107 -
No points...
Logged in excitedly after work on the 4th - no points.
Logged in excitedly after work on the 10th - no points.
Logged in excitedly after work on the 11th - no polnts.
Logged in excitedly after work on the 12th - no points.
I need these points to distract me from reading political and financial news which could make my head explode.
Do you really want that on your conscience.
I mean the cleaning bill will be horrendous...
- Jock Tamson, Who has no points. -
My favorite is a secret
<ul type="square">
I love the sense of speed and power.
I love how the different powers work together to create a harmony that uplifts my allies and shatters my foes.
I love that I never have to choose between the needs of my build and the needs of the team.
I love the impression of a well oiled machine that when operating at peak efficiency is reaching the limits of what is possible for a Defender.
I love at the end of the mission when the entire team is commenting about how easy the AV they were worried about was, that I can just smile quietly to myself, smug and self satisfied like a well fed cat.
I love that I very quickly have max possible mez resistance so that stuns become a minor nuisance rather than a chain o' doom breakable only with a break free.
I love that I can dive in, lock down an entire spawn, stand in the middle of it, and then type "Ready!".
I love that I feel I "discovered" the combo when it was still rare.
I like light green. Which is lucky.[/list] - Jock Tamson, Who can keep a secret. Not this one, but I have others. -
How about Absorb Pain at low levels with Heal Other coming in at 8 or so? That'll teach them to do other stuff than heal.
[/ QUOTE ]
How about Absorb Pain as a toggle power?
- Jock Tamson, Who has an evil mind. -
The key buff powers come in the mid levels with clear mind available at 8, fortitude at 12 and recovery aura at 18.
[/ QUOTE ]
"Mid levels"? In terms of the lifespan of a character on the way to 50, the first 12 levels are over in a heartbeat.
I find the "problem" with Empathy for me is that the "skippable" powers come to soon when there are too few alternative choices. Swap Absorb Pain and Resurrect with Clear Mind and Fortitude and I would be a happy camper. I wouldn't feel like I was missing anything while taking the pre-reqs. for Stamina and a Travel Power or while building an attack chain.
One reason why there are so many blast free Empaths is that if you take, at each level, the best power available, you will be left without much of your secondary by the time your habits are setting and the pacing of levels slowing. Faced with the prospect of either respecing out of valuable powers, or a long grind until a slotted attack chain, most will stick with teams and explore power pools.
Producing a well rounded Empath requires some degree of forethought and self control or, as in my case, a stubborn insistance on being able to solo with the difficulty turned up.
I disagree with the characterization of the otherwise resulting play style as "bad". It's team dependent and less versatile, but still valuable to the team. I passionately disagree with the suggestion that it is "better", but we seem to have either won that argument, or at least scared off its proponents
- Jock Tamson, Who finds very few of his heroes survive the prospect of levels 12 - 20. Boring prerequisites -
You should never expect public opinion to match the truth. People are stupid and oblivious. Expect their opinions to be wrong unless they have verifiable data to prove it right.
[/ QUOTE ]
Do you have verifiable data to back that up?
- Jock Tamson, Who believes you asked for that. -
If it is a knockback set, then any of the sets with anchors and patches could benefit from the ability to toss foes back into them.
For that reasons I can see Dark/Pistol being a good combination.
Concept wise I can see Kin/Pistols and Cold/Pistols as ways of doing a Malta themed character.
Yay baseless speculation
- Jock Tamson, Who would like a staff themed Defender powerset. -
This is why there is no Empathy Blast set
I wonder what one might look like?
You offer the Bone Daddy milk and cookies doing 45 points of "Maybe I should just sit down and think about what I have done" damage.
- Jock Tamson, Who thinks it might offer some of the best animations. -
It's a shame that of all the ATs Defenders are the least likely to be able to solo.
CoH was built around the team concept hence the ATs. A 'perfect' team of one of each AT would really move well if they were at all coordinated.
