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  1. SnipeFu

    CoH 2

    What would it take to be able to hang on to the IP?
  2. SnipeFu

    CoH 2

    I am putting my 2 cents in for a City of Heroes 2. This would, of course, be amazing.

    1) Learn from all the good and all the bad from CoH 1
    2) Make a new and improved MMO
    3) ???
    4) Profit!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by deadboy_champion View Post
    Woot FPAA!! (First Post After Arcanaville lol)

    SnipeFu, just wanted to say it was awesome to meet you way way way way back in the day on the Test server.

    I miss helping blasters on the blaster boards with you Deadboy. You rock.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Hey Snipe. If you just want the text, the quickest way to do that would be to use the Thread Tools menu and select Show Printable Version. Then when that comes up select the "Show 500" link on the right side. The entire thread is less than 500 posts so it will all show up on one long page. Then you can just save it with your browser. No pictures though.

    For threads with pictures, short of saving each page with your browser the only other way I know of to do that is to use some sort of web site sucker.

    If you are going to save short threads with pictures by just saving each page one at a time I would recommend, if you have not done it yet, to go into your USER CP for the forums, select Edit Options, scroll all the way to the bottom and select at least Show 100 posts per page. It would be unnecessarily tedious to attempt to save longer threads with a lower setting than that.

    While I'm at it, thanks for all you did for blaster morale in the past. You should know that I had you partially in mind when I aggressively pushed for Blaster improvements to be made to the archetype in I24.
    Arcanaville, thanks for ALL you have done for this game. You have been such an integral part of it all. I hope our paths cross again somewhere in the future. /salute
  5. Here's an 8 year thread necro! Yeehaw!

    Is there any way to save this entire thread for posterity's sake? I'd like to keep this for the memories. Though I haven't been active in years, this game was always home. There's no better gaming community out there. The memories I made here I will cherish; they are dear to me.
  6. SnipeFu

    My last post.

    Gonna miss you too buddy. Thanks for all the great times all those years back.
  7. Thank you that's quite a bit to chew on.
  8. Greetings all,

    I have come back from many years on break so pardon my lack of knowledge on just about everything.

    I am building a Mastermind concept that will be able to dish out lots of damage and heal as well or close to as well as an empath could.

    Basically I am banking on lots of Numina's 6% heal bonuses to bring the healing level up. Rather than travel powers I will stick with my hoverboard and ninja run. I put some mez protection in there to make me a little more survivable.

    Do you think this build can be effective? What am I missing or getting wrong? Your help is appreciated.

    Also mid's tells me I'm getting a 30% heal bonus when it should say 48%. Is there a cap on bonuses or something?

    Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.942

    Techfu: Level 50 Magic Mastermind
    Primary Power Set: Robotics
    Secondary Power Set: Pain Domination
    Power Pool: Leadership
    Power Pool: Medicine
    Ancillary Pool: Field Mastery

    Villain Profile:
    Level 1: Battle Drones
    (A) HamiO:Nucleolus Exposure
    (17) HamiO:Nucleolus Exposure
    (39) HamiO:Nucleolus Exposure
    (39) Force Feedback - Chance for +Recharge
    (40) Edict of the Master - Defense Bonus
    (40) Sovereign Right - Resistance Bonus

    Level 1: Nullify Pain
    (A) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance
    (19) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance/Recharge
    (36) Numina's Convalescence - Endurance/Recharge
    (37) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Recharge
    (37) Panacea - +Hit Points/Endurance
    (37) Doctored Wounds - Heal/Endurance/Recharge

    Level 2: Soothe
    (A) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance
    (33) Numina's Convalescence - Heal
    (34) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Recharge
    (34) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance/Recharge
    (36) Miracle - +Recovery

    Level 4: Share Pain
    (A) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance
    (9) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Recharge
    (9) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance/Recharge
    (34) Numina's Convalescence - Heal

    Level 6: Equip Robot
    (A) Endurance Reduction IO

    Level 8: Assault
    (A) Endurance Reduction IO

    Level 10: Aid Other
    (A) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance
    (11) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Recharge
    (11) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance/Recharge
    (21) Numina's Convalescence - Heal
    (21) Interrupt Reduction IO

