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  1. TheMightyStorm

    Dual Boxing Emps

    Maybe on Virtue it does.
  2. fun fact. In the good old days, fear *was* afraid, and there was no such thing as terrorize.

    People complained that mobs would run halfway through a level and needed to be chased.

    Also, people used to ride horses, and wear old-timey monocles and tophats.
  3. Gloom's alleged improvement over dark blast is, itself, less useful than oppressive gloom. Also, Gale *and* O2 boost, but no tornado?

    Let's entertain a thought for a moment, shall we? Let's say for the sake of argument you are a shining beacon of perfection in a world of degenerate flesh-mongers flopping like inside-out walruses on a city street that resembles nothing so much as an arctic beach after an exxon tanker filled with medical waste popped like an overfilled condom offshore... When you're rasping the landscape with the fury of the elements, are you going to be dedicating the time and energy it takes to launch silly little skulls *and* dark blasts at some target? I would say no. Then I would yell it at you while shaking you by your lapels. Then I would summon a tornado, and it would yell at you for me.

    And what is this O2 Boost *and* gale nonsense. If you're not prepared to take o2 boost, gale, *and* the dark power that is basically gale at night, then you're not really frittering away your power choices on the kind of pro-teaming protectionist goofballery that scrappers *spit* have come to expect in pursuit of their one-size-fits-all approach to sucking at life. If you don't have tornado, and you have o2boost *and* gale, then you are giving up on one of the greatest debuffing, enemy-teasing, dpsing summons the game has to offer. It can't even take damage. You can use it at will to ragdoll. The best part is, unlike your ambuchronoclastic (free time destroying, I think, and if not, blame babelfish) gloom/dark blast practices which will only end with you pregnant in the snow being tied to someone's sled (like a miserable dog), tornado is completely automated. In fact, the more tornados you make, the more free success you experience. You could consider it a pyramid scheme, only inverted, and made of evil-sandpapering gusts of wind (and shards of glass).

    Whether you fail to take O2 boost, and get to casually watch as some ice tank loses their shield against malta, leaving you to clean up and get them res insps from your tornado-havoc, OR, fail to take gale, and get to casually watch some ice tank lose their shield against malta, leaving you to clean up and get them res insps from your tornado-havoc, is not important. So long as you take tornado to be able to engage in this havoc.

    Havoc is priority one, when u r the Mighty Storm Defender.
  4. TheMightyStorm

    Dual Boxing Emps

    I come back to this?!

    Thank god corruptors have storm.
  5. [ QUOTE ]


    Empathy isn’t a villainous trait, generally speaking. From a fiction standpoint, it will likely never be given to Villains as a set.

    Back to thematics – Empathy isn’t really a villainous trait. From a fiction standpoint, it wasn’t our first choice to port over and the reason corruptors didn’t receive it in the first place as part of the release of City of Villains. If we were to add an “Empathy Like” set, it would need to be all new and not a port of it, to make it fit into the Villainous theme. As such, that fell out of the scope of Issue 12’s powerset proliferation and is why it wasn’t included.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Instead of pretending to be toolboxes, why don't you just be honest. Empathy is a bad choice in terms of design. It gives people a mistaken impression of how the sets work together in the game, and it doesn't fit villain side, because villain side is far better designed to make every ATs participation more meaningful. Empathy/Tank is the sickness that makes CoH so bjorked. Villains won't get empathy because it would be cruel and unfair for us to have to suffer from it. Thermal is a better set in every respect. A paucity of healing focused sets is to be preferred.

    The toolbox routine, and by toolbox, I mean a box filled with tools, of claiming that empathy isn't villainous is ludicrous. It aggravates anyone with a working brain everytime it's invoked.
  6. it's still bs, no matter how much explanation there is. FX aren't stored on the char? Fine. You know what is? Power selection. You can expand existing sets with identical, redundant powers, that call different colored power FX, and then let someone respec into blue or red. Obviously you have contingent powers and powers restricted by other powers figured out. At the very least you could take the red lightning and blue lightning or the red energy bolts and blue energy bolts and give everyone a choice. There's nothing about your system that makes that impossible.

