Live Feedback: Issue 14: City of Heroes (Blueside)
I am really enjoying the Mission Architect. I love the ability to create custom groups and custom missions. However, one thing that concerns me is the immense amount of story arcs that have been created. The concern is that it is difficult to have my story recognized. I have one story, but I have worked hard on that story. Still, only a few people have played my arc. I know you have the Developer's choice and Hall of Fame to help get a story noticed, but I would like to offer another suggestion.
I will call the list "Special Features." This is a list of about 20-25 story arcs that are placed in a prevalent spot. Players can "purchase" a spot on the special features list by spending 5000 architect tickets. Their arc would be on the list for 4 days, and then would rotate off at the end of the time. That player can then not have an arc on the special features list for 4 days. This would help people draw attention to their arcs.
Thank you for considering my suggestion.
We need a way to clear the Complaints list after we've addressed them. Save them for Customer Support, but my latest arc now has an ugly "COMPLAINTS" button which when clicked, helpfully says:
This story has received the following complaints:
* Unable to complete last mission. Destructible object did not spawn. Burning forest map.
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Duly noted. I already tried to fix it by setting all 3 spawns separately and with different objects and with different placements. Let me get rid of that darn message? I would very much like to see a *new* complaint next time I see the "COMPLAINTS" button, not the same one over and over. It's quite annoying. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!
I am LOVING issue 14. I have made to Arc, each recieved well.
#81701 "Attack of the Angry Tarot"
#79316 "Crisis on Effeminate Earth"
Am working on a few others. One thing I hope is fixed in the future is the ability for others to join from other zones (if they are both blue or red, of course). This feature is possible with the Arena, why not AE?
Also, is it just me? I can not get the "increase power level" slider to work. All my AV's powers seem stuck at level one.
That being said, I wish things chagned with some players. SO MANY PEOPLE DONT READ! I know how an author feels, now. You put time into plot and what characters say.. and players dont even bother to read. Its a little off putting.
Too many empty "farms" to. At least have a story behind it and some intresting talk. ("Attack of the Angry Tarot!" )
Anyway, issue 14 is a breakthrough in my eyes. It actually allows a person to be "published" and available to everyone... within' minutes. Great stuff, Devs. Hopefully even more options will be made in the future.
Oh, one more thing.. the memory goes FAST, especially for original stuff. Maybe we can "buy" or "earn" more somehow?
Is there a thread to discuss what has happened with the economy all of a sudden? Ever since I14 release, Wentworth's prices have increased two to ten fold. I'm glad there are more uses, I really am. But can the rewards include a little less influence? For those of us not really into I14, it's getting very expensive.
Me again! I have'nt noticed prices yet, I've been so busy at AE. I'll check it out.
1) It is a pain that teammates can't read "return" dialogue. Somtimes you can't help but have to be info in the "return" section... or at least a good joke.
2) No spell check? Is it really hard to get in the editor?
3) I hope you guys find a way to get back on junk arcs. they are clogging the system. Not that I'm John Updike or Mike Crithon (or whatever is name is). However, I least I TRY to give an entertianing plot (my arcs usually rate 4-5 stars). I have nothing agaisnt "farms", but when the flood the market, it is a pain.
4) Is there a way to slow down the flow on NPC dialogue? My NPCs say important things.. but teammates can't read it because it zooms by. I think a window with JUST the NPC talk would be cool... for ALL missions. As it is now, I'm always scrolling back.
#81701 "Attack of the Angry Tarot"
#79316 "Crisis on Effeminate Earth"
#102336 "Will & Grace's Big Night Out" (no, not that Will and Grace)
Honestly, I wish they'd just decide farm missions are ok, so long as they have a certain tag and let us exclude the tag in search terms.
I personally spend all of my tickets on salvage and then throw it all up on the market for a throwaway price, thereby making a ton of money. If a few more people do this, prices will drop a lot.
As for farms, I think they're harmless and will actually stick around and be just fine as long as they have something to give them artistic value. Seriously, it's not that hard to make them amusing, or funny, or even just to add a challenge to them. Throw a time limit on a sea of bosses and I think it leads to great fun and a ton of tickets and xp.

4) Is there a way to slow down the flow on NPC dialogue? My NPCs say important things.. but teammates can't read it because it zooms by. I think a window with JUST the NPC talk would be cool... for ALL missions. As it is now, I'm always scrolling back.
