Legion of Freedom 1st Birthday Celebration Thread




It was one year ago today that SnipeFu taught the band to play. *Lifts a glass* Here's an e-toast to The Legion of Freedom, the finest group of people I've ever had the pleasure to play with.

"He may be arrogant, but he happens to be correct" - Ellis
"The server is full of crazies" - New_Dark_Age

Rainbow Arcana / Diamond D: Legion of Freedom - Virtue



History of the Legion of Freedom

Early LoF history from Snipe's own words...


I am SnipeFu. Been using this name for about 5 years through UT and some other games. I started playing about May or June of last year [ed.2004].

I created Legion of Freedom. Originally I created an SG called The Defenders of Zion, I met Dr. Flo in IP, we duoed and she kept me alive, way back in the day and so I invited her to the SG. She joined but was wary of the religious undertone of the name of the SG. So we came up with Legion of Freedom. MsKnight joined shortly afterward, we met him in Talos, hunting on the islands way out there.

We had a nice little SG forming and Dr. Flo MsKnight and I bumped into this troller on a mission, named Unknown Blaze. Well we noticed he was SGless and scooped him up right quick. Hallucard was also in there quite early, he is a BS/Regen scrapper and back before people knew what Regen scrappers were capable of he was figuring it out and shredding stuff in Bricks while the rest of us tagged along like little wannabes.

The SG grew to a decent size and like most other SGs, once WoW and EQ2 came out, combined with the fact the our mains were hitting 50 and were playing alts and SG communication and global communication wasn't around yet, the SG kinda got quiet.

Until, MsKnight made 1 little post on the blaster forum....Then we blew up over night. It was exhilerating at first, we were so excited to have such veteran players and famous forum posters and what not to get on board with us.

The Great Blaster Migration

In early 2005, the Legion of Freedom was struggling. Players left for other games. The veteran players who remained were scattered on unknown alts and had semi-retired their level 50 characters. The Legion was in active negotiations to join the Virtue Honor Guard. If the proposed merger was finalized, the Legion would have ended.

In early May of 2005, MsKnight (aka EnergyStar) made a post on the blaster forum to come to Virtue server and play with the Legion. It was an open invitation to any player that wanted a friendly environment for their AT. Several blaster forum regulars heeded MsKnight's call to action and joined the Legion of Freedom on the Virtue server with new characters. Among those that joined are a number of prominent members that are with us today: Rainbow Avenger (current LoF leader) and Faou (LoF forum moderator). A few other members, including Kindle, Karma Cop, Freedom Fury, Bayani (formerly Matches Malone) and Kurse Darkstone joined prior to what is now known as the Great Blaster Migration of 2005. The migration attracted a broad cross section of the prominent forum posters of the time, including Cornan, Torakage, Ohms, Gigaton, Iron Vixen, Wintercat, Black December and Cinderblaze.

Almost overnight, the Legion of Freedom exploded from a small SG with a couple of dozen players to a large one containing well over a hundred members. Snipe, MsKnight and Unknown Blaze, the LoF leaders organized these new heroes into four SGs: Legion of Freedom, The Legion of Freedom (with the 'The'), Legion of Freedom - Reserves. Black December founded Legion of Freedom - Delta (for PvP and RP player - yes, both!). Legion of Freedom - Delta was relaunched in response to the SG and Prestige changes in late 2005 and is now the Legion of Freedom - Special Operations. The LoF Universal chat channel unifies them.

"Blasters are Heroes Too", the Blaster Forum Coup and CuppaJo

For the longest time, the blaster AT was considered the ignored AT within the City of Heroes. Tremendous offensive capabilities without the ability to mitigate incoming damage and status effects left many blaster players in a perpetual state of perma-debt. Many blasters recounted how they stayed at the debt cap throughout their entire hero career.

To help combat negativity, Freedom Fury asked that all blaster forum regulars should adopt a forum avatar containing the phrase "Blasters are Heroes Too". FF never thought it would catch on. However, with the help of Faou and other blaster regulars, many blasters began to adopt the avatar and the phrase. There are still forum posters with the avatar this very day. However, this small event was a mere tremor for the great events that were to unfold soon thereafter.

