Force or Ice Mastery for Blaster
Ice, it's not even a contest anymore.
And yes, take Hoarfrost and love it.
Ice. I14 destoyed the only good thing in force (pff).
Defiantely take hoarfrost and hibernate.
lol i was gonna ask the same thing about this same build.... looks like Ima go ICE!!!
Ice is good, the HF gives you some +Max HP but it only lasts for so long. With it and IOing its very easy to cap your HP on a blaster. But with accolades you can get close enough with out HF. The down side to it is the recharge. You normaly can only use the heal about 3 times in a match. On a team with SB that can go up to 5 or 6 times maybe.
I'm not sure how effective PFF is anymore I havn't tested it. I havn't used it much anyway even in i13. How ever PFF isn't the only power that makes force. Force of nature when used right is quite an amazing power. How ever it has a psi hole in it and with DR its kinda pointless. With out DR your close to if not at resist cap. How ever it gives you + recover or if your being debuffed on -recovery or - defence you can use it to balance your self out. I personaly wouldn't rule out the Force -aid self build. I like the Leadership/Ice build It gives you some + to-hit and about 10% increase to damage. I use this build type on all my blasters, and I can't see my self changing it anytime soon.
the real question now is if you take TF or not. with HF its hard if imposible to fit TF in your build. My blaster builds don't have it. I normaly utilize the Power thrust from EM for the KB. How ever in duels Most people have alot of KB resist. So its not so effective anymore. It almost seems like taking TF for the added damage, and offenceive detoggle is worth it. But I havn't respeced in to it yet I still want to test.
Ty for feedback, war mind fighting my blaster?....toss me tell or something
What server are you on? or we can go to test.
Ice is good, the HF gives you some +Max HP but it only lasts for so long. With it and IOing its very easy to cap your HP on a blaster. But with accolades you can get close enough with out HF. The down side to it is the recharge.
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i have had questions about this, i still have force and basically(like 6hp below) capped hp with 40% +rech. if i take cold, how much +rech would i need to have it perma?
also, will hoarfrost slotted along with accolades bring me to the cap alone so i could slot for other bonuses more?
im not sure how smart it is to rely on a click power for your hp capping because if you die the downtime could end up snowballing and end matches prematurely.
i almost want to just keep force because of this, just dropping pff for some filler.
i have had questions about this, i still have force and basically(like 6hp below) capped hp with 40% +rech. if i take cold, how much +rech would i need to have it perma?
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At the recharge cap, Hoarfrost would recharge in 108 seconds, and has a 120 second duration (base recharge is 540 seconds). Even with DR off you won't be able to perma it without lots of external buffs.
also, will hoarfrost slotted along with accolades bring me to the cap alone so i could slot for other bonuses more?
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"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Think of HF as a really big heal.
What server are you on? or we can go to test.
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lol dude you asked me to fight your blaster on my dom before you fought barrier..remember that plant/psi?
@EnD-Reitanna is my global o.o
Think of HF as a really big heal.
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see thats my problem, if its just a slow recharging heal then i have to slot for +hp bonuses anyway... which eliminates the need for it's +hp portion because anything over the cap is just a waste.
even at the hp cap you still need spot healing(aid self) if you want to stand up to anything with a brain, im sorry but im failing to see how cold is better. is it the defense shield? i thought alot of the elusivity was removed?
btw im respecing my psi/em and also building my elec/mm based on this discussion.
My build with out DR on the heal is somthing around 740 Points of HP for the heal. I can't remember what it is for the +Max HP
between hoarfrost as a heal and hibernate, you shouldn't die too often in a duel.
ice ftw
and a sonic has plenty of slots to play with, easy fit in everything, and random powers for sets only.
I heard pretty differen opinions on which epic take for blaster...
I made sonic/em blaster preferably for duels only...
So which mastery would you take and why?
Also, is hoarfrost worth taking?
Thank you.