    Plus, considering how much we hear, 2nd hand, about how messed up your pipeline is, maybe the solution is to get a coder to do some kind of text-parsing thing that can write the files for you, so you can keep different instances of identical powers synched up. The fact that PPs use original MoG is already goofy and a problem you should have addressed for the sake of making things easier for you to maintain. Continuously updating powers and new powersets was always part of the plan, so why try to keep doing it through this seemingly unweildy scheme? FFS. Mid's hero designer can store info and then spew it out in the correct format for a forum post--presumably you could make a utility that lets you make several colors within a powerset, and lets you change their vital stats together, then pumps out the necessary files.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Okay, so out of 8 pets, why are there only 2 different buffs?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Originally, there were 2 pets: The Faeries. Then someone (may even have been me, I don't remember) brought up the fact that Faeries won't match everyones concepts and so, the Wisps were born. Then, someone suggested the Drones for Tech types and at the last minute the Oscillators were tossed in. All told, a more classic example of Feature Creep you will never find!

    So, since there were only two pets originally, there were only 2 powers made. I didn't have time to make 6 more powers to match the new entities.

    As for why they are so fragile, let's just say if they were at all "tough" I could exploit them horrendously. So, they are fragile. They CAN be kept alive if you are a ranged AT, but melee types will have a hard time of it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    All my fault...sorry about that.

    [/ QUOTE ] don't ...have ...time to make...more ... than ... 2? Do you hand etch the bits on the drive?!

    What is your pipeline like. Everytime I hear this kind of thing, all I can picture is that you people have to wrestle a bear to get to your desk, and then the desk is like a Mimic that tries to eat you while you type.

    Caution to people applying for Jobs at the CoH studio: You're going to get eaten by a bear. Think about that before you bounce up in their, all bright eyed and bushy tailed.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    So should we blame the way schools teach students how to write? They're always giving out assignments with word count minimums, or page lengths on them. All that ever taught me was how to pad a 5 page, well written thesis with 5 more pages of garbage.

    It would be nice if they focused on content, not length. Sometimes, there just isn't much to say about something you don't care about.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I would equate those exercises to my experience with hour long life drawings. I realized early on that there was such a thing as over-working a drawing, but my threshold, so to speak, for being done was usually fairly short. In order to give legitimate attention to detail on a live subject for an hour, you have to learn how to structure your effort so that you can actually use that time--how to look once, sketch, and then look again and refine. Forcing kids to write a 5 page essay may be a chore, but then, they're not churning out elegant Robert Frost style masterpieces--they're churning out 'tl;dr' and 'Lolz'. Benjamin Franklin's life and opinions can fill volumes. Telling someone to stretch it to 5 pages might force them to include actual content, which is ultimately important for when they hit college and (ideally) their writing becomes about their content.

    On the other hand, I had a goofball non-professor bag lady who wanted me to stretch something straight-forward about fractals into 8 pages, which wouldn't have made a difference, since she kept telling me she didn't understand what I was talking about anyway. So, past a certain point, it's a waste of time.
  9. L. D. Green!

    the l and d stand for Lawrence Dennis
  10. If it's a general concern, don't trojan horse it inside another complaint about storm defenders. In exactly the same way that I don't trojan horse an argument about people who desire healing as the main form of damage mitigation inside some kind of anti-empath screed (despite the fact that people desperately try to conflate the two concepts over and over again and blame it on someone else).

    People are imperfect. Accept it. Embrace it. Let a fricking storm on the team, and quit whining.
  11. It's a good thing The Mighty Storm defender is so arrogant or otherwise constantly hearing from people who've chosen a playstyle that says 'I want to do alot of damage, but I don't want to take any damage--and I want everything to run up to me and stay next to me while it dies', how obnoxious and annoying they are, we might get upset and resign ourselves to playing one of the more passive tanker/scrapper *spits* -friendly primaries, like FF, Sonic, or Rad, and, in the process, miss out on something *we* find is fun. We wouldn't begrudge a tanker or *spits* scrapper their good time, except that, for some reason, when a tanker or *spits* scrapper joins a team, nobody gives them an earful of crap--instead they just make the effort to work around their playstyle--for instance, the tanker wanting to be the puller and center of attention for their aoes, or the scrappers *drinks milk* *spits* desire to wander off and stare at something shiny.

