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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    So the real question here is: who is this Jim Hague, and why should we be listening to him?
    Jim Hague worked on the (never released) CoH roleplaying game. We know that much.
  2. The entire rumour is based on a misquote.

    The guy did not say that Trion offered 80 million.

    He said of Trion that they 'had had the 80+ mil to pick it up'.

    Here's the original quote.

    *sigh* Search-fu. Still got it.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Don't know about that. Carbine is directly controlled by the parent company in Korea
    Rather than by NC West? Are you sure?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
    Like every other company (never mind gaming company) they would expect to have less income due to people either unsubscribing or simply not buying their product - due to said recession.

    NCsoft will have seen this coming, so they wouldn't have to be psychic - as you put it - just professional.
    This is getting surreal. At what point in the development process of Blade and Soul do you imagine NCsoft took the decision to cancel CoH and close Paragon? And do you imagine the decision came from NCsoft West, or from NCsoft in Korea?

    Bear in mind here that the Western launch date for Blade and Soul has not even been announced yet. You're asking people to believe that the mere announcement of concrete plans to bring Blade and Soul to the West is somehow tied in with the closure of CoH.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
    The people at NCsoft aren't stupid.
    In order to know what sort of state their finances would be in in Autumn 2012 when they began localisation work (in Seattle) on Blade and Soul in early 2011, they'd have to be psychic, not just 'not stupid'.

    If you look over the earnings statements of that time, they were still expecting Guild Wars 2 to launch by the end of 2011.

    Once again: blaming Blade and Soul's launch for the closure of City of Heroes is just plain wrong.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
    Do you seriously believe that a company of the magnitude of Ncsoft will not plan well ahead and make decisions that will impact well into the future?
    Of course I do. Such advance planning is entirely at odds with the suddenness of the closure of Paragon and the cancellation of CoH. That's why it's ridiculous to think that it was somehow planned to coincide with Blade & Soul's Western launch. Obviously I don't like the decision to cancel CoH any more than anyone else and I'll protest it every step of the way, but claiming it's down to Blade and Soul is just wrong.

    A question for you: do you fully understand the distinction between NCsoft and NCsoft West?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
    It's transparently obvious what NCsoft have in mind here.
    Do you seriously think NCsoft were planning in advance to cancel CoH and close down Paragon when localisation work began on Blade and Soul more than a year and a half ago?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    Let me put this slowly.

    1. NCSoft abruptly axes CoH and Paragon Studios
    2. Explains decision as "realignment" of "publishing support."
    3. Two weeks later, B&S announcement.

    So let's see, we passed the appearance, the swimming, and the quacking. It's official, this duck is a duck.
    No, it's not. You're mistaking the announcement of Blade & Soul as the beginning of a process. It's the opposite. NC West has been working on bringing Blade & Soul to the West for years at this point. They are finally ready to announce it.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    As far as I'm aware, CO is essentially an entire new engine, and STO runs on it. As far as I'm aware, its design aesthetic has more in common with the aborted MUO engine than the CoH engine, although I don't know if they were allowed to simply reuse the code from that project either (they couldn't really reuse art assets).
    There were some screenshots from CO in development that used City of Heroes maps, as I recall. There was quite a flap about it back then.
  10. Lady_Sadako

    Twitter campaign

    Also, the Big Bang Theory cast frequently have City of Heroes stuff in their show. I imagine Jim Parsons would be sympathetic.
  11. Lady_Sadako

    Twitter campaign

    Has anyone considered approaching Richard Garriott?
  12. We always knew this day would come. But this is too soon. Way too soon.
  13. Defender's Bastion: Recharge/Chance for Minor PBAoE Heal

    We are all heal0rs now.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    I believe the 'pair of fives' are the ten Incarnate slots, as is the reference to drinking from the Well.
    I thought the consensus back then was that #9 was reference to the events of Issue 15, specifically the return of the 5th Column.

    The iron turns into crystal - Reichsman imprisoned in suspended animation

    their doomsday shall be missed - the triumph of the 5th delayed owing to their defeat

    When a pair of fives arrives - the 5th Column of Primal Earth teaming up with the 5th Column of the Axis America dimension

    The spinning rod lives again, then destroyed in evil's den - the Column is the 'rod', and it was destroyed in their own headquarters in Striga Isle (see the Mender Lazarus arc)

    Mere prelude to what bright hell, comes from drinking of the well - the freed Reichsman himself, who got his powers from the Well of the Furies
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BigFish View Post
    Excuse me, but this is still the USA.
    Actually, it's the Internet. You're only accessing it from the USA.
  16. SPOILER: I know who dies!

    It's Lady Sadako! She gets pounded into mush repeatedly by pumicites!
  17. So is Colonel Duray the jetpack hander-outer, then? Non-flying characters are going to have to get up to that Seed somehow!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    We're definitely not taking this as an opportunity to sit on our laurels and gloat
    Oh go on. Just a little gloat. You've earned it, surely.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    We don't balance instanced events around what griefers might do.
    I'm glad we don't, because I wasn't suggesting that we should. I was asking if this scenario could happen.

    Going by Positron's reply elsewhere, the answer seems to be 'yes it could, but we've thought of that':

    Positron: Put the offender on your /ignore list and we'll do our best (no promises) to not Turnstile you in with that person again.
    I'm happy with that.

    This temper tantrum brought to you by watching my powers get nerfherded and then in some cases actually nerfed because of 'It can be used to grief!'
    I'm putting the discussion down very slowly and walking backwards away from the zombie.
  20. Quote:
    In addition, however, players will also need to defeat both of them within 10 seconds of each other, or the fallen Arch-villain will repower with full health.
    Now I'm wondering whether someone could deliberately mess up the raid at its final stage by attacking when they shouldn't.
  21. So does this mean we will be able to run the Trial with alts that we want to turn into Incarnates instead of putting them through Ramiel's arc?
  22. Lady_Sadako

    E-mail rollback?

    I've had something very similar. Yesterday I sent myself an email with a purple recipe attached, so one of my alts could take it. Today I logged in to find no email, but the recipe still gone.