Live Feedback: Issue 14: Architect Reward System
Wow. OK, this'll be interesting to see regarding a live feature.
Subjective feedback:
Thanks to how freely they drop, I'm *far* more likely to "burn" tickets on rolls, especially Bronze, than I have been with mission merits. The latter I tend to save up - and with how cheap it is for bronze rolls which take up some of what I'd save up FOR, they'll probably be saved up more for 'big ticket' items. I don't see myself rolling mission merits on random "stuff" any longer.
Wow. OK, this'll be interesting to see regarding a live feature.
Subjective feedback:
Thanks to how freely they drop, I'm *far* more likely to "burn" tickets on rolls, especially Bronze, than I have been with mission merits. The latter I tend to save up - and with how cheap it is for bronze rolls which take up some of what I'd save up FOR, they'll probably be saved up more for 'big ticket' items. I don't see myself rolling mission merits on random "stuff" any longer.
[/ QUOTE ]Subjective Feedback: I agree with you. I was never a big fan of the random roll on merits, in fact I often spoke out against them except if it was a trial roll. But the way tickets pour in I am more willing to burn them on a random rolls instead of just buying salvage with it. My only complaint is that the ticket cap is too low. I would like to be able to save up to do multiple gold rolls instead of just two, aside from that I think the system is great.
What I would like to see is the relaxed tf mode that the MA has be added to ouroboros, this would make that system more popular. I dont think it should be added to real TFs because it would cheapen the experience though.
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!
It's a bit too early to see how this'll pan out -- if recipes will drop to the point where they're too easy to obtain and too hard to sell for any decent price, or if everything will stabilize out nicely. But I do agree that I'd rather do a random roll on tickets (plentiful) than merits (very rare), so I'm glad to see I can get a meaningful reward.
I am curious -- why is there only one feedback thread related to the MA? There's nothing on the MA itself or the voting system.
Global @Twoflower / MA Creator & Pro Indie Game Developer.
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While not specifically related to the MA Reward system, there was no I14: Misc feedback thread, so, I'll put it here:
In I14 Beta, Synapse said that the newly combined and weighted Pool C+D recipes were set to drop from defeats of Boss and higher ranked foes (very rare). So... did that make it to Live or not? It wasn't in the Patch Notes for live release and it was in the Beta Patch Notes that it was pulled.
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I thought the very rare drops were Purps?
Enjoy your day please.
I thought the very rare drops were Purps?
Enjoy your day please.
I thought the very rare drops were Purps?
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It's all relative.
But the Purples are still in the game, that's never been changed. Beta had a new 'drop situation' and its status was never noted in the release notes.
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Subjective comment: The popups for "you have received your first X" (in this case, reward ticket) can be extremely distracting when they show up in the middle of a screen during the middle of a fight.
Could they please be moved to the right or left side of the screen, so that we can deal with them when we want to, instead of RIGHT NOW?
Recipes, invention salvage, merits and tickets - so far the item number isn't very large, but if this trend continues, it's going to go beyond distracting and into downright annoying.
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While not specifically related to the MA Reward system, there was no I14: Misc feedback thread, so, I'll put it here:
In I14 Beta, Synapse said that the newly combined and weighted Pool C+D recipes were set to drop from defeats of Boss and higher ranked foes (very rare). So... did that make it to Live or not? It wasn't in the Patch Notes for live release and it was in the Beta Patch Notes that it was pulled.
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according to the description of the item you buy at the vendor, it has. Confirmation in the patch note would be nice, though, since it's on trust that the drop rate is weighted.
speaking of weighted drops, can we know the new drop table, as part of the trend of Real Numbers transparency?
While not specifically related to the MA Reward system, there was no I14: Misc feedback thread, so, I'll put it here:
In I14 Beta, Synapse said that the newly combined and weighted Pool C+D recipes were set to drop from defeats of Boss and higher ranked foes (very rare). So... did that make it to Live or not? It wasn't in the Patch Notes for live release and it was in the Beta Patch Notes that it was pulled.
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according to the description of the item you buy at the vendor, it has. Confirmation in the patch note would be nice, though, since it's on trust that the drop rate is weighted.
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No, that's something different. Making the new C+D pool drop (very infrequently) from the defeat of bosses/EBs/AVs is a whole new award situation. That is not mentioned in the bronze/silver/gold rolls. You may be thinking of Rare Pool A added to Pool B to create the Silver Roll.
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While not specifically related to the MA Reward system, there was no I14: Misc feedback thread, so, I'll put it here:
In I14 Beta, Synapse said that the newly combined and weighted Pool C+D recipes were set to drop from defeats of Boss and higher ranked foes (very rare). So... did that make it to Live or not? It wasn't in the Patch Notes for live release and it was in the Beta Patch Notes that it was pulled.
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according to the description of the item you buy at the vendor, it has. Confirmation in the patch note would be nice, though, since it's on trust that the drop rate is weighted.
speaking of weighted drops, can we know the new drop table, as part of the trend of Real Numbers transparency?
