Of meta-humans and mice




I want to see Troll League Arena Football.

"You am go deep!"
"Me am going to Disneyworld!"

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An early Runequest article (I assume it was in Different Worlds...if that was Chaosium's house title) gave the rules ("real" and how to game them) for Trollball.

Used a live trollkin for the ball - and the ball was called dead if it died. Memory fails at further details.

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Ha ha I forgot about that. Actually played that once. I don't know if there were any other rules, other than scoring by getting the "ball" over a line somewhere.

On Justice



Well since I can submit something I think I will. Dunno when I'll have it ready so maybe sometime between now and the middle of next month anyway. Thanks for the support folks, you're inspired me.

Now all I need to do is sit down and have a brainstorming session with myself about how to go about doing this.



I always had the idea of like, someone like lets say Positron throwing an energy blast and someone who uses a sword could somehow hit it like baseball.

Positron shoots! and manticore fires and arrow through it, reversing it's direction. WHats this? Sister Psychy traps it in a bubles and throws it to first base where statesman catches it with his bare hands(wll, spandex covered)! Manticore is OUT! yells Swan.



Well, in my case, living in Quebec= not eligible for anything anywhere with anyone.

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Here in the States, it's been codified that 'french' will be replaced by 'freedom'. (Americans evidently have a lot of idle time on their hands.) In this case, Quebec's frenchiness guarantees you freedom from the tyranny of contest prizes from the USA.