On May 31, 2005, the Legion of Freedom led an assault on the City of Heroes Blaster forum. Sickened by the tremendous amount of negativity within the forum, the prominent blasters regulars posted the following message:

I, [state your name], Love My Blaster Because...

Well over a hundred posts dominated the forum for the entire day. The complete domination of the forum with "I Love My Blaster" posts made news, and was widely reported in several MMO and gaming websites. It also got the attention of the development team to look at issues with the blaster AT. The great pouring of positive feelings into the forum purged it of the negativity that had haunted it for so long. LoF members monitored the forum for the entire day reading posts and answering questions to ensure that the forum continued to function despite the upheaval.

Due to these events, CuppaJo, the COH forum moderator, joined the Legion of Freedom in game for a SG meeting, where she was made an honorary LoFer.

The Unseen Hand

With the advent of the City of Villains, the Legion of Freedom decided to make a presence in the Rogue Isles. The idea for the Dominion was first presented by Bayani. Bayani, Kurse Darkstone and a number of outsiders formed the Unseen Hand, the VG that was to form the backstory for the Dominion. This group eventually led to the founding of the Moirai and it's sister group, the Fallen Legion.

From Kindle:

Thanks to Synergy One, we have a new City of Villains SG. The Moirai (link courtesy of Ohms).

The Moirai will share recruitment, behavior, and other policies with the Legion of Freedom. It will be composed entirely of LoF members at the start, and any new members added must follow the same policy and procedure as new members of LoF. It will, in most ways, be a mirror image of LoF.

Freedom Diversification

Because if CoX can do it so can we! As with any SG, people come and go. As our community grew in depth and breadth we were unwilling to lose the company of old friends merely because they were playing a different game. In the winter of 2006 we expanded our forum to welcome discussion from Legion members who were playing games in addition to CoX. Today our website is also the home of Night Requiem, our sister guild in World of Warcraft. Night Requiem is still led by SnipeFu, who remains our esteemed founder and leader emeritus.


In July of 2005 Snipefu passed active leadership to Fathom, who instituted our ancient and honourable tradition of e-spanking for minor infractions. On his departure for (what Faou called) Farglefantasyhobbitland the mantle of leadership descended upon Rainbow Avenger who has been trying to chew a hole through it ever since.


The Legion of Freedom is, in the words of our house bard Torakage, "The Seinfeld of SGs - not "about" anything." LoF remains a diverse collection of power gamers, PvPers, role players, forum wh*res and everything in between. We are among the most recognized supergroups on the Virtue servers and have undertaken events that have drawn notice, praise, admiration and threats of mass forum bans.

Current Organisation Includes...

Legion of Freedom (main SG)
Legion of Freedom - Reserves (for alts)
Legion of Freedom - Heroes of the City (for 50s)
Legion of Freedom - Special Operations (for PvP and RP)
The Moirai (for villian breadwinners)
The Fallen Legion (for senior villians)

The Legion of Freedom lives at www.lof-online.com

Written by Freedom Fury. With edits and updates by Rainbow Avenger, Synergy One, Karma Cop and Fathom.

"He may be arrogant, but he happens to be correct" - Ellis
"The server is full of crazies" - New_Dark_Age

Rainbow Arcana / Diamond D: Legion of Freedom - Virtue



Congratulations LoF and all of its members. You are all a pleasure to knopw and play games with. We truly are a family and I cherish that.

The forum coup has to be one of the highlights of my gaming years. It was a really quirky and exciting day.

Hulk Up!

The Legion of Freedom



*raises glass* Huzzah!



For all of the companionship and love from the Legion family, I am grateful.

For all of the support and guidance from the Legion leadership, I am thankful.

Persecutions may rage, drama may come and go, but the Legion still stands. I have never been prouder to belong to a gaming organization.

*raises his glass* To another year!



