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  1. Spines/Regen is your best shot.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, but even if you PvP a lot, what do you think the chances of even getting 1 out of all the new PvP sets would be?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Maybe if you spend an entire night PvPing (and actually getting kills) you might get one. It's easier to just farm them though, which is a little ironic.
  3. Ex_Libris

    Vs Blaster

    Lol I don't know about those regens you fight, but the ones I fight won't let you "keep beating them until they run out of heals" without beating you back, and one webnade is all it takes for them to get close and personal.

    Simply put, you won't kill regen scrappers through Heal + DP + IH + MoG before they kill you first.
  4. Ex_Libris

    Vs Blaster

    [ QUOTE ]
    Blasters are one of the best AT's to use against anything.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not quite, a corr will do better against melee ATs than blasters.
  5. Ex_Libris

    Vs Blaster

    [ QUOTE ]

    In duels, the usual elec/therm and */cold corrs would give them trouble. For the same reasons they give everybody trouble.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually blasters are one of the best ATs to use against elec/therms and /colds.
  6. Ex_Libris

    Vs Blaster

    In 1vs1 settings /Regens shouldn't lose against blasters, although it might turn out to be a draw unless you can hit em on the run (i.e. good ranged attacks or webnades). Same applies to other builds like Ice Armor tanks w/ aidself, etc.

    MMs shouldn't lose against blaster either.

    While some corr/dom/def/troller combos might beat blasters, I wouldn't recommend them if you're strictly building a char to beat blasters. They simply won't out damage blasters. Every second you spend healing or debuffing is a second you're not doing damage (and probably taking damage). Likewise, if you're a dom, blasters will still hit you hard even if they're held (KB is about the only way to stop a blaster from attacking you).
  7. [ QUOTE ]

    Inv gets molested by psi all day

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As opposed to Fire?
  8. Hey Everyone,

    On the heels of the announcement that I’m moving on to conquer new online gaming horizons, I wanted to make sure that you were aware that we’ve had a new Paragon Studio Community Lead who has been pulling some community strings from behind-the-scenes for a couple of months now.

    I figure that this is as good of a time as any for her to make her presence known, so I’d like you all to meet her. She actually has a past history with NCsoft, and recently returned to the fold. Please join me in welcoming EMpulse who is leading the community charge for Paragon Studios!

    Like all good heroes and villains, you're not dead until you have returned at least once...

    Best of luck to all.

    Ex Libris
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Sorry to see you go was really looking forward to meeting everyone behind the scenes and boards when i would be at herocon the unofficial greeter of Justice Server Guil

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can still go to Hero-Con, just this time I'll be a player....therefore beware!

    I'm staying in the Bay area.

  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Ex, if you don't gfriend me, I'll never send you another Harry and David basket again!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So not forgotten...

  11. Greetings Villains &amp; Heroes,

    It is with bitter sweet emotion that I sit down to write this message, perhaps not my final, but certainly my farewell. My time working as the operator for City of Heroes and City of Villains has come to its conclusion, and tomorrow I will end my amazing stint with NCsoft and venture off to a new virtual horizon.

    I have been writing this letter in my head for the past week, and as I have encountered message after message from those of you in the Community I have wondered to myself if this is "The End," and I can only think that it is not. I am after all, only a click and login away.

    Working on this project has been an amazing opportunity for me, first and foremost working with the NCsoft team on location at Cryptic Studios and watching the dynamic duo accomplish the undaunting task of bringing about Issue after Issue. Then after the NCsoft franchise purchase I have eagerly watched the dynamic duo of studio and publisher split and transition to the publishing studio it is today. This was an awesome thing to witness, as it seems we never skipped a beat in bringing about fresh and innovative content. I have enthusiastically watched as month by month our team grew and expanded into our new studio location which has now officially become Paragon Studios, a studio I am very proud to be affiliated with and very sad to leave.

    I started on this front 27 months ago just as we stepped into Issue 9 and I am leaving just weeks after the launch of Issue 14. During that time many things have changed but the most important things are constant. The leadership and talent that is working to bring you your favorite game has remained strong, and from that strength and leadership the team has grown, even in our very own Community Team. It is under these circumstances that I can leave knowing that all will be well. I have been taught to always leave a campsite better than I found it, and I do believe I am leaving this spot in good and qualified hands, some unseen.

