Of meta-humans and mice




You know - you could submit that kind of thing to the submissions box. You never know what might show up in the community pages of the comic or on the website.

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Doesn't the fact that I'm a UK subscriber on a US server kinda automatically disqualify me from that kinda stuff?

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Shouldn't - it isn't a contest or anything like that.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



On a related issue...how about celebrity endorsements?

I had fun writing a fanfic story where a superhero, at security level 29, found out that she wasn't quite advanced enough to merit a free plane ticket to somewhere she needed to go. Level 30s merited a coach seat in return for an endorsement, level 40s first-class, and level 50s a privately-chartered Lear jet.

Other members of the RP Congress have written amusing stories about their heroes doing celebrity endorsements in exchange for free merchandise (such as energy bars, and so forth), or even starting their own clothing lines of unmentionables.

And what about the insurance industry? And no, I don't just mean Bob Parr. Do superheroes have to carry collateral damage insurance much as drivers have to carry liability?

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I can just where that might lead -

"No, I will not put a Pepmi cola patch on my suit, I don't care if they want to give me a million bucks to do so. What's next? Wearing my underwear on the outside so people can see what brand I wear? Charles, your being quiet... NO NO NO, I WILL NOT wear underwear on the outside for "fruit of the zig" underwear."

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I /love/ this idea.



I want to see Troll League Arena Football.
"You am go deep!"
"Me am going to Disneyworld!"

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This reminds me a lot of Blood Bowl/Dungeon Bowl. If you've never heard of the game, it is/was a combat football boardgame based in Games Workshop's Warhammer Fantasy universe. Spiked balls, dungeon teleporters, Giant teams playing against Halflings, players with illegal spells loaded into their brains ... loads of fun.

More on topic, there were always a lot of jokes about how the tournament was sponsored by Bloodweiser Beer, and about how particular star players had weird endorsement contracts.

Wish I had the books handy so I could find some good ideas for this thread... they're currently residing in a box in my parents' basement.



Huh. There's a switch. A scandal about a pro athlete NOT taking drugs.

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That was my favorite part, actually.

And I think some flavor like this would add some needed depth to the world. So many people wielding the powers of gods and the cosmos for vigilante justice have to affect the culture in bejillions of little ways. Just like Alan Moore's Watchmen series. Now, granted, there was only one superman in that book, but he caused enough repercussions on his own. I think supplemental stuff like this being added into the comic book and the game world (more store front signs, additional NPC dialog, different billboards, etc.) would really help add character to this universe.
I don't really want to call it the "City of..." universe or anything because it stretches beyond just Paragon City and Lord Recluse's little island playground. A universe where there are super-humans couldn't keep the differences confined to just two little dots on a speck of dust hurtling through one galaxy. It ripples much, much further than that.

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An early Runequest article (I assume it was in Different Worlds...if that was Chaosium's house title) gave the rules ("real" and how to game them) for Trollball.

Used a live trollkin for the ball - and the ball was called dead if it died. Memory fails at further details.

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There's an actual Scottish game (I forget the name) played on a field about the size of a football field that starts with two teams at opposite ends and a dead goat in the middle. Anything goes, and the team to get the largest portion of the goat across it's own starting line wins.

Maybe Troll football could be modelled on that.



Or how about
sports designed especially for meta-humans, you mean to tell me there has never been a meta-human olympics? Super-football? Clearly its not fair to exclude meta-humans from sports because they outperform humans by such a large margin, for true competative sports they'd need to have special meta-human events and even special rules. How many tankers could have previously had a career as a quarterback for the Chicago Titans (the meta-human alternative to the Bulls).

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Sportscaster to crowd: "And the Super Strength Tanker kicks the ball 4000yards for a field goal!...

but wait...

OH NO! The Fire Corruptor has melted the goalpost!...

What now?!...

Uh-oh, the refs have called a time-out...

