78 -
Especially with the suggestions and changes found throught the thread, I like this idea. It makes for a lot of fascinating teaming and RP opportunities without wholesale merging the games and allowing cross-faction ATs. I also like the idea that there has to be a serious motivation for a cross-faction teamup and that the temporary cease-fire could dissolve in a heartbeat.
Then there's the general stupidity. I was terribly disappointed (and complained about) the NPCs in the villain Invention tutorial. Aeon University is supposed to be the the knowledge center for the villain capital of the world. This is where budding mad scientists go to learn their craft. I could see them being quirky, but every last one of them is characterized as a venal incompetent! Where are the faculty that could be believably working on a Phased Linear Oscillation Transduction device to "Show Them - SHOW THEM ALL!"?
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*chuckle* ... down in the hidden lab, actually WORKING on the P.L.O.T. device - 'cause they're too smart to get dragged into performing actual teaching duties. Duh! ^_^ The guys up top that we talk to? Rented / purchased Nemesis automata, programmed to get students through teh curricula and back out the door aASAP (and route gullible nonpowered "future test subjects" to a particular door for, er ... "extra credit", yeah ...).
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Speaking as mad scientist in real life myself (No really ^_^), they would leap at the chance to show their superiority and proselytize in class. All onerous teaching responsibilities can be dropped on underling slaves (i.e. grad students).
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I am a grad student and can vouch for this. The only thing that makes researchers happier than doing their research or experimenters happier than doing their experiments is lording it over the unwashed masses...I'm pretty sure some of them actually orgasm from telling entire auditoriums of students that they are stupid.
Back on topic: I would love to see the "high rent district" areas of CoV cleaned up a bit. Nothing says "I'm rich and therefore better than you" like piles of garbage in the streets. [/sarcasm]
I'm all for upping the lighting and cleanliness of the villain hospitals too. They don't have to be sparkly like heroside but right now I'm scared I'll catch an infection just walking past the hospital building.
Stalkers need a bump in PvE. Period. Fully IOed out, they can fight passably, but it is a looong, difficult slog with nothing reliable but Assassin Strike, Hide, and Placate to win your fights (and lots and lots of running away when even these tools fail you). Up the damage modifier and lower the boost from AS to compensate and you'll silence about half of the criticism of this one-trick pony.
More use of the few uniquely CoV groups. The Luddites, Wyvern, and Legacy Chain are all fascinating hooks for storylines and deserve better than to be tossed aside for "yet another Longbow." Expand the Legacy Chain and Wyvern out to 50. Hero Corps could be added as well, again filling a badly needed "nonvillain enemy" role. And while on the subject, Legacy Chain really ought to drop magical salvage.
More content. A "Bermuda Triangle" zone where the Legacy Chain and Circle of Thorns are struggling for supremacy, while villains opportunistically intervene is one idea. Access to the Shadow Shard as a co-op is another. More Strike Forces and Trials. These are things redside lacks and which are obvious areas to aim new development as hiring continues.
I can remember, once upon a time, a "Blasters are heroes too!" campaign by many of the forum's prominent Blaster players, in an effort to seize the attention of the dev team. Threads like this one perform a similar function, explaining that we love our villains but feel that they need help...and doing so calmly, rationally, and constructively...this is what is needed. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this in a positive manner, and double thanks to Ex for saving and stickying it. -
A few suggestions to fix the fix and to make the TFs more challenging without hurting the players:
Instead of hard-capping the spawn sizes at the size required to start the TF, hard-cap at the size required -1 or -2. That allows for connection difficulties without easily allowing soloing (although the change as-is doesn't even slow some builds down--not naming any names).
Or, if you're really determined to make things difficult, cap all TF/SF spawns at Hazard Zone sizes and compositions. Then let people try to solo, say, Positron, while multiple stacking mezzes or zombie vomit artillery batteries pummel them.
Or, make TFs and SFs automatically crank the players' difficulty sliders up all the way for the duration of the TF. Soloing Invincible missions while exemplared ought to bring the challenge that the devs think we need....
There are a lot of fixes for the dev-perceived problem that don't punish people who don't have stable broadband connections (the many) in their effort to punish the lazy (the...other many?). -
So I go off to the little gurls room, and when I returned back to my office someone had hijacked my chair.
I know I'm not crazy, or at least not entirely so, but this was really weird.
I go into the break room/game room, and there is Jay playing a video game, SITTING ON MY CHAIR!
"Oh" he says, "I thought you went home."
So what if I did?
JAY IS LAZY! SEXY but lazy.
(sitting on Lighthouse's chair, posting from headquarters.)
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...I love our devs.
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Technically, Ex Libris is not a Dev, but is instead a Community Co-ordinator.
Which means she is essentially the corporate version of a Kindergarden teacher.
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Oh I know, I'm just too lazy to clarify, and use the blanket term "dev" for everyone at NCNC now ;P
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Actually the best analogy I have thought of is that Lighthouse is "Julie the Cruise Director," and I'm Gopher!
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I've always thought the forums were a lot like a dumpster full of howler monkeys. Ex Libris and Lighthouse are standing outside the dumpster banging on it with baseball bats in a futile effort to get the monkeys to shut up. -
I'd pay $2.50 for this content. I won't pay $9.99 for costumes that are about as situationally useful as a veteran reward costume and emotes that get used once or twice in the lifetime of most players.
