Please stop with the agreement every login




Having to accept the same legal agreement every single time you start the game is ridiculous.



Ever think it is there for... oh, legal reasons?



You mean the same legal agreement you had to accept each time you started up the old CoH Updater?

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Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
Ever think it is there for... oh, legal reasons?
They got along fine without us needing to click on it in the game for 7 years. Suddenly we need to?



I agree, it's kind of annoying to have to do that again.



Originally Posted by firespray View Post
They got along fine without us needing to click on it in the game for 7 years. Suddenly we need to?
Except you did click it every time you started the game, it was just in the launcher. With the new launcher it had to be moved to the login screen. I do wish they would allow you to accept it with enter though.



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
Except you did click it every time you started the game, it was just in the launcher. With the new launcher it had to be moved to the login screen. I do wish they would allow you to accept it with enter though.
I know it used to be in the launcher. That's why I said we didn't have to click it in the game. I wish they'd put it back in the launcher. It was less intrusive there.



Originally Posted by firespray View Post
I know it used to be in the launcher. That's why I said we didn't have to click it in the game. I wish they'd put it back in the launcher. It was less intrusive there.
The problem with that is the new launcher is for all of NCSoft's games, not just CoH, and different games have different EULA's/terms/rules/whatever you call it.

If you haven't switched to the NCSoft Launcher, then when you do, you only have to click the agree button once.



Just wish it was like other games and only had you accept the terms if they changed since the last time you accepted them.



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
Just wish it was like other games and only had you accept the terms if they changed since the last time you accepted them.
I may be misremembering, but I seem to recall agreeing to the EULA every time I logged on to WoW, AION, Champions Online, Stark Trek Online and Lord of the Rings Online. Granted it has been at least a nine months (Star Trek) and at most four years (WoW) since I logged on to any of those games, but it seems to me that EULA skipping is frowned upon across the industry.

The fact that you could skip the EULA by skipping the launcher in CoH was an aberration, not the norm.

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The agreement has always been there. Give it a month and you'll get used to the change and forget its there again.

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The Justiciars



Originally Posted by Maniac_Raid View Post
The problem with that is the new launcher is for all of NCSoft's games, not just CoH, and different games have different EULA's/terms/rules/whatever you call it.
Clicking on CoH changes what you see in the launcher. Would it be that hard to add the EULA to the "City of Heroes" section of the launcher? Not rhetorical, I'm actually curious. Would it?



oh can you lot stop maoning, the only difference now is u notice it more.

you had to click accept in the launcher, but now its just before you log in, its no difference then before. i dont mind it i like having the launcher launching faster then do 1..ONE...UNO click.



Originally Posted by HardRider View Post
oh can you lot stop maoning, the only difference now is u notice it more.

you had to click accept in the launcher, but now its just before you log in, its no difference then before. i dont mind it i like having the launcher launching faster then do 1..ONE...UNO click.
The problem is that people used to have it set up where you hacked it and just went to game load with no agreement, or even file check. Now they have no choice to hit the agreement, and are waiting on a new hack to get past the new loader.



Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
The problem is that people used to have it set up where you hacked it and just went to game load with no agreement, or even file check. Now they have no choice to hit the agreement, and are waiting on a new hack to get past the new loader.
Actually, the new launcher has a feature that lets you create a desktop shortcut that skips all the button clicking in the NCSoft launcher.

Click the CITY OF HEROES line in the NCSoft launcher and a small menu button appears on the right. Click that and a menu appears. Click the Create Desktop Shortcut item. The launcher will create an icon that automatically does all the selecting, checking and launching of CoH, bringing you directly to the login page.

So instead of having to click Next and Accept in the current launcher, you just click the Accept button in the game for terms of service, for a reduction of one button click with the new launcher using no hacks at all.



Its the same number of clicks and the same amount of time that it takes to get ingame. They just moved it from the launcher to the game.

You can take one second out of your busy schedule of punching time travelling werewolf nazis to click the button.

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Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
Just wish it was like other games and only had you accept the terms if they changed since the last time you accepted them.

World of Warcraft, Champions Online, Star Trek Online: None require you to accept the ToS unless it has changed since the last time. It doesn't seem to be a problem for Blizzard. You think they know something we don't?



Originally Posted by Ruff_Tuff_n_Buff View Post

World of Warcraft, Champions Online, Star Trek Online: None require you to accept the ToS unless it has changed since the last time. It doesn't seem to be a problem for Blizzard. You think they know something we don't?
Could be different legal advisors. I don't know how these things, but it's entirely possible their lawyer said 'Make 'em accept it every time to keep your *** entirely covered'.

As it stands, I guess this thread goes to show that people will complain about absolutely everything, even having to make a single mouse click.


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It doesn't particularly bother me - if anything the in-game version has a slicker and more aesthetically pleasing presentation than the previous launcher version - however, it really *should* remember that you've already agreed to it on a per account basis and thus not show it to you unless there's been a change.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
As it stands, I guess this thread goes to show that people will complain about absolutely everything, even having to make a single mouse click.
They will even complain about other people giving feedback. Bizarre.



Originally Posted by Ruff_Tuff_n_Buff View Post
They will even complain about other people giving feedback. Bizarre.
There's a difference between complaining and making an observation of human behavior, but the distinction is apparently very subtle.


Also on Steam



Oh god, the pain! The suffering! The humanity! One more click to torment us! Whyfore art thou so cruel, Devs? Whyfore, NCSoft? A single click moved into a new place! Doooom and the worlds endi-

Oh, yeah, right. Sorry. Of course, some people must find it so excrutiatingly painful to move their mouse a few inches to click on one button.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Oh, yeah, right. Sorry. Of course, some people must find it so excrutiatingly painful to move their mouse a few inches to click on one button.
What reason do you have to want the terms presented when they have not changed since the last time?

Do you need your contract presented to you each day you go to into work, even though you signed it when you were hired and it has not changed since?

Does Paypal need to present you with its terms and conditions every single time you wish to make a transfer?

Maybe if you provided a rational explanation, it would sway people to your point of view where ridicule and sarcasm do not.



Originally Posted by Ruff_Tuff_n_Buff View Post
What reason do you have to want the terms presented when they have not changed since the last time?

Do you need your contract presented to you each day you go to into work, even though you signed it when you were hired and it has not changed since?

Does Paypal need to present you with its terms and conditions every single time you wish to make a transfer?

Maybe if you provided a rational explanation, it would sway people to your point of view where ridicule and sarcasm do not.
Whats not to ridicule and be sarcastic about? You fail to point out whats so utterly terrible about this current setup when, previously, that one click was still present, just in a different place (namely the launcher).

Afaik, pretty much every other MMO out there has something similar in it. It's very likely for legal reasons or something outside of the Devs direct control, not to mention the change to the NC Launcher, which removes the old updater and thus the Agreement that was present there.

It's one click. If it's honestly that painful for people, I'd hate to see what happened when something genuinely taxing cropped up for them.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Whats not to ridicule and be sarcastic about? You fail to point out whats so utterly terrible about this current setup when, previously, that one click was still present, just in a different place (namely the launcher).
How about: It was silly before, and the increasing amount of time it's been left silly with no real change save to the aesthetics of it pushes it past silly into ridiculous?

Could be that there is a ridiculous legal reason for it to be there, but surely you wouldn't be sarcastic based on pure supposition? Not *you* of all people.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound