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  1. Both and YMMV.

    It doesn't hurt to announce your nuke on a team, especially if you have an emp or kin who can restore your endurance immediately after.

    The nuke is a good opening move on a mob with an elite boss or AV: get rid of everyone else and the rest of the team starts on the AV. However, because you draw all the aggro from whoever's left standing, you should be prepared to faceplant if you're not nimble enough to get out of range or don't have a good defender ready to keep you alive (or a tank ready to snag the aggro immediately).
  2. My preference is to skip Rain of Fire - unless you have a power or a team member with immobilize, all it does is irritate you and the rest of the team when the mobs run and have to be chased down.

    I love Fire Breath. I took Stealth, which lets me get into the best position for the cone, and not worry about the slower animation time. Aim + BU + Fire Breath + Fireball = roasted minions and a lieutenant that only needs a punch.
  3. I'm still trying to process how you can justify three end redux slots in Hover, especially since you have Stamina slotted up and Conserve Power to get you through protracted fights. Hover does not take THAT much endurance.

    As has been noted, Power Boost would extend the disorient time for Total Focus.

    Popping Conserve Power before Nova helps mitigate the endurance loss, since that seems to be a particularly important issue to you.

    What color are the lieuts you're one-shotting with a snipe without Aim?

    I'm fire/energy rather than energy/energy. I don't seek to blap, but I like having enough tools at my disposal if mobs do get close. I consider Bonesmasher a must-have, due to its faster animation and tendency to disorient anything that's not a boss.

    As others have said, this isn't so much a guide as you sharing your build, and given the inefficient slotting it's not one I would enjoy playing.
  4. Good luck at Tabula Rasa. We will miss you tremendously.
  5. Just wanted to say a big thank you to all the SG members and allies who dropped into Pocket D for the celebration! I had a great time and even got to run the Snaptooth missions for yet more badges!
  6. Thanks to my fellow SG members for a great year playing City of Heroes and I'm looking forward to many more!
  7. I was told that this bind isn't very well known and that I should share it. Credit goes to someone in the Virtue Legion of Freedom for sharing it with me.

    This allows you to show your character, level, server, whatever at the start of any global chat you type in. Helpful to badge & monster channels to sort out servers and character names for invitations. Helpful for SG coalitions to see what level someone is running.

    /bind KEY beginchat /send "insert name of global chat channel here" [$name - $level - server or archetype or whatever] (space)

    The space is helpful if you won't remember to add it automatically; makes it a little easier to read. An example and what it looks like in-game:

    /bind L beginchat /send "Triumph Watch" [$name - $level - Triumph] (space)

    Triumph Watch: [Flamare - 38 - Triumph] Hi, gang! Any mosnters out?

    Hope this helps!
  8. Of my alts listed below, three are female and two are male. The only reason I go with one gender or the other is character concept. It hasn't been an issue in-game, though when I'm playing Mr. Apol or Ice Ice Rabbi I sometimes startle teammates when I mention that I have to log off since the husband and child are home and it's time to fix dinner.
  9. puck_nc

    The Kudos Thread

    Thank you to the creators/developers/support staff for making this wonderful game. It's my first MMORPG and I am having a ball!