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I have this as one of my standard tabs, and I create it on new alts as soon as they're logged in. Put "NPC Dialog" and "Cutscene Captions" in a tab together and just pop the tab open when you want to see what you're missing.
So, you can do it, but it doesn't come standard.
I am going to be Mr Negative but the servers i play on have really become city of farming now. Even i couldnt resist the 2 day trip from lvl 15 to 50
I have a ton of money because of the MA but prices have jumped if not skyrocketed on common salvage
I'm just curious how long it will be before im bored and leave the game now.
Its harder and harder to find a tf or even normal team and after the huge xp from the ae mish i feel like its not even worth it when i find a team.
Confusing isnt it lol dont enjoy it but cant help but do it. I see my time here as coming to an end maybe it wil change as they tweak this system. crossing my fingers
Christmas everday makes for a dull holiday in December
I was never a farmer i would help a friend here and there.. Now its not 2 times xp weekend its more like 5 times xp month.
Honestly i like levelling as much as the next guy but I see i14 as doing more damage than good to the game.
I am going to be Mr Negative but the servers i play on have really become city of farming now. Even i couldnt resist the 2 day trip from lvl 15 to 50.....
Honestly i like levelling as much as the next guy but I see i14 as doing more damage than good to the game.
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I agree 100%. I am debating renewing next month. MA should be about tons of new content but instead it's about tons of new farms. There is no way the Devs can stop them all. It's too hard to find anything right now, teams, TFs anything besides MA farms.
A second problem is that we now have 3 currencies, well four if you count RWZ.
First thing I would do is stop the auto Sking of MA. If you enter a lvl 50 missions you need to be lvl 45 or higher, or have an actual Mentor. This would at least slow down the farmers. The last thing I would consider is limiting the time a player can spend not receiving XP or instead of a NO XP button, maybe make it a reduced XP button, such as 20% of normal. This would help with perma mentors.
To help the markets I would allow drops in MA just at a slower rate. And to give it a larger boost stop normal stores from buying salvage. Give the players a no salvage button for those who don't want to deal with it.
If nothing else I will return for i15 at least for a little while
Leader of Wing Protectors of the Light, a top 15 SG on Freedom
Visit our website for great builds on Heros and villains. Or for more info on us and how to join!
lvl 45 or higher, or have an actual Mentor. This would at least slow down the farmers.
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This would speed up the PLers and punish legitimate story arc content.
Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.
I agree about the farms.I did one yesterday, no plot, no nothing. Just bad guys dressed in orange and an AV who was totally out of place. When the team was done, they wanted to do it again! Why? Yes, you get tickets, but its kind of like to rush to get TO NOWHERE.
I once had someone who was 50th ask me how to get to Founder's Falls! 50th! They zoomed from 1 to 50, bypassing any signature missions, any history, any "learning'. So now they have a 50th... and now they want to farm more to simply make the 50th "perfect". Fine, but to me its pretty empty. And what the person above said it correct, they will loose interest in the game faster than they think.
Anyway, had a thought yesterday. How about SG ARCs? Bigger than normal arcs (a little more memory), that are "signataure" arcs of SGs. It can be set by the SG leader just like other features of an SG, allowing may different members to work on the arc!
Would allow for "pride" in your SG as well as increased feeling of being a cohesive SG.
The Pinnacle Pride Arc.
The Jagged Leagion Arc. etc. etc.
Cool, no? You devs listening?
I've already cancelled 2 subs over this. Dead zones and spams for "AE farms" across every zone. No one has to leave AE...EVER. You can go from 1 to 50 in a couple of days never having once had to leave the building!
The MA has virtually destroyed the social aspect of this game, making finding teams in the zones for people who don't enjoy the express lane to 50 a chore at best.
Terrible idea, terrible execution.
Something needs to be done about the MA content. Since it went live, I have managed to do 1 (ONE!) Taskforce, because no-one is interested in doing them, they want to Powerlevel their new characters to 50 as fast as possible, an example of which was someone in Atlas Park (Infinity) boasting that he had gone from 1-50 in a day, and could anyone tell him where so get enhancements?