[/ QUOTE ]Also if possible can we know how tickets are actually rewarded? I have done missions solo where identical bosses will drop different ticket amounts. For instance one mission the boss dropped 24 tickets, then 25 tickets, 30 tickets and then sometimes 64 tickets. I could see if it was just a level difference or something but sometimes these bosses were the same level yet granted different ticket amounts. It makes me wonder if there is a bug for solo tickets as well.
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!
No, that's something different. Making the new C+D pool drop (very infrequently) from the defeat of bosses/EBs/AVs is a whole new award situation.
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your'e right. never mind me.
but the second part I said is relevant here, too.
we have Real Numbers for most game aspects, including the original drop rates for recipes and salvage. Can we be given the new drop rate numbers for the chance of that C+D pool from bosses? and the rates within that newly combined pool? (and while you're at it, I don't recall getting a solid number on Purple rates.)
Subjective comment: The popups for "you have received your first X" (in this case, reward ticket) can be extremely distracting when they show up in the middle of a screen during the middle of a fight.
Could they please be moved to the right or left side of the screen, so that we can deal with them when we want to, instead of RIGHT NOW?
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Yes, please. In particular, too, the "first ticket" drop window is also very large, so it's even more distracting than the salvage one was.
I'd also like to suggest it be tracked on an account, rather than character, basis. I don't need to be told about tickets, salvage, whatever, more than once in any event.
One drawback of the internet is how it has trained so many people to think that one day is a long time.
The current arc selection by default shows arcs that are highly rated - i.e., their creators have already earned huge rewards from them.
It would be nice if some elder unrated arcs were mixed into the default view as well, so everyone has a shot at getting noticed.
Objective: Three missions is the limit for the number of arcs you publish, unless you get a slot freed up with a special recognition from the devs. According to Positron's follow-up post, there are 20,000 published missions at any given time.
Subjective: Three slots isn't enough, and the odds of having it dev's choice-marked are rather daunting, to say the least. May I suggest an additional reward, ticket-purchaseable and suitably expensive, that would allow you to add an additional slot?
Subjective: Name confusion for unlockable group 1960s Arachnos appears as Arachnos 25-34 in Editor.
Can I just say, DO SOMETHING about the FARMERS... this is not even a game anymore, its about FARMING. I'm so tired of it! And the spammers to sell influ/PL's is still not detering them. I'm a 54 month vet, and over time it is just getting worse. This new I14 patch has only made it easier.
Subjective: I hope that there will be additional content to spend my tickets on, or if they could be traded in for influence. The way I see it, if the architect does not have add-ons, soon I will have purchased everything and by the end of one year, I will be full on tickets with nothing left to buy.
Objective: The mission architect has a great many possibilities. An option could be added in to test a different powerset in a mission, instead of always using your own. Or if a player could take away a hero's powers, and not his levels to simulate that situation from comic books.
Subjective: The ceiling of 9999 tickets held is too low. When a gold class roll is 5000ish, I would like the ability to save up tickets and make a few rolls at once rather than having to make them one at a time.
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Subjective: I hope that there will be additional content to spend my tickets on, or if they could be traded in for influence. The way I see it, if the architect does not have add-ons, soon I will have purchased everything and by the end of one year, I will be full on tickets with nothing left to buy.
[/ QUOTE ]You can always purchase recipe rolls, and sell the resulting recipes on the market. this gives you something to spend tickets on, and converts those tickets into inf.
Subjective: The ceiling of 9999 tickets held is too low. When a gold class roll is 5000ish, I would like the ability to save up tickets and make a few rolls at once rather than having to make them one at a time.
[/ QUOTE ]Level 45-50 gold roll is 4000 tickets. Level 10-14 is 3000. Another thing to consider is the Windfall / Bounty / Premium / Bonanza / Jackpot badges, which only award if you're at the cap; increasing it dramatically makes those badges that much harder to get.
Subjective: The ceiling of 9999 tickets held is too low. When a gold class roll is 5000ish, I would like the ability to save up tickets and make a few rolls at once rather than having to make them one at a time.
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I have to agree with this after a few weeks of live. Despite the thoery I have it's to prevent hording, it may be worth investigating if we can safely up the threshold of tickets to a larger amount. It's very disappointing to end up getting Lock Down or something you can't use, twice in a row, and then finding out the market isn't even taking your silly recpie except for 100 inf :/ Maybe double the amount.
Problem: Unfair to those that already earned the badges for overflow. Those in possession of the overflow badges are in better possession as opposed to after proposed upgrade, making it more timeconsuming.
However, the more time consuming something is the longer your player base will stay intact, especially the obsessed ones.
Objective: Some DOs are missing from the ticket vendor. Notably Resist Damage. Tried from Steel Canyon AE building on Protector server.
Subjective Feedback:
This is my subjective feedback on the entire Architect Reward system so far.
1. Kudos on the Being able to See & Purchase Rare and Common Salvage . This is fantastic, seriously being able to do one or two missions to gain tickets so I can go and get exactly what I want for a recipe, without having to rely on market availability or the gods of salvage drops dropping that black blood of the earth I need on me. Thank you for initiating a way for the players to use something other than the market to buy salvage.
