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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Mayhem View Post
    Just thought I would quickly point out incase anyone doesn't know; Tron: Legacy in 3D isn't another one of those conversions. It is a legitimate 3D film and gives purpose to 3D by having it in use when in the digital world.
    Anyone who knows me knows I *LOATHE* the trend of putting 3D into movies because they either do it without thinking as a cheap marketing ploy, or they abuse it so it becomes all about the 3D. TRON: Legacy does not fall into either of these traps. This is one of the few movies that makes legitimate use of 3D to ENHANCE the movie. It's much the same way that the original Wizard of OZ used Black and White and Color to help contrast the real world and the world of OZ.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dollymistress View Post
    - Clu's CGI is far from perfect. The creative team didn't make use of the cutting-edge CGI from Avatar, so CLU looks more like a character from Final Fantasy: The Spirit Within than something realistic such as Gollum. At some point during initial filming, the director should have altered the storyline so CLU didn't need to be young Jeff, saving the production a tonne of sub-standard work.
    Really? There was only one moment where CLU looked CGI to me, and that was at the very end. Otherwise, he looked pretty damn realistic, and certainly nothing like a Spirits Within character.

    Also, the cycles don't behave in the same way! :O
    Technology has changed over the years, and it's specifically mentioned that the lightcycles are "new", as opposed to the Vintage one seen later. So of course they are going to work differently.
  3. Now they just need to bring in Deadpool/Widdle Waid.
  4. LiquidX

    VGA Announcemnts

    Originally Posted by Cowman View Post
    Anything about the new X-Men game?
    No, but the classic X-Men Arcade game comes to Xbox Live and PSN next week.

  5. I'm currently in the process of having my name legally changed to "Rock Kickass".
  6. Damn, Durakken already got to a couple of lesser knowns that I highly recomend, with Liar Game, Cage of Eden, and Super Dreadnaught Girl, all of which I wholeheartidly second/thirded. And someone else mentioned Azumanaga Daioh and Yotsuba, also high on my recomend list.

    Ones that I don't think have been mentioned, but would also highly recomend:

    Chi's Sweet Home - Chi's sweet home follows a young kitten named Chii, who gets seperated from her mother and siblings, and found by the Yamada family who eventually end up adopting her. The manga follows things from Chi's point of view, with Chi constantly misinterpriting things. Think Yotsuba&!, only starring a kitten.

    Team Medical Dragon - A manga that focuses on many of the problems in japanese health care, it focuses on Asada Ryutaro, a brilliant doctor that's been convinced to come out hiding after he was driven out of the medical world for something he didn't do. Really worth reading.

    Bartender - A manga that focuses on a young bartender named Ryū Sasakura, who is said to create a cocktail so magnificent it is called "The glass of the gods". It deals with Ryū as he helps the patrons who comes into his bar.
  7. Man, I hate it when the Random Post Generator gives the funniest posts to the least deserving posters. It's an insult to us legitimetly funny posters everywhere.
  8. I hear that in the coming months, Quesada plans to reveal that Aunt May cheated on Uncle Ben with Jonathan "Pa" Kent.

    Sadly, it'd be the best plot twist of his career.
  9. LiquidX

    Super Hero Squad

    Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
    There are sneaky gems like that all the way through...and MARK HAMILL is the voice of the Red Skull! And lord help me...George Takei is Galactus and James Marsters as Mr. Fantastic...I'm sure they do it for young relatives or kids....
    I believe Yuri Lowenthal was Spider-man in an episode.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eisregen_NA View Post
    Finally got around to taking a look at this and all I can say is WTF?

    Blaqualad? What was wrong with Garth?
    Because they are using Garth for something else.
  11. LiquidX

    Super Hero Squad

    Originally Posted by Furio View Post
    Hmmm...I dunno that Deadpool would be greenlight for this. Different company, I know, but they referred to Deathstroke only as Slade in Teen Titans, and that show's target demo is a few years older than SHS.

    I dunno if I could get behind a similar name substitution for 'pool...just doesn't feel right to me...maybe because Wade is too normal a name.
    You know Deadpool is showing up in the Super Hero Squad MMO? Also, the reasons I suggested "Widdle Wade" was because he's shown up in the comics on a few occasions.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
    The choice is yours, my friend. However if you do win, you could always give the Complete Collection to a friend, or anyone that you think would be interested in this fine game.
    Like me.
  13. While I hate Haikus,
    There is one thing I enjoy,
    And that is free stuff.
  14. LiquidX