    I do hope that you all will continue to support the PvPEC, The City Scoop, PERC, Myspace &amp; Facebook, and most especially Hero-Con as those projects were always near and dear to my heart. Those are the traces of me that are left behind that I entrust to you all as a community to continue to keep as resources. And yes, there will be a Hero-Con '09 and the powers that be are currently working to bring that event about, so no worries there will be more fun to be had and the argument of 'doll' vs. 'action figure' will continue.

    I want to close on a positive note because in the end I do believe that change is good. I had the opportunity to run the ITF last night with a small group of players from the Justice server and I had a blast. I love this game, and I love the community that supports this game--developers and players alike. So even though I may be leaving my station as operator you can't keep me away from continuing on as one of you, a member of this super, amazing, dynamic, community.

    I'm on your server playing your arc, won't you play mine?

    Best Regards,

    Ex Libris
  12. Feedback is an important process to our design and development program.

    Player feedback is helpful for us to continue to adjust and fine tune our features. We have created the following feedback threads to help you to find the best place to deliver your thoughts and experiences to us in regards to Issue 14: Architect. We have a dedicated Bugs thread, so if you just wish to report a bug please see this thread: Issue 14: Architect: BUGS!

    If there is a thread you feel is missing from this list please contact a member of our team.

    Thank you.

    ~The City of Heroes Development Team~

  13. Use the following topic to discuss Live Feedback: Issue 14: City of Villains (Redside).



    Arachnos Soldiers
    <ul type="square">[*] Wolf Spider / Single Shot - This power's short help will now state that it has a -Defense component.[/list]Dominators
    <ul type="square">[*] Soul Mastery/Soul Drain: Increased this power's recharge from 120 to 240 seconds.[/list]Mastermind
    <ul type="square">[*] Mastermind/Thugs/Call Bruiser àThe Bruiser's Hand Clap power was using the wrong table for Knockdown, so it was still doing Knockback. This has been corrected, and he should always do Knock 'DOWN'.
    [*] Ninjas / Call of Jonin - Jonin henchmen, when fully upgraded, are now always in Hide, except for immediately after attacking.
    [*] Mercenaries / Spec-Ops - Spec-Ops henchmen, when fully upgraded, are now always stealthed, except for immediately after attacking.[/list]Stalkers
    <ul type="square">[*] Stalker/Dual Blades/Thousand Cuts: Increased this power's range from 7 to 10.[/list]Widows
    <ul type="square">[*] Widow Training - Strike incorrectly had a X2 damage multiplier on its stealth critical in both PvP and PvE. Now fixed.[/list]PVP
    <ul type="square">[*] Brute Practiced Brawler now correctly grants status resistance instead of status protection in PvP.[/list]Badges
    <ul type="square">[*] Fixed a bug that allowed villains to get a progress bar for the Spellbinding badge[/list]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Feedback is important to our development process, there are two types of feedback and both are helpful although some give us more insight and are more easily adapted into game changes.

    Objective Feedback: Objective feedback is based upon what you as a user see or experience that other users may also see and experience. This feedback usually can be replicated easily as it involves facts and unbiased opinions. Example: When using the base editor items are sometimes getting caught in columns or pillars.

    Subjective Feedback: Subjective feedback is based upon how you feel or experience the game as yourself. This experience may not necessarily be replicated because it is based on feeling and emotion. Subjective feedback is important to us but it is usually helpful if more information is present to describe what and why you feel the way you do. Example: I like the way the graphics look on my shield animation it gives me the feeling of being truly super-powered.

