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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    How many tankers could have previously had a career as a quarterback for the Chicago Titans (the meta-human alternative to the Bulls).

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    Not to nitpick... ok... it's exactly to nitpick... but the Bulls would be the Chicago basketball team and they don't have quarterbacks... usually...

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  2. I didn't even get a poster—I just noticed the spawn talking about the jailed villain.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    To everyone who's having character issues here, take time to pause. This villain is a sinister, brooding Mastermind; let's call him Baron Faust. With an army of the walking dead, he scoffs at the very idea of lowering himself to work with those pitiful whelps at Arachnos! He's stolen souls, he's defeated iconic heroes, he's...lost his ferry pass! Curses!

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    Good thing Baron Faust has a base with Teleporters, and doesn't need the ferry system at all.

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    Baron Faust won't associate with other villains. They're too petty. He needs no Supergroup!

    Seriously, though, does anyone actually do this? Is someone out there so committed that they won't use the ferry or helicopter lines? How does one PvP with that extreme devotion?
  4. Taking a break from trolling and flaming.

    To everyone who's having character issues here, take time to pause. This villain is a sinister, brooding Mastermind; let's call him Baron Faust. With an army of the walking dead, he scoffs at the very idea of lowering himself to work with those pitiful whelps at Arachnos! He's stolen souls, he's defeated iconic heroes, he's...lost his ferry pass! Curses!

    You guys either take stuff for granted or work around the constraints of the medium daily.
  5. Really, if you're so concerned about your villain's character being "tainted" by Patron Pools, you're just too uncreative to deal with it.

    Not all of the Ancillary Pools fit my heroes. But you know what? I thought of ways that they could. Everyone complaining here isn't limited by the game—they're limiting themselves.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm losing it because the promised features---promised since mid-beta CoH, mind you, have either been axed outright or displaced so far in the future that they have become moot.

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    God forbid they take their time or have priorities. You want Skills? They want Skills to be fun.

    [ QUOTE ]
    The direction of CoV is baffling to me on a certain level. I tend to over-analyze, of course, but to me, it seems Cryptic has decided to revert to arcade-stype, FPS gameplay in order to appeal to a younger audience. I dare not use the 'adolescent' word for fear of unwanted consequences.

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    ...buh? Are you complaining about Mayhem Missions?
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Not to whine on everyone's parade, but can you tell me exactly how a STALKER is supposed to do any of these missons?

    Or a Dom?


    Didn't think so.


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    Oh, you've played the Mayhem Missions?


    You can solo any mission in this game. Just don't expect to do it on Relentless, whiner. My most-played villains are a Stalker and a Dominator. I've done fine.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Bill after I7

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    Damn right!

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    You can have my share of the Arachnos costume pieces AND patron powers.

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    That sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me
  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    Someone make a big deal about Patron costumes so we can get confirmation!

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    I'd never thought about it until now. It'd be freakin' awesome if we could get/use costume options dealing with our Patrons. *would love some Crab Spider armor* =O ..or even the blades on their forearms...

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    Getting Arachnos-style outfits? I don't care if the attacks heal people, it'd be so worth it.
  10. Someone make a big deal about Patron costumes so we can get confirmation!
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Please discuss the merits of Chum Spray....thanks

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    It's basically amazing.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    They're welcome to it.

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    Click, consider our amazing PvE.

    You, Viscount, and I could rule the PvP zones. And perhaps Recluse's Victory!
  13. and I always have to take the alpha unless V's there because of ice slick!
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    I heal lots!

    (as soon as I know you're out of range)

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    Yeah, seriously, you're the worst at healing. You always pop it whenever I'm running away at super speed.
  15. It would be for soloing! Jack Frost and my planned Toxic Tarantula won't always have you.

    Plus you almost NEVER HEAL
  16. I know that I wouldn't mind two pets.

    Though now I'm wishing I'd grabbed Aid Other instead of Whirlwind, but the wind-up is just too funny.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm sure they will give numbers like they said but will that make a difference when powers are "balanced"? Will they tell the player which aoe immobilize stops knockback and which one doesn't? Will the lvl 49 pets have their hit points, resistances, status protection, etc listed? Will there be pictures of the powers to look at in the game so you're not stuck with something that looks so horrible/ridiculous you wish you never picked that patron? Will the descriptions even be accurate or in 2 months will a player test something, post about it, then recieve a dev response along the lines of "ooops, we forgot to update that description. We nerfed that power before it even hit test, sorry".

    These patron powers just keep getting worse and worse in my view.

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    Ugh. I'm not touching this.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    After toying with the char creator, and discovering I can make pretty much, the perfect Auqaman send off, I must decide how to properly justify taking anything BUT Ss/Inv Brute.hmm...


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    and yeah SS/Inv is all I've got, too. I think I will make a Dark/Dark Stalker as an analogue to the Shade, though. Bursting from the shadows and killin' fools, and all.

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    I know, and then I discovered that you can create the perfect one. PErhaps I'll tweak things and be all "He's powered by the Sea, who's [censored] about people putting all their crap in it. But obnly the Arctic sea was willing to imbue him with powers, cause the other seas are sissies, so He'san Ice/Ice Cor..."

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    Muscles adapted to swim Niagra Falls upstream, be comfortable at the bottom of the sea...yeah, I may make yet another SS/Inv Brute.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    After toying with the char creator, and discovering I can make pretty much, the perfect Auqaman send off, I must decide how to properly justify taking anything BUT Ss/Inv Brute.hmm...


    [/ QUOTE ]


    and yeah SS/Inv is all I've got, too. I think I will make a Dark/Dark Stalker as an analogue to the Shade, though. Bursting from the shadows and killin' fools, and all.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    It has been mentioned that there would be a non-Arachnos Patron. Either they're being coy, it's been shelved, or delayed until I8.

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    well thar you go
  21. [ QUOTE ]
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    I guess creating new story plots for your toon like "I work for Arachnos now and look.. they gave me new powers" are just hard to do nowadays.

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    How many times do people have to post "I don't WANT to be a lackey all my life" before it sinks in? Yes, they COULD write it into their characters that now they're Arachnos employees, serving Lord Recluse for life. Why should they have to just to get access to the powers?

    A villain is a self-starter. They CAUSE problems. They START fires. But 90% of COV has is solving someone else's problems and putting out someone else's fires, and the Patron arcs are no different. We're just heroes for bad guys, nothing more. We've got mayhem missions now, and thank goodness -- but we're talking patron arcs here, not mayhem. Patron arcs have you being the underling of an underling, and that's weak.

    So yes, it's not hard to say "I work for Arachnos now." I just don't want to. And since all 40+ epic power choices are bound to a patron that means I can't take them.

    ...I'm getting tired of rephrasing the same counter arguement over and over. Aren't you getting tired of rephrasing the same arguement over and over? Here on out I'm just gonna give up trying to convince anybody why I don't like this... either they get it or they don't, agree or they don't, and whatever. The only people I REALLY wanna sway are the devs, and they've clearly made up their minds and we have no say.

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    Your character is a double-crossing manipulator, taking the Patron's gifts to establish a foothold for a future takeover.

    Your character, in a violent rampage, tore the Bane Mace from a soldier's cold, dead hands. Defiantly, they wield it as a trophy.

    Use some imagination. You people are so creatively void it's embarrassing.