The Kudos Thread
Thank you for responding to my PMs, Statesman! And thank you for being understanding, CuppaJo!
Thanks to Cryptic for making the best MMO ever, in my opinion. You guys keep my hero on his toes all the time, and the logged time of 41 hours since last Friday (c/o XFire) shows to other and myself that the the content and challenges you've created is some of the best around.
Thank you for entertaining a clown like me.
Roger Wilco!
Hip hip hurrah to Jack and the gang for doing something that no other MMO has been able to do: actually get me to play one and enjoy it!
All together now, in the sacred tongue:
Hip hip hurrah to Jack and the gang for doing something that no other MMO has been able to do: actually get me to play one and enjoy it!
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Same here. For years, my husband has tried to get me to play MMO games with him, or at least to enjoy watching him play. Thanks all (from me and from him) for being the only ones able to provide that.
I love this game!
Happy happy joy joy happy happy joy.
My Pre-Order Coh box.
My character in coh beta.
My character in a coh beta mission.
Thank you CoH team, and thank you to all the customer support people that work in the back round to answer all the stupid questions that I have. They e-mail with the quickness.
Iron Tiger
Thanks guys! This is my first MMO (since MUDding way back in school)and I'm having a ball!
Thank you for responding to my PMs, Statesman! And thank you for being understanding, CuppaJo!
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yes, thanks to Statesman for replying.
I almost wanted to print my reply off and frame it ... show it off to my friends saying "this is the creator of the game I play taking the time to reply to my question"
Then I realized how geek-ish that was and instead giggled like a schoolgirl while doing a happy dance around my computer when I saw that I received a PM from Statesman.
the much more mature thing to do, i assure you.
Thank you, Cryptic, for being the most dedicated development team I've seen since 'Working Designs'.
Thank you NCSoft for publishing such a fantastic, genre-defining game!
Thanks for making the best MMO the market has ever seen, and for having the best interaction with the fan community in ANY game.
Thanks, no matter what anyone complains about I dont think anyone can argue that the communication from the devs for this game is the best out of any MMO too date.
Thanks for adding the "melee-runners" code in the upcoming issue 3. It's so nice to see something some said was impossible to fix FIXED!
Thanks indeed! For giving me the perfect waste of time. For showing me what a MMORPG is supposed to be. For caring enough to give responses in these threads. For just being a really cool buncha cats... daddio... umm... yeah...
If this doesnt hit 5 pages then some of us need to reconsider what we are paying that monthly fee for eh?
Five stars for everyone who posts here!
Woot to the Devs!
No grandfather clause nullifying the WarCry article, though...
if they return the root
to my unyielding boot!
But anyway
I gotta say
this game I'll play
'til Judgement Day!
Thank you from a first time MMORPGer, who never thought he would ever get into these types of games.
As a long time comic book fan, it was like a dream come true the moment I hit 14 with my first character, and I was able to FLY.
I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.

global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai
Thank you from a first time MMORPGer, who never thought he would ever get into these types of games.
As a long time comic book fan, it was like a dream come true the moment I hit 14 with my first character, and I was able to FLY.
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Oh. You are SO right. On my first toon, I took fly. Even though I knew ti was slow. Why?
Because when I FLEW I felt like a super hero! Big time!
Thanks for fly.
Thanks for creating a wonderfull online experience, it´s my first online game, and I will compare them all to your standards.
Will that help?
OMG!!! I have to take a side track for a second and thank PepsiDrinkingGuy for something:
Guardian server:
Mutant Pooh: 15 scrap
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I have NEVER laughed so hard as I did when I saw this guy standing in Kings Row... I just wish I had half a brain left at the time to grab a screenie.
Thank you for the dream. The children inside all of us, who still use a bath towel as a cape, would give you all hugs if we could.
Please keep in mind that the ability to play a game that lets us realize those dreams of childhood (and adulthood if we are honest) brings up a lot of emotion. That passion makes us want to help guide the dream to greater heights and in that quest we can become hasty and even angry when others do not see our way. Please, forgive the complaints and the griefing as the majority is truly done with the best intentions, to make this great game even better. Thank you again for all you have done and all you will do as you strive to make our experience even more memorable.
A toast to the most friendly, accesible, and entertaining development team ever assembled! *Raises a glass of New Years champagne.*
I don't have much kudos, but I can give plenty of kupos!
Also, thanks for creating homes for almost every thread kind imaginable in these forums. Comic culture forums, idea forums, the continued tolerance of Ask a Stupid Question. Thanks for this online community as well as the one in game.
Thank you all for working so hard for all of us even after release. You don't push out bad expansions as a gravy train -- you give them to us for free, and make sure that they're nigh on perfect!
Coming from a long-time MMOer, this game is awesome. I try to sell all my friends on it, something I wouldn't do if I wasn't sure they would love it. Keep up the fantastic jobs!
This article on Warcry says we can create 100 page posts of our complaints to Cryptic, but can't put together 5 pages of thank you's for the people who make and manage CoH.
I say we prove them wrong. I've seen lots of little thank you threads on these boards: let's see what they look like all in one place. You can keep them short and sweet, just keep them coming.
I'll start.
Thanks for being one of the most involved Dev communities I've seen. Statesman alone has posted to these boards over 600 times, in other games, you might find that the entire Dev community posted less than 200 times.
So thanks for taking the time to keep us informed. Even where we disagree with you, it's so good to know where you're coming from.