What do you think of Water Blast?
Water Jet will be normalized to 80 feet when the other blast sets get their change, but will likely have the 40' range when released (since it will be before the other blaster changes).
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
From my experience on the test server, water blast has high survivability, high area damage, and middling to low single target damage. I'm enjoying it a lot.
And the graphics are boootiful!
"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"
Prediction: Water/Fire Blasters will be the new FotM once this goes live and the Blaster changes are implemented. Mine is at 15 right now on Test and there's SO much AoE to be had! Water Jet at 80' will add 3 solid ST attacks as well, plus an AoE debuff/slow AND a debuff/self +Regen in Dehydrate.
Yeah...this one is gonna be popular...
"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"
Feel like I should run the numbers on Water Blast, see how it stacks up. Might just do that.
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
I've seen the video - it is very pretty
I will enjoy teaming with all of the water blasters
I want it so bad.
I think I'm going /Psy, just because it's a set I haven't played much. I've played /Energy more times than I can count, have a 50 /Elec, 50 /Ice, and 50 /Fire, so... The only thing left is Devices (pointless for Water re: no snipe) or /Dark, and Dark just looks awful to me (but I haven't played it - Am I wrong?).
is there anything I'm forgetting?
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.

Doing the numbers, Water Blast is reasonably competitive now and will be rapidly outdistanced by essentially every blaster set in i24. They'll have to do something like remove the lockout period on Enhanced Water Jet to make it better.
Doing the numbers, Water Blast is reasonably competitive now and will be rapidly outdistanced by essentially every blaster set in i24. They'll have to do something like remove the lockout period on Enhanced Water Jet to make it better.
As it stands, it seems pretty well balanced.
Similar to fire, but different cooldowns / animation times. Lockout should probably be removed from Water Jet. You will still need to use other attacks in the mean time to get it to that point.
It seems to do more Cold than Ice, for whatever that's worth. As far as "Sets with a heal" I don't think it'll overtake Dark in the long run, but it's got more AoE.
-Proud leader of Captain Planet's Magical Friends
Dark is definitely the best set to compare it to. They're both sets with high levels of survivability (not that blasters can take advantage of the to-hit debuffs very well thanks to their terrible modifiers).
Also, the water jet lockout was a huge point of contention during beta.
Its a great set if you aren't a blaster.
It has an AoE that is made for scourge.
Long cool down AoE control power
Damage amplifying mechanic that delays you from doing full damage.
Aim type power that doesn't give you a full damage bonus but does magnify control effects.
I'd love to have it as a dom assault set but for my blasters ? not so much
Seems tailor made for corruptors.
Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.
I really enjoy it. The graphics and damage are good and its makes for a cool toon. I wish the devs would make it so if you choose a secondary powerset like electricity , it would do extra damage to your enemies. After all, water and electricity don't mix well HAHA.
I have my Water/Fire Blaster and my Water/Traps Corr.
I really like seeing Whirlpool scourge mobs and I'm liking the feel of it moreso than on my Blaster.
My Blaster loves having so many AoEs to choose from but I still like my Dark/Fire better... so far. Endurance is definitely going to have to be managed.
Graphics are nice (and maybe they'll re-evaluate the palette lockout for Ice powers; being that this is full access)
I like having the heal attack for both toons.
Overall, IMO, not a bad set... I'm just hoping I can stack Whirlpools for my Corr.
Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars

2 Words: Kool Aid
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

I like this Water/Fire Blaster set. Long range fighting with melee DPS if mob come close! I about to running I-trials now that Alpha unlocked on 50. Purple sets do justice also of origin specific and other rare IO's to set bonuses! Lot of damage, lot of recharge helping set along, and there is plenty of control but I going test this against Incarnate stuff.
^_^; All of all I enjoy it with changes made to Live.
Well just as a test I got one water/el blaster to 10, and decided to see how it ran in my melee self PL farm, and low, and behold it tore it up with an efficiency not seen in my melee toons til the 20's. level 10-14 in slightly more than 30 mins. I grant you than DFB can do it faster, but this is at 10 so when it gets to 32, and begins owning the double sets of mobs teh way my /fire brute did I will expect rapid ascention.
Really digging my Water/Mental blaster.
I'm not quite sure how to slot Dehydrate yet. Nor Drain Psyche, but I consulted a guide for that one.
I played on and off all day (mostly on) and got to level 26.5 after 4 DFBs, Posi pt. 1, Posi pt. 2, Synapse, 2 DiBs, a small handful of solo missions, and about 4 level 50 Tip missions.
I'm really loving it, but this isn't a good evaluation period. Everyone else is running around with Water as well, and so things are getting torn up in all of the AoEs. I also haven't gone up against my first +2 Rikti boss yet solo yet (that's where Blasters always show their frustrating sides, IMO - solo against bosses that mez).
I'm trying to figure out what makes Whirlpool so much better than the equivalent Rain of Fire and Ice Storm... More damage and a debuff, I'm guessing.
Currently I have all powers except the first, Aqua Bolt, which I replaced with Mind Probe as I leveled. I've now replaced MP with Psychic Screem, to have yet another AOE, but the awkward cone and animation may ultimately doom it back out of my build.
A whole lot of fun, if nothing else.
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.

The single target damage is problematic.
20 minute Sylvia slog trying to overcome her blasted regen.
Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.
The single target damage is problematic.
20 minute Sylvia slog trying to overcome her blasted regen. |
So skipping to what I do know: 15 seconds for a main stay combo for doing 1v1 damage, is way to harsh. I could live with a 5-8 second lock out, but in truth your really shoveling water against an ocean against any regen types when this is your go combo for 1v1 damage.
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(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
Just curious..is the 'low' ST damage being reported due to..
Low damage numbers on the 3 st blasts?
Needing 3 stacks of TF to get max damage?
Tidal forces not being a 'full' aim?
Or some combo of the above?
Obligatory Joke: A man goes to his doctor because he hasnt been feeling well. The doctor examines him, leaves the room and comes back with three different bottles of pills.
The doctor says, Take the green pill with a big glass of water when you get up. Take the blue pill with a big glass of water after lunch. Then, just before going to bed, take the red pill with another big glass of water.
Alarmed at the amount of medicine he has been given to take, the man stammers, Jeez, Doc, exactly what is my problem?
The doctor says, Youre not drinking enough water.
We are gonna be getting enough water! Oh yeah. I have no idea what to do with a water themed super, so let me get out my imaginary toolbox and work on that lol.
Now, to the meat of the post: I love the look of the power set on wiki. Very ranged, a non crashing ranged Nuke!!! No Knockback! Downside, no snipe... guess ya can't have it all. (good side to that i guess is not chasing +to hit the entire time you are playing lol.)
I have a question. The "Tier 3" blast is evidently Water Jet. But they describe it as short range. Please tell me this will be range 80 like all the other sets are getting switched to....?
What do you folks think? Thoughts, suggestions, rocks?