Tron: Legacy First Impression (No Spoilers!)




i enjoyed the hell out of it. the visuals were fantastic, daft punk is quite masterful (although i wonder if they contributed more than just the electronica to composed orchestrals), and i felt there was more being discussed in the movie than what was being said in a line.

my favourite bits were the isomatrices sprung from a soup of information in a tidal pool on the edge of a vast ocean. digital jazz between the notes of the orchestra.

/perhaps i wax.

Kittens give Morbo gas.



Hmmm...watched it today in 3D.

I just didn't see what the hype was about. Wasn't a terrible movie, but I felt like the scene with the light cycles were lacking, and the disc throwing scenes could have been so much more.

It just wasn't all that.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Fun movie, but the 3-D adds NOTHING to it. My roommate and I both agree that if you see it, it's better to just see it in 2-D.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I just didn't see what the hype was about. Wasn't a terrible movie, but I felt like the scene with the light cycles were lacking, and the disc throwing scenes could have been so much more.
I'll second this.

Just saw it yesterday. It wasn't bad. Good visuals and a workable if not impressive story. As mentioned above, I was a little disappointed that some of the action didn't ramp up any more than it did. Everything was used well, but none of it really pushed any envelopes.

Also like others, I felt a little gipped as far as Tron's role in the film. Even having heard others talk about it before hand, I still felt like there should have been more of a payoff with him. I suppose they were saving it for the sequel maybe.

I also really wanted more about the ISOs. Like Tron, we kinda get a taste of them and their story, but never really get anything meaty outta it. This is more of a personal taste kinda thing, but what else would you expect from a Mass Effect fanatic. "Oh, this is kinda interesting. Let me stop and examine it from all angles."

So, for me, the movie did have it's shortcomings, but it DID spark an interest in me to see more of that world. Not bad. Hopefully, if they make a sequel, they'll build on what they've started and really knock it outta the park.



My dad works for Symantec and they took out their employees and significant others to see it so my parents went out last night to see it. Both fell asleep several times I'm told. My mom says she wasn't really sure what was going on most of the time.

Sooo not quite interesting enough to keep them awake...



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Hmmm...watched it today in 3D.

I just didn't see what the hype was about. Wasn't a terrible movie, but I felt like the scene with the light cycles were lacking, and the disc throwing scenes could have been so much more.

It just wasn't all that.
I agree,
My thoughts were that the chirography was lacking. At any given moment, you never really knew what was really happening during the action, or where the hero was in relation to the bad guy. In Tron, everything was spelled out very well, so you understood what was going on during the light cycle race, as well as the ball bounce video game. In this movie, it was just glam glam glam, slam, glam glam glam slam, to much punch, not enough follow through.

Oh... and light cycles can't go 90 degrees anymore?

Other than that, I enjoyed it, and I look forward to a third Tron.

Originally Posted by Talia_Rayvyn View Post
Son of Flynn - He was alright but the one thought that kept popping into my head was how he would have played a good Mutt Jones.
Fixed that for you.



Originally Posted by Cowman View Post
Just saw it yesterday. It wasn't bad. Good visuals and a workable if not impressive story. As mentioned above, I was a little disappointed that some of the action didn't ramp up any more than it did. Everything was used well, but none of it really pushed any envelopes.

Also like others, I felt a little gipped as far as Tron's role in the film. Even having heard others talk about it before hand, I still felt like there should have been more of a payoff with him. I suppose they were saving it for the sequel maybe.
You sound a lot like my brother and several other people I've talked with. As with all over-hyped movies... people go in to the movie expecting for their minds to be blown away... and when it wasn't... they blame the movie for not going far enough.

The only thing that failed was the marketing department.

Although, I have to admit, the story definitely was lacking in complexity. It was pretty straight forward and had a few elements that it could have expanded upon, but everything else was adequate, IMHO. This movie did most of what it was meant to do: Introduce you to the new Tron world. Although... I would have liked to have seen more from the resistance programs. You really only get a small implication that there is an underground resistance against the totalitarian ruling of Clue (as shown in the night club scene when the damaged programs stood against the guards).