This pack needs more in it. Two weeks of game time, maybe? I dunno...it feels like an awful lot of money for stuff that could have just as easily been implemented as a veteran reward--heck, some of the veteran rewards are better than this and they cost nothing extra. -
This...this...I'm at a loss for words, really. The slotting for most of the ranged attacks makes some sense, but most of the rest of it.... I'm glad there's a disclaimer that this is a "personal style" thing, but even so I would cringe to play slotted like this.
My main is an Energy/Energy Blaster specced almost exclusively for ranged, single-target artillery duels. He has deliberately not taken Nova or any of the melee powers. He is currently level 37 and I rarely die in PvE unless I'm intentionally accumulating debt to avoid outlevelling content--he wanders through missions in a continual movement from spawn to spawn and except when facing Elite Bosses never suffers from endurance issues or much at all in the way of downtime. He rarely PvPs but has obtained a few of the PvP badges, mostly working in Siren's Call. He is my highest-level hero (due to chronic alt-itis) but is the only reason I feel qualified at all to comment on this guide. -
After having watched and waited for so long for significant Blaster love (and instead seeing /Devices neutered and Desperation/Defiance and a hit point boost that means we last .2 seconds longer) I'm still a touch skeptical.
However, the increased range for attacks like Blaze (which I'm assuming includes the might-as-well-be-melee attacks in most of the Blaster primaries) is nice and the promise of improvements for at least one of the secondaries still makes my ears perk up. -
That invention system has dogged the poor man for well over a year now. Maybe once it goes live and the game world is committed to one system, he can finally sleep at night.
Poor poor sweepy statesman... ;.;
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I bet the Statesbaby has more to do with his lack of sleep. -
Is there any chance this can be updated for Issue 7 by someone? I think there has been a bit of tweaking done since this was posted....
*does the Thriller zombie dance through the thread in joyous celebration of another thread necromancy*
This is sad news...Cuppa has been part of the very foundation of this community since this community was nothing more than a twinkle in Statesman's eye. Losing her is like losing a family member, and her stalwart, steadfast presence on the boards in the face of quote pyramids, avatar wars, and personal spats has been defining for the community.
Nowhere else have I found a forum that is so well-run. Cuppa handles this dumpster full of screaming howler monkeys with grace and aplomb and I sure hope Cricket can manage to do half as well (no offense meant to Cricket, but we haven't seen nearly as much of her style as we have of our precious coffee queen). -
Oh, no! Heartbreak! Sadness and woe! Poor Bo...
Can I just say you guys all just made my day?
Arctic Sun
PS Malta....with a special report from Crimson...soon.
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Do we have to take it to Indigo to get it decrypted before we can read it?
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Nah. Those two are just sending love notes back and forth.
"Dear Crimson,
Do u like me? ( ) Yes ( ) No
Indigo" -
*does the Thriller dance through the thread in joyous celebration of another glorious Thread Necromancy*
Unlimited Class UFC as a sport--that's the Arenas, with an organized league.
I've got a hero whose mutant superspeed powers manifested during a high school track meet. He was disqualified after running the mile in a minute thirty. It is probably safe to say that the community is already taking this kind of thing into account, but it would be very nice to see it in the game world "bible," with official recognition of the legal oddities inherent in a world where superpowers are so common that common street thugs can wield nether energies or hurl balls of flame, or recognition of the need for "separate but equal" sports for supers, equipment for supers, facilities for supers. We already have the "Mens" "Womens" and "Huge" restrooms, after all.... -
My NPC villain never leaves the station with me. I exit and he doesn't come with. I re-enter and he's gone.
Bug? Intended? Pie? -
Actually, one more quick note. Why should everyone be able to get Stealth anyway? Seems more like an AT or AT Power Set to me. Kinda like Stalkers on COV. After all. How may Stealthy Blasters do you see in the comics? Or Stealthy Tanks for that matter? Some things make more sense if taken in a different context.
Carbide Titan
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Stealthy Blaster = military-style spec-ops sniper.
Stealthy Tanker = ??? I dunno on this one. Possibly Iron Man in his Stealth armor, but Iron Man is totally a tank-mage. -
Is the party on tonight in Pocket D? I need to go have my spandex let out a bit so I can squeeze into it.
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May want to clean the rust off too, Snipey. *grin* -
For all of the companionship and love from the Legion family, I am grateful.
For all of the support and guidance from the Legion leadership, I am thankful.
Persecutions may rage, drama may come and go, but the Legion still stands. I have never been prouder to belong to a gaming organization.
*raises his glass* To another year! -
I've got four of 'em on my main. Seriously, brilliant idea...brings back memories of "It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!" when I was younger and how he got a rock while trick-or-treating.
Now we just need a Great Pumpkin giant monster in Croatoa! -
CuppaJo's Bracket
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Oh there's no way infernal loses to manticore....just don't see it happening!
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Cryo-Arrow, manufactured to Manticore's exact specifications on the off chance that he'd need to one-shot Infernal someday. -
Welcome to the boards, Cricket. Beware of the Quote Pyramid and the various Thread Necromancers.
Also, with regards to your avatar needs, it looks like Backfire is on to something... -
*does the Thriller dance through this thread too, in joyous celebration of yet another successful thread necromancy*
I'm still waiting for the devs to jump out and shout "APRIL FOOLS" about the whole spirit sharks thing. And the AoE vomit. And nearly everything else in the patron power pools, for that matter.
Four words, really.
Giant. Monster. Fight. Club.
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Place your bets! Babbage vs. Kronos was pretty long odds...you get 50:1 odds on THAT wager.