[/ QUOTE ]
While they are specialized as compared to the Villain ATs, all CoH ATs are hybridized to an extent. Tanks can do significant short range damage, Blasters have some good controls, etc. All are very powerful as compared to the average encounter ('cuz we're super!). As a result being "least likely to be able to solo" in CoH is like being the poorest Wall Street executive.
Also I think you might have an argument from Blasters on who owns that title.
- Jock Tamson, Who thinks it sounds like a yearbook "award". -
I love the diversity of defenders and all they can accomplish just throughout the one AT so ... dont be shy write somethine down that i can read to past these last few days
[/ QUOTE ]
Normally at this point I would step in to rant about apotheosis of Defender sets that is Rad/Sonic. Something about your admonition to not be shy, however, has rendered me shy. I will limit myself to an uncharacteristicly restrained suggestion that it is very effective, a lot of fun, and comes highly recommended.
- Jock Tamson, Who had difficulty with the juxtoposition of CoH and Afghanistan. Welcome home. -
Thanks, very helpful.
As for this:
Also, please don't identify yourself as a "healer" or fall under the false assumption that heals are the best form of team support available to a Defender.
[/ QUOTE ]
Don't recall doing that, but thanks for the reminder? Just wondering why some other folks' heal powers were stronger than mine.
[/ QUOTE ]
People get snobbish when you discuss healing. It is pretty comical.
[/ QUOTE ]
I find irony funny
Can this be our new Healer thread then? It seems to me that the forum is itching for a really good vent on the subject again. New blood tends to do that as both camps rush to recruit.
- Jock Tamson, Who prefers the term arrogant elitist over snob. Who wouldn't want to be elite? -
Similar to option 3 is to pick an obscure cultural or literary reference that nobody will get unless you explain it in your description.
(<--- ahem)
In that spirit I suggest a variation on Baron Vordenburg, the lesser known inspiration for the more famous Van Helsing.
- Jock Tamson, Who had just returned from seeing that name on tourist grot in Scotland when he first installed City of Heroes. -
Defenders have so many options that I sometimes get the roles confused. Blasters do damage...got that. Tankers hold aggro and TAKE damage...got that too. But a typical Defender has so much in the toolbox that at times I wonder what to use.
[/ QUOTE ]
'struth! The role of a Defender can change not only from team to team, but form minute to minute. The endgame consists of filling your toolbox not only with powers, but also with tactics so that you can fill the optimal role for the team you are on.
A good high level Empath is like spackle. You fill in the cracks and smooth over the rough spots.
- Jock Tamson, Who would like to see what BadStorm can do with that analogy. -
Personally, I don't think the ability to buff someone else is a tradeoff for less defense and damage, because if I'm soloing, I can't buff anyone.
[/ QUOTE ]
Buffs that effect teammates only get to be more powerful for it. That is its own tradeoff. While that tradeoff might not be one that appeals to you, there no reason it shouldn't be available to others. There are certainly Defender builds that feature Debuffs and Buffs the Defender benefits from, unfortunately for you they also tend to feature special effects that don't fit with your Ferrous Hominid concept.
As much as I'd like to, I can't think of a cogent argument for Iron Man = Rad/Sonic
If Assault is an afterthought anway, why not Power Build Up from you APP? Seems like it would be very much in character.
- Jock Tamson, Who is sorry he mistook you on PFF. Clearly I'm carrying a grudge about it -
Neither of the "bubble" powers that define the set in the eyes of the masses, and a ton of knockback.
You are going to take a TON of grief from people, but it does work well for the concept
One thing: You cannot Tank with PFF. You can stand in the middle of a whole bunch of nastyness, but you can't hold agro, and therefore cannot Tank. I had two friends take FF Defenders up to 50, and spent a lot of time yelling "You can't Tank with PFF!" at my monitor.
- Jock Tamson, Who thinks this might be a job for a rogue Corruptor in the future. -
4. if i play more offensively will i just be seen as a gimped blaster
[/ QUOTE ]
This right here is the question that lights a fire that burns visibly in the eyes of many who gather here. The answer is that yes, you will be seen by some as a "gimped blaster". Who cares! The question that matters is will you be enjoying yourself and contributing to the team. The answer to the latter is clearly yes. The answer to the former is a matter of personal taste. If you find it is to your taste, then simply come here after you encounter those "some", and we will all readily agree with you that they are blind fools.
