Having trouble with every character near or after 40




Ever since enhancement diversification came out it has become increasingly harder to slot my characters. When you get above 30 you start to jump for joy when all the slots come in, but after a few times, you start to wonder where you are going to put them all.

Weapons usually get 6 slots

Defenses only get 2 Defense enhancements and a endurance reduction. You can add a 3rd DEF, but your defense will only up 1% or less

Adding any more than 2 recharge enhancement on a power is a waste unless it is Hasten or another very long timer.

Stam is two as well as the third is only a tiny improvement.

Then there are all those singles -- swift/hurdle, combat jumping, acrobatics, health and more.

And lets not forget the prerequisite powers like boxing, aid other, hover, etc.

Some players need all those slots because they use sets. But when I looked at that and things like reactive armor cost 30 million each, I forgot about that in a hurry.

Either they give us more worth in the slots, increase the drop rate of rare items so the prices drop way down or I'm gonna have to look for another mmorpg that makes sense.

My bane just hit 40 and couldn't train as there was no other place to put the 3 slots he would get. If i can't train, there is no reason to keep playing him.

I don't have the billions it would cost to get to 50.



use the markets and make as much money as you want. not only can you bid on things, but you can sell to. not trying to be sarcastic so don't take it that way. don't go to the market looking to buynow. place bids on what you want and wait. and threatening the devs to do something or your going to quit will accomplish nothing. learn to use the tools that have been provided or keep whining. i know which one i would do.



I don't see your question. Are you trying to learn how to use enhancements and slots effectively? Do you wish to earn more Inf through playing the market? Are you having issues learning how to make an effective <insert AT here>?

I'm a little confused as to what you are asking outside of your rant. While I agree that slotting can be tricky and bothersome for some characters, without a clearer definition of what you are seeking, I don't think I can assist you at this time.

Thank you in advance for clarifying these issues and allowing us to assist you further.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



First, if you have a multi-BILLION inf. build specced out for a level 50--you're clearly dabbling in purple and PvPIO sets. So get used to working for it. Ultra rare and ultra-ultra rare enhancements are exactly that: ultra rare. In no way should you get some manner of hand out of them.

Also, they're not as hard as people think they are to get. If you work hard and take your time--especially once you've hit 50--it's fairly easy to attain. Last issue they introduced a new and "easier but longer route" to earning them. Check out alignment merits when you get the chance.

But SECONDLY, if that WASN'T what you were getting at with your original post, then perhaps you were confused about how much inf. a character has in general and/or SHOULD have at current levels. Frankly, 30 million inf. should be chump change to a level 50. All of my characters that transition from the teens into the twenties tend to do so already having eclipsed 30 million inf. long ago. By the end of the game, you should have a pretty solid pile of inf. to use.

Perhaps you need to reexamine the way you do your characters' "bookkeeping." Are you just deleting every drop they get? SELL THEM. There are a ton of guides in the Market section of the forums to help. Good luck!

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Firewasp View Post
Some players need all those slots because they use sets. But when I looked at that and things like reactive armor cost 30 million each, I forgot about that in a hurry.
Then look at cheap sets. titanium's coating and red fortune sell for 1 million each or less crafted, and sometimes as cheap as 50k each as a recipe. Remember that any set IO from level 24 higher gives a bigger bonus than a level 53 SO. You don't need the good ones, get anything at all!

Let's look at an attack, if you have two slots and put in a 53 Acc and 53 dam you get 38.3% acc, 38.3% dam. If you put in two level 24 acc/dam set IOs you get 38.4%/38.4%. You can buy the recipes for level 24 Acc/Dam IOs for less than 30k if you pick the right sets and are patient. A level 50 SO costs 50k+.

Sets can be cheaper than SOs and still give higher bonuses.

Either they give us more worth in the slots, increase the drop rate of rare items so the prices drop way down or I'm gonna have to look for another mmorpg that makes sense.
You have it all wrong, if you are poor you want the prices to go UP. Then you just play the game and sell things. the higher the prices get the more the things you sell are worth, and the faster you gain money.

My bane just hit 40 and couldn't train as there was no other place to put the 3 slots he would get. If i can't train, there is no reason to keep playing him.

I don't have the billions it would cost to get to 50.
Post your bane's build in the Soldiers of Arachnos forum. I guarantee that either you have mis-slotted, or there still are places you can get a beneift, even on an all SO build.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



I wish I had more characters whose biggest issue is too many slots.



You know, if you don't see the benefit of adding another slot, you could always just train and not put anything in them...

Or try a tri-form Kheldian. I'm pretty sure you won't run out of places to put slots then.

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
I wish I had more characters whose biggest issue is too many slots.