This issue has destroyed game play, before it went live, i played everyday, i have 2 accounts because i prefer infinity server and ran out of slots on my main account after 2 years and this was before you could just buy additional slots. Everyone of my 18 level 50 characters has acheived their 50th without 'powerlevelling', and i thoroughly enjoyed it.
I LIKE getting badges, (the only badges you can get on this are the MA ones, my favorite character is my empath, I'm trying to get my final healing badge on her, but, after 2 hours healing an entire team on a MA sucky farm, I realised that my heal bar wasn't moving. This is because as well as not dropping salvage/recipes, they also don't count towards any badges such as healing.) and i like completing taskforces, getting accolades.
But what i liked most about the game was the friendships made through running story arcs and missions in general. Now, no one plays, all of my friends since i14 have, like me, gone from playing daily, to logging in for an hour, sitting there turning down invites to 'anchor' soloing a couple of story arc missions, and logging off bored and fed up.
I was excited about this issue, and, like many others, immediatly tried out the MA creator and made a new mission, including dialogue, spending ages perfecting unique baddies to defeat, only for it to get a meagre 10 or 12 hits from friends, because its NOT a farm mission. but the farmers, they will be the ones getting the badges etc because they have had their 'arc' played hundreds of times. People are abusing this to powerlevel, its not fun, its not what it was intended for, and, if it doesn't have some massive changes made to it so that it cannot be used in this way, I am seriously thinking of cancelling my subscription.
The games not fun anymore. Unfortunatly, i'm not the only one who feels this way, and if something isn't done, DEVS PLEASE READ IT, you are going to lose subscribers in their thousands.
Erm... right.
Getting off the Farming thing, I've gotta say (and this is mostly OBJECTIVE) that the Search function is borderline useless;
You cannot exclude words.
You cannot separate your search into Architect Name, Arc Name, Description, Enemy Group, or whatever, or any combination thereof.
You cannot even search by phrase, which is frankly rather pathetic- really, putting your search terms in quotemarks should limit it to those words, in that order, only. We're talking early 1990s funcitonality here >.<
At the moment, Arc ID# is the only reliable search method, which is somewhat... less than helpful, shall we say :/
"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates
MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"
I would like the KBs a person is allowed to use in MA to go upto 200-250KB from 100 for starters and then 500KBs in the end. Small Arcs or moderate arcs are 4-5 missions. REAL arcs or TFs are moderate to very large in length and are minimum 5 missions.
Well I have to agree with all that was said before, and just want to add how saddend I am by all of this. Really. This game will be rememberd for the charm and fun that it once had. I swear, I left this game for a while and when I came back pre-14, I was constantly saying out loud "Why did I ever leave this game?" I love not only the graphics and physics, (where else can you have strafe lines go whizzing by your head and bodies and furniture too and NOT be in a FPS). Who has better jokes, commaradie in pugs, and just plain the most flat out casual fun ever? NO WHERE! Trust me, I spent almost a year trying different games and spent most of the time soloing and not playing an "mmo". Even with guildies.
I come back very happy to see issue 14 and delve right into building my masterpiece. When I awoke from the dream I find I am in the land of FARM. Fine, but SG's planting guys inside just for prestige? Everything that has been said above is true. I am just really, really sorry to see this happen.
It's unfortunate that so many people will never see the cool zones that this game has (flying in formation down the mouth of a worm!) Or have any of the joy of the long standing relations that this game has to offer so FREELY. If I wanted to work that hard to enjoy myself I would just stay at work! But I rant, and mumble now... I'll just go...quietly.
I Just renewed my subscription last month...thought to myself "may as well buy the 9 monther and save a few bucks since I've fallen in love with the game the 9 months I have been playing it".
I wish I knew it was destined to turn into City of Farmers the very next month.
Hopefully game play will at some point by fate or force return some what to normal.
I'm left wondering.... Which will happen first? My new subscrip. running out or the farmers finally getting bored and leaving. Place your bets here ladies and gents.
I guess its time to give Wow a try.
I have to agree re: the farm complaints. I do think that people who want to farm should be allowed to, but I also think making architect mission work like normal missions as far as levels go makes a lot more sense. I also think that the missions should probably all be submitted to dev review before they're publically published, and receive a grade for content- A failed grade (a boring farm with no plot) is not published.