    Level 12: Protector Bots
    (A) HamiO:Nucleolus Exposure
    (13) HamiO:Nucleolus Exposure
    (13) HamiO:Nucleolus Exposure
    (15) Force Feedback - Chance for +Recharge

    Level 14: Tactics
    (A) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff
    (15) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Endurance
    (17) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Recharge/Endurance

    Level 16: Enforced Morale
    (A) Range IO

    Level 18: Repair
    (A) Recharge Reduction IO
    (19) Recharge Reduction IO

    Level 20: Suppress Pain
    (A) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance
    (43) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance/Recharge
    (46) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Recharge
    (46) Numina's Convalescence - Heal

    Level 22: Aid Self
    (A) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance
    (23) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Recharge
    (23) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance/Recharge
    (33) Numina's Convalescence - Endurance/Recharge
    (33) Interrupt Reduction IO

    Level 24: Maneuvers
    (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed
    (25) Kismet - Accuracy +6%
    (25) Shield Wall - +Res (Teleportation), +3% Res (All)

    Level 26: Assault Bot
    (A) Soulbound Allegiance - Chance for Build Up
    (27) Soulbound Allegiance - Damage/Recharge
    (27) Soulbound Allegiance - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
    (31) Soulbound Allegiance - Accuracy/Recharge
    (31) Soulbound Allegiance - Damage
    (31) Force Feedback - Chance for +Recharge

    Level 28: World of Pain
    (A) Impervious Skin - Status Resistance
    (29) Recharge Reduction IO
    (29) Recharge Reduction IO

    Level 30: Conduit of Pain
    (A) Recharge Reduction IO

    Level 32: Upgrade Robot
    (A) Endurance Reduction IO

    Level 35: Anguishing Cry
    (A) Analyze Weakness - Accuracy/Defense Debuff
    (36) Analyze Weakness - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge

    Level 38: Painbringer
    (A) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance
    (39) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Recharge
    (40) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance/Recharge
    (50) Numina's Convalescence - Endurance/Recharge

    Level 41: Temp Invulnerability
    (A) Steadfast Protection - Knockback Protection
    (42) Aegis - Psionic/Status Resistance
    (42) Aegis - Resistance
    (42) Gladiator's Armor - TP Protection +3% Def (All)
    (43) Gladiator's Armor - Resistance
    (43) Steadfast Protection - Resistance/+Def 3%

    Level 44: Energy Torrent
    (A) Ragnarok - Chance for Knockdown
    (45) Ragnarok - Damage/Recharge
    (45) Ragnarok - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
    (45) Ragnarok - Accuracy/Recharge
    (46) Ragnarok - Damage/Endurance

    Level 47: Explosive Blast
    (A) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage
    (48) Positron's Blast - Damage/Endurance
    (48) Positron's Blast - Damage/Range
    (48) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
    (50) Positron's Blast - Chance of Damage(Energy)
    (50) Force Feedback - Chance for +Recharge

    Level 49: Force of Nature
    (A) Impervious Skin - Status Resistance

    Level 1: Brawl
    (A) Empty

    Level 1: Sprint
    (A) Empty

    Level 1: Supremacy
    Level 2: Rest
    (A) Empty

    Level 4: Ninja Run
    Level 2: Swift
    (A) Run Speed IO

    Level 2: Health
    (A) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance
    (5) Numina's Convalescence - +Regeneration/+Recovery
    (7) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Recharge
    (7) Numina's Convalescence - Heal

    Level 2: Hurdle
    (A) Jumping IO

    Level 2: Stamina
    (A) Performance Shifter - EndMod
    (3) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End
    (3) Endurance Modification IO
    (5) Endurance Modification IO