Yay for LoF! I am rather new, but I never looked back into joining this SG. Great people. May LoF forever live on!

Now PL me!

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



Here's to a great year - what I was here for of it, anyhow - and another to come!



Sounds like a fun ride. Congratulations to Legion of Freedom, and may the next year be twice as good.

@Greblaja, @Greblaja 2, @Greb, @Greb 2
Player of (lvl 50s) Blue Hammer, Action Lass, Autumn Gale, Crimson Hammer, Thundertoe, Blast Hammer, Crimson Clash, Greblaja, Wabu, Gray Hammer, Briar Pyre, Electro Gal, Rooftop Sentinel, and many, many more



*sneaks in* *whispers* Can I give you congrats too? Or is this a private thread? <_< >_> <_< *ahem* Congrats!

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Congratulations LoF...its been a pleasure sharing Virtue with such an awesome SG...you guys rock! The PK trully enjoy and appreciate our shared events and such. The LoF are always there for any huge event we have...as the PK try to do the same...Congratulations again a year is no small feat when it comes to making an SG last that long..!!!



Thanks to my fellow SG members for a great year playing City of Heroes and I'm looking forward to many more!



Legion rocks! Thanks for being a great SG and great friends! I and the Paragonian Knights are lucky to have such a close relationship with you all! Some of City of Heroes most knowledgable players are members of this awesome group of people. Here is to many more great years!! *raises glass*

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



If you are drinking this early in the morning, you need therapy

Click for Deviant Art Site - Commission List: OPEN



Gratz to all at LOF.. and i drink this early in the morning.. is that bad or something?



super congrats



Sorah Hun... you are ALWAYS welcomed as is everyone else ... and thank you for the COngratulations!

I have been a part of some Great SGs...But there is something about the "No Drama" attitude of the Legion that has appealed to me from the beginning.

Congratulations to the greatest group of Heroes, Villains, and just darsh garn good folks this side of Cyberspace!!

Kurse Darkstone
Station Manager for RadioFTW!
Member of the Legion Of Freedom!
Proud member of the Paragonian Knights



Sorah Hun... you are ALWAYS welcomed as is everyone else ... and thank you for the COngratulations!

I have been a part of some Great SGs...But there is something about the "No Drama" attitude of the Legion that has appealed to me from the beginning.

Congratulations to the greatest group of Heroes, Villains, and just darsh garn good folks this side of Cyberspace!!

[/ QUOTE ]

<3 What a sweetie! *swoons*

Click for Deviant Art Site - Commission List: OPEN



I, Faou MK II, love my SUPERGROUP because....

It's filled with great people that make me wanna stick around for the community of THEM, not the game.
They're the Seinfeld of SG's.
No matter what they go through, they stand in the face of it and weather it well.
We've got freakin' CUPPAJO as a member.
They make Blasters feel like heroes too.

oh, and because Paragon City > Farglefantasyhobbitland



Happy Birthday to us!!



Happy Birthday, Legion of Freedom!
I am thankful for the members of LoF, who have helped make City of Heroes a much more enjoyable game for me. It is an honor to finally be joining this most super of supergroups!



Congrats, LoF, on your 1 year anniversary! May you have many more to come!



Happy Birthday LoF. You're a great bunch of folks and it's been a pleasure gaming with you.

Mike Spectre � 50 Warshade (Virtue)
Iron Sites - 50 AR/Dev Blaster (Virtue)
Dark-Skies - 50 Eng/Rad Corruptor (Liberty)
Highland Guard - 50 DB/WP Scrapper (Virtue)
Hunter Leviathon - 50 Crab Spider (Virtue)



Yey LoF, I was bribed to join with an offer of 3 tacos and a gum wrapper.



Happy Birthday, Legion!!

To the Greatest SG in Paragon and many years of adventuring in our future! *lifts glass*

Blue Monolith - Inv/Eng Tanker, Virtue
Arctic Ant - Ice/Eng Blaster, Virtue

...proud members of the Legion of Freedom!



Sorah posted! This thread has officaly turned sexy.

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.