    I'm not saying you're a moron if you can stand 50 levels of standing still while blazing aura kills whites. I'm definitely not saying that. That isn't what I'm saying.

    What I *am* saying is that believing that I'm really great is the only way I can put up with being rejected half the time in an online game which is ENTIRELY ABOUT TEAMING WITH OTHER ************* ****** *** ** *********** people!!)(@#*!

    so that's where I'm coming from.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    To be honest, Stormers have a lot to be arrogant about. I mean, the have the full strength of nature's fury at their fingertips!

    ...Or, perhaps I am confused, and nature, when furious, borrows strength from Stormers.

    Either way, arrogance justified.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This person certified "Win" by an independent panel of coriolises from the Tornado Institute for Tanker Research.

    If *anything*, The Mighty Storm defender isn't coming off as arrogant enough.
  13. Controlled chaos is /storm. I prefer to say that storm/ works in mysterious ways.

    Ways that you couldn't possibly fathom.

    I pointed out the many incoherencies in this heretical half-document demi-created by a semiwriter in protohistory the last time he posted it, in the original sermon from the mount, and reiterating them here probably won't help.

    -"His white vestments flowing over her shoulder in the wind"
    I wear his vestements because they're comfortable inside, but I don't wear them when I'm being sillhouetted and buffeted by the wind. However, I suspect what *really* is going on here, is the blasphemous suggestion that storm is like, totally a dude.

    -"Powerful and changeable, many may mistake her way for the way of Chaos. Not you and I, brothers and sisters, we know that his way is the way of Controlled Chaos."

    More gender confusion. Switching back and forth doesn't make it ambiguous, it just casts aspersions on storms/ purity.

    -"Long ago a young Storm went on his first hunt with her uncle Tank."

    If tank is our uncle, then we were molested.

    -"Too proud already to take advice from Tank"

    should read 'too intelligent'

    -""Stop!" cried Tank, "you are just making them angry!" "

    it's important to mention that this is tanker prejudice, as *some* of us do not taunt our foes while we pummel them into paste.

    -""You will have the entire park chasing us if you keep that up!" warned Tank. "Sounds like fun!" shouted Storm"

    Correct. You may pick a sticker; either a gold star or a 'grape job'.

    -""Some of them seem to be getting through.", said Storm, with perhaps a tiny hint of concern."

    Incorrect, see me after class.

    -""Do you think perhaps you might help me?", asked Storm, attempting to sound calm and confident."

    I'm calling a parent-teacher conference.

    -""If you are being chased by a dozen score of Skuls, run in a straight line." "

    Ok, now... in all seriousness, this is actually just horrible advice. If you're being chased by anything, as a storm, your best possible action is to turn into the source of the chasing, and debuff it. Just like the ocean.

    If this keeps up without an appropriate retraction, I will post my completely accurate retelling of rad/sonic, where the toggled enemy ran away, AM was fired when no one was near, and everyone wondered why rad continued shouting when, if he'd throw an irradiate out, they'd be able to hit some purples.

    *poke poke prod stab*
  14. There's nobody like that. You're describing no one that exists. Please read my FAQs and assimilate them into your being.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    The one thing I question tho, he said they datamined how long characters were at certain levels. Could this info have been skewed by alt-itis? I know when I hit 22-27 range, I usually start another alt and run them for a while. Or even partake in a FOTM build.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    We have a "life at level" stat in seconds. This is how long a character spent at a particular level, logged in. While not a perfect indicator of levelling speed, it's an excellent starting point.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    do you have an average session length? I'm curious if you can track what might be frustration, or zeal, for that matter over the level curve?
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    I am sure everyone who says Defenders aren't to be healers would cry to hear that during installation the screen explaining defenders it states that Defenders Heal and buff in that order.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thank you, however, the best place to notify the devs of text bugs like this is through /bug or in the bug forum.

