In the beginning...
One day Defender grew hungry for experience, but did not want to labor herself, so she sought out Scrapper and said, "Won't you join me on a team so that we may both gain more and faster experience?" Always eager for more foes Scrapper readily agreed and they ventured forth. Whenever they reached a foe, Scrapper would rush up to fight while Defender would stand behind and idly watch. After a while, Scrapper became aware of this and asked, "Why do you not join me in the fight?" Defender reached out with the least of her powers and removed some minor harm Scrapper had taken and said, "Why Scrapper! I stand back here and heal you, for if I did not you would surely die!" Scrapper thanked Defender for her kindly vigilance on his behalf and they continued on. In this way Defender gained her experience while Scrapper did all the work and thanked Defender for the privilege!
- Jock Tamson, Mythologist
[color=orange] I judge this to be awesome.
We just coded it on a simple X-currentDate formula, so it nerfs itself automatically. -Babs on Accuracy Nerfs
Over 3 years, 1 - 50, whole lotta alt's, still having fun.
It's just like how they read different parts of the torah all year, until it starts over again!
TradiiiiiTIIIIIIOOOOOONNNNNN!!! Tradition!
WOOHOO! So tell us your plan Jock, are you really going to spread it out over time or what?
no, they must all be put up, then he must write more.
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
I think you underestimate our fools, sir.
Why /duel is a bad idea
Stickied and saved.
Who's a good moderator? You are! You are! Yes you are! *scratches ears*
WOOHOO! So tell us your plan Jock, are you really going to spread it out over time or what?
[/ QUOTE ]
One a day until they are all back, because my Muse instructs me this is the way it must be done. Who am I to argue?
- Jock Tamson, Who hopes he will be rewarded with inspiration.
- Jock Tamson, Who hopes he will be rewarded with inspiration.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ask and ye shall receive!
Stickied and saved.
[/ QUOTE ]
thanks a ton, Ex.
I like the avatar, that doesn't happen to be the dog you guys rescued, does it?
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
I think you underestimate our fools, sir.
Why /duel is a bad idea
One day Defender grew hungry for experience, but did not want to labor herself, so she sought out Scrapper and said, "Won't you join me on a team so that we may both gain more and faster experience?" Always eager for more foes Scrapper readily agreed and they ventured forth. Whenever they reached a foe, Scrapper would rush up to fight while Defender would stand behind and idly watch. After a while, Scrapper became aware of this and asked, "Why do you not join me in the fight?" Defender reached out with the least of her powers and removed some minor harm Scrapper had taken and said, "Why Scrapper! I stand back here and heal you, for if I did not you would surely die!" Scrapper thanked Defender for her kindly vigilance on his behalf and they continued on. In this way Defender gained her experience while Scrapper did all the work and thanked Defender for the privilege!
- Jock Tamson, Mythologist
[/ QUOTE ]
As a predominant scrapper player, I had to laugh at this. So very true - we're happiest so long as we can keep on scrappin'.
Good stuff!! Defend on!
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

- Jock Tamson, Who hopes he will be rewarded with inspiration.
[/ QUOTE ]
*hands Jock a Second Wind*
Brilliant... simply brilliant...
But you left out the part where Statesman goes mad, casts forth the curse of GDN and ED upon his children, then promptly ventures forth to a new set of servers leaving his faithful Archangels, Positron and Castle, to clean up his mess...
Brilliant... simply brilliant...
But you left out the part where Statesman goes mad, casts forth the curse of GDN and ED upon his children, then promptly ventures forth to a new set of servers leaving his faithful Archangels, Positron and Castle, to clean up his mess...
[/ QUOTE ]
Patience grasshopper!
This is only the beginning of In the beginning, there is much, much more to come...
By the way Jock, you should post these late at night so I have something to read when I get to work in the morning
Ok, this is no fewer than five kinds of awesome.
Meet my characters: Marqaha's Managerie
Adversity/Animosity: Strength through Diversity. Respect and Fun.
- Jock Tamson, Who hopes he will be rewarded with inspiration.
[/ QUOTE ]
*hands Jock a Second Wind*
[/ QUOTE ]
TOO SLOW! *points up*
I judge this to be awesome.
[/ QUOTE ]
Synergy Lvl 50 Def FF/Electric/Psy - Protector
Cimarron - Protector Mascot
My DA Page
haha, in less than 24 hours this post has had over 1000 hits
excellent job, Jock
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
I think you underestimate our fools, sir.
Why /duel is a bad idea
Speaking as a Defender/Controller/Scrapper/Blaster.....
...all sorts of awesomenessessessessess!!!!!!
Sometimes, I impress my boss. Sometimes, I impress myself. The rest of the time, I scare people. I can live with that.
You forgot to mention the part where the tanker started yelling SB PLZ, so Statesman gave him a hefty -spd debuff and made the war mace powerset.
Glad they got it back Jock (also glad they are saved on our site also. )
This thread is full of much Win.
By Odin's beard, it's good to see this thread back.
Thank you Jock, for returning the Defender forum to it's rightfully glorified place.
And thank you Ex, for saving us from ourselves
::Pours a mug of mead and settles next to the fire, ready for more tales of heroism and daring::
In the beginning the servers were shapeless and without form. Then Statesman moved across the servers and created the City, and he filled the City with villains to be defeated, challenges to be met, and Skuls to be hunted, and he saw that it was good.
Villains, challenges and Skuls will soon lose their appeal if you have nobody to share them with, so Statesman next brought forth his 5 children, Blaster, Controller, Scrapper, Tank and Defender.
To Blaster he gave great strength but a jaw of glass. To Controller he gave the power to silence and still her foes and allies to aid her, but little strength of her own. To Scrapper he gave great strength and great toughness, but a short reach so he would not be over mighty. To Tank he gave even greater toughness yet but made him slow and short of reach.
To Defender he gave the greatest gifts giving her great speed, great reach, much strength, and the ability to avoid harm. Then Statesman spoke to Defender saying, "I have given you these gifts so that you may watch over the others for that one keeps dying, that one has been running around in circles for ages now, and those two have been fighting the same motionless Skul for 10 minutes." Defender looked over those she was tasked to protect and replied to Statesman saying, "Do I have to?". Statesman was angered and thundered a curse upon Defender for her impudence, "While you have a great many gifts, the greatest shall be of more use to others than they are to you!" And so it is to this day that the children of Defender have many gifts they cannot use alone so that they, from time to time, "have to".
- Jock Tamson, Mythologist