OH, look at that! The head Ref has been AS'd by the Stalker, guess we'll have to wait on the official call on that play till he gets back from the hospital!"

*people on the sidelines scramble to get a new goal-post erected*



Yeah, one of the things i loved about the White Wolf super PnP RPG, Aberrant is all the little touches like that. Supers make GREAT "professional" wrestlers. And Just think about all the legal repercussions that Mind controllers bring about? Even if a crime is caught on tape, it still might be inadmissible in court. I highly suggest checking out Aberrant and it's supplements to get ideas.



Unlimited Class UFC as a sport--that's the Arenas, with an organized league.

I've got a hero whose mutant superspeed powers manifested during a high school track meet. He was disqualified after running the mile in a minute thirty. It is probably safe to say that the community is already taking this kind of thing into account, but it would be very nice to see it in the game world "bible," with official recognition of the legal oddities inherent in a world where superpowers are so common that common street thugs can wield nether energies or hurl balls of flame, or recognition of the need for "separate but equal" sports for supers, equipment for supers, facilities for supers. We already have the "Mens" "Womens" and "Huge" restrooms, after all....



You know - you could submit that kind of thing to the submissions box. You never know what might show up in the community pages of the comic or on the website.

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o.O We have a suggestions box? Man I'd love to put a suggestion in it that someone show me where it is.



You know - you could submit that kind of thing to the submissions box. You never know what might show up in the community pages of the comic or on the website.

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o.O We have a suggestions box? Man I'd love to put a suggestion in it that someone show me where it is.

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Submission Box, not Suggestion Box.

Although we do have a suggestion box, it's called "feedback" on the petition menu in-game, or the Player Ideas & Suggestions forum.



Or how about sports designed especially for meta-humans, you mean to tell me there has never been a meta-human olympics? Super-football? Clearly its not fair to exclude meta-humans from sports because they outperform humans by such a large margin,

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Talk about a Dream Team! Tanker Football with a Blaster Quarterback, Scrapper Wide Receiver, and Defender Defense, Defense, Defense, Defense!

Think about it. The Philadelphia Minutemen VS The Paragon Ultimates! (ducks lawsuit name violation) The Philadelphia Minutemen vs The Paragon Generic30440303.



You know - you could submit that kind of thing to the submissions box. You never know what might show up in the community pages of the comic or on the website.

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um, What submissions box?

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



just to be devil's advocate...it's kind of a relief that metahumans are so normal they're boring in the paragon world. I mean not actually boring, but there isn't this X-men like turmoil constantly and fear and nonsense. It's just you know.. some people dress extravagantly, and some people just wander around and push giant robots out of the way.

It's a relief in alot of ways. I always ultimately got sick of the silly attitude that people would hate superheros and so forth. I mean, if anything superheros would be like Wrestlers. Some adored, some reviled, but all kind of half-heartedly. It would be more about popularity than actual social problems.

in fact, paragon is even less irritating than the DC comics world, where there aren't these huge political problems between superhumans and normal people, but there's still roughly 1 person an issue who has to get grumpy because supervillains broke their nail, and then superman saves them and they're still pretty grumpy.

No grump, damnit! This is an epic setting, and we don't have time for whiny civvies. In fact, you shouldn't be allowed to play sports unless you have super powers! Faultline should be a basketball court, with a hoop at either end of the canyon.



Personally, I think that the politics are inherent in the situation. One person with that much power would automatically be viewed as a danger by some people, no matter how many puppies (s)he saved from burning buildings. Even with the FBSA in place to deal with super-powered vigilantes, I'm sure there are still elements of the government and military that don't trust them.
I'd like to see some echoes of this controversy make its way into the game in ways other than just the Malta and their anti-supers agenda. But, that's just me and I liked the Justice League's run-ins with Project Cadmus and their shadowy military backers.

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Suddenly reminded of Poul Anderson's throwaway references to the football game in Operation:Chaos (world where magic operates in place of most technology, set in an alterate mid-20th century USA).