    And via pms
    and snail mail

    and sky writing.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    I have to say I'm enjoying these stories, Jock. Yours, too, Kid_Disaster!

    I particularly like the optimism and acceptance shown in them. As morality tales, they work quite nicely! Too often we get caught up in the gloom and doom of things. These stories get beyond that and show how cool it is to be a "child of Defender."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Bah! More reckless optimism! There is a clear pecking order, and lest ye forget, if you don't play your defender correctly, you will be cast down into the lake of -rec. Defender's compassion is such that you might compare your position to a slug held in the palm of Defender's hand over a salt-fire, where salts are somehow combusting, and loathsome as you are, Defender *still* chooses not to turn their hand over and allow you to die and explode and melt and burn, forever and ever.

    Let's bring the /fire and brimstone/ back into defending!
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    the canon of the Church of Storm

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Can we agree on


    If Storm were to hang his head, it would only be to allow her scarf to whip dramatically in the wind before raising his head with the kind of smile only seen on the powerful (yet doomed) anime character before revealing never before seen reserves of awesomeness.

    - Jock Tamson, Who is thinking of this not this

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You're continued use of the male pronoun to refer to Storm is yet *another* of your heresies. You can't draw me in with your head-hanging olive branch.
  19. I suppose in your heretical gnostic approach, you can accept, casually this concept of nerfs. But I, and other right-thinking people know full-well that it was never the intention of Defender to nerf.

    In the proud tradition of schismatic disagreements, it is the canon of the Church of Storm that any professing pro-balance viewpoints, whether in the guise of risk v reward or the debased and grotesteque practice of nerfery shall be put to the plush sea turtle. Any who harbor them shall spend time in a small room with a tornado. Any who profess to have been exposed to their teachings shall be herdicaned into a corner until such time as they renounce this distortion of the one true word of Defender, as given to Storm in the presence of Kin.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    <QR> Alright, sticky successfully removed, please resume with your silly conversations.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thank you. It was getting hard to restrain the urge to post something snarky.

    I'm pulling for FF. Hopefully you guys will get what you want.
  21. Arg! The horrible spectre of Balance! Many is the lost soul who has lead their lot to ruin on the jagged rocks of balance' shore.

    This passage is meant to uplift the diligent in their toil, for the lot of the defender is often thankless, and occasionally abusive. But CRIMINAL HEATHEN JEZEBELS continuously try to advocate an interpretation of this passage which somehow links hardship with joy as a matter of course, or even WORSE, risk and REWARD. These *FILTHY SWINE*, who disgust me and are cast out from the light of defender, are nothing more than base tools of Scrapper. Or whoever you consider to be completely evil (please fill in your own scion of darkness, not to be confused with Dark/ness).

    What the devout defender must always remember is that hardship is *not* the road to happiness. After all, the world-shattering powers of The Mighty Storm defender impose hardship only on villains and those with arthritis who cannot push their movement keys without much pain. The road to happiness is doing things which engage the mind and the spirit--but keep in mind, there *is* nothing to engage that spirit when you are wiling away the hours seeking higher threat level certifications. Once achieved, those certifications give you the power to seek out challenge, but there is no *real* reason that you must continuously, and drearily, complete tasks for the lesser beings among us.

    Remember, the city representatives use 'balance' against us to imply that we should run their errands. In reality, if their errands were worth running (or, if they'd just, for the love of god, keep that damn apocalyptic relic from being stolen over and over again), then we would gladly engage them. But instead, to unlock our potential, we must burn our precious time on this earth slowly grinding.

    Balance does not mean grind! When the wheel is balanced, it can spin at any speed without instability!

    -TMS who is, I guess... apocrypha.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    When threads start containing posts with the words "bend over", they've jumped the shark.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    it's invoking hitler.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    - Jock Tamson, Ridiculous Egomaniac, and chief cause of 'why are defenders primadonnas' threads.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  24. damnit, who let this pale imitation in here?!
