Tron: Legacy First Impression (No Spoilers!)
I just got back from the 12:01 showing here on the East coast. I sat down with the same drink and a popcorn i remember haveing back in the day....and found myself back in the world of TRON. See it once for the action..see it again and pay attention to the story. It did not let me down and i think it will not let You down good friends. Tonight i steped back into a world that i so missed...and came away happy with what i had seen.
I give this movie two snaps Z formation.
About the only gripe I had with the movie was one scene of "someone" going to get "something" and them handling it completely offscreen.
Other than that?
It melted my face off.
*Runs off to make a Tron-like toon*
(V)Thomas Peterson -- The Plain Walker(H)
I agree with everything but the "Writing was solid"
There were lots of diffrent elements to it, but I never really got an actual plot that joined everything together.
The plot was pretty messy.
If anyone knows the Nostalgia Critic, all I'm gonna say is "OF COURSE!" That was the plot.
(V)Thomas Peterson -- The Plain Walker(H)
Weird. I had no problem at all following the plot, and actually thought it was well written. *shrugs*
Yeah, I have to admit my enthusiasm has been dampened after reading a couple of reviews on Tron Legacy. Apparently it falls down in the same way Superman returns did... Allegedly its interspersed with a tedious father & son story plot that doesn't exactly compliment the rest of an action film.

I've seen two reviews so far and they both hated it. But since said reviews were in The Daily Mail and The Evening Standard, I expected them to.
I'm seeing it on Tuesday afternoon on an IMAX screen. In 3D.
This. 49% on Rotten Tomatoes("looks great, feels cold") and 51% Metacritic. On the flip side, 83% audience review on RT and 9.0 user score on Metacritic. To me Tron was an ok movie that rode the coat tails of being on the leading edge of effects. There is very little coming from critics that make me think this version will be otherwise. My Netflix queue is around 200. I haven't seen a movie in a theater since Easy A. If you want me dropping coin for a movie, it's going to take The Fighter, or True Grit to do so. I didn't drop even matinee money to see Anne Hathaway run around naked. I don't see the need to do the same just to see Olivia in a super tight suit with pretty effects all around.
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The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
leaving now to see it in quasi-imax
Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2
Exactly what I expected it to be. Fun movie, gorgeous visuals. Overhyped? Certainly, but don't let that deter you. It's a good geek flick.
But the hype has been fun. The stuff going on at was great for an ARG. I just finished the tie in video game the other day, and I really like what they did with it, using it to enhance the story and give you some of the happenings on the Grid pre-movie.
I'm seeing Legacy tomorrow morning, and I'm expecting fun. Looks like it will deliver, from what I've seen so far..
global: @SuperSean
Undersecretary of Awesome
Exactly what I expected it to be. Fun movie, gorgeous visuals. Overhyped? Certainly, but don't let that deter you. It's a good geek flick.
Yeah, but what about if you're an evil geek?