And I also agree that a spell check feature and better search engine would be nice.
Thank you all for commenting about the economy. It's nice to know I'm not alone in that frustration. I live in the hope that the farm nation will calm down, as will the economy.
It is very hard to find a non-MA team, and that's okay. I don't mind soloing. But it's becoming harder to build IO's for myself when everything is so amazingly expensive. And if I don't MA-farm, as the term goes, I simply cannot accumulate enough to get out of DO-ville, even using other lvl 50's who have memorized the recipies.
I14 has had an enormous impact on the game. Good for the developers if folks are enjoying it. I just hope soon I can get back to enjoying the rest of the game as well.
I am liking the fact I am able to make my own unique arcs. However, I do have a few concerns....
1- I seem to keep getting either kicked out of the arc creator or booted right out of CoH all together. Not sure why but it's irritating because I lose everything nad have to start over.
2- My other concern is that now EVERYONe seems to be doing AE farms....not many are doing the regular arc mishes anymore which means it's very hard to find teams and still be able to clear contacts.
There's always someone who complains about every little change, i14 was a big one, so the number of complains is big as well.
Also, for everyone who complains there's often someone happy about new stuff. Happy people just doesn't post as much as who's unhappy.
Someone is canceling his subscription? Well 3 days ago I subscribed another account. ^^
And let's be clear, it's cos of AE farms.
I play on Freedom (mostly known as Freedumb, so maybe I'm just too dumb to understand how pro servers work), but the only differences I noticed are:
- farm spam moved from PI to Atlas;
- many recipes worth less than they used to and many salvages now worth more;
- no perma 46 around;
- free farms.
1 and 2 don't make much difference, 3 and 4 improved the game imho.
No TFs anymore? I play on Freedumb, but still I manage to run 1-3 TF everyday. We also do Rikti raids rather often.
There's also a spam of TF Commander TFs and respecs (maybe it takes a little longer to form a team in the morning).
Some AE arcs are cool actually.
I totally agree about search system and about making another option to split farms from normal arcs. AE farms actually removed paying lowbies (wich is a good thing imho), so why so much hate against them? And consider that I used to get payed for farms both blue and red side, so what should someone who had to beg for farms say?
Overall imho for the average player CoH improved after i14.
Thumbs up.
I guess its time to give Wow a try.
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Imho do it, then tell me how cool is to get a quest and see that there's an addon that tells you the shortest route to reach the mob-farming-point and what to kill for a greater quest item drop %... how fun is to be dressed like an idiot (red hat, violet skirt [males too], yellow shoes and a slapstick as weapon)... also enjoy the groundbreaking graphix. ^^
No offence, but seriously, you never know what you had untill you lose it.
PLover, actually, all prices have dropped significantly on Wentworth's, because of most recipes being sold at rock bottom prices for people to empty out their inventory and try their hand at another two dozen recipe rolls.
The prices are down on -everything- purchasable with tickets... and frankly, you can run a few arcs in the mission architect, story only, not even optimized farms, and be able to afford DOs, SOs, or random recipe rolls, for very cheap amounts of tickets. Don't have the 2 million in influence it'll take you to get the rare salvages for a recipe or two? team once or twice in the MA and buy them for a little over a thousand tickets.
Or if you don't want to touch the mission architect at all, do the usual, sell good recipes and salvage that you get while patroling, or doing radio missions, or whatever it is you like to do.
As to everyone else? What's the hangup? Twenty or so 'threatening' responses to an amazing content pack, that you want to quit now, or are sorry you resubscribed. How ungrateful is that?
I clicked six month subscription right off the bat when I heard about the mission architect's release, and I've never been happier with an MMORPG, I've played CoH off and on for years, but Everquest was my main addiction, I still have two years subscription over two accounts to Everquest, and I haven't logged in in weeks, I've been too busy trying out every possible concept I've had for characters, and actually getting them up to 20, where I can see if they're viably fun!
Economy woes? Unable to find teams? For criminy's sakes, it's like you've never played an MMORPG before. Let me talk about the typical Everquester's experience: Never able to make enough platinum to buy current content gear, log in and spend ~30 minutes to an hour looking for a group unless you have made friends on the game, hunt for a while until bored, dink around in a horribly overpriced market place, looking for one good deal that will increase the survivability of your character, or his/her DPS by ~.01 -.2 %, that doesn't cost your entire life savings...
