourself dabble in a behavior you condemn in others.

    Except people don't choose powers randomly, they mostly choose stuff they think will be fun.

    What looks less fun than Leadership to most players?
    Presence, maybe?

    Hardly anyone will be taking Vengeance.
    If you want to move the goalposts until that satisfies your requirements (which began at 20%), be my guest.

    The number of people adding Vengeance to their builds will not be statistically significant and will not change game balance in any meaningful way.

    They aren't stupid, they're just incurious and lazy.
    Vengeance isn't something that's going to appeal to lazy, incurious players.

    You can't convince enough players in this game of ANYTHING to make a meaningful difference.

    If there was a bug with Vengeance that caused you to get x2 XP while it was active, then you'd see a MA Meow Farm style rush to add it to builds.

    The problem you run up against with a performance based argument is that you're dealing with a game where a well built character can solo a mission set for +4/x8.

    Any not completely retarded PUG *already* steamrolls everything they run across. I'm not seeing how "wow this buff is great and will make everything easier!" is the big sales pitch you think it is.

    That's a fine idea, since neither is true.
    goat mode. Try reading the thread.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    I've been part of an ad hoc organization dedicated to making everyone in the game rich since I9 added the market to the game. We even have our own forum.

    We've succeeded so spectacularly that the devs have to keep thinking up new ways to hand out rewards because too many player can't be arsed to print their own money using our detailed instructions and buy them on the market.
    I didn't think you would be the type of person that would fail to see the difference between learning and utilizing the market and clicking a single power while playing. It is what it is though. Especially when you consider that this game is almost entirely combat focused. Many people don't want to take any time away from that to earn stuff, no matter how 'easy' it is.

    You can proselytize all you want, people won't take a power they don't want to just because it's good.
    I haven't insisted otherwise, this again is you making an argument against something that wasn't said, just like earlier where you guys were attacking imaginary people that said this change was negative.

    I'm saying random distribution of people choosing new power pools is almost enough to satisfy my statement. Add to that people that seek to improve their gameplay by a large amount with minimal investment and voila.

    people have to take it, get on a team, have someone die, remember they have it and fire it off for that to happen.

    That's about three steps further than most players are willing to travel for a payoff.
    The thing is while we both believe the average player isn't very intelligent, I don't believe they are quite as stupid as you depict.

    The notion of tackling +3's with the ease of +1's is tantalizing enough where I think even the most - as you describe them - 'stupid' players can be convinced. Luckily they don't have to be though to satisfy what I said.

    Also, people die in this game...all the time. If they aren't dying then guess what you don't need to click vengeance. But you can turn around and suggest you tackle arachnos next mission for fun and when they gripe you say 'don't worry' it will be fine. And it will be. Fun.

    You haven't backed up anything, you've just explained why it makes sense for people to take Vengeance.
    ok. I'm not going to explain it again or go over why the simple math supports what I'm saying, or why simply rationality supports what I'm saying. You have made the decision to go into the infamous 'goat mode' where nothing is going to get through. That's fine.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
    Well, I deny it, but I seem to have a different definition of a "tight build". For me, opening up three power slots loosens my builds up, and allows me to fit in powers I couldn't quite squeeze in before. This variation of "tight" that you're using confuzzles me greatly.
    It's both. Tighter on slots and looser on power picks. It is a good thing though for the most part. I mean the respec process is pretty bad, so there is that headache that will affect different people in varying amounts.

    I'd like to lend my support to the idea of a dynamic mode respec. Also I'd like a quick respec mode where it opens your hold build as it is and you can work backwords where if you take away a slot it sticks the enhancement down into the storage tray. So it is more like when you open up mids and tweak with an already complete build.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    You're not going to get anything approaching that number.

    Taking Vengeance requires a tiny little bit of forsight- "oh, hey, if I fired that off on a big team it would be epic!"
    That's more than 99.9% of the playerbase will ever exhibit.
    Your absolutely right, but knowledgeable players getting the word out that people looking for 3 filler powers that cost no slots and benefit you solo* and especially teamed will improve penetration.
    *solo benefit comes from either sticking in 2 lotg's and/or activating tactics when perception/tohit debuffed.

    fun as in you hit a button and WOW THAT'S COOL!
    Veng makes everyone within a country mile flash bright red for 2 min. The 'wow' factor of veng is just fine. It's not inferno, but it is better than most powers.
    fun as in it looks like something neat when you're leveling up and check out the power description at the trainer.
    That isn't a fault of vengeance it is a fault of assault/manuev/tactics being 'boring'. The stats on veng are eye popping and the description is easily enticing enough to be desirable. Much more so than many other powers and probably more so than any other power pool pick.

    "The loss of a comrade enrages the team. When a teammate is defeated in combat, activate this power to grant you and your teammates a bonus to chance to hit, Damage and Defense to all attacks. A Vengeful team has no fear, and Vengeance protects you and your Teammates from Fear effects. It also gives you and your team great resistance to Sleep, Hold, Disorient, Immobilize, Confuse, Taunt, Placate and Knockback. You must be at least level 20 and have two other Leadership Powers before selecting Vengeance. This power does not stack with multiple castings."

    Vengeance is a fabulous power hardly anyone takes.
    Giving them more chances to take it won't improve its market penetration by a meaningful amount.
    Maybe. Veng, much like stamina is the jewel of the set that requires 2 'boring' powers to unlock. Hardly anyone takes it because common conception is that you need stamina and most people pick 1-2 addition travel related power pools (ie leaping+hasten), or flight, or whatever. The simple fact is that many builds lack the room for 3 leadership powers and just picking 1 or 2 out of the pool isn't a great return for most AT's.

    What is a 'meaningful amount' though? after this change there will be 9 power pools to choose from. If I'm saying you really only need 1/8 players on a team to get this improvement (though more is always better) and you have a 1/9 shot of picking leadership as a power pool... Random distribution of players amongst the existing power pools supports what I'm saying. People looking for 3 powers that require no additional slots supports what I'm saying in favor of some of the other more demanding power pools. And even people looking to min/max solo supports what I'm saying as you gain 2 lotg slots and a perception buff that supports one's toon in situations that might otherwise defeat you (though admittedly concealment probably gives the best solo return for no slots).

    Like I said, I wouldn't have said what I did if it wasn't so easy to back up