    Are you reporting a bug from Issue 14? Please use the Issue 14: Architect: BUGS! thread to report bugs, there is a format in the OP that you can follow to help you in your reporting.
  14. Use the following topic to discuss Live Feedback: Issue 14:CITY of HEROES (Blueside)


    <ul type="square">[*] Psychic Blast/Telekinetic Blast: Corrected a bug that would cause this power's damage to ignore resistance in PvP.
    [*] Electrical Mastery/EM Pulse: Fixed a bug that would display that this power could be slotted with Hold IO sets[/list]Controllers
    <ul type="square">[*] llusion Control - Superior Invisibility no longer detoggles when player is held.
    [*] Sonic Resonance - Sonic Dispersion no longer detoggles when player is held.
    [*] Fixed a minor issue with Illusion Control Phantasm which could cause it to spend time toggling on a power which has no effect.[/list]Defenders
    <ul type="square">[*] Cold Domination / Arctic Fog : Volume of looping sound effect will now fade.
    [*] Dark Mastery/Soul Drain: Increased this power's recharge from 120 to 240 seconds.[/list]Tankers
    <ul type="square">[*] Pyre Mastery / Char: Damage Vs NPCs increased slightly, and damage in PVP decreased slightly. This is a bug fix rather than a deliberate rebalancing of the power (part of the damage that was supposed to be applied in PVE only was being applied in PVP).[/list]Warshades
    <ul type="square"> [*] Umbral Aura / Orbiting Death does not detoggle when mezzed.[/list]Rewards
    <ul type="square">[*] "The Break Up the Clockwork and the Skulls" mission had its rewards reduced from 4 to 2 merits.[/list]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Feedback is important to our development process, there are two types of feedback and both are helpful although some give us more insight and are more easily adapted into game changes.

    Objective Feedback: Objective feedback is based upon what you as a user see or experience that other users may also see and experience. This feedback usually can be replicated easily as it involves facts and unbiased opinions. Example: When using the base editor items are sometimes getting caught in columns or pillars.

    Subjective Feedback: Subjective feedback is based upon how you feel or experience the game as yourself. This experience may not necessarily be replicated because it is based on feeling and emotion. Subjective feedback is important to us but it is usually helpful if more information is present to describe what and why you feel the way you do. Example: I like the way the graphics look on my shield animation it gives me the feeling of being truly super-powered.

    Are you reporting a bug from Issue 14? Please use the Issue 14: Architect: BUGS! thread to report bugs, there is a format in the OP that you can follow to help you in your reporting.
  15. Use the following topic to discuss Live Feedback: Issue 14: PVP Changes.

    PVP Changes
    <ul type="square">[*] PVP Phase Changes: -Any player in a phased state, including Phase shifted or Dimension shifted, can be attacked by other phased players. Hibernate and Cage effects are still impenetrable, since they do not phase the player.[/list]Powers that can be used to attack other phased players include:
    <ul type="square">[*] Phase Shift[*] Dimension Shift[*] Quantum Flight[*] Nebulous Form[*] Black Hole[*] Manifold Resonator[*] Hyper Phase[*] Phase flight[*] Ethereal Shift[*] Players under the Ghost effects of Spirit Potions can only attack other players under the effects of Spirit Potions.[*] PVP Elusivity bonus: The elusivity bonus on Melee Defense Armors and Personal Force field has been reduced slightly. We are adjusting this carefully since the elusivity bonus is intended to keep Aim, Build-up, or To-hit bonus from negating defense armors. Overall, Defense armors are performing well when compared to Resist based armors, and the intention is to keep them a strong contender in PVP. [*] Melee AT Ranged Attacks: Melee archetypes (Tankers, Brutes, Scrappers and Stalkers) had their ranged attacks in their primary, secondary and Epic (Hero Ancillary/Villain Patron power) pools reduced slightly. Since Melee archetypes use ranged attacks that are set on the melee damage table, they do much more damage then they should with ranged attacks. We're reducing this slightly, but overall we're comfortable with the range attacks being very useful.[/list]Additional PvP Changes
    <ul type="square">[*] Teleportation Resistance was being affected by Diminishing Returns in PVP. This was an oversight and has been corrected.[*] Fixed Nectar Temp power in PVP, now only has a 2 second duration.[*] Adding a forced respawn to players in pvp zones after two minutes have passed from when they died.[*] Arachnos Widows and Arachnos Soldiers PVP damage on all powers slightly reduced to correct for it using an incorrect high modifier.[*] Tanker, Brute, and Scrapper versions of taunt now display a message when the taunt portion of the power misses in PVP. Stalker taunt is unchanged.[/list]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Feedback is important to our development process, there are two types of feedback and both are helpful although some give us more insight and are more easily adapted into game changes.

