/em Handing over the Ban Stick...




It is my sad duty to inform everyone that August will be my last month with City of Heroes and City of Villains.

I am taking over community management of Tabula Rasa full-time as of Sept. 1st. Cricket will be your primary community person when Sept. 1 rolls around and I will no longer accept PMs as of that date.

I just wanted to take a second and thank everyone for all their support and kind words over the last two years. Even in the darkest hours I could always count on there being a few bright posts, emails or PMs in my inbox. These kept me going more than coffee ever could and they always brought a smile to my face.

I also want to thank everyone who has ever created well thought out, constructive post/PM. I know bugs or other game issues can be frustrating at times, but a community person's best friend is the player who takes that little extra step to research and document their issue while keeping it about the issue, and not about Statesman's momma.

Special thank you's to all the staff both here at NCsoft and at Cryptic for all your hard work, for answering questions and for listening to community concerns. Staff may not always agree - but they [u]always[u] listen.

Finally, thanks to you - the community. This has been a great community to work for and be a part of for the last two years and it's very hard leaving such a wonderful group of people. You are so intelligent, passionate, creative, funny and charming that it amazes me every day. And despite how it may appear on the surface sometimes - you all care for each other deeply and are always ready to lend a helping hand to those less fortunate. You are true heroes and there is no Paragon City without you. It has been my honor to serve you.



NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Cuppa, we'll all miss you

(just to flesh this out a bit) I know I'm going to sound like a butt kisser when I say this but, you've been one of the reasons I've stuck around for so long. The atmosphere here you and the other NCSoft folk helped to create in the community is something that's not really seen anywhere else. And for that, I thank you. Hopefully you can do the same over at Tabula Rasa.




That does it. Now I'm really going to play Tabula Rasa!

It was nice to have you around here Cuppa. We'll miss ya.

*puts black ribbon on moniter*



Which poster(s) finally drove you away?

I bet we could get a nice gathering to publicly stone them.

I've already forgotten about most of you



We're definitely going to miss you. Good luck in the new endeavor.

We'll try not to drive the new person crazy...much.



But but... Who will give me my New Braunfels news?!

We'll miss yah! Don't let them TR people get the good Cuppa that we got. Give them the mean Cuppa.

Cuppahatred mean.



That's a shame. Thanks for everything.



Dang, Cuppa... you will be missed.

Phantom Rose: Ill / Kin / Psi
Soleau: Ice / Icy / Ice / Core: Ice / Fire / Pyre / Wind / Eclipse / Flare / Corona
Solo Space



Can I have your stuff?



None of these truly express how I feel about you going. Take care, have fun. You helped maintain a pleasant environment here. Thank you.



Which poster(s) finally drove you away?

I bet we could get a nice gathering to publicly stone them.

[/ QUOTE ]


*drives off*



Whens the going away party, you deserve a big one

You'll be missed Cuppa.



Say it isn't so! ;_;
the Tibby-mun and all the alts will miss your wit, grace, and humour sorely, and we wish you the best in the future.

Please peep in and say 'hi' when you can...

TigerBaby: 50 MA/regen Scrapper, Pinnacle
Proud member of Twilight, Inc.
1500+ hours and still going!
(>� �&lt /<| ->
> X </ |>|__/<|
(TT)(TT) ^_V_/



You will be greatly missed in the world of heroes and villains, Cuppa!


*Begins playing TR* >.> hehe



Thank you.

@Utilitarian - Guardian/Tech Blst/20
Parity - Guardian/Nat Tnkr/21
Diana Drake - Infinity/Magi Scr/32
Doctor Developer - Virtue/Tech MM/22
Lady Lawful - Infinity/Magi Tnkr/20



Awww, Cuppa, say it isn't so!

I never spoke with you personally, but hats off to being an awesome mod. Thank you!

(Just pop by and visit for a spell sometime, won't you? You will be missed.)

Currently playing:
The Domestic: Broom/WP
Shadowhex: Dark Control/Dark Affinity
Defenestration Lass: Grav/Kin

"See, this is what happens when you have to shove all this stuff into your pockets: it's easy to misplace a suborbital warhead." -Arcanaville, on how crowded our power trays are getting lately



Good luck Cuppa. You will be missed.

The end of one story always marks the beginning of another...



Goodbye Cuppa... you will be missed... you where always there ready to answer our PM's, educate us on the Devs and just be a really good community Rep in general... it's sad to see you go, but good luck in your new posting.

Fare well, keep safe, there will always be a place for you in Paragon City!



I just wanted to take a second and thank everyone for all their support and kind words over the last two years.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, that's all well and good, but shouldn't I get a thank-you anyways?



First thought:

Second thought:

Now I'm really going to play Tabula Rasa!

[/ QUOTE ]



If ever there was a post suitable for this: DOOOOOOOOM!!!

Best of luck with TR (And from the looks of that game, don't think you're gonna be rid of this Badger so soon, hehe). You've really been a huge part of building this community and that can't have been easy. I'm sure even the most jaded veterans appreciate that.

I said this in Gil's farewel thread and Arctic's welcome thread, and it applies in your case as well: You leave some mighty big shoes to fill.

That said, I know Cricket can step up and I for one welcome our new insect overlord.



NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]


You will be sorely missed Cuppa!

Hope you'll come back and visit now and again.



We will all miss you. Although I have the feeling alot of us will be following you.



Does this mean we all get a "do over"? Our files that the Moderators keep on us get purged, right?


Why are you all looking at me that way. I'm not making this [censored] up!

I've already forgotten about most of you