    Set Bonus Totals:
    4% DamageBuff(Smashing)
    4% DamageBuff(Lethal)
    4% DamageBuff(Fire)
    4% DamageBuff(Cold)
    4% DamageBuff(Energy)
    4% DamageBuff(Negative)
    4% DamageBuff(Toxic)
    4% DamageBuff(Psionic)
    6% Defense(Melee)
    5% Defense
    6% Defense(Smashing)
    6% Defense(Lethal)
    6% Defense(Fire)
    6% Defense(Cold)
    6% Defense(Energy)
    6% Defense(Negative)
    6% Defense(Psionic)
    6% Defense(Ranged)
    6% Defense(AoE)
    30% Enhancement(Heal)
    24% Enhancement(Accuracy)
    23.8% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
    10% FlySpeed
    99.4 HP (12.4%) HitPoints
    10% JumpHeight
    10% JumpSpeed
    Knockback (Mag -4)
    Knockup (Mag -4)
    MezResist(Confused) 15%
    MezResist(Held) 19.4%
    MezResist(Immobilize) 15%
    MezResist(Sleep) 15%
    MezResist(Stun) 15%
    MezResist(Terrorized) 15%
    10.5% (0.18 End/sec) Recovery
    86% (2.88 HP/sec) Regeneration
    13% Resistance(Smashing)
    13% Resistance(Lethal)
    17.1% Resistance(Fire)
    17.1% Resistance(Cold)
    13% Resistance(Energy)
    13% Resistance(Negative)
    13% Resistance(Toxic)
    16% Resistance(Psionic)
    15% RunSpeed

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    |78DA6553DB6E1251143DC30CD00B944B2FD056045A5B5A2AD 3625B7D31566D35518|
    |B412EBE3608D376123AD31448F4CD177FC0177FC018DF356A 8CF1F20526FE850F5E|
    |5E7CB3E29EBD0E8514C2B0386BAFBDCF5EFBCCC93DDCF209F 1784328C1CD7AA5D1D|
    |8C9551A4DE3E8C0B46AEE5C65CFAC7A4A46757FB7E515424C 75633BC5D6C1816DE9|
    |05FB81DD34AB8D784FE87A6B7757CF574C6B67CB26A2D2346 D2B74CBDA378E0CABA|
    |977FE04F2B65DD7B78D4ACD386AEC9B87A7D77E5EE78C9A59 352DC3D7891E9AD65E|
    |F8C6A159D56F9A46BD26DB7D14A5F6E6E879EFA61F851ED17 68BCB049A2A8212E73|
    |BF8C4254456A4BED33225527F84B3FAEBEB49BCA73854B8C4 305B60385704245586|
    |BBBC3AA62C05599A82AC445971CA26214FCA1AB799FC47725 5B05C55211F806E00B|
    |A6499E103B9704327DC49EE2F4C07E0959417548CD683A0B4 41541B42B521541B43|
    |B5B169967FA48AC3E8551D96A3F09DC2118C66942AFB51D9E 57FCED4C84B86E00B0|
    |6271A90DD04D25CFE13950F8152424BE819A0907854BA1E45 9F69349841BB19F419|
    |A75DC7A59F71E8262098803C819348C04F88E411F87145C63 9123DA6554C44EFF01|
    |97DA68E2651CF3DB9C97D4F6D00AE329CBD06B80280771775 3B2DBD4FC714A7DE19|
    |F890D0F6391CBCC7407DA19DE2928AE370542A3323C731F39 52BCF7E63D0FC78559|
    |D71CCC1E63C6CA660330B9BF9A0100BF28D5C8872238BEB1C 595C035C609BE96540|
    |842505CA5A92435CBAC41B9E5F05AC01D6193217198A24D7E 526FA2BEE7CF935E00|
    |DE02D43F61D00332A51D68AF4BB2267A409F969D3973E22DD C7ACF431D93E66B58F|
    |59EB63B6FB985C9769E735799129AA7074307872EDDA3F864 E6EAC50326CEA57975|
    |2E525D6EE33788A7C6D3D65B6F8B3377581537FF7A63EC5FB F30C90608106F80FB4|

    Thanks for your time,
  9. Thanks guys. Question is flight absolutely not viable in pvp? Also doesn't hovering negate KB still? And a blaster with no heal in pvp is also viable these days?

    Just trying to get my facts straight.

    Edit: Psyrene that looks like a sick build. The buffs are incredible. I just hate to give up flight.
  10. Hello everyone,

    I have been away from the game for about 5 years now with a brief six month stint in the middle a few years ago. Some of the old time players may remember me but I am basically a n00b relearning the game at this point. I'd like to build a Psi/EM blaster for pvp purposes.