I saw it this morning in IMAX at the local AMC in the mall. Good enjoyable film with great visual effects. One thing I thought was awesome about seeing it in the IMAX theater was that the theater would rattle from the sound.
Fun moment happened after I had already seen the movie. I figured that because I was at the mall during the holidays and I had a good parking spot, I should see if there was anything I needed to get for chirstmas. My mother asked me to go by Bath and Body Works to get a hoiday lotion for one of her co-workers. I go to get it and felt really out of place being about the only guy in there. There were a couple others who were there with someone else but I was alone. Don't know why but I mentioned why I was at the mall and that I was asked to go there to the cashier. The girl freaked out with the mention of Tron and then the cashier next to her realized I mentiond Tron. She then started freaking out.
Honestly (and this is a somewhat amusing site to post this) the morality color coding was a bit heavyhanded, but that comes with the territory.
Well worth seeing. i saw it in 3D and it was enjoyable and worked well with the film. It wasn't like some 3D movies where they feel the urge to try to make something lunge at the audience every couple of minutes.
Edit: To be fair, the big bad was much more Emperor Cole than Lord "Rawr! I Chew Scenery For Breakfast!" Recluse. He did what he did because he thought he was doing what needed to be done.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
It didn't get good critic ratings unlike last year's over hyped 3D flick because there were no heavy handed messages in it (corporations evil, military evil, nature good, natives good, "white" man bad).
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
I dug it. Bridges as CLU looked good....unlike Prof. X in Wolverine.
Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2
Overall, I liked it. It's Tron.
Pacing seemed a bit slow at times. I was expecting more action than I got, but what was there was good.
Could have used more humor, like the original had.
Story was fine, but they could have done so much more with it. Some things were just handwaved or barely touched.
Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
Enjoyed this movie thoroughly and I highly reccomend it 5 out of 5 stars.
So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?
Dubbed first knight of pep-istan by her majesty Queen Pepcat. first catmonaut to walk onna moon.
I'd have to give it 8 out of 10. I think somewhere in the original conception of this film there was an utterly fantastic movie, but it was slightly let down by inexperienced directing and a screenplay that was overpolished, leaving some aspects a bit shallow or bland.
There are many moments of pure awe and the effects are stunning. However, these parts are let down a little by some key flaws:
- Clu's CGI is far from perfect. The creative team didn't make use of the cutting-edge CGI from Avatar, so CLU looks more like a character from Final Fantasy: The Spirit Within than something realistic such as Gollum. At some point during initial filming, the director should have altered the storyline so CLU didn't need to be young Jeff, saving the production a tonne of sub-standard work.
- Some people (myself included) aren't 100% happy with the overall design philosophy. Characters and costumes in the original movie glowed. In this movie they are simply leather/rubber costumes with a few lines of glowing light on them. Also, the cycles don't behave in the same way! :O
- The writing could have forged a much stronger emotional connection between some of the characters. I don't want to give anything away at all but there are moments later in the film where things could have been made far more desperate and tense than they were. I was really hoping for the plot to go in a dark direction that is heavily hinted at near the end, but it didn't. It also didn't even scratch the surface of what was going on or paint a picture of the broader world of the grid.
- There are many "quiet" scenes that you just know are in there to give the CGI people and budget a rest. Corners are cut with backgrounds, numbers of characters on screen at once, which direction CLU is facing (i.e. away from camera) all to save time and money. Some things in the "game" world just look to mundane.
Having said all that, for every moment that made me sigh, there was a moment straight after it that made me squee at the awesome. The club scene is the absolute peak of the film and as a set piece it is sheer brilliance.
The score, by daft punk, sets the tone at the beginning of the movie in such an aggressive way, then never lets up. It is amazing.
I just wish there had been an extra scene after the credits to explain at least the one huge plot hole...
The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!

I wasn't expecting the movie to have a great story or plot (IMO the first wasn't a spectacular story either, so why should this have a better story?) The atmosphere was well done. The ultra low synthesizer tones seemed like they were taken straight from the original movie. I think this movie suffers from the same fate as the Star Wars prequels. Trying to make a sequel to a movie from over 20 years ago and still have it keep the same appeal is a bit difficult. Overall a pretty good movie, I'd really suggest seeing on the big screen with the theater surround.
There, if we can hit that bullseye the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate! -Zapp Branigan
- Clu's CGI is far from perfect. The creative team didn't make use of the cutting-edge CGI from Avatar, so CLU looks more like a character from Final Fantasy: The Spirit Within than something realistic such as Gollum. At some point during initial filming, the director should have altered the storyline so CLU didn't need to be young Jeff, saving the production a tonne of sub-standard work.
Also, the cycles don't behave in the same way! :O |
Just... holy hell, this movie is amazing.
And not just with the special effects, or the music; both, at this point, were a given.
Amazing acting (especially from Olivia Wilde), amazing direction (not a single cringe-worthy moment, excellent pacing), amazing writing (not just in the scope of the picture, but in the little moments that pop up throughout the film that make the characters seem real)...
I walked out of the theater literally shocked, at just how much I enjoyed it.
I went into this movie trying really hard to tamper my expectations, because of the hype that was generated... but I shouldn't have worried.
Five out of five stars. See this movie as soon as you can! You won't regret it.