Consolidated list of TF/SF betterment suggestions

Agent White



My ultimate "if I could pidgeonhole a dev for an hour to talk" wishlist:

More dynamic TF/SFs: other MMOs make their 'dungeon' content unique and challanging for tactical reasons. CoX is hit-or-miss there. Most TFs are just a mission arc you have to grind in one go with an AV at the end. Doing 5 of the same exact mission (IE Faathim TF, Citadel TF) doesn't enthuse me for the content: I'm likely to grind it once because I'm a badge collector and leave it at that. Nevermind helping SGmates, I'm not doing the slog that is posi/quarterfield/citadel/ect. again.
Unique and tactically interesting fights like the STF, abandoned sewer trial, Cavern of Transcendence and LGTF are more likely to encourage me to repeat the content. "new" TFs like silos and mender Lazarus are great in that regard, nice to see they learned, some of the oldest content was great in that regard too, Eden and the sewer trial. Wonder what happened in the middle?

2: the game is highly tolerant of differential teams until the very upper end, then suddenly certain builds become manditory. Players are trained to play as they progress through levels, So when the Sister Psyche TF teaches them bum rush works, they think a bum rush works in the STF too; When a tank can get through the first 45 levels without taunt, they take great exception to being told they won't be included on a Hamidon team without it and would they kindly leave the zone so someone who's useful to us can get in.
Either tighten up tactical requirements in the mid range so people slowly learn the skills and required team constitution, or eliminate them at the high end to reduce the culture shock when people go from 'typical' to epic content.

3: more multipart goals and unique goals. I love the blue-side respec trial, because it's unique. I like anything unique. "go kill the AV" is not very interesting, Tina and Maria and Unai ask me to do that all the time. "take down the four generators, take out the first AV, then the next AV" (lady Grey) is unique and more interesting than "enter mission, stealth to end, send in tank, stack debuffs, whack AV." For all intents and purposes, you can interchange the name of almost any two AVs and the mission remains the same. sometimes a hostage/pet is thrown in, sometimes it's a shield generator-like device (pylon, generator, whatever), but really it all boils down to: stack debuffs, charge in, tank taunts, scrappers scrap, blasters blast, defenders heal/de



Since when does bum-rushing not work on an STF?

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



First of all, I would like to say that this seems to me to be one of the most constructive threads in the forums. Lots of player insight, and very little bickering and name calling. Props to Hexgirl for starting it and props to the devs for stickying it!!!

When CoV first came out, I was impressed that the level of story telling had dramatically improved. CoH was great fun, don't get me wrong, but some of the story arcs were.......meh. But then I rolled my first villain, and over the next couple months ran some great mission arcs that were really alot of fun, Doc Buzzsaw and Hardcase come to mind. I also ran some fun and exciting SF's (as an intro to TF/SF's, the Cap SF is a bright shining star compared to the snoozefest that is the Posi Tf). Then the 40-50 content came out and the new Arcs were even better!! (Hello TV, efficiency expert, and Viridian (my favorite on both blue and red side)) And the new SF was AWESOME!!!! Sure it was a bit borked in the way you needed certain AT's, but the Devs hearts were in the right place when they designed it.

Then came the LGTF......awesome! As well as the story arcs in the zone!

Then came the STF......again, awesome!

Then came the new valentines mission........well you can't win them all

My big hope is that the hero TF's get the makeover that they deserve. Less fluff (generic door missions, and hunts) and more substance. I also fully suport the revamping of the end rewards (I fully support the addition of unique base item decorations), and more redside content!

Peace, and once again, great thread!



This is my greatest frustration with task forces also. Especially if I'm leading the task force, I dare not slow down to read or enjoy the storyline. I know a lot of work went into writing a good story and you can't follow it. Better if tf's are shorter; or if you can read the storyline later with a token for finishing the tf.



So, I'm sure by now everyone is sick of hearing of how to fix Pool C to make it better, but rather than just eliminating it entirely or paring it down to the seventeen most glaringly obvious elements, here's an idea for keeping the "random recipe" element while eliminating or at least greatly reducing the "I got crap" feeling: Have the Pool C drop code check to see which recipe types can possibly be slotted in a character's current power choices, and limit the legal drops to recipes that would work in those powers.

This will instantly stop folks who don't have a Fear power from getting Glimpse, folks who don't have Immobs from getting Trap of the Hunter, et cetera. Of course, this isn't going to instantly let people pick and choose their recipe drops. Most non-/Energy blasters still have a chance to get TotH (Web Grenade, Ring of Fire, Chillblain), but somebody who has no Immobilizes at the time of the TF simply won't get one. You'll be guaranteed that every Pool C drop you get, you can use. It's up to you to choose whether or not you do.