I have had the occasional character - very occasional - where I wondered just what I was going to do with a set of slots. But it's rare.

I'm also laughing at the "billions to get to 50." You don't need the high cost sets. Frankenslot. Just *play* and sell drops on the market - not for a million each or anything, just dump them. People will buy most of them - some for 500 inf, some for 500 million or more. Besides - read the patch notes. Do tip missions, earn alignment merits, use those to buy some of the IOs you want. Or mess with AE - I've just been doing random rolls and bringing in money.

TBH... I've got several 50s, even *new* 50s, that are mostly on SOs or common IOs. They work just fine. Might need an upgrade with the Incarnate-strength content coming soon, but other than that... *shrug*



Why not go for that third defensive enhancement? Yes, the effects of ED do reduce the effectiveness of the third enhancement (assuming SO or better), but the more defense you have, the more each additional percent increases your survivability (not so much for resistance, but every bit still helps). Or even a second end redux in your toggles? Especially any of those pool power ones that are a little heavier on the end usage.

I think you may just be overcompensating for Enhancement Diversification. I wouldn't start putting four of any given enhancement in a power (outside frankenslotting and TO/DOs), but if you have nowhere else pressing to spend those slots on, go for the third.

Also, I'm calling shenanigans on the cost of IOs. I looked up reactive armor. Of the lvl 40s, 2 were 15-20mil, 2 were 10-15 mil, and the others were under 500k. And that's not even buying smart. For a number of these, the lvl 39s (~0.2%-0.3% less enhancement #s provided per enhancement) are going from 500k-5mil, a 90% reduction in cost in most cases. Granted my prices are at the "buy it naow!" levels that seasoned marketeers shake their heads at.

And I'll mirror what others have said about inf - at lvl 50, 30 mil isn't much. On a single ITF run, at lvl 50, I get ~2mil from kills alone. Probably near double that after vendoring SOs and common IOs. Then you spend your merrits on a roll, and sell that - if you're lucky you can market that roll for 10-100 mil.

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"



Originally Posted by Firewasp View Post
Ever since enhancement diversification came out it has become increasingly harder to slot my characters. When you get above 30 you start to jump for joy when all the slots come in, but after a few times, you start to wonder where you are going to put them all.

Weapons usually get 6 slots

Defenses only get 2 Defense enhancements and a endurance reduction. You can add a 3rd DEF, but your defense will only up 1% or less

Adding any more than 2 recharge enhancement on a power is a waste unless it is Hasten or another very long timer.

Stam is two as well as the third is only a tiny improvement.

Then there are all those singles -- swift/hurdle, combat jumping, acrobatics, health and more.
I'd four-slot those Defensive toggles.
I'd two-slot some of those passives.

And lets not forget the prerequisite powers like boxing, aid other, hover, etc.

Some players need all those slots because they use sets. But when I looked at that and things like reactive armor cost 30 million each, I forgot about that in a hurry.
If IOs cost a lot to buy, then they rake in quite a bit to sell them.
My bane just hit 40 and couldn't train as there was no other place to put the 3 slots he would get. If i can't train, there is no reason to keep playing him.
There are plenty of spots for the slots.

I don't have the billions it would cost to get to 50.
It doesn't cost anything but time to get to L50. The money is THROWN at you by the game, you have to duck in order not to get hit by it. Just kill mobs and toss the drops in the Market.

Edit: 2nd Edit to remove first edit: Sometimes I'm glad to be wrong.



Originally Posted by Firewasp View Post
Either they give us more worth in the slots, increase the drop rate of rare items so the prices drop way down or I'm gonna have to look for another mmorpg that makes sense.
Show me the MMORPG that "makes sense". Oh, you mean the ones where you spend all your gold on a piece of wrist armor then have to grind dungeons all week so you can buy a shoulder piece? Those ones?

After that baloney, you'll be back here in no time.



I'm going to try to be more informational than hostile in this post. I hope that comes across.

1) ED for defense: You go from about 142% of base to 156% of base with the extra slot. A FOURTH slot for defense would put you to 160% of base, highly unlikely to be worth it. For Stamina, you go from about 170% of base to 195%. Your math is... questionable.

2) Frankenslotting: You can indeed get a lot of benefit (1 acc, 3 dam, 2 rech, one end in 5 slots, to use the classic example) for really cheap. You may have to leave your 50K or 100K or 200K bids up on the market for a week for them to actually fill, though. Examples and description in my sig.

3) I am the original cheap builder- back in issue 9 I frankenslotted a level 50 over a weekend for 6 million inf. 92 slots. I don't go quite that cheap anymore, but level 31 and 34 (For instance) tend to be considerably cheaper than 30s or 35s. And, as you know Bob, you can save millions by buying recipes instead of crafted, and by leaving a bid on the market for a day or two. If you want help and suggestions, I can offer them. If you want to flounce, I can hold the door for you.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



After looking at his sig, "50 Claws/WP Scrapper. Highest DPS in game, 7 toggles including FA --> no end problems!" I have no further comment.