    Objective Feedback: Objective feedback is based upon what you as a user see or experience that other users may also see and experience. This feedback usually can be replicated easily as it involves facts and unbiased opinions. Example: When using the base editor items are sometimes getting caught in columns or pillars.

    Subjective Feedback: Subjective feedback is based upon how you feel or experience the game as yourself. This experience may not necessarily be replicated because it is based on feeling and emotion. Subjective feedback is important to us but it is usually helpful if more information is present to describe what and why you feel the way you do. Example: I like the way the graphics look on my shield animation it gives me the feeling of being truly super-powered.

    Are you reporting a bug from Issue 14? Please use the Issue 14: Architect: BUGS! thread to report bugs, there is a format in the OP that you can follow to help you in your reporting.
  16. Use the following topic to discuss Live Feedback: Issue 14: PvP Origin Enhancements.

    PvP Origin Enhancements

    PvP Invention Origin Enhancement recipes have a small chance to be earned in all PvP Zones and Arena matches by defeating another player. Once a PvP IO recipe has been earned, there is a 10 minute timer before the player that earned the recipe can have a chance at earning another recipe. PvP Invention Origin Enhancements have two groups of set bonuses PvE bonuses and PvP bonuses. In a PvE zone/area the player will not benefit from set bonuses marked with (PvP). While in a PvP zone or arena match the player will benefit from both PvE and PvP set bonuses. Below is a list of the new IO sets being introduced by this feature:
    <ul type="square">[*] Fury of the Gladiator (Melee AoE Set) (Recipe Level Range 10-50)[*] Javelin's Volley (Ranged AoE Set) (Recipe Level Range 10-50)[*] Gladiator's Armor (Resistance Buff Set) (Recipe Level Range 10-50)[*] Gladiator's Javelin (Ranged Damage Set) (Recipe Level Range 10-50)[*] Gladiator's Net (Hold Set) (Recipe Level Range 10-50)[*] Gladiator's Strike (Melee Damage Set) (Recipe Level Range 10-50)[*] Panacea (Healing Set) (Recipe Level Range 10-50)[*] Shield Wall (Defense Buff Set) (Recipe Level Range 10-50)[/list]Additional PvP IO Notes:
    <ul type="square">[*] Gladiator's Armor: +Defense and Teleport Resist now has a 20% chance to grant immunity to teleportation for 10 seconds instead of always on total immunity.[*] Shield Wall: +Resistance and Teleport Resist now has a 20% chance to grant immunity to teleportation for 10 seconds instead of always on total immunity.[*] Panacea: Chance for Heal/Endurance: This enhancement will function normally in PvE zones, however in PvP zones this power will grant a regeneration bonus much like Numina's Convalescence: +Regen/Recovery. This was done to prevent healing suppression from being triggered by this effect.[/list]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Feedback is important to our development process, there are two types of feedback and both are helpful although some give us more insight and are more easily adapted into game changes.

    Objective Feedback: Objective feedback is based upon what you as a user see or experience that other users may also see and experience. This feedback usually can be replicated easily as it involves facts and unbiased opinions. Example: When using the base editor items are sometimes getting caught in columns or pillars.

    Subjective Feedback: Subjective feedback is based upon how you feel or experience the game as yourself. This experience may not necessarily be replicated because it is based on feeling and emotion. Subjective feedback is important to us but it is usually helpful if more information is present to describe what and why you feel the way you do. Example: I like the way the graphics look on my shield animation it gives me the feeling of being truly super-powered.

    Are you reporting a bug from Issue 14? Please use the Issue 14: Architect: BUGS! thread to report bugs, there is a format in the OP that you can follow to help you in your reporting.
  17. Use the following topic to discuss Live Feedback: Issue 14: Black Market / Wentworth's Consignment House.

    Black Market / Wentworth's Consignment House
    <ul type="square">[*] Characters (on active accounts) who have inventories, bids or items for sale in the Black Market or in Wentworth's Consignment House will no longer have to log into the game within 60 days to avoid item or influence/infamy expiration.[*] In-game Black Market and Wentworth employees will still give their friendly reminder, however if your account is "active", they won't take your "stuff".[/list]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Feedback is important to our development process, there are two types of feedback and both are helpful although some give us more insight and are more easily adapted into game changes.

