Please stop with the agreement every login




I don't "like" it, but I only have to deal with it twice. Once I load CoH, I keep it loaded until the Weekly TF maintenance and the Scheduled Thursday maintenance. It's not that big of a deal.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
And even I'm telling you that you have far too low a threshold for "chores." A single extra click is not a chore. It does not require switching gears when what you are doing to begin with is clicking.
Like I said, it's trivial. It's not something I just CAAAN'T deal with, but meh... there's a simple solution to change it from trivial to insignificant, so why not point it out?



Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
Like I said, it's trivial. It's not something I just CAAAN'T deal with, but meh... there's a simple solution to change it from trivial to insignificant, so why not point it out?
Speaking of this, something struck me just yesterday - I'd appreciate it if the button to Accept were bigger. A LOT bigger. Back home, I have a very large screen with a very fast mouse, so the unnecessarily small button makes the process more annoying than it strictly has to be.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Ruff_Tuff_n_Buff View Post
World of Warcraft, Champions Online, Star Trek Online: None require you to accept the ToS unless it has changed since the last time. It doesn't seem to be a problem for Blizzard. You think they know something we don't?
None of them are covering their butts from a lawsuit.

When you have to agree to a TOS every time you log in, there is no way you can use the "I didn't agree to that" argument when your character gets generic'd for copyright/trademark infringement. The very fact that you are logged into the game means you DID agree to the TOS. They're basically shooting down an argument before it is even made.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by firespray View Post
They got along fine without us needing to click on it in the game for 7 years. Suddenly we need to?

Um, you have been clicking it for the past 7 years. It's the "accept" button you click right before you click the "next" button. They moved the agreement inside the game client because of the new NCSoft game launcher which doesn't have the EULA of each game in it.

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Originally Posted by Ruff_Tuff_n_Buff View Post
What reason do you have to want the terms presented when they have not changed since the last time?

Do you need your contract presented to you each day you go to into work, even though you signed it when you were hired and it has not changed since?

Does Paypal need to present you with its terms and conditions every single time you wish to make a transfer?

Maybe if you provided a rational explanation, it would sway people to your point of view where ridicule and sarcasm do not.
I agree with this 100% we should only have to agree to it once and again when it changes, however people are complaining that it is in the game now or that they have to click it twice. The new launcher doesn't have it so if you switch to the new launcher you still only have to click it once....but if you were launching CoH and bypassing the old launcher...oh well I guess.

They were either mindlessly click it before and now they have to forget about it again or they were hacking around it. whatever.

~ Infinity Heroes ~
Dark Voltage - 50 NRG/NRG/EM Blaster
Shure Shot - 50 Arch/NRG/MM Blaster
Silent Shadow Blade - 50 Katana/SR/BM Scrapper
Uphir - 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster



I would say maybe have it on the front end again versus covering the sign-in screen for the new NCSoft launcher. My reasoning as follows:

Having the legal agreement on the front end of the game I believe is less intimidating then throwing it at your face at the login page. I know, it's a legal agreement and they want everyone to know and read what it says so there is no misunderstandings on any and all legal ramifications within the game. I say "intimidating" because that is what I felt when I first saw it broadcast over half my screen after I downloaded the new launcher. It's as if they are saying "Hey, we want to make sure you, the player, understands any and all consequences and rules when playing this game and we will throw it in your face if we have to in order to make you understand". This is a game. I am not ordering a drivers license through the DMV. Just add it to the front end like it was before and maybe make it smaller. By making us click the "play now" button will acknowledge that we have read it even if we didn't, which I am sure 98.5% of us don't, should still stand up in court.

Player:"Your Honor, I didn't know I couldn't call myself Superman".
Judge: "Sorry, but by clicking the "play now" button you acknowledge you read the legal agreement. No CoH for 10 days is your punishment".



I'd wager that the time spent on this thread currently, greatly exceeds the time spent clicking that Accept button SINCE THE GAME STARTED.

Seems somewhat counter-productive to waste more time complaining about the "problem" than then "problem" wastes in the first place.



Originally Posted by the_fox_Rox View Post
I always double clicked the button so I didn't really notice the agreement. Now it's much more noticeable. I'll get used to it. But I'd prefer it the old way.
Yeah, it should be way easier to ignore what you're doing when making legal agreements. Then the consequences will never be the same again.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Oh god, the pain! The suffering! The humanity! One more click to torment us! Whyfore art thou so cruel, Devs? Whyfore, NCSoft? A single click moved into a new place! Doooom and the worlds endi-

Oh, yeah, right. Sorry. Of course, some people must find it so excrutiatingly painful to move their mouse a few inches to click on one button.
It's not difficult. Nobody is saying it is. What it is is an ANNOYANCE; a departure from the former well-known and accepted routine. It irritates people.

Personally, I don't find it that severe - but it IS nonetheless a bother. The fact that other MMO's only require re-accepting EULA/TOS when it changes or after game updates is an indication that this IS a step that is ultimately unnecessary to bother us with in the way that they have.



Originally Posted by MrNotorion View Post
Personally, I don't find it that severe - but it IS nonetheless a bother. The fact that other MMO's only require re-accepting EULA/TOS when it changes or after game updates is an indication that this IS a step that is ultimately unnecessary to bother us with in the way that they have.
The strangest thing is that the new NCsoft launcher detects when it has last changed. You can see this in the bottom left corner of the launcher. It would be easy to have the launcher direct the game to display the agreement only if it has changed... like other MMOs do.



I think that the real annoyance is that in the old launcher you would click on the same button twice, whereas now you don't get to see where the agreement button will be until after you've clicked and waited. The waiting is also an annoyance. Time moves slower while you're waiting for a window to open.



They need to make it so that you only have to accept the agreement again when its been revised. They did that for soes station launcher. Different company I know.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



lol this thread



The agreement probably is not going away. Best I could suggest is to move the accept button so it is in the same place as the login button. That way you can double click and move on with your life, just like it was before the change, except in a different spot.