Re #2. The prefect Primary/Secondary for you is Rad/Sonic. The fact that I give the same answer to everyone is simply a logical outcome of the sheer awesomeness that is Rad/Sonic.
- Jock Tamson, Who is not fair and balanced. I'd like to think fair, but definitely not balanced. -
After seeing 27 views and no responses, I am figuring no one cares.
[/ QUOTE ]
They'll care when non-Empaths don't get teams red-side.
[/ QUOTE ]
Will it be as simple as make a new Villain Empath, or even run a TF and switch sides? That wouldn't be entirely consistent with the reasons given for not proliferating Empathy directly.
I'm expecting to see the Villain AT selection list expanded with "Praetorian" Defender, "Praetorian" Blastet, etc, and the Hero list likewise expanded with "Praetorian" ATs. They can then maintain some limitations on which powers and powersets are available, and on the descriptions and details of the powers too.
I certainly think it would be wise for anyone expecting full and easy transfer of anything and everything to brace themselves for disappointment.
- Jock Tamson, Who notes that pessimists are seldom disappointed. -
AE System
Welcome to Architect Entertainment -- Neutral
Death for Dollars! -- Neutral
Bare Knuckles of Rage (9304)
Signal to Noise -- Neutral -- 67277
Character/Supergroup Origins
Birth of a Fossil -- Heroic
Secret Origins(Tech) The Snake Women of Epsilon V (42221) - Heroic
Noah Reborn -- Heroic (2370)
Jumping in Feet First - Heroic - 1345
Midnight Bells Toll ----Villanious
A hero is made, not born. -- Heroic 20863
Classic Super-Hero/Super-Villain
THE BOMBER --- Heroic --- Arc 16607
In The Shadow of Statesman --Neutral--1160
A Show to Die For! --- Heroic --- 30645
Check... and Mate #15095 - Heroic - Mini Task Force
Teen Phalanx Forever! -- Heroic (67335)
This Life Immortal - (5756) Heroic
The Extadine Lab -- Heroic
MacGuffin Delivery Service (1567) -- Villainous
ParaCon -- Heroic
The new and improved Lord Recluse Strike Force -- Villainous (though I wouldn't recommend against a hero)
The Fire Bunnies - Neutral, They are only bunnies after all...
You Say It's Your Birthday! (3630) - Neutral
Trademark Infringement -- Heroic (2220)
Hail to the King Neutral (34640)
Walk On the Wild Side - Neutral - 3580
Shirley You Jest (25474) -- Neutral
The Invasion of the Bikini Clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space! - Heroic - 61013
Gnomish Madness (30204) - Heroic
Doctor Nadir and the Hellion Heist (49661) - Heroic
Laugh? I Thought I'd DIE! - Heroic
The P.U.G. Strike force (arc 35585) -Villian
The Running of the Bulls -- Heroic 29973
A Super Team is Born -- Heroic
Cause of How Some Silly Stealed My Wings #1481 -- Neutral
How to Survive a Robot Uprising -- Heroic (12669)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare -- Neutral
It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding (9059) -- Neutral
TURG FICTION: Ghost in the Machine, Act I - Heroic (althoughs romantic villains could try this too)
Rum Runners of Bloody Bay (3691) - Heroic
Have a Blap, Blap, Blappy Day Kids! (2019)
The Toypocalypse! (49280) - Heroic
Bricked Electronics -- Heroic (LIVE! 2180)
The Bravuran Jobs -- Villainous (16809)
The Monstrous Regiment of Lesbian Hellions -- Heroic (27178)
Win the 2009 Freak-Lympics (2150) - Villainous
Ninja Crimewave! (2142) - Heroic
Whitehawks (Arc 49364) -- Heroic
The Internet is for Crime (53385) - Villains
Plastic Pistol Peril (1135) - Heroic
Friends in Need (Of Body Parts) - Villainous (31005)
A Little RnR - Heroic (17523) click for Promotional Poster
The Conciliators: Simone -- Heroic (4010)
The Fan Club -- Heroic
Matchstick Women -- Heroic -- 3369
Of Mentors and Legacy - Heroic - 1589
Global Domination
Axis and Allies -- Villainous (1379)
Celebrity Kidnapping -- Villainous (1388)
Easy Money -- Villainous (31490)
Historical (Realistic)
Wrinkle in Time -- Heroic(68920)
Historical (CoH Lore)
The War on Superadine - The Regulators in their 1980's drug war (Heroic) (Arc 7959)
Origins - Volume 1 (57077) -- Heroic
Hectic Holidays -- Heroic (36999) also comedy
Astoria in D Minor (41565) -- Heroic
Dark Dreams (3615)
Don't Play With The Dead (31813) -- Neutral
The Amulet of J'gara (1709) -- Heroic
Project: Perilous - Into the Chthonian Pit (#3586) - Neutral (Unless you happen to be a mad cultist, in which case, go nuts!)