    Objective Feedback: Objective feedback is based upon what you as a user see or experience that other users may also see and experience. This feedback usually can be replicated easily as it involves facts and unbiased opinions. Example: When using the base editor items are sometimes getting caught in columns or pillars.

    Subjective Feedback: Subjective feedback is based upon how you feel or experience the game as yourself. This experience may not necessarily be replicated because it is based on feeling and emotion. Subjective feedback is important to us but it is usually helpful if more information is present to describe what and why you feel the way you do. Example: I like the way the graphics look on my shield animation it gives me the feeling of being truly super-powered.

    Are you reporting a bug from Issue 14? Please use the Issue 14: Architect: BUGS! thread to report bugs, there is a format in the OP that you can follow to help you in your reporting.
  18. Use the following topic to discuss Live Feedback: Issue 14: Bases

    Bases<ul type="square">[*] Added individual permissions for each storage container in a supergroup base. These are accessible under the "Permissions" tab in the item window when editing the base.[*] Added a window to display base storage bin permissions when accessing the bin to add or remove items. This allows players without base edit permissions to view and change storage bin permissions.[/list]In an effort to bring more supergroup management powers to players, we have recently developed a new Super Group Rank #6, named 'Super Leader'.

    Here is a list of what Super Leader can do:
    <ul type="square">[*] Super Leader has all permissions available to leaders.
    [*] Super Leader can modify permissions of leaders, and can demote or promote any rank.
    [*] Super Leader can promote another leader to their position, and self demote themselves back to Leader rank.
    [*] Super Leader position can be named to be in line with SG/VG tastes and motif.
    [*] Super Leader position will always be filled by an active user and Rank 5 leaders will no longer be demoted unless the SL designates.
    [*] Super Leader will be auto-demoted if inactivity period set by permissions is reached.
    [*] The highest ranking member with the most recent log-in time will be auto-promoted once Super Leader position is vacated.
    [*] Super Leader can pass leadership to a Rank 5 Leader at any time as long they are online, this transfer of leadership occurs in the SG/VG screen.
    [*] There is a confirmation screen before this transaction occurs to eliminate errors.
    [*] Customer Service can promote any on-line player to the Super Leader position, if the petition warrants such action
    [*] There is only one Super Leader.[/list]We understand there may be some general concern over this new rank, how leaders will be selected, and how and what our Customer Supports role is within the SG/VG setting. Due to these concerns we are announcing this feature now and will be giving some advanced notice to the community on the launch date for Issue 14: Architect.

    Just like any shared leader position, the SG/VG as a group can determine how this position should be used and what rules apply, outside of permissions. That way if the current player in the position violates those rules, they can voluntarily give the rank to someone else, or the case can be made to CS to resolve as needed.

    The position is affected by auto demotion, and it is the only rank now affected by this design. When that occurs, it will pass to the next highest rank member that has logged in most recently. Any player that has been logged out for longer then the auto demotion time is not eligible to be promoted, regardless of rank.

    Also note, there has been a change to the auto-promotion process:
    <ul type="square">[*] The Last leader to log out will be promoted when I14 goes live.
    [*] There is a 24 hour tie-breaker, if multiple leaders log out at the same time.
    [*] If multiple leaders log out within 24 hours of each other, the leader with the earliest join date will be promoted.[/list]This allows players to better choose which leader will get promoted. We will give advance notice of the approximate live date for I14, in order for SG members to determine which leader should log in before that time.

    If the wrong person does get promoted, there are 2 options: The current super-leader can promote the correct person using the Super Group Screen and they will then be moved back to leader rank. Otherwise, petition a GM. They can review the case and take appropriate actions to resolve and possibly put the correct player in the position.

    We are encouraging you as the player base to work to resolve any conflicts over leadership within your group first, before resulting to Customer Support.

    If you do find that you need to contact Customer Support, be aware that they are only going to be reviewing cases where possible violations may be occurring. Customer Support will not intervene to settle issues in which supergroup members disagree with the current leadership.

    Feedback is important to our development process, there are two types of feedback and both are helpful although some give us more insight and are more easily adapted into game changes.