Thanks for the help all -- oh and by the way, that 50 scrapper, plus a 50 defender and mm were all made prior to ED. After they reached 50 I never played them again.

The reason I made a bane was this: I crafted the temp power Gabriel's Hammer for a SS/SD Brute that needed more attacks. I was simply amazed with the damage it did. I searched every other character to find that type of amazing damage. Thought it would be a Mace brute, but that damage weakened as time went on. Then I respec'ed my Huntsman to a Bane and tried that. This was the AT I was looking for. It does this amazing damage. Like one shotting a red npc. His defense was no where near the frail epic heroes PB's and WS's.

Question? Do you sell SO's on the market? I have just been dumping them on vendors.



Originally Posted by Firewasp View Post
Thanks for the help all -- oh and by the way, that 50 scrapper, plus a 50 defender and mm were all made prior to ED. After they reached 50 I never played them again.

The reason I made a bane was this: I crafted the temp power Gabriel's Hammer for a SS/SD Brute that needed more attacks. I was simply amazed with the damage it did. I searched every other character to find that type of amazing damage. Thought it would be a Mace brute, but that damage weakened as time went on. Then I respec'ed my Huntsman to a Bane and tried that. This was the AT I was looking for. It does this amazing damage. Like one shotting a red npc. His defense was no where near the frail epic heroes PB's and WS's.

Question? Do you sell SO's on the market? I have just been dumping them on vendors.
SO's go to vendors. but my recipes do not. they go to the market. where i can make a huge pile of infl for them whether crafted or not depending on which is a higher price at the time.



Originally Posted by Firewasp View Post
The reason I made a bane was this: I crafted the temp power Gabriel's Hammer for a SS/SD Brute that needed more attacks. I was simply amazed with the damage it did. I searched every other character to find that type of amazing damage. Thought it would be a Mace brute, but that damage weakened as time went on. Then I respec'ed my Huntsman to a Bane and tried that. This was the AT I was looking for. It does this amazing damage. Like one shotting a red npc. His defense was no where near the frail epic heroes PB's and WS's.

Question? Do you sell SO's on the market? I have just been dumping them on vendors.
Bane's are pretty impressive. Do some searching for a build by Frosticus. He has a 400dps+ bane build. It's expensive as all hell, but apparently the third highest damage output any build of any AT in the came can pull off.

I will list the occasional acc, damage end, endmod, and recharge SO on the market for under 5k. But you always get more for them from the vendors. There are enough players who buy cheap SOs and vendor them to raise money for lowbies that I am willing to support this since it destroys influence from the enconomy and thus fights inflation (the same inf is added to the economy by the vendor, but a portion of the market price is removed via the fees. this is a win for everyone and I can afford to miss out on 10k per SO).

I always list my common recipes on the market. Uncommon and rare recipes that aren't worth crafting I will try listing at very, very low prices (like under 500 inf) and if it doesn't sell after a day or two, to the vendor it goes, or just gets deleted.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



You said bane was 3rd highest. When I looked at the comparison on MIDS, it said the highest DPS (damage per second) was a fire blaster, then a claws scrapper -- so bane third? My signature says claws is the highest. Yes the fire blaster is a little higher, but when you do that much DPS you are going to have to run away while the claws scrapper continues to fight. So in that sense the scrapper is highest.



Originally Posted by Firewasp View Post
You said bane was 3rd highest. When I looked at the comparison on MIDS, it said the highest DPS (damage per second) was a fire blaster, then a claws scrapper -- so bane third? My signature says claws is the highest. Yes the fire blaster is a little higher, but when you do that much DPS you are going to have to run away while the claws scrapper continues to fight. So in that sense the scrapper is highest.
Do you mean highest dps claws/wp in the game? because a claws scrapper itself - especially gaining nothing from the secondary in terms of damage increases - probably isn't a top 50 dps toon.

Fire blasters, despite the common (mis)conception, are not even remotely near the top of the food chain for st dps. They are however (along with archery) at or near the top in terms of burst aoe damage. However, a son/elec buzzsaw build with 3 spider bots could potentially do some crazy damage.

A lot has changed from when I drew up those extreme dps builds though. Some toons gained access to pets that didn't have them before which can help considerably. However the main contenders for that would be fire and dm/shield scrappers which already inch toward 300dps in ideal situations, but needing to be surrounded by foes means the patron pet would be unfocused in its damage delivery. I'm pretty confident my ill/cold could now move to the forefront on the list by swapping /ice app with /mace for an extra pet and an additional -18.8 res debuff. I'd have already said that that toon had the highest non-situation dps in the game and it will have only gotten higher since. And considering two key powers are still bugged and working well below expected levels, that is pretty dang good.