Unless of course you're a solo heavy class, or a raid geared person, either of which means you probably have access to better things than logging in and waiting an hour to find or form a group..
City of Heroes, I've never waited more than a few minutes for a team, ever, mostly because I play ATs or playstyles of ATs, that can solo, and if I don't see one in broadcast, or have a random invite, I'm probably already off soloing, but seriously, groups are not hard to find, I was playing on three of the lowest population servers last night, and was able to find at least a duo partner most of the time, and one time, I had eight people running with me for a while. Often on medium population servers, I'll get an invite, or random tell, while I'm in the middle of a story arc "want to join radio missions in PI?" or 'Want to join a fun MA arc?" or "Care for a high inf/exp farm?" It usually dies down after I've been logged in for a while, or perhaps I just don't notice it because I never pay attention to my chat window, I'm usually too busy having fun facing off against foes.
The AE is convenient, it allows people who like an action packed hunt, to get out and do it, without slogging around finding contacts and missions, without having to purchase and slot up a travel power, without having to do some of the most annoying things about regular PvE content.
Frankly I only regret that not everyone on the team gets to experience the fun, sometimes hilarious, sometimes very wonderfully put together, story information, from the contacts.
And honestly, if you can't find non-farms, you're really not trying at all. Try inputting random fantasy terms "gremlin" "goblin" "Zombie" "dragon" 'angel' 'devil' 'demon' 'fae' ... ... or 'cyborg' 'cybernetic' 'spec ops' 'android' 'praetorian' 'statesman' 'freedom phalanx' 'arachnos'
Honestly, I don't think I could ever play all the arcs with those searches in them. People could put in gang, or mafia, or capo, or whatever, but I dislike such piddly, non super-seeming foes. Mafiosos and Gangs are police duties, super heroes should focus on super enemies in my opinion, and with AE, there's plenty of those to go around.
If you can't tell a farm by looking at its description, you haven't played enough, and really, it only takes one load, and about three seconds, to survey an arc to see if it's worthwhile at all, and you can quit the mission arc, without rating it poorly, if you don't want to play a farm.
PLover, actually, all prices have dropped significantly on Wentworth's, because of most recipes being sold at rock bottom prices for people to empty out their inventory and try their hand at another two dozen recipe rolls.
The prices are down on -everything- purchasable with tickets... and frankly, you can run a few arcs in the mission architect, story only, not even optimized farms, and be able to afford DOs, SOs, or random recipe rolls, for very cheap amounts of tickets. Don't have the 2 million in influence it'll take you to get the rare salvages for a recipe or two? team once or twice in the MA and buy them for a little over a thousand tickets.
Or if you don't want to touch the mission architect at all, do the usual, sell good recipes and salvage that you get while patroling, or doing radio missions, or whatever it is you like to do.
As to everyone else? What's the hangup? Twenty or so 'threatening' responses to an amazing content pack, that you want to quit now, or are sorry you resubscribed. How ungrateful is that?
I clicked six month subscription right off the bat when I heard about the mission architect's release, and I've never been happier with an MMORPG, I've played CoH off and on for years, but Everquest was my main addiction, I still have two years subscription over two accounts to Everquest, and I haven't logged in in weeks, I've been too busy trying out every possible concept I've had for characters, and actually getting them up to 20, where I can see if they're viably fun!
Economy woes? Unable to find teams? For criminy's sakes, it's like you've never played an MMORPG before. Let me talk about the typical Everquester's experience: Never able to make enough platinum to buy current content gear, log in and spend ~30 minutes to an hour looking for a group unless you have made friends on the game, hunt for a while until bored, dink around in a horribly overpriced market place, looking for one good deal that will increase the survivability of your character, or his/her DPS by ~.01 -.2 %, that doesn't cost your entire life savings...
Unless of course you're a solo heavy class, or a raid geared person, either of which means you probably have access to better things than logging in and waiting an hour to find or form a group..