    Assuming influence is no object I have come up with two build I think are strong for pvp. I am most likely dead wrong and so I come here seeking knowledge. Before you blast me, my searches to find something on the subject came up negative. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

    Here's the first of two builds I came up with:
    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.942

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    Level 50 Mutation Blaster
    Primary Power Set: Psychic Blast
    Secondary Power Set: Energy Manipulation
    Power Pool: Speed
    Power Pool: Flight
    Power Pool: Medicine
    Power Pool: Concealment
    Ancillary Pool: Force Mastery

    Hero Profile:
    Level 1: Mental Blast -- HO:Centri(A), HO:Centri(3), GJ-Acc/Dmg(3), GJ-Acc/Dmg/End/Rech(5), GJ-Acc/End/Rech(5), Dev'n-Hold%(37)
    Level 1: Power Thrust -- FrcFbk-Acc/KB(A), FrcFbk-Rchg/KB(7), FrcFbk-Dmg/KB(7), FrcFbk-Dmg/EndRdx/KB(9), FrcFbk-Rechg%(9)
    Level 2: Psionic Dart -- HO:Centri(A), HO:Centri(11), GJ-Acc/Dmg(11), GJ-Acc/Dmg/End/Rech(13), GJ-Acc/End/Rech(13), Dev'n-Hold%(50)
    Level 4: Telekinetic Blast -- Apoc-Dmg/Rchg(A), Apoc-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(15), Apoc-Acc/Rchg(15), Apoc-Dmg/EndRdx(17), Apoc-Dam%(17), Range-I(40)
    Level 6: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(19), RechRdx-I(19)
    Level 8: Hover -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), Winter-ResSlow(21), Ksmt-ToHit+(21), Flight-I(42)
    Level 10: Build Up -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(23)
    Level 12: Psionic Lance -- HO:Centri(A), HO:Centri(23), GJ-Acc/Dmg(25), GJ-Acc/Dmg/End/Rech(25), GJ-Acc/End/Rech(43), IntRdx-I(43)
    Level 14: Fly -- HO:Micro(A), HO:Micro(27), HO:Micro(43)
    Level 16: Super Speed -- HO:Micro(A), Run-I(27)
    Level 18: Psychic Focus -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(29), Rec'dRet-Pcptn(46)
    Level 20: Bone Smasher -- Hectmb-Dmg/Rchg(A), Hectmb-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(29), Hectmb-Acc/Rchg(31), Hectmb-Dmg/EndRdx(31), Hectmb-Dam%(31)
    Level 22: Stimulant -- EndRdx-I(A)
    Level 24: Aid Self -- Panac-Heal/EndRedux(A), Panac-EndRdx/Rchg(33), Panac-Heal/Rchg(33), Panac-Heal/EndRedux/Rchg(33), Panac-Heal(34), IntRdx-I(46)
    Level 26: Conserve Power -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(34)
    Level 28: Power Boost -- RechRdx-I(A)
    Level 30: Stealth -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), SW-ResDam/Re TP(39)
    Level 32: Invisibility -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A)
    Level 35: Boost Range -- RechRdx-I(A)
    Level 38: Stun -- Amaze-Stun/Rchg(A), Amaze-Acc/Stun/Rchg(39), Amaze-Acc/Rchg(39), Amaze-EndRdx/Stun(40), Amaze-ToHitDeb%(40)
    Level 41: Personal Force Field -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), SW-Def/EndRdx(42), SW-Def(42), SW-Def/Rchg(50)
    Level 44: Temp Invulnerability -- ImpSkn-Status(A), Aegis-Psi/Status(45), GA-3defTpProc(45), GA-ResDam(45), GA-End/Res(46), GA-RechRes(50)
    Level 47: Air Superiority -- GS-Acc/Dmg(A), GS-Acc/End/Rech(48), GS-Acc/Dmg/End/Rech(48), GS-Dam/Rech(48)
    Level 49: Phase Shift -- RechRdx-I(A)
    Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Defiance
    Level 1: Sprint -- Clrty-Stlth(A)
    Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
    Level 4: Ninja Run
    Level 2: Swift -- Flight-I(A)
    Level 2: Health -- Panac-Heal/+End(A), Numna-Regen/Rcvry+(34), Mrcl-Rcvry+(36), RgnTis-Regen+(36)
    Level 2: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A)
    Level 2: Stamina -- EndMod-I(A), EndMod-I(36), P'Shift-EndMod(37), P'Shift-End%(37)
    Set Bonus Totals:
    • 9% DamageBuff(Smashing)
    • 9% DamageBuff(Lethal)
    • 9% DamageBuff(Fire)
    • 9% DamageBuff(Cold)
    • 9% DamageBuff(Energy)
    • 9% DamageBuff(Negative)
    • 9% DamageBuff(Toxic)
    • 9% DamageBuff(Psionic)
    • 4.56% Defense(Melee)
    • 6.13% Defense(Smashing)
    • 6.13% Defense(Lethal)
    • 3% Defense(Fire)
    • 3% Defense(Cold)
    • 3% Defense(Energy)
    • 3% Defense(Negative)
    • 3% Defense(Psionic)
    • 3% Defense(Ranged)
    • 3% Defense(AoE)
    • 4.5% Max End
    • 30% Enhancement(Accuracy)
    • 67.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
    • 30% Enhancement(Range)
    • 10% FlySpeed
    • 162.6 HP (13.5%) HitPoints
    • 10% JumpHeight
    • 10% JumpSpeed
    • Knockback (Mag -3)
    • Knockup (Mag -3)
    • MezResist(Confused) 32.5%
    • MezResist(Held) 32.5%
    • MezResist(Immobilize) 32.5%
    • MezResist(Repel) 3000% (10% chance)
    • MezResist(Sleep) 32.5%
    • MezResist(Stun) 32.5%
    • MezResist(Terrorized) 35.3%
    • 20% Perception
    • 23% (0.38 End/sec) Recovery
    • 46% (2.31 HP/sec) Regeneration
    • 20% ResEffect(FlySpeed)
    • 20% ResEffect(RechargeTime)
    • 20% ResEffect(RunSpeed)
    • 4.58% Resistance(Smashing)
    • 4.58% Resistance(Lethal)
    • 8.04% Resistance(Fire)
    • 8.04% Resistance(Cold)
    • 3% Resistance(Energy)
    • 3% Resistance(Negative)
    • 4.58% Resistance(Toxic)
    • 7.58% Resistance(Psionic)
    • 10% RunSpeed