However, something tells me they did a wise thing in keeping the story relatively simple. Look at Chronicles of Riddick. It came after Pitch Black, a simple movie... and introduce a *lot* of new elements which, IMO, turned a lot of people off. It's a great movie and introduced a rich and interesting story but overwhelmed the audience with too much new information... so much to the point where immersion was lost.



Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
You sound a lot like my brother and several other people I've talked with. As with all over-hyped movies... people go in to the movie expecting for their minds to be blown away... and when it wasn't... they blame the movie for not going far enough.
I see your point, but I also felt the action underperformed, but for me the reason wasn't that I expected more, it was that it was poorly choiorgraphed. A film lacks suspence in a fight or vehical chase if you don't tell a story with the action, or build up that action to become part of the plot.

Like the Light Cycle sequence in the first Tron.

A. Here are the light Cycles
B. Here is where they are in relationship to each other
C. Here is what they can do to each other, wall damage
D. Here is how you can beat them, Maze
E. Repeat B-C-D with variation and built up energy that lead to a plot point (the cracked wall from D becomes the Escape Route)

In this movie it was just too confusing, a bunch of glam shots spliced together with a very loose connecteted action. I really didn't feel that the Director was very skilled in telling a story through action.

SPOILERS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The worst offender was the final flight scene, really it was just a bad dog fight. Really bad with a glam confusing ending that left too of the attackers less then hurt, and made for a pointless race/chase.

END OF SPOILERS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

However, I do agree that expectations can carry you away, but by the time I'd seen the movie, Id read a few bad reviews and so my expectations were tempered.



Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
You sound a lot like my brother and several other people I've talked with. As with all over-hyped movies... people go in to the movie expecting for their minds to be blown away... and when it wasn't... they blame the movie for not going far enough.
It doesn't need to blow my mind, it just needs to reach outside of the comfort zone. Which isn't that difficult, even for a relatively simple action movie. Die Hard did this with John McClane's relative vulnerability and the running joke of his feet. The Transporter did it with their fight choreography and set pieces. The Incredibles did it by going the extra mile with the story.

Every movie can't revolutionize the genre, but they can let off a firecracker or two. Tron Legacy just seemed very "by the numbers". I think perhaps they were resting on the visuals too much. With something as unique looking as Tron, that's certainly a temptation, but it still only goes so far.



Originally Posted by Cowman View Post
It doesn't need to blow my mind, it just needs to reach outside of the comfort zone. Which isn't that difficult, even for a relatively simple action movie. Die Hard did this with John McClane's relative vulnerability and the running joke of his feet. The Transporter did it with their fight choreography and set pieces. The Incredibles did it by going the extra mile with the story.

Every movie can't revolutionize the genre, but they can let off a firecracker or two. Tron Legacy just seemed very "by the numbers". I think perhaps they were resting on the visuals too much. With something as unique looking as Tron, that's certainly a temptation, but it still only goes so far.
Except that Tron is all about the visuals. That's what made the original stand out. If you take a Tron movie and focus on something other than visuals, it's not Tron anymore. And it's also a Disney movie, first and foremost.

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Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Except that Tron is all about the visuals. That's what made the original stand out.
Maybe this is why I've heard so many people say the original isn't as good as they remember it.

But seriously, there's a difference between focusing on the visuals and relying on them to carry the movie. And that focus on the visuals didn't even work out in my opinion; as noted in my and others points about the lackluster action scenes.

And just to reiterate, I DID enjoy the movie. I'm just listing the things I was disappointed in and hope are improved on in any possible sequels. Something I could do with any movie, even ones that are my favorites.



Basically this new movie had all the good things (i.e. cutting edge visuals) and all the bad things (i.e. weak simplistic plot) that the original had for its timeframe in the 80s. I loved the original (back when I saw it in the theaters when I was like 10) but having seen it recently I realize how it was lacking as a movie and left me with wanting more. This new movie merely followed the same path by leaving me wanting a stronger more interesting story to go along with the pretty visuals.

As a sequel to the original movie Tron:Legacy simply updated the 80s era CGI with 2010 era CGI.
Beyond that it was more or less the same basic movie with the same good parts and bad parts.