That said, banes and fire/fire/mace doms are still some of the most extreme single target damage delivering toons you could ever dream up in this game. Finding scenarios where they can fully stretch their legs though is a challenge. Some other noteables are ill/cold/mace and bots/storm/mu which can already perform exceptionally well and if sleet/freezing rain ever gets fixed would experience a very tangible increase (however, I heard Castle messed up something on the assault bot, so if that gets fixed or not might play a role). All those toons have potential to easily exceed the classic damage dealing options like blasters and scrappers (though I am thinking of taking a peak at a son/elec/mace blaster. I doubt it will contend with other top performers, but I imagine it will exceed all other blasters st performance.




Can I have your stu....

oh, you're broke.



Originally Posted by Firewasp View Post
You said bane was 3rd highest. When I looked at the comparison on MIDS, it said the highest DPS (damage per second) was a fire blaster, then a claws scrapper -- so bane third? My signature says claws is the highest. Yes the fire blaster is a little higher, but when you do that much DPS you are going to have to run away while the claws scrapper continues to fight. So in that sense the scrapper is highest.
That's because MIDS doesn't take into effect things like -res and it doesn't know how to calculate the full effect of pets, etc. Frosticus has gotten a fire/fire dom and bane/mace each up over 400dps. I've yet to see a scrapper hit 300. The top is apparently and Ill/cold controller if I'm remembering correctly. My search skills are garbage and I didn't bookmark the thread.

He hasn't built them so they're not in the rikti pylons thread.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
He hasn't built them so they're not in the rikti pylons thread.
I did build the ill/cold and it is in the pylon thread. iirc it dropped one in like 112 (just under 2 min at any rate). But there are certain aspects that make that time not necessarily representative of its actual damage, or even its effective damage in comparison to other toons vs the pylon. Namely it does a lot of psy damage, which is unresisted in that test.

I did kill Jurrasik in under 4 min though and most AV's hover around 2-2.5 min with that toon. Heck I think I killed statesman as an even con AV in around 3 min.

The bane and fire dom would be pointless to test against a pylon because of its aoe attack that would wipe the pets. It is one of only a few tough foes out there that spams aoe attacks as most will happily focus on you alone while your pets go to town. The bane was nearly done when I unsubbed though. So hopefully one day it will be complete. Of course by the time a large portion of the incarnate system is in place and I'm willing to support this product (yay for it being pushed back and spread over many issues) again that very system may well present some other extreme damage options.




Originally Posted by Firewasp View Post
Thanks for the help all -- oh and by the way, that 50 scrapper, plus a 50 defender and mm were all made prior to ED. After they reached 50 I never played them again.
How was the WP scrapper made prior to ED?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
How was the WP scrapper made prior to ED?

Also DM/ Has far higher DPS than claws.

Soul Drain.

Fire also has more.



Originally Posted by Nicetry View Post
I did build the ill/cold and it is in the pylon thread. iirc it dropped one in like 112 (just under 2 min at any rate). But there are certain aspects that make that time not necessarily representative of its actual damage, or even its effective damage in comparison to other toons vs the pylon. Namely it does a lot of psy damage, which is unresisted in that test.

I did kill Jurrasik in under 4 min though and most AV's hover around 2-2.5 min with that toon. Heck I think I killed statesman as an even con AV in around 3 min.

The bane and fire dom would be pointless to test against a pylon because of its aoe attack that would wipe the pets. It is one of only a few tough foes out there that spams aoe attacks as most will happily focus on you alone while your pets go to town. The bane was nearly done when I unsubbed though. So hopefully one day it will be complete. Of course by the time a large portion of the incarnate system is in place and I'm willing to support this product (yay for it being pushed back and spread over many issues) again that very system may well present some other extreme damage options.

That is awesome! Glad to hear at least one of them exists and can do what it claims on paper.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by Firewasp View Post
Thanks for the help all -- oh and by the way, that 50 scrapper, plus a 50 defender and mm were all made prior to ED. After they reached 50 I never played them again.

Sorry, I gotta call it. I know for an absolute fact that ED happened before Willpower even existed. So there is no possible way you played a Claws/Willpower scrapper before ED.

I remember when Willpower was released, and I didn't play before ED happened.

Pretty sure ED happened before City of Villains was released too. So that's 2 ATs that you're blatantly lying about.

Defenders clearly existed before ED, since you didn't specify what powersets I can't say much about it, but judging from how blatantly wrong the other two are I'm guessing the defender is a falsehood as well.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.