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

    And here is the second:
    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.942

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    Level 50 Mutation Blaster
    Primary Power Set: Psychic Blast
    Secondary Power Set: Energy Manipulation
    Power Pool: Speed
    Power Pool: Flight
    Power Pool: Medicine
    Power Pool: Concealment
    Ancillary Pool: Flame Mastery

    Hero Profile:
    Level 1: Mental Blast -- HO:Centri(A), HO:Centri(3), GJ-Acc/Dmg(3), GJ-Acc/Dmg/End/Rech(5), GJ-Acc/End/Rech(5)
    Level 1: Power Thrust -- FrcFbk-Acc/KB(A), FrcFbk-Rchg/KB(7), FrcFbk-Rchg/EndRdx(7), FrcFbk-Dmg/EndRdx/KB(9), FrcFbk-Dmg/KB(9)
    Level 2: Psionic Dart -- HO:Centri(A), HO:Centri(11), GJ-Acc/Dmg(11), GJ-Acc/Dmg/End/Rech(13), GJ-Acc/End/Rech(13)
    Level 4: Telekinetic Blast -- Apoc-Dmg/Rchg(A), Apoc-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(15), Apoc-Acc/Rchg(15), Apoc-Dmg/EndRdx(17), Apoc-Dam%(17)
    Level 6: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(19), RechRdx-I(19)
    Level 8: Will Domination -- FtnHyp-Sleep/Rchg(A), FtnHyp-Acc/Rchg(21), FtnHyp-Acc/Sleep/Rchg(21), FtnHyp-Sleep/EndRdx(23), FtnHyp-Plct%(23)
    Level 10: Hover -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), Winter-ResSlow(25), Ksmt-ToHit+(25), Flight-I(50)
    Level 12: Build Up -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(27)
    Level 14: Fly -- HO:Micro(A), HO:Micro(31), HO:Micro(31)
    Level 16: Super Speed -- HO:Micro(A), Run-I(33)
    Level 18: Psychic Focus -- Rec'dRet-Pcptn(A), RechRdx-I(33), RechRdx-I(33)
    Level 20: Conserve Power -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(34)
    Level 22: Stun -- Amaze-Stun/Rchg(A), Amaze-Acc/Stun/Rchg(27), Amaze-Acc/Rchg(29), Amaze-EndRdx/Stun(29), Amaze-ToHitDeb%(31)
    Level 24: Stimulant -- EndRdx-I(A)
    Level 26: Aid Self -- Panac-Heal/EndRedux(A), Panac-EndRdx/Rchg(34), Panac-Heal/Rchg(34), Panac-Heal/EndRedux/Rchg(36), Panac-Heal(36), IntRdx-I(36)
    Level 28: Power Boost -- RechRdx-I(A)
    Level 30: Stealth -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), SW-ResDam/Re TP(43)
    Level 32: Invisibility -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), RechRdx-I(46)
    Level 35: Boost Range -- RechRdx-I(A)
    Level 38: Bone Smasher -- Hectmb-Dmg/Rchg(A), Hectmb-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(39), Hectmb-Acc/Rchg(39), Hectmb-Dmg/EndRdx(39), Hectmb-Dam%(40)
    Level 41: Char -- UbrkCons-Hold/Rchg(A), UbrkCons-Acc/Hold/Rchg(42), UbrkCons-Acc/Rchg(42), UbrkCons-EndRdx/Hold(42), UbrkCons-Dam%(43)