Small Fears -- Heroic
Lights, Camera, Scream! (#68627) - 3 Mission arc that get's you into the B-Horror film circuit.
Large-Scale Crisis
A Hero's Halo -- Heroic
This Is War, Part I - the Revenge of Hro'Dtohz -- Neutral
Win the Past, Own the Future - Heroic
A Warrior's Friend - Heroic
The Clockwork War -- Heroic (18672)
Flight of the Valkyries - Precursor (20272) -- Neutral
The Human Hive (#1632) - Neutral
The Magical Miss Fitz (5079) -- Heroic
Chains of Blood (5492) -- Heroic
A Deal with Destiny -- Heroic
Redoubt Operations #1: Fires over Kalago -- Heroic
Red Storm Rising (Arc 4912) -- Heroic
Whitehawks (Arc 49364) -- Heroic
Axis and Allies -- Villainous (1379)
Misc. Adventure
The Portal Bandits (3326) -- Heroic
Blowback (18575) -- Heroic
Dream Paper -- Heroic (13030)
Dream Paper 2: Restless Sleep -- Heroic (16797)
Dream Paper 3: Broken Dreams -- Heroic (13064)
Atlantis Attacks! -- Neutral (30898) -- Click for Promotional Poster
Anactoria's Descent Into the Underworld -- Villainous
The Seelie War -- Heroic
The Unseelie War -- Villainous
Tales of Cimerora, volume 1 : Of feathers and fur -- Heroic
The Aegis Affair - Heroic
Witches and Warriors (53006)- Heroic
The War of Fate(12220,46722)- Heroic
Rites of the Maenads (61159) - Heroic
The Parable of the Fruit Salad -- Heroic -- 65369
Nemesis Plots
Brass Reaver: Part 1 -- Neutral
The Handbag Plot -- Heroicish -- 36414
Player-Chosen Outcome
Hunting the Dark Dragon -- Heroic
Playing Gods -- Heroic (51106)
Adventures of the Space Marines -- Neutral
Adventures of the Space Marines 2 -- Neutral
Above Mars - Part 1: The Wellington -- Neutral (13215)
The Final Nemesis
The Adventures of the United Earth Rangers -- Neutral (29549)
The Continuing Adventures of the United Earth Rangers -- Neutral (70237)
Spaced Invaders --Heroic(56856)
Un-themed Survival/AV/Time Challenges
The Meatgrinder -- Neutral
Grim Riddles (#1396) - Heroic -
Well done! I can't wait for the musical.
Come on And
Breeze on down, breeze on down the road
Come on, breeze on down, breeze on down the road
There be time for debuffing while Gale reloads. Come on breeze on down breeze on
Down, down the road.
Throw some minions up while hurricane is down
Come on lets keep shooting before they hit the ground
You just keep on knocking stuff down the road you choose
And don't you give up blasting, Energy should do.
Breeze on down, breeze on down the road
Come on, breeze on down, breeze on down the road
There be time for debuffing while Gale reloads. Come on breeze on down breeze on
Down, down the road.