In fact, if this isn't enough, refine the idea: Weight drops for each charcter based on the number of slots dedicated to powers that can take that enhancement type. Loaded up with ranged damage-dealing powers? You'll end up with more Ranged IO recipes. Got mostly Defense-based powers? You'll get more Defense-based sets.

So, I can immediately hear the hew and cry: "That will favor Stone and Ice Tanks for TFs and maybe SR Scrappers and hurt Controllers and Defenders!" To this, I else "who else was slotting all of these LotG recipes anyway?" All I'm saying is that the the game could have the ability to not give you recipes you can't use, and that it can try to bias its drops based on their apparent utility. Mining the market for that information could happen, but that would encourage people to run TFs just for their drop values, which I think goes against the grain of the devs' desires. So, barring that option, I think the best way the game can check the relative value of a recipe is to look at your character and see what you've emphasized in your build. This way, the "random function" won't ever give you something you can't use. Yes, it will be biased for every character, but it will be biased in such a fashion as to ensure that it's your choice if you don't use what you get, not the failure of a random-number generator that gave you something you couldn't use.

In fact, I could see this solution being extended across all pools, at least to an extent. This way, people would only ever get drops that they could use. This would, I think, go a long way towards eliminating the sense that the drops in the game are "unfairly weighted". They could, in fact, be said to be custom-tailored for every character.




I think they should replace a couple of the SO options (Hello Range) and replace the Rare Recipe with three Rare Recipe options:

Offensive Rare Recipe
Mez/Hold Rare Recipe
Other Rare Recipe

Offensive includes: Melee Damage, PBAoE, Targetted AoE, Ranged Damage, Sniper, and Pet Damage. This includes 25 Recipes across all level ranges.

Mez/Hold includes: Confuse, Sleep, Slow, Holds, Immobilize, Fear, and Stuns. This includes 28 recipes across all level ranges.

Other includes: Healing, Defense, Resistance, Travel, Taunt, Knockback, Endurance Modification, To Hit Buff, To Hit DeBuff, Defense DeBuff. This includes 24 recipes across all level ranges.

This way you would have a better chance of getting the recipe you wanted, a much lesser chance of getting a recipe that you have absolutely no use for.




Allow more depth in choosing end of TF/SF recipe rewards, break the categories down like SO/DO reward categories are.

The reason, too much time spent on some TF/SF for what mostly ends up being a worthless reward. Example being running a long LGTF with one of my scrappers only to get a Sting of the Maniticore recipe

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



1. I'm all in favor of the description, enemy list, and all that; but I don't think the recommended make-up is useful. It should just say how many friends you need.

2. So, let TFs scale according to level? So, my level 50 can go do a Posi and everything will scale accordingly? Yes. I'm in favor of that.

3. Why? Doesn't #2 obviate the need for this? Unless, you want to mix your groups beyond the 5 leve range without SKs. I'm not against the suggestion, but I don't understand it.

4. I don't understand this one either. Would this just mean no one is SKed or Exed? If so, what is the benefit? I'm not against it, but I don't understand the purpose.

5. This is not my favorite suggestion. I don't really want more hackneyed mechanics added to TFs and Trials. They have enough already with those wonky EoEs, the guns in the sewer trial, and so on. Challenge our heroes/villains based on what we have - don't make us pick up a widget to play.

6. I don't understand this one. Is it just "Make them harder?"

7. Do you mean change the number of required participants? I assume you mean *lower* it in all cases so that you can do the TF with less people. Can we add a slider for spawning while we're at it? I'd love to start a TF with 4 people and be able to tell it to spawn for 8. Letting me set my own difficulty level is very attractive.

I agree, it is bad enough that the STF and LRSF are exclusive to certain builds, I would hate to implement any more prejudice.

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I don't understand how they are exclusive. My group completes the STF daily with all manner of heroes. We're not exclusive at all. The first 8 to sign up go and collect their prize. It's not a question of IF we win, it's a question of how long it takes. Name whatever crazy group you want and we've likely already done it with a few exceptions. All tanker and all scrapper runs haven't been done by us - yet.

As others have noted, for the love of all things reasonable, please shorten TFs. Most are completely unreasonable lengths and the "vision" of people playing across multiple play sessions is a total crock. TFs should be a maximum of 2 hours - that's a reasonable play session for many people. It's like scheduling to see a movie.