    Objective Feedback: Objective feedback is based upon what you as a user see or experience that other users may also see and experience. This feedback usually can be replicated easily as it involves facts and unbiased opinions. Example: When using the base editor items are sometimes getting caught in columns or pillars.

    Subjective Feedback: Subjective feedback is based upon how you feel or experience the game as yourself. This experience may not necessarily be replicated because it is based on feeling and emotion. Subjective feedback is important to us but it is usually helpful if more information is present to describe what and why you feel the way you do. Example: I like the way the graphics look on my shield animation it gives me the feeling of being truly super-powered.

    Are you reporting a bug from Issue 14? Please use the Issue 14: Architect: BUGS! thread to report bugs, there is a format in the OP that you can follow to help you in your reporting.
  19. Use the following topic to discuss Live Feedback: Issue 14:Badges.

    To see a list of badges please visit this thread: Badges in Issue 14: Architect

    <ul type="square">[*] Badges earned through Mission Architect that are granted to all characters on the same account will state this in their badge description.[*] Number of required kills for the final badge in the Virtual Victor line of badges while in test mode: 50000.[*] Number of story arcs a player must play in order to earn the Gamer line of badges: 1, 10, 25, 50 and 100.[*] Number of tickets a player must earn to obtain the Ticket Taker line of badges: 100, 500, 1,000, 5,000 and 25000.[*] Number of times a player must play an author's content in order to earn the Author line of badges: 10, 25, 50, 100 and 250.[*] Number of clickable mission objectives a player must interact with to earn the Poor Impulse Control badge: 10, 25, 50, 100 and 250.[*] Number of overflow tickets a player must earn to obtain the Virtual Ticket Taker line of badges: 10, 50, 100, 250 and 1000.[*] Number of non-required mission objectives required to earn the Workaholic line of badges: 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100.[*] Number of rescue/kidnappings required for the Extractor/Kidnapper line of badges: 1, 5, 10, 25 and 50.[*] Number of destructible objects required for the Destructive line of badges: 1, 5, 10, 25 and 50.[*] Number of custom enemy defeats required for the Eliminator line of badges: 50, 100, 500, 1000 and 5000.[*] The Energized badge now requires 500 inspirations.[/list]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Feedback is important to our development process, there are two types of feedback and both are helpful although some give us more insight and are more easily adapted into game changes.

    Objective Feedback: Objective feedback is based upon what you as a user see or experience that other users may also see and experience. This feedback usually can be replicated easily as it involves facts and unbiased opinions. Example: When using the base editor items are sometimes getting caught in columns or pillars.

    Subjective Feedback: Subjective feedback is based upon how you feel or experience the game as yourself. This experience may not necessarily be replicated because it is based on feeling and emotion. Subjective feedback is important to us but it is usually helpful if more information is present to describe what and why you feel the way you do. Example: I like the way the graphics look on my shield animation it gives me the feeling of being truly super-powered.

    Are you reporting a bug from Issue 14? Please use the Issue 14: Architect: BUGS! thread to report bugs, there is a format in the OP that you can follow to help you in your reporting.
  20. Use the following topic to discuss Live Feedback: Issue 14: Arena.