    Level 44: Fire Shield -- ImpSkn-Status(A), Aegis-Psi/Status(45), GA-ResDam(45), GA-End/Res(45), GA-RechRes(46), GA-3defTpProc(46)
    Level 47: Rise of the Phoenix -- Armgdn-Dmg/Rchg(A), Armgdn-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(48), Armgdn-Acc/Rchg(48), Armgdn-Dmg/EndRdx(48), Armgdn-Dmg(50)
    Level 49: Phase Shift -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(50)
    Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Defiance
    Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
    Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
    Level 4: Ninja Run
    Level 2: Swift -- Flight-I(A)
    Level 2: Health -- Panac-Heal/+End(A), Numna-Regen/Rcvry+(37), Mrcl-Rcvry+(37), RgnTis-Regen+(37)
    Level 2: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A)
    Level 2: Stamina -- P'Shift-End%(A), P'Shift-EndMod(40), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(40), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(43)
    Set Bonus Totals:
    • 6.5% DamageBuff(Smashing)
    • 6.5% DamageBuff(Lethal)
    • 6.5% DamageBuff(Fire)
    • 6.5% DamageBuff(Cold)
    • 6.5% DamageBuff(Energy)
    • 6.5% DamageBuff(Negative)
    • 6.5% DamageBuff(Toxic)
    • 6.5% DamageBuff(Psionic)
    • 3% Defense(Melee)
    • 3% Defense(Smashing)
    • 3% Defense(Lethal)
    • 3% Defense(Fire)
    • 3% Defense(Cold)
    • 3% Defense(Energy)
    • 3% Defense(Negative)
    • 3% Defense(Psionic)
    • 3% Defense(Ranged)
    • 3% Defense(AoE)
    • 2.25% Max End
    • 22.5% Enhancement(Range)
    • 75% Enhancement(Accuracy)
    • 80% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
    • 10% FlySpeed
    • 122 HP (10.1%) HitPoints
    • 10% JumpHeight
    • 10% JumpSpeed
    • Knockback (Mag -3)
    • Knockup (Mag -3)
    • MezResist(Confused) 27.5%
    • MezResist(Held) 27.5%
    • MezResist(Immobilize) 27.5%
    • MezResist(Repel) 2000% (10% chance)
    • MezResist(Sleep) 27.5%
    • MezResist(Stun) 27.5%
    • MezResist(Terrorized) 30.3%
    • 20% Perception
    • 32.5% (0.54 End/sec) Recovery
    • 36% (1.81 HP/sec) Regeneration
    • 20% ResEffect(FlySpeed)
    • 20% ResEffect(RechargeTime)
    • 20% ResEffect(RunSpeed)
    • 4.58% Resistance(Smashing)
    • 4.58% Resistance(Lethal)
    • 15.6% Resistance(Fire)
    • 15.6% Resistance(Cold)
    • 3% Resistance(Energy)
    • 3% Resistance(Negative)
    • 4.58% Resistance(Toxic)
    • 7.58% Resistance(Psionic)
    • 10% RunSpeed

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    The first has more mez resists and defense capabilities with the "Foce" Mastery. The second has more recharge and accuracy. They could both be way off. I'll let the experts
    school me.

