52 -
What worries me the most about that trailer starts at 0.26.
I believe that the problem with airing Doctor Who next year is a sheduling one. The Olympics are in London next year, so the BBC will be airing it and very little else. Everything will be shoved around the aired at other times, so the schedule for everything is totally up in the air and will be moved where convenient. And that includes DW..
Who cares about what happened. Who cares if he wore the costume/didn't wear the costume. Who cares about Lex, or Darkseid...
THEY PLAYED THE THEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
Quote:Which explains the popularity of Supernatural, I guess. I have an RPG group with a female GM who freely admits that the only reason she - and apparently legions of women of her age - watches the show is for the cute leads. In fact, give her (and the legions) a show with crappy writing and semi decent acting, but have cute male leads and she'll (and they) be tuning in each week. And then they all go write slash fic about the show.Also, it seems that viewer power has shifted to the point where a single, or even several scantily clad women alone aren't enough to sustain viewership on a series. Now it's more like if you can get enough attractive dudes in a series with semi-decent writing, you've got a shot.
I am VERY glad that NBC rejected it. I REALLY hope every place that Kelly shops it to, also rejects it.
This was NOT Wonder Woman. It was just some generic female superhero type, stealing the WW costume and name. If it had gone with an original costume and dropped the WW style origin I would have been interested in seeing it. But they were trying to pass it off as the DC Wonder Woman which it was NOT, no matter what they and DC might have said.
As it happens one of the people tapped to be in a test screening also runs a podcast, and dedicated it to a spoileriffic review of the pilot. And the general gist was that it sucked, big time. -
That isn't rubbing it in.
Telling you I'm going to see it today in 3D IMAX is rubbing it in... -
Quote:1) right click on the picture at the site and go to Properties, where it should give you the full link to the picture http://blahblahblah.com/blah/blah/pic.jpg or somesuch)
2) come here, start a post, and click on the little mountains with sun icon (the one that indicates Insert Image)
3) paste the link
4) done
Otherwise, just point us to the website.
I was looking around FB at various Sarah Jane/Lis Sladen tribute sites and found a pic that made me go 'Woah. That's.. wow.'
But I don't know how to add pictures to posts, so I can't add it here. -
Somewhere in a box I possess Simonson's entire Thor run. One day, I must hunt them all out and re-read them. But from that entire run - filled with magificently awesome moments that it was - there is still one panel that sends shivers down my spine and causes me to pause to reflect on heroism.
"He stood alone at Gjallerbru. And that is enough."
Even now, not having seen that panel for years, it still gave me that shiver. That is real writing power. -
'This is how it all ends, Pond flirting with herself. True love at last... oh.. sorry Rory."
Best. Line. Ever. -
1) Planetary.
2) The Authority - BUT it has to be led by The One True Jenny.. Jenny Sparks.
Actually any movie with Jenny Sparks in it would be fine.
3) Sandman - The Endless Sandman, not some guy calling himself Sandman. And guest starring some of the other Endless, especially Death.
4) Death: The Time of Your Life / The High Cost of Living - either of the two miniseries would be fine.
5) Strangers In Paradise by Terry Moore - its got Action! Drama! Suspense! Romance! -
Quote:Yup, seen House quite a few times - although not regularly. And yes, he is grizzled there, but not grizzled enough for Vimes. At least in my head anywayHave you seen any of the ads for a series called House? Laurie's in it as the title character. He's pretty grizzled looking in it. He's no longer the foppish Prince George (though he'll always be that character to me, just like Harrison Ford is Han Solo, Arnold is the Terminator, Stallone is Rambo, Rowan Atkinson is Black Adder, etc).
Quote:If you can, look out for a BBC series called 'Waking The Dead'. It's on its last season here (thanks to budget cuts) He's the lead in that and its bloody good. He always seems like he's barely reigning in his rage a lot of the time, which is pretty much Sam Vimes all over.Not heard of Trevor Eve before, but he looks like he could pull off Vimes.
Laurie bloody could. He's got the scathing, dark sarcasm that Vimes deploys so well.
Yes, Laurie could as well, I agree. I just don't think he's grizzled enough. -
Corporate Exec by day and vigilante by night? For any third rate generic superhero series, sure. For Wonder Woman? The most iconic female superhero ever? No. Just No.
I will watch the pilot out of morbid curiosity, but thats it. I predict cancellation, probably after 5 episodes. -
No one's recommended them yet so, I will put forward the Takeshi Kovacs trilogy by Richard Morgan
Altered Carbon
Broken Angels
Woken Furies
It's definitely an exercise in very believeable world building, a very intense and very good read, and a damaged anti-hero who is absolutely bad-***. Kovacs is most definitely not a role-model for anyone, except maybe for aspiring sociopaths. -
I will wait for the rental on this one. There is no way the actual film can be as good as the trailer makes it look.
I was not impressed with this when it showed here in the UK. I watched the first half hour to give it a chance, but then turned it off and have not been interested enough to watch the rest.
I've seen two reviews so far and they both hated it. But since said reviews were in The Daily Mail and The Evening Standard, I expected them to.
I'm seeing it on Tuesday afternoon on an IMAX screen. In 3D. -
He looks great in the helmet. But that's not the point. The most important point is: Will he keep it on all the time?
If he doesn't then it's all over. End of story. -
Its pretty damn good all round. Only one bad note in the whole thing and his name begins with 'M'...
Its been out for a couple of weeks here in the UK.