City of Heroes, I've never waited more than a few minutes for a team, ever, mostly because I play ATs or playstyles of ATs, that can solo, and if I don't see one in broadcast, or have a random invite, I'm probably already off soloing, but seriously, groups are not hard to find, I was playing on three of the lowest population servers last night, and was able to find at least a duo partner most of the time, and one time, I had eight people running with me for a while. Often on medium population servers, I'll get an invite, or random tell, while I'm in the middle of a story arc "want to join radio missions in PI?" or 'Want to join a fun MA arc?" or "Care for a high inf/exp farm?" It usually dies down after I've been logged in for a while, or perhaps I just don't notice it because I never pay attention to my chat window, I'm usually too busy having fun facing off against foes.
The AE is convenient, it allows people who like an action packed hunt, to get out and do it, without slogging around finding contacts and missions, without having to purchase and slot up a travel power, without having to do some of the most annoying things about regular PvE content.
Frankly I only regret that not everyone on the team gets to experience the fun, sometimes hilarious, sometimes very wonderfully put together, story information, from the contacts.
And honestly, if you can't find non-farms, you're really not trying at all. Try inputting random fantasy terms "gremlin" "goblin" "Zombie" "dragon" 'angel' 'devil' 'demon' 'fae' ... ... or 'cyborg' 'cybernetic' 'spec ops' 'android' 'praetorian' 'statesman' 'freedom phalanx' 'arachnos'
Honestly, I don't think I could ever play all the arcs with those searches in them. People could put in gang, or mafia, or capo, or whatever, but I dislike such piddly, non super-seeming foes. Mafiosos and Gangs are police duties, super heroes should focus on super enemies in my opinion, and with AE, there's plenty of those to go around.
If you can't tell a farm by looking at its description, you haven't played enough, and really, it only takes one load, and about three seconds, to survey an arc to see if it's worthwhile at all, and you can quit the mission arc, without rating it poorly, if you don't want to play a farm.
[/ QUOTE ]
sry totally disagree. i have had the opposite of your experiences since i14 came sorta out "with all the bugs its not really out yet!"no teams all farms on really bad content, nothing but farms!
prices up 10 fold at markets on salvage, drops seem down but bugs and dcing and lag is all up!
Use the following topic to discuss Live Feedback: Issue 14:CITY of HEROES (Blueside)
<ul type="square">[*] Psychic Blast/Telekinetic Blast: Corrected a bug that would cause this power's damage to ignore resistance in PvP.
[*] Electrical Mastery/EM Pulse: Fixed a bug that would display that this power could be slotted with Hold IO sets[/list]Controllers
<ul type="square">[*] llusion Control - Superior Invisibility no longer detoggles when player is held.
[*] Sonic Resonance - Sonic Dispersion no longer detoggles when player is held.
[*] Fixed a minor issue with Illusion Control Phantasm which could cause it to spend time toggling on a power which has no effect.[/list]Defenders
<ul type="square">[*] Cold Domination / Arctic Fog : Volume of looping sound effect will now fade.
[*] Dark Mastery/Soul Drain: Increased this power's recharge from 120 to 240 seconds.[/list]Tankers
<ul type="square">[*] Pyre Mastery / Char: Damage Vs NPCs increased slightly, and damage in PVP decreased slightly. This is a bug fix rather than a deliberate rebalancing of the power (part of the damage that was supposed to be applied in PVE only was being applied in PVP).[/list]Warshades
<ul type="square"> [*] Umbral Aura / Orbiting Death does not detoggle when mezzed.[/list]Rewards
<ul type="square">[*] "The Break Up the Clockwork and the Skulls" mission had its rewards reduced from 4 to 2 merits.[/list]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Feedback is important to our development process, there are two types of feedback and both are helpful although some give us more insight and are more easily adapted into game changes.
Objective Feedback: Objective feedback is based upon what you as a user see or experience that other users may also see and experience. This feedback usually can be replicated easily as it involves facts and unbiased opinions. Example: When using the base editor items are sometimes getting caught in columns or pillars.
Subjective Feedback: Subjective feedback is based upon how you feel or experience the game as yourself. This experience may not necessarily be replicated because it is based on feeling and emotion. Subjective feedback is important to us but it is usually helpful if more information is present to describe what and why you feel the way you do. Example: I like the way the graphics look on my shield animation it gives me the feeling of being truly super-powered.
Are you reporting a bug from Issue 14? Please use the Issue 14: Architect: BUGS! thread to report bugs, there is a format in the OP that you can follow to help you in your reporting.