This is my greatest frustration with task forces also. Especially if I'm leading the task force, I dare not slow down to read or enjoy the storyline. I know a lot of work went into writing a good story and you can't follow it. Better if tf's are shorter; or if you can read the storyline later with a token for finishing the tf.

[/ QUOTE ]


QFT, brother!



For recipe drops, I just don't understand why they don't do it they same way they do with SO rewards at the end of story arcs. Let each person pick from "Accuracy", "Damage" etc. and then give them a random recipe of that type at the appropriate level.



OK, I'm to lazy to find if anyone ever put this out. And I apologize for the following: I was playing Guild Wars (ducks rotten tomatoes ) and I was hunting with my NPC team ganking baddies being healed and having additional damage etc. without having to deal with teammate delays, inane babble et al. Not that teaming is not fun, I just like to 'solo' when short on gaming time, and PUGs can sometimes be more trouble than they’re worth.
So cut to me back on CoH trying to get a Posi TF going on Champion. Two of us for nearly twenty minutes trying to recruit and totally failing. I thought to myself "Man if I was on Guild Wars I could just head out with my NPC team." Then I thought what everyone else does "Why doesn't Posi get off his stump and help." And WHAMO! The idea that has probably been mentioned but I am to lazy to seek.
What if you could start a TF/SF and 'fill' with AI Pet characters?
I mean really both sides have a collection of NPC adversaries you run into on Safeguard/Mayhems alone. If we had been able to get No Mind, Doc Quantum, Arc Flash, etc. we could have gotten our Posi TF rolling.
And on hero side, you could even have the contact be part of the mission, so Posi could be picked for Posi TF. Then each signature hero could be available for the following TFs. So then Synapse and Posi could be picked for the Synapse TF. Posi, Synapse, and Sister Psyche for Sister Psyche TF and so on until you get to the Statesman TF where, if you so desired, you could run it with yourself and all signature heroes. Each NPC would be placed at Max level for whichever TF and not be run on Hero settings but as Pets. Knowing the fixed level for the Pets they could be outfitted with the most common powers choices for their archetypes. I figure maybe the leader of the TF could get a temp tray panel with the 3 basic Mastermind controls to herd the cats that NPCs can become in missions. Now chances of completing something like the STF with all Pets is highly unlikely, but if you had seven and just needed one more to get started it could be considered worth it, right?
Of course rewards would be decreased as if split by actual live players, so as to offset the smaller risk factor. But I’m not a numbers guy, obviously, but a dreamer.
I realize there are several ‘bumps’ that make this seem unlikely but I’m sure they can be worked out. If the NPC's ‘die’ in mission, Rez powers should be auto hit, so if your NPC teammate or yourself fires one, they get up. If no Rez available and mission gets completed, they are simply up and running for the next one, like going to the hospital. When missions are complete they go into a ‘hold’ type phase where they will not appear again until you are on your next mission map. Just a few ideas. Spitballing really.
Again I know it sounds crazy and completely not doable, and it’s not like I would expect it for say I15 or anytime soon, but maybe to be considered somewhere along the line.
Anyways, the idea just came to me and I started writing. It’s probably why most of it makes no sense, but just ideas.
You may now commence with the shredding of it.



Have a purple recipe drop as the reward for successful completion of the "Master" runs for the RSF or STF



Penalized for bailing on a tf/sf? HAh just kidding.
But maybe a post pone option. Many times people had to leave or run out of time because the TF is too long ect. Make an option wher you can add the members of the list and resume right wher they left off when all are online at once. So your able to still level and do mishs while in TF postponement.
Nothings worse then haveing to waste 2 ,3 hours and not completing anything.




Hi. Here's my suggestion from a thread ( here )on the general forum. I would like to see all TFs team size minimums reduced to 2 and have scaling applied to them so that the mobs and (especially) bosses encountered in them were defeatable by a duo.

By scaling, I mean the mechanism that already gets used in missions whereby rep affects wether bosses are EBs, AVs, etc.

I'm not advocating making TFs easy walkthroughs for a duo, I don't want them to be soloable, and i don't want the current experience of a full team to change in any way.

But I'd like to be able to duo them with my partner and have a chance of finishing them.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Just an idea I had while ghosting missions for a storyarc - What if things were made more interesting by making it a challenge to actually ghost missions.

While it's something that would be easier to craft into new storyarc content for the future, I think it would be awesome if these mechanics could be worked into the random mission generator to spice things up.