Cause there may be times they think you've lost your mind
And the Gale your tossing leaves leave their herd destroyed
But the road your walking won't be boring times
You just keep on shooting and you'll be just fine (yeah)
Breeze on down, breeze on down the road
Come on, breeze on down, breeze on down the road
There be time for debuffing while Gale reloads. Come on breeze on down breeze on
Down, down the road.
For there may be times they'll wish you wasn't born
And you drop Tornado then find your tank has gone
But you know that teaming only takes a while
You just stick with Gale, you'll shoot your foes a mile.
Get em' up, going down (breeze on down the road)
Get em' up, going down (breeze on down the road)
Get em' up, going down (breeze on down the road)
Get em' up, going down (breeze on down the road)
(end song)
- Jock Tamson, Who is pleased the star was a Defender. -
Long ago when the world was still young, but no longer so young, Defender set out in search of adventure. She set out into the park lands. Circling about she gathered the Skuls there into a great mass, and drove them before her with mighty storm winds. Into the air they flew, flying great distances some over the walls and some onto building nearby. Though Skuls flew through the air most magnificently, she soon grew bored as she had done this a thousand times before.
So next Defender gathered her family about her and they set out to gather Kora Fruit. In the shattered lands where these grow (that is a different story Best Beloved) there are great jets of air upon which one may fly from one floating island of stone to another. As Scrapper approached one such dangerous leap, Defender reached out with her powers and changed he weight and speed. This caused him, not unlike the Skuls before him, to fly through the air most magnificently and brought much laughter. Yet this was an old trick and after a while seemed cruel.
Thus the day passed: Great monsters where felled using techniques so well worn they seemed mechanical. Goals were met with nary a word spoken as all knew their role well. There is joy to be found in the application of well earned skill, but soon Defender found herself standing on a rise and looking out over The City not knowing what to do. The streets below were filled with memories she cherished, she could not just turn away, but was left filled with a melancholy that can come when one stares into the past.
Statesman looked down and saw his daughter thus paralyzed and sent upon her a great sleep. The sun rose and set, and Defender slept. Generations past, and Defender slept. The world changed, and Defender slept. When at last she awoke, she looked down upon a world at once familiar and yet strange and new. What was this new building here? Of what strange villain did the Children below her speak? A smile spread across her face at once both arrogant and confident (which are in the end the same thing, depending on results) and she set forth to learn what had changed.
So it is to this day that some who we mourn as passed are not gone. They merely sleep while the world changes. Some indeed are gone, and are sore missed. Yet others will return and find the world made new for them. Then we shall see faces we miss smile again.
- Jock Tamson, Mythologist -
A Christmas present for the forum. It may be crooked in places and not quite what you hoped for, but I made it myself and brought it here for you, so you must smile and pretend to like it.
- Jock Tamson, Who hopes to soon wake from a long nap. -
I brought up on the RO forums the other day that we right a story arc to your story with the new mission customization that was just announced.
[/ QUOTE ]
My first thought on reading that was that I had to do The Parable of the Fruit Salad as a low level mission arc.
Yeah.... This is definitely the new feature I'm anticipating most. Count me as very interested in that idea.
- Jock Tamson, Who hopes the editors will be user friendly enough to not turn it into a second job. -
Err.... I REALLY hate to correct you Jock, but....
The City shines in the East, The Rogue Isles hang like low clouds in the West.
[/ QUOTE ]
Paragon City is in Rhode Island, and any islands that exist off the coast of that shore would ALL be east of the mainland.... so your directions are backwards. Sorry.
Great story anyways, if you can get in before the edit window closes....
[/ QUOTE ]
No fear. I certainly make mistakes, but that one was on purpose. Take a look at this . In particular, look at Table 1 and consider into which columns you would put Paragon and the Rogue Isles.
The reversal is meant to be symbolic and to underscore that the tower is not in the "real" world but a place where symbols take on their own reality.
On one hand my head is full of that kind of stuff, on the other hand it took me several tries to spell Rogue Isles correctly.