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Finally saw it with hubby on Sunday. Went in expecting a popcorn movie, and got it. (Saw it in 2d coz despite loving the feeling of speed, my lunch would have been on the floor otherwise.) Enjoyed the special effects, LOOOOOOVED Daft Punk's score, had fun looking for a) all the computer references, and b) all the original movie in-jokes. John and I have a theory regarding the fate of a certain character, but we'll find out in the third film (if they make one) if we're right.

(And me being the fangirl I am, while I'm all for seeing Jeff Bridges de-aged, I was REALLY hoping to see them pull the same stunt with Bruce Boxleitner. *sigh*)

BTW, am I the only one who actually MISSES arcades like that? I swear, I wanna create my own version of Flynn's, with all the 80s nostalgia I can cram in one place.


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Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
BTW, am I the only one who actually MISSES arcades like that? I swear, I wanna create my own version of Flynn's, with all the 80s nostalgia I can cram in one place.
I miss them too. Gameworks to me is a joke, bring back the old school arcades.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
BTW, am I the only one who actually MISSES arcades like that? I swear, I wanna create my own version of Flynn's, with all the 80s nostalgia I can cram in one place.

I really, really miss old arcades. I think if someone did it right, and targeted an arcade towards the 25-40ish crowd, with alcohol served, it could do reasonably well.



Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
I was doing the same, plus trying to make out logos beneath the tarps.

I really, really miss old arcades. I think if someone did it right, and made a 20-40ish cabinet arcade with a clever hook/gimmick, with a mix of old classic cabinets, and the new multi-(classic)game cabinets, it could do reasonably well. Target it towards the 25-40ish crowd, with alcohol served.
FOr the life of me, I can't remember the name of the place, but there was an arcade in Tucson not far from the U of Arizona that you paid a $2.50 'cover charge' to get in (and got all nickels for it), and could just play and play and play. On Friday and Saturday nights it was a ZOO.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
FOr the life of me, I can't remember the name of the place, but there was an arcade in Tucson not far from the U of Arizona that you paid a $2.50 'cover charge' to get in (and got all nickels for it), and could just play and play and play. On Friday and Saturday nights it was a ZOO.


There was one of those that opened up in the San Diego area (early 90s) as I was finishing up high school. It did indeed rock, but I moved shortly after it opened and didn't get to enjoy its goodness for long.

If you had 5 bucks, you'd be there a long time before you ran out of money.

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One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



One of San Diego's first small-time arcades opened up about 1 block from my house, and then another one (different I think) opened about a block away from my high school.

You can guess where I spent most of my time on the way to and from school. (well, from anyway since they didn't open until I'd have been at school.)

The whole scene in Tron though was SUCH a great flashback.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



You know you guys wanting to go to 80s style arcades still have places like Dave and Buster's and Chuck E. Cheese's to go to.
I'm sure there are other alternatives sprinkled around.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
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Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
You know you guys wanting to go to 80s style arcades still have places like Dave and Buster's and Chuck E. Cheese's to go to.
I'm sure there are other alternatives sprinkled around.
D&B's and CC's cant hold a candle to the arcades of yore.



I grew up in arcades, and got pretty excited when the power got turned on in that scene.

In Fresno, we have an "Oh Wow! Nickel Arcade." It has the cover charge. Good times.

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Originally Posted by ObiWan View Post
D&B's and CC's cant hold a candle to the arcades of yore.
Beggers can't be choosers.
If you want "real" 80s styled arcades you'd probably need a time machine at this point.
All I was offering is the most obvious alternatives that exist today. *shrugs*

[EDIT] Either that or go to other countries (like Singapore) where they have generic game arcades with specific games which I will not (and never did) name or mention here.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Beggers can't be choosers.
If you want "real" 80s styled arcades you'd probably need a time machine at this point.
All I was offering is the most obvious alternatives that exist today. *shrugs*

[EDIT] Either that or go to other countries.
Now where did I put the parts for my DeLorean with Flux Capacitor?

One of my first jobs was at an arcade, the boss was a bit of a jerk but it was fun.



Just saw it a few hours ago, reasonable film, good music. Probably best seeing it on the big screen. Sam really does remind me of Anakin and liking Kevin rocking his light up Jedi cloak. But I think Jeff Bridges is channeling too much of The Dude.

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