*Note: Not all of these would necessary have to be in every mission. It could be random which components you get*.

Here are my ideas, please add your own:
1. Put in some alarm motion sensors like the bank side mission "Smash and grab".

2. Have the sensors trigger a variety of effects like traps, ambushes, pop up gun turrets, or all of the above.

3. Have roving patrols of enemy groups. Some of them might be equipped with new enemies that have high perception (like rikti drones). These could be normal enemy types but given new names and IR goggles or a magic wand of perception or something, depending on the villain group.

4. Have panels that can be destroyed to turn off the motion sensors. But you have to assassinate or disable the guards quickly who guard these panels, otherwise they will call in an ambush.

5. Create fortified guard points at chokepoints in missions that have a turrets and traps, along with a +perception boss. But before this point would be a panel you can hack into to turn the turrets against the boss, thus allowing you to ghost past while he's distracted.

6. Have side objectives that can be completed to make the fight against the end boss easier in some way. Such as making his some of his minions leave to attack you by themselves, debuffing the boss, immobilizing or slowing the boss, or granting you a temporary buff. There are a lot of creative ways in which this could be implemented.

7. Have force fields or gates that must be bypassed by either destroying them or killing the guards of the key switch or generator. Stealthers may want to do the later to avoid a large fight with the enemies guarding the door point.
Destroying the barrier outright would also trigger an ambush, which may be what some brutish types want, but not what stealther types want.

8. Have computers you can hack into, or maps you can find, or mobs you can "interrogate"; The result being that you gain information about the map. The whole map is revealed as well as objective locations and traps, etc.

9. Same as number 8, but instead of granting intelligence, it could grant you buffs based on the concept that you've learned your enemy's local weaknesses and now take advantage of it. Or maybe you've commandeered a device that they were using which gives you a shield bubble or something along those lines. The possibilities are endless.

10. Have anti-stealther boundy hunter types that roam the mission with high perception AND high stealth, trying to track you down. The longer you take on the mission the higher the chance he has of fixing on your location. Probably best suited to large outdoor maps.
The neat thing about this is that it would give players another reason to have +perception in PvE, so they can see these guys coming and not get assassin striked.



I like the Rikti Invasion idea.

My requests, lowering the # of people needed to start some. I'm trying to get the Shadow Shard ones done, and with my schedule it can be hard finding enough people to even just fill in, let alone anyone willing to go along on it.

Also, the other night I did manage to finally get one stated. All the fill-ins quit leaving just me and one other person to play through. After a couple missions he got tired and logged, and I was dumped out of the TF!!!!!!! After all this time I finally get the chance to do it and I get dumped when everyone else goes offline?!?

oh, and some of these need to be shortened. 2 hours is fine for a short TF, but 7+ hours needed for something like the Crey Portal SS TF is insane.

FireBrandi - Champions lvl 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster - Tier 4 Alpha
Kim Paler - lvl 50 Crab Spider - Tier 3 Alpha

My DA page



Kind of related to TF/SFs: Taking the settings and triggers you have for task forces and using such an interface to improve general missioning:

Relentless missions are no longer a challenge for most toons at 50 even without IOs, we need a way to increase mob sizes, or increase the amount of bosses - Challenges which have rewards attached, as opposed to debuffing/crippling ourselves which is just stupid and yields only frustration.
I didn't achieve this level of power just so I could run around with one hand tied behind my back to bring challenge back into the equation.

And getting more people on the team is not an option because that's only going to make things easier at high levels if the people you invite have half a clue what they are doing.

Of course there's the alternative method of inviting fillers, mapping mission, and then having a challenge, but it's tedious, time consuming, and doesn't always work out. Not every toon can effectively map out a mission either.

Why not just take what players are doing already with fillers and let them do it with some mission slider settings?
Makes life easier on everyone all around, and funner.



Easy to implement suggestion for Shadow Shard TFs (no revamping solution, even though they need revamping ) Sell Summon Teammate devices (better yet Summon Teammates) or temporary Personal Teleporters. Have the TF contacts :give: you one, even. Make them to only work in the Shard or give them short life spans or something.

For the first time in years I was about to get to do Faathim (would've been mah first time ever!) but the group fell apart because it turned out none of us had TP friend and the non-flyers didn't want to endure the pain of using the geysers to get around. Tempted to waste a respec and make TP friend my level 41 power pick just for the shard then drop it again if i ever get all of them done



Either my search is broken...
...or this thread has 10 Damn pages but not 1 post for overhauling Any part of the LRSF.

Ideas Plz.