- Jock Tamson, Who looks at the name quizzically again. That is right isn't it? -
The City you see about you is beautiful, but it is only a fraction of the whole grandeur of Statesman's creation for it is but one aspect of the 11 fold nature of the City as it crosses the Servers. Cast your minds eye now out across the Web That is The Universe, and see them hanging there, the glistening jewel like dewdrops that are our homes. 11? No, look there, almost lost in the dark, one, perhaps two strange misshapen drops quiver on the very edge of reality. Here all worlds meet and the land is changeable and strange. Here The Lords of the City play with what might be and what never was. Only the Seers go here.
The Seers go here, into the chaos where others fear to tread, and bring back tales: Tales of hope, and fear. Whispers of joys to come, and shadows of evil to pray against.
Here treads one such soul now, an old soul, a tired soul. He has lost track of why he wanders, where he goes, even who he is. He comes to a dusty plain, wide and lonely. There are footprints here, but he walks alone. Following the trail he comes to a tall dark castle. There, in the tallest tower, a golden light and sound of whirring machinery draws his gaze. Climbing a tall and winding stair, he comes to a wide and airy chamber. From its windows the world stretches out like a map. The City shines in the East, The Rogue Isles hang like low clouds in the West. It would be a mesmerizing view if not for the room's contents. From top to bottom and into every corner the room is filled with clockwork of gold, silver, and brass. Everywhere the eye falls, gears turn, counterweights spin, and levers rise and fall. A man moves among them, watching and adjusting. He talks to himself as he works, now laughing, now snarling, as if beset by voices alternately amusing and aggravating. At last noting the intrusion, The Keeper sets down his tools, a cloth with which to polish, and a soft hammer with which to tap. He wipes his brow, and turns to you smiling...
"Ah, I have been waiting. It has been long since you were here last."
"I have been here before?"
"Aye Son of Sonic, Daughter of Trick, but much has passed below. Many lives have you lived since, and I see you are weary."
"Did you make all this?"
"I? No! It is for others to craft. I tinker and tune. I maintain the balance"
Now softly, "What is all of this?"
With a sweeping gesture The Keeper replies, "This is The Game! The very machinery of your world. Come, look here at my work, what do you see?"
"This part of the machinery seems older than others. It seems still and quiet next to the whole. Here these gears are still and a frost grows upon them."
Whispering now in words aimed at the heart, "That is you, old soul. For many years these gears turned, now they grow quiet and frost here in the dark. Bound in ice. What might you do with ice Child of Defender?"
"I might shield my allies, and slow my foes. Master frosts and bolts of ice!"
A light grows in the eye, and a fire grows in the heart. The Keeper takes this fire and lights a brand. He thaws the machinery and it stirs with new life. The brand, now a flame of ice, he thrusts into heart that kindled it.
"Go Child of Ice, The City awaits!"
A new star streaks across the heavens. In the City below eyes turn upward in hope and trepidation. Soon the Seers will return with tales of hope, and fear. Whispers of joys to come, and shadows of evil to pray against.
In his high castle, The Keeper smiles to himself, then suddenly throws a switch. Showers of red sparks fall down, illuminating a face.
"Come from the shadows Child of the Spider, it is long since we spoke last."
- Jock Tamson, Mythologist. -
I wonder what kind of story Jock has in store for us to welcome our new Cold Domination brother...
*eyes sparkle in curiosity/anticipation*
[/ QUOTE ]
Let us hope I can live up to your anticipation! I started with Anansi stories, dabled in Oriental Philosophy, and looked to Anglo Saxon saga for inspiration. Here now is a journey into faerie...
- Jock Tamson, Who was inspired by the stories of Susanna Clarke. -
He did say that he had posted his existing material and would post further only as inspiration struck rather than forcing anything.
[/ QUOTE ]
I also try to avoid posting here unless I have something new .... which I don't right now so I just broke my own rule
I have a week of vacation after Easter. I hope to add something then.
- Jock Tamson, Who now has a writing assignment over his vacation. Ah! Flashbacks!