2. Uncommon tech and arcane salvage rolls in the Ticket vendor. Awesome! I love this. You have implemented another way for players to get salvage that they may need for recipes or for base items. Without having to rely on the market.
I think it's possible people may not realize this is an option as common tech and arcane salvages on the market prices have gone up.
If this helps this link will help show the different drop levels. I also use paragon wiki to help me find what I exactly need for when I roll for common salvage i need.
I didn't have to buy anything off the market this weekend and I just listed the extra I couldn't use and made back the costs of crafting.
3. Gold Rolls, Silver Rolls, Bronze Rolls in general : You've reintroduced something that was lost from the game. In the past at the end of task forces when recipe drops were available people would drag and drop their rewards to the window. It's back! When people go and get their rolls they're doing this again. and the team does a collective ooh and gratz or you hear someone say 'that sucks all i got was ..."
In general. People have been complaining about market availability and the price of things. Now with the MA system it's possible for them to get what they need in salvage, and possible they may get what they need in recipes. Granted some recipes may or may not drop that they exactly need. However by luck of the draw, it's possible players will be selling their un needed recipes on the market and you've increased market availability as well. Good job.
Oh you may want to add somewhere in TIPS: that Rare, Uncommon and Common salvage are all available on the Architect Entertainment Ticket Vendor. Some people including myself until I read everything on it (after a week), didn't even realize all those were available.
Sorry no objective feedback at this time, though I have myself and read about one other person doing this. The MA writing if it is on auto save anything you write if you are working on an arc and go to do a different arc, it will overwrite the one you were working on originally unless it's saved under a different name other than 'autosave' I know it's not a bug but it's a pain losing something you've been writing on for awhile to suddenly have it disappear only because you had no idea that auto save would do that.
This is a bug, nothing more. Please put away the tin-foil hats, there's nothing sinister going on here.-Protea
Use the following topic to discuss Live Feedback: Issue 14: Architect Reward System.
Architect Reward System
Among other rewards, architects who create extraordinary content will garner acclaim and reputation. Community feedback will be paramount and some missions will elevate in status, unlocking new rewards and benefits for their creators.
<ul type="square">[*] Account wide architect rewards have been implemented. You can buy tokens in the store which will unlock architect options for every character on your account.[*] If the mission server is not running, you will not be able to access this content (you can tell the mission server is down if you cannot search for published missions or publish new missions).[*] Random recipe drop rewards have been implemented and can be purchased from the Architect Ticket Vendors with Architect Tickets. These random rolls come in 3 categories:[/list]
- Bronze Reward Roll: This random reward will award both uncommon and rare recipes that are normally dropped from defeating enemies. The likelihood of receiving an uncommon recipe is 8 times greater than that of a rare recipe. This is consistent with rewards granted from defeating enemies. This reward table does not include purple reward drops, nor does it include temporary powers or respec recipes. The Bronze Reward Roll is the least expensive of the three random reward categories.
- Silver Reward Roll: This random reward will award both rare recipes that are normally dropped from defeating enemies and recipes earned upon completing missions. The likelihood of receiving a rare recipe is 50% greater than that of a mission complete recipe. This reward table does not include temporary powers or respec recipes. The Silver Reward Roll is the second most expensive of the three random reward categories.
- Gold Reward Roll: This random reward will award recipes that were previously dropped by completing taskforces/trials, very rare boss drops, and recipes that are purchasable with merits. The Gold Reward Roll is the most expensive of the random reward categories as the rewards granted are very powerful.
<ul type="square">[*] Note that ticket prices for awards from the ticket vendor are subject to change. These random reward tables are "weighted" differently than tables from defeating enemies and completing missions. Recipes that can be slotted into more powers and/or are slotted more often by players will have a greater chance of dropping. (Example: the Devastation ranged damage IO recipe set would be more likely to drop than the Trap of the Hunter immobilize IO recipe set. This is because Devastation can be slotted into a greater percentage of existing powers and is more often slotted by players than Trap of the Hunter.)[*] Unlockable costume pieces and items are now available through ticket redemption at Architect Entertainment Vendors. Please Note that Unlocked content from the Architect Entertainment Vendors is solely for use within the Mission Architect system, and NOT for a Player's character's use.[*]A pop up window should appear upon earning your first ticket. This window will explain what tickets are for.[/list]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Feedback is important to our development process, there are two types of feedback and both are helpful although some give us more insight and are more easily adapted into game changes.
Objective Feedback: Objective feedback is based upon what you as a user see or experience that other users may also see and experience. This feedback usually can be replicated easily as it involves facts and unbiased opinions. Example: When using the base editor items are sometimes getting caught in columns or pillars.
Subjective Feedback: Subjective feedback is based upon how you feel or experience the game as yourself. This experience may not necessarily be replicated because it is based on feeling and emotion. Subjective feedback is important to us but it is usually helpful if more information is present to describe what and why you feel the way you do. Example: I like the way the graphics look on my shield animation it gives me the feeling of being truly super-powered.
Are you reporting a bug from Issue 14? Please use the Issue 14: Architect: BUGS! thread to report bugs, there is a format in the OP that you can follow to help you in your reporting.