    New Arena Features
    <ul type="square">[*] Swiss Draw: An 8 to 64 player tournament that will have players duking it out 1 vs 1 until the top 8 combatants are chosen. After this point there will be three rounds of single elimination to determine the winner of the tournament.
    [*] Pre-Match Buffing Period: Upon entering an arena map a "Waiting for Players" period will begin. It will wait until all players are on the map or until 1 minute has passed, whatever happens first. After this there is a brief "Buff Players" phase which allows players to turn on their toggles and buff themselves and their teammates. During this phase all players can only affect and be affected by their allies.
    [*]Improved Respawn: Arena matches now have a 15 second global respawn timer. When that timer is up, all defeated players respawn at the same time. After respawning players will be phased out and can only affect and be affected by friendly players, just like during the Buff Players period. In addition to this all teams have a static spawn location. This means that each time a team member is defeated they will respawn at the same location.[/list]Improved Victory Conditions: Two new types of victory conditions have been added:
    <ul type="square">[*] Individual Kills: Each player has a number of times they must defeat another player. The first player to reach this set number of kills is declared the winner.
    [*] Individual Lives: Each individual entering this type of Arena Match will be assigned a specified number of "Lives". The match ends when all but one player or team has had their lives depleted. The player or team with the most kills is declared the winner.[/list]New Arena Matches:
    <ul type="square">[*]Villain Pentad: This match is much like the Hero Pentad; however it instead allows two teams of villains consisting of 1 member from each core archetype (Brute, Corruptor, Dominator, Mastermind and Stalker.)
    [*] Villain Septad: The Villain Septad match is just like the Villain Pentad except that it requires each team to have 7 members. One of each archetype villain side including members of the Villain Epic Archetypes (Arachnos Soldiers and Widows).
    [*] Hero Septad: This match is similar to the Hero Pentad except that it now requires each team to have 7 members. One of each archetype hero side including members of the Epic Archetypes (Warshades and Peacebringers).
    [*]Versus Pentad/Septad: These matches will have 2 teams: the first consisting of 1 member of each hero archetype the second consisting of 1 member of each villain archetype. The Versus Pentad match will have 5 members on each side, 1 member for each core archetype. The Septad match will have 7 members on each side, 1 member for each archetype including epic archetypes.
    [*] Scheduled Matches: These matches have had their start requirements clarified. These matches require a minimum of 8 players to start. Mousing over the number of players for each match will display the number of players needed to begin the match. Once the minimum number of players has been met all players will be moved into a waiting room for two minutes while it waits for more players to join the match.[/list]
    Arena bug fixes:
    <ul type="square">[*] Fixed the bug where players weren't always being dropped from their Arena teams when leaving an Arena match.[*] Fixed the bug where players weren't always being dropped from their normal teams when entering an Arena match.[*] Improved the Arena teaming code to group players on the same side into the fewest teams possible, maximizing the size of any team before starting a new team.[*] Fixed the bug where arena matches that lasted 30 minutes didn't display their timers in the nav window.[*] Altered the arena list User Interface to default to displaying "Best Fit" matches instead of "Eligible" matches.[*] Added more stat tracking under the hood to keep track of unrated wins, losses, and draws. Later issues will take advantage of this data.[/list]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Feedback is important to our development process, there are two types of feedback and both are helpful although some give us more insight and are more easily adapted into game changes.

    Objective Feedback: Objective feedback is based upon what you as a user see or experience that other users may also see and experience. This feedback usually can be replicated easily as it involves facts and unbiased opinions. Example: When using the base editor items are sometimes getting caught in columns or pillars.

    Subjective Feedback: Subjective feedback is based upon how you feel or experience the game as yourself. This experience may not necessarily be replicated because it is based on feeling and emotion. Subjective feedback is important to us but it is usually helpful if more information is present to describe what and why you feel the way you do. Example: I like the way the graphics look on my shield animation it gives me the feeling of being truly super-powered.

    Are you reporting a bug from Issue 14? Please use the Issue 14: Architect: BUGS! thread to report bugs, there is a format in the OP that you can follow to help you in your reporting.
  21. Use the following topic to discuss Live Feedback: Issue 14: Architect Custom Critter Creation.

    Architect Custom Critter Creation
    <ul type="square">[*] Custom Critters' Toggle powers should suppress when Held, Stunned, or Slept, exactly the same as player powers.[*] Defense/Resist and other aspects of powers suppress. Status protection aspects of powers do not.[*] Mastermind pets to mastermind sets: When an Mastermind NPC that has access to Mastermind pets is attacked, their Mastermind pets are immediately summoned.[*] Minion Masterminds Summon 1 minion at -1 level, LT masterminds summon 2 minions at -1, and a LT at -1. Boss Masterminds and above summon all henchmen as normal.[*] Controllers summon pets when attacked.[/list]
    Feedback is important to our development process, there are two types of feedback and both are helpful although some give us more insight and are more easily adapted into game changes.

    Objective Feedback: Objective feedback is based upon what you as a user see or experience that other users may also see and experience. This feedback usually can be replicated easily as it involves facts and unbiased opinions. Example: When using the base editor items are sometimes getting caught in columns or pillars.