I can't be the only one who thinks there's room for improvement on this bugger.
(I'll go rummage through my ancient WC3/SC2 custom maps... try to come up with something too)



Either my search is broken...
...or this thread has 10 Damn pages but not 1 post for overhauling Any part of the LRSF.

Ideas Plz.

I can't be the only one who thinks there's room for improvement on this bugger.
(I'll go rummage through my ancient WC3/SC2 custom maps... try to come up with something too)

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree. Maybe break the final mission into 3 different sections of a map. For instance you beat manti and two of the others before moving on to the final area.

Then on to the 2nd part.

Statesman would be the 3rd and would be with his healer (I forget her name).

The mission that also usually gets bugged should be overhauled so that as soon as you find the guy, that's it. It should not be a hostage seeing as how their hostage tech is still buggy as it was in issue 1.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Not a TF, but a SF. You would be hard pressed to find a cooler concept than Lemurs FreakOlympics SF.

(I thought I had that favorited but I cant find it gahh)

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Thank you for the kind words. I've been kicking around that idea again lately.
Heh, I should have looked at this thread sooner. I've reposted that a couple of times but purges eat it. Since this thread is stickied I'll put it back up for any who are interested:

I am playing the Freaklympics arc as a duo with a friend of mine, and this came to me all of a sudden.

It's a new season of Chaos, and Lord Recluse has deemed that this year, his Destined Ones should be free to sow more seeds of discontent in Paragon City. The Freaks are beginning to set up a new round of the Freaklympics, and special arrangements are being made for outsiders to participate. The Strike force would be in the 30-40 range, and consist of a string of special Mayhem missions. Some outdoors in new areas of Paragon City, and others indoors in sensitive facilities with lots of smashable gear.

Some features of the SF:
POINTS! of course points must be a major component. Each mission in the chain would have many of the things we're used to in Mayhems, timers, time bonuses, etc. However there would be points to be earned for many different things along the way. Points for taking out heroes, points for capturing weapons, points for defacing property (ses below), points for scaring civilians (see below again). All these points would add up. The more you get, the more rewards you get to pick from at the end (think of it like the end of a story arc or a respec TF). And also the more points, the better your badge. Bronze Silver and gold Freak medals of course, and they would work like the X times the victor badge. With a costume piece attached to each one.

Defacing property- everyone on the team will get a temp power of a pain sprayer and the ability to tag different buildings as they proceed. Yeah kinda a direct rip from GTA, but it makes sense. The logo sprayed would be one randomly assigned based on your SF name.

Scaring the sheep- the citizens hate Freaklympic time of year. Lot's of players ask for the chance to kill civis, but I think a chaos driven mayhem like this would be a nice time to not kill them but have a method for scaring them off.

Busting down the gates- at least one transition from a mission to another should be an assault on one of the Hazard gates, guarded by Police Drones. For the purpose of the SF they would be a pair of Elite bosses, and one of their attacks would be a direct teleport into the jail for that map (very long recharge, normal defenses and resists to TP Foe apply).

Inside missions- one of the more creative aspects of this SF would be to have a mayhem environment indoors. Similar to Lab Equipment and Vault Doors, but with more objects laying about as well. Smashable catwalks and floor grates, etc.

Time Out! The time limit should not be as strict as a regular mayhem, and your success on a given mission should add to your base time limit for the next. However if you do run out of time, you should be forced to complete an additional mission. Breaking out of the Zig (again). This time your team is on it's own. All temp powers have been stripped for the duration of the mission, and you're all wearing ugly orange jumpsuits until you can get to the property room on your way out.

Competition- Some or all of the missions should have the potential for Time/point penalties. Either losses guaged by trips to the precinct house, or objects taken by competing teams before you get to them. Somewhat like Safeguard missions, I see Hotspot battles with other Freakshow (and other guest star) teams.

Finale? I honestly have no idea who you should face. I was thinking that Paragon City Heroes, Civic Squad, the PPD, should all be part of each and every earlier mission (this SF would be a boon for people seeking Hero Slayer). They would be at the Boss and possibly Elite Boss levels, but as for the Hero ranks foe(s) at the end, I can't really say. Possibly someone we've not seen before. I think the scenario for the final mission should be some kind of assault on a Parade or a City event. Maximum chaos, maximum publicity, maximum POINTS!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Since this original post I've had a couple ideas about structure. I normally hate getting specific because it just limits Dev creativity, and is less likely to get implemented, but I had some specific mission ideas that I think have strong Awesome Potential:

The SF could be truly modular, you form your team gather at a Black Chopper, and are whisked to Perez Park (an instanced map), the gather point for the events. It could possibly even be a mini zone, like the O-zone, so you see other teams heading off to do different missions for the SF, as well as NPC teams leaving and arriving. Could have fun min-zone events like cops who follow teams back and try to break things up, or disqualified teams so mad they just start tering things up.