    Thanks again,
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
    Lord of Time
    Pepcat (think she still posts, just not as prolific)

    To name a few.
    I think I'm back....
  12. Wow. I am very pleasantly surprised by this thread and quite humbled by some of the posts. I've been away from the game for a long time, only occasionally popping in to check on things and a thread like this reminds me of how amazing this game's community has always been.

    I guess I didn't have any early influences in the game; I kind of forged my own stubborn way through an energy blaster, which was roundly derided as a power set, until I figured a few things out and decided to write about it one day. I did learn quite a few tricks from MsKnight though.

    The Legion of Freedom really took this game to a new level for me however; the players in that group are not only great people, whose friendship I cherish, they're all freaking amazing players. Now that I'm just putting my toes in the water once again I find myself learning a tremendous amount from them!
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Ahem. Update?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Maybe. I've been back in the game for 3-4 months now and am finally getting the hang of all the new stuff. Maybe a little ways down the road I can update this. But what good does an updated energy vblast guide do for a community that's been at this game so long? Are we still getting new people joining this game?
  14. SnipeFu

    LF Arena history

    [ QUOTE ]
    I fought and won many duels vs. Snipefu and other blasters with my eng/eng blaster on test, but I don't have any of those screenshots cuz that was before I really started caring about keeping records of stuff.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Did you now? I seem to recall that before I retired I lost maybe a total of 2 or 3 duels to blasters. One of them I know for sure who, which leaves maybe 1 or 2 other duels I lost.

    Who praytell is this Energy/Energy that you beat me with so many times? I'd like a rematch!
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Airhammer still lives amd is still practicing the Art of Snipe Fu. Now he has mastered the art of the Damage Range Hami-O which allows him to with Boost Range to snipe from REALLY far away.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Air Hammer! (((hugs))) long time my friend. Good to see you're still out and about.

    I have to do a respec on SnipeFu soon. I haven't played him since I5 this is going to be a challenge as I've been away for about a year but I'm going to post my questions/concerns/possible builds here for some tweaking when the time comes.
  16. Is the party on tonight in Pocket D? I need to go have my spandex let out a bit so I can squeeze into it.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Happy Birthday LoF! How you have grown!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ((Tackle Hugs Cuppa))

    There is no forum moderator / Community Rep alive that can hold a candle to your flame Cuppa.

    Thanks for all you have done for the LoF and the community in general, we still have you in our lovely little SG if I'm not mistaken. Your presence at our meeting about a year ago was also one of the most memorable occasions I've had in a game.

  18. Congratulations LoF and all of its members. You are all a pleasure to knopw and play games with. We truly are a family and I cherish that.

    The forum coup has to be one of the highlights of my gaming years. It was a really quirky and exciting day.

    Hulk Up!
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Even though Snipe seems to have joined the unwashed masses of players turned off by ED, I'd just like to thank everyone on this thread who provided any kind of helpful post. Tonight I hit 50, and while I don't think I have a cookie-cutter build, I have to say that paying attention to this guide/thread really helped me along the way.

    Thanks, everyone!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Many thanks and grats to you.

    I have joined the unwashed masses. I now play a hunter.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I wonder if ol' Emmert will actually be in front of the computer or if Statesman will just be an NPC. WOW that would be cool to open unlimited bottles of kick butt on the lead designer of CoH.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You'll have your chance - I'll be playing the one and only Statesman!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This would have been so exciting for me a couple of months back, but at this point in the de-evolution of CoH it fails to draw more than a yawn.
  21. At this point I'm just not sure I want to relearn the game yet again and retool my character yet again.

    Maybe at some point in the future I will, but for the time being I guess this guide will become a relic of what once was
  22. Grats Airhammer!

    I think on that note it would be prudent to say that this guide will not be getting an update anytime in the near future like I had promised.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Look back in this post and see Snipe's build. He is energy/elec and my wife is a level 42 Nrg/Elec. All I can say is this.. Shocking Grasp and Shocking Bolt ( the new Epic Power for Electric Blaster ) will be your very very new bestest friends.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    agreed. They will help you hold a boss in no time.