    Subjective Feedback: Subjective feedback is based upon how you feel or experience the game as yourself. This experience may not necessarily be replicated because it is based on feeling and emotion. Subjective feedback is important to us but it is usually helpful if more information is present to describe what and why you feel the way you do. Example: I like the way the graphics look on my shield animation it gives me the feeling of being truly super-powered.

    Are you reporting a bug from Issue 14? Please use the Issue 14: Architect: BUGS! thread to report bugs, there is a format in the OP that you can follow to help you in your reporting.
  22. Use the following topic to discuss Live Feedback: Issue 14: Architect Reward System.

    Architect Reward System

    Among other rewards, architects who create extraordinary content will garner acclaim and reputation. Community feedback will be paramount and some missions will elevate in status, unlocking new rewards and benefits for their creators.
    <ul type="square">[*] Account wide architect rewards have been implemented. You can buy tokens in the store which will unlock architect options for every character on your account.[*] If the mission server is not running, you will not be able to access this content (you can tell the mission server is down if you cannot search for published missions or publish new missions).[*] Random recipe drop rewards have been implemented and can be purchased from the Architect Ticket Vendors with Architect Tickets. These random rolls come in 3 categories:[/list]
    1. Bronze Reward Roll: This random reward will award both uncommon and rare recipes that are normally dropped from defeating enemies. The likelihood of receiving an uncommon recipe is 8 times greater than that of a rare recipe. This is consistent with rewards granted from defeating enemies. This reward table does not include purple reward drops, nor does it include temporary powers or respec recipes. The Bronze Reward Roll is the least expensive of the three random reward categories.
    2. Silver Reward Roll: This random reward will award both rare recipes that are normally dropped from defeating enemies and recipes earned upon completing missions. The likelihood of receiving a rare recipe is 50% greater than that of a mission complete recipe. This reward table does not include temporary powers or respec recipes. The Silver Reward Roll is the second most expensive of the three random reward categories.
    3. Gold Reward Roll: This random reward will award recipes that were previously dropped by completing taskforces/trials, very rare boss drops, and recipes that are purchasable with merits. The Gold Reward Roll is the most expensive of the random reward categories as the rewards granted are very powerful.
    <ul type="square">[*] Note that ticket prices for awards from the ticket vendor are subject to change. These random reward tables are "weighted" differently than tables from defeating enemies and completing missions. Recipes that can be slotted into more powers and/or are slotted more often by players will have a greater chance of dropping. (Example: the Devastation ranged damage IO recipe set would be more likely to drop than the Trap of the Hunter immobilize IO recipe set. This is because Devastation can be slotted into a greater percentage of existing powers and is more often slotted by players than Trap of the Hunter.)[*] Unlockable costume pieces and items are now available through ticket redemption at Architect Entertainment Vendors. Please Note that Unlocked content from the Architect Entertainment Vendors is solely for use within the Mission Architect system, and NOT for a Player's character's use.[*]A pop up window should appear upon earning your first ticket. This window will explain what tickets are for.[/list]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Feedback is important to our development process, there are two types of feedback and both are helpful although some give us more insight and are more easily adapted into game changes.

    Objective Feedback: Objective feedback is based upon what you as a user see or experience that other users may also see and experience. This feedback usually can be replicated easily as it involves facts and unbiased opinions. Example: When using the base editor items are sometimes getting caught in columns or pillars.

    Subjective Feedback: Subjective feedback is based upon how you feel or experience the game as yourself. This experience may not necessarily be replicated because it is based on feeling and emotion. Subjective feedback is important to us but it is usually helpful if more information is present to describe what and why you feel the way you do. Example: I like the way the graphics look on my shield animation it gives me the feeling of being truly super-powered.

    Are you reporting a bug from Issue 14? Please use the Issue 14: Architect: BUGS! thread to report bugs, there is a format in the OP that you can follow to help you in your reporting.
  23. I have a question about this IO:

    Does it work like a Miracle/Numina where it has to be refreshed every 120 seconds, or is it more like the KB protection IOs, which are always active regardless of whether the power is used or not?
  24. Think of HF as a really big heal.
  25. The Training Room will be brought down in one hour for an update.

    We apologize for any inconvenience to your play schedules.