Anyway, at the gather point, you pick the missions and the order you do them. The contact offers a choice of 4, you pick one, do it, come back. Pick another. At that point, your contact bar is fuller and he's prepared to offer the finale. This adds to replayability in that you don't see all the missions in one run, and you can choose what you do based on your team.

The 4 mission ideas would correspond to the 4 areas adjoining Perez Park.

Steel Canyon- School's out Forever! Bash through the hazard gate, and work your way over to the PCU campus. Break into the buildings and SMASH, or burn! Foes: Midnighters and/or Civic Squad. I see it as lots of indoor smashy smashy.

Atlas Park- Bulls in a China Shop- Heroes often wonder how Azuria keeps her job when stuff she's supposed to keep gets taken so much. Villains wonder how they can get a shot at the stuff. Now's their chance. Break into the zone and work over to either City Hall itself, or a nearby warehouse. Foes: PPD and Azuria herself. Ourdoor and Indoor, in an iconic location.

Skyway City- Last stop, end of the line! Bash through the hazard gate to rampage through skyway worse than any Troll Rave yet seen. Head for the Tram station and demolish it. This would be the biggest upgrade, since we don't have destructible buildings at present. Foes: Supatrolls (just happened to be running through), PPD, Mynx or Synapse.

Galaxy City- Backalley Beatdown! I have no idea for a good goal for this one, maybe the destruction of one of the giant hero statues. Better yet, the Arena Building! The long and the short of it would be, Backalley Brawler steps off the podium to lay the smackdown on your team. Much fun could be had by spawning lots of newbie heroes that charge you having no idea why that's a bad idea. Foes: BaB, newbi heroes (gray con fluff) and Longbow.

Finale- I still have no ideas. If your team is successful you've wiped out chunks of the core of the city, so I'm not sure how to top it.

Note- all these missions would be instanced versions of the real maps, just in case that wasn't clear. Not advocating PvP in open zones.
Note- Would be awesome if teams could access City Info Terminals on each map and see News Alerts or Freak Pirate Broadcasts listing Team standings (all player teams that have done the SF that day, and their point totals).

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



I had an idea that would make trials a lot easier, specifically the respec trials. Spawns for the hero (and I would assume villain) respec trial are based on the level of the higest player. And anyone over the maximum level (33 for the first one against the sky raiders heroside) is automatically exemplared down to lvl 33. Even if you exemplar a higher level player yourself before you start the trial, say to level 25, the spawns will still show up at level 33. Instead of doing it this way, why not let people exemplar down and have the spawns spawn lower level. For example, a group of 3 level 25 and one level 45 players wants to run the first respec trial heroside against the sky raiders. The lvl 45 will be autoexemped to lvl 33 and the spawns will be lvl 34-35, it will be esentially impossible for the group to succeed. If it were changed, the lvl 35 could be exemplared down to lvl 24 and the spawns would be level 25-26, much more feasible.

Now admitedly, I'm not a computer programmer, but it seems to me like this wouldn't be too hard to code up. Just have whatever code handles auto-exemplaring now check to see if any characters are already exemplared to a level that falls in the correct level range for that particular trial and lock them at that level rather than at level 33 or 43 like it normally would.



Have Pool C drops on story-arcs done through Oroboros that have a length of 6 missions or higher and at least 4 team members.

Global name: @k26dp



Lady Grey Task Force suggestion:

Put a *warning sign* if you click the base portal. If you enter your base, you auto-drop the TF, which naturally can be a little frustrating when you're about two hours in and now get to set out the rest of the thing because you didn't think about that factor before you did. Clicking the "Drop Task Force" button by accident gets you a "Do you *really* want to drop this Task Force? You will not be able to rejoin" message, and it's a LOT less likely to be done accidentally than clicking the base portal in the RWZ to go craft some enhancements to empty out your salvage and recipes and realize you just kicked yourself out of the TF.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
You're right: this whole issue is a money grab. We're going to be grabbing money from impatient people with money to burn and completionist complexes, and using it to make a better game for everyone, including the 99.9% of the rest of the playerbase that isn't going to be buying everything, multiple times, immediately upon release, and spending hundreds of dollars in the process.