    Super Hero Squad

    Until they give us some Deadpool/Widdle Waid goodness, I could care less about the show.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forefinger_ View Post
    I'm assuming that Robin was Tim and maybe we will see Dick as Nightwing at some point. Also, I think that the Flash in the League was Wally and that Kid Flash is really Impulse. It may not be true, but that's how I'm going to enjoy the show.
    For the record, Robin is Dick Grayson, Kid Flash is Wally West. But hey, whatever floats your boat.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    Meanwhile, France is here:

    And here there be Dragons:

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    I'm not sure they'll go that route. The same writer just did an extended anti-drug arc on Spectacular Spider-Man, so I don't know. I like the idea that Speedy walking helped the Leaguers take a chance on the other kids; seeing what keeping them in the dark/on the sidelines too much can lead to.
    But showing Speedy/Red Arrow being a bigger and bigger a-hole as the series goes on and then revealing a drug addiction would be one heck of an anti-drug arc. Plus, Speedy WAS a drug addict in the comics. Granted, it may not happen on Earth-16, but who knows?
  18. LiquidX


    I'm hoping that this does well enough to give it an actual series.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    -Superboy can't fly, doesn't have heat vision, nor does he seem particularly fast. What can he do? He traded blows with Blockbuster, but then so did Aqualad. He survived a building fall on him, but so did everyone else. They must really be banking on the super-hearing being his niche on the team. And not one mention of 'tactile-telekinesis'.
    Well, keep in mind that this was most likely the first time that Superboy was outside his tube. He was still developing, and getting used to his powers. Plus, his suit was designed to absorb Solar Radiation, which (Much like Superman) gives him his powers. Considering that he was underground AND it was night time, most likely meant that Superboy wasn't able to access his full powers. Plus, as he trains and learns, it's quite likely he'll develop his full suite of powers. And really, it also makes sense if you think about it, since Superman (originally) could only leap tall buildings rather then actually fly.

    -Speedy's tantrum and departure was a little forced. I can accept that maybe there was some things going on behind the scenes with Green Arrow and him and this was it coming to a head, but without that development it seemed rushed. I know he's going to be back as Red Arrow, but I hope we get some flashbacks to give viewers a better perspective on his frame of mind at that point.
    Drugs'll do that to you.

    On another note, I was amused with the Kid Flash/Speedy joke.

    "No, Speedy is Green Arrows sidekick!"
    "But that doesen't make any sense!"
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GreenLantern68 View Post
    5) I don't really know "not-Garth" Aqualad or Miss Martian well enough to comment about them. Aqualad seems to be the "Green Lantern-energy-projector-but-with-water" guy, while Miss Martian, of course, will represent all da ladies in da house. Why couldn't they have just gone with Wonder Girl...either version (Donna or Cassie)?
    They couldn't bring Wonder Girl in for the same reason they couldn't use Plastic Man for Justice League Unlimited. Because of legal issues they were prohibited from using her. However, those restrictions have been lifted, so she'll be in later. Also of note is that Garth WILL make an appearance, most likely as Tempest.

    7) Is it me or did Superman kinda act like a deadbeat dad when he was around Superboy? Just a thought, "Jason-from-Superman-Returns"!
    He was meeting his clone. I mean, how would you react if you suddendly learned that some secret organization had cloned you?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
    For all the random hacking he does in the premiere, I'm just going to assume that it's Tim even if they tell us in an episode differently anyways.
    Actually, it was already established before the premiere that Robin is Dick Grayson, while Kid Flash is Wally West.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mindswipe View Post

    Any quibbles with continuity/versions are forgiven when a show is this much fun.


    Got your nose!
    It's actually set on Earth-16, so theres not really much in the way of continuity that could be wrong.


    Also, in retrospect, I'm not suprised the premier was so good. Greg Weisman, creator of Gargoyles and supervising producer for Spectacular Spider-Man, is one of the Co-Creators. The other is the guy who produced the "Under the Red Hood" animated movie.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Seek_Trouble View Post
    Oh you crazy Americans and your bloodlust for sales.
    What can I say, we're crazy about prices.
  24. LiquidX


    Apparently, Firebreather is based on a comic series published by Image Comics. In fact, Duncan (Firebreather) apparently teamed up with Shadowhawk, Invincible, and Zephyr Noble at one point.
  25. So, there's a question that popped into my head a few weeks back. And I've been mulling it over for awhile, and I finally decided it was the right time to ask. My question for the Devs is... Just how do Black Fridays go in a city full of people with Super Powers? I mean, Black Fridays are lethal enough in cities that arn't loaded with people that can set stuff on fire with their minds, break into armored bank vaults with their bare hands, or actually sit through the entire showing of Batman and Robin. So, how are they handled in a place like Paragon City? (God forbid what the Rogue Islands would be like).