The team with possession at the start of the game levitates off. A ball carrier transforms the ball into a greased pig and sends it scooting across the goal line. Two penalties for unnecessary roughness are mentioned. Once when Thorsson gets excited and hurls a thunderbolt, once when a program card blows onto the field and a player puts a cleat through the name of an opposing team member.

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.



You know - you could submit that kind of thing to the submissions box. You never know what might show up in the community pages of the comic or on the website.

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Doesn't the fact that I'm a UK subscriber on a US server kinda automatically disqualify me from that kinda stuff?

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Let me take this opportunity to emphasize something.

Unless a contest rule specifically states that you are not eligible then you ARE eligible.

The only time you are usually excluded is if the contest results in a prize with a cash value.

Thus, you have been eligible for the comic cameo contests and the website screenshot contests we have had in the past.



Unless a contest rule specifically states that you are not eligible then you ARE eligible.

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And even then, you can still "win" the contest, only you will never get prizes.

Trust me, I know.



Although we do have a suggestion box, it's called "feedback" on the petition menu in-game

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However, those people who actually have the temerity to try to send suggestions in via petition get a form letter telling them to post it to

the Player Ideas & Suggestions forum.

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I'd like to see some echoes of this controversy make its way into the game in ways other than just the Malta and their anti-supers agenda.

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Sky Raiders whole shtick is that they are ex-military who are sick of the government's reliance on heroes



How many tankers could have previously had a career as a quarterback for the Chicago Titans (the meta-human alternative to the Bulls).

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Not to nitpick... ok... it's exactly to nitpick... but the Bulls would be the Chicago basketball team and they don't have quarterbacks... usually...

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How many tankers could have previously had a career as a quarterback for the Chicago Titans (the meta-human alternative to the Bulls).

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Not to nitpick... ok... it's exactly to nitpick... but the Bulls would be the Chicago basketball team and they don't have quarterbacks... usually...

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They had Dennis Rodman. I wouldn't put it past them to have quarterbacks, too.



You know - you could submit that kind of thing to the submissions box. You never know what might show up in the community pages of the comic or on the website.

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Doesn't the fact that I'm a UK subscriber on a US server kinda automatically disqualify me from that kinda stuff?

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Let me take this opportunity to emphasize something.

Unless a contest rule specifically states that you are not eligible then you ARE eligible.

The only time you are usually excluded is if the contest results in a prize with a cash value.

Thus, you have been eligible for the comic cameo contests and the website screenshot contests we have had in the past.

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Well, in my case, living in Quebec= not eligible for anything anywhere with anyone.

Est sularis oth Mithas



You know - you could submit that kind of thing to the submissions box. You never know what might show up in the community pages of the comic or on the website.

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Doesn't the fact that I'm a UK subscriber on a US server kinda automatically disqualify me from that kinda stuff?

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Let me take this opportunity to emphasize something.

Unless a contest rule specifically states that you are not eligible then you ARE eligible.

The only time you are usually excluded is if the contest results in a prize with a cash value.

Thus, you have been eligible for the comic cameo contests and the website screenshot contests we have had in the past.

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Exactly. I, as a Rhode Islander am excluded from all contests that contain a prize of monetary value. This because all the greedy [censored] poloticians in my little state would charge NCSoft and Cryptic a a [censored] fee to include RI residents in the contest. Lovely, no?

So I, a resident of the state where Paragon City is located cannot win a bloody graphics card. :P ::sulks::



I'm sure in future expansions (remember the moon/jungle/arctic vote?) they will be expounding on places other than Paragon. The most wonderful thing about MMORPGs is the fact they they are only limited by the programming ability of the designers and the hardware of the users.

However, I think it would be best for fans out there to take the initiative themselves to come up with articles for submission. Like you have just done, Tal_N. They'll need alot to fill out a whole newspaper, plus the staff to make sure nobody did something out of line.