Tron: Legacy First Impression (No Spoilers!)




Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Spoilers *must* affect your opinion, because then there are no surprises. Discovery is pretty much the entire point of storytelling. Nevermind plot twists like the Kobayashi Maru reveal in Star Trek II or the "I see dead people" twist of Sixth Sense, the unfolding of the story and revelation of character are why we watch movies and television and read books at all. If you already know what's going to happen, you can't experience that. It's impossible, in fact.

Therefore spoilers ruin your experience, period. Seeing something cold is always better. Always. Anyone who says differently is wrong.
Spoilers don't ruin my experience, never have, and never will.

If you think the movie was good with it's rushed action scenes and horribly plot holed story then great, you enjoyed something. If you don't see the problem with what was stated in the movie then I'm not going to convince you, no matter whether I'm right or wrong, that that there is a problem so I don't see the point in continuing this conversation.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Spoilers don't ruin my experience, never have, and never will.
I just don't see how this can be true. How can you possibly know how you'd perceive the story without seeing the spoilers. If someone told me the ending to the Sixth Sense, I'd have watched the entire moving thinking about it. There's not a way to be surprised by anything.

I can't concieve why someone would want spoilers anyway, but I know some people just want to have the false sense of "knowing" that it can provide. Maybe you have no interest to see a movie but wanted to know what happens. Maybe you're somoene who doesn't like surprises. Maybe it comes from a sense of needing to be "in control" of everything. Like the way you try to deride arguments or omit other peoples points when they don't suit your weak defense.

But if you're someone who can turn the blind eye on all the blaring plot holes in the last 6 seasons of Smallville, then you should be able to see why others aren't nit-picking at minor details in this movie. Sure, you've decided to call them mountains instead of mole hills, but plenty of people have pointed out reasonings and the what-nots to derail them from being so big of a deal. There's no need to be condescending if we still choose to see the story as stronger than you want to believe.


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Just saw it with my son. I liked it.

The only thing that confused me was Alan at the end, because I thought there had been some weird time-travel or something... I will have to check it out again, because if it was that same actor as the beginning, I somehow missed it.

Huh. It was. Not sure how I failed to recognise him.

Est sularis oth Mithas



Originally Posted by Shadowclone View Post
all mixed with rockin music
I love Daft Punk, but the my jaw hit the floor when Sam hit the jukebox in the arcade and Journey's "Separate Ways" came on. I had the biggest smile on my face. That was the musical highlight of the film for me.



Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
I just don't see how this can be true. How can you possibly know how you'd perceive the story without seeing the spoilers. If someone told me the ending to the Sixth Sense, I'd have watched the entire moving thinking about it. There's not a way to be surprised by anything.

I can't concieve why someone would want spoilers anyway, but I know some people just want to have the false sense of "knowing" that it can provide. Maybe you have no interest to see a movie but wanted to know what happens. Maybe you're somoene who doesn't like surprises. Maybe it comes from a sense of needing to be "in control" of everything. Like the way you try to deride arguments or omit other peoples points when they don't suit your weak defense.

But if you're someone who can turn the blind eye on all the blaring plot holes in the last 6 seasons of Smallville, then you should be able to see why others aren't nit-picking at minor details in this movie. Sure, you've decided to call them mountains instead of mole hills, but plenty of people have pointed out reasonings and the what-nots to derail them from being so big of a deal. There's no need to be condescending if we still choose to see the story as stronger than you want to believe.
This, Durakken. You spent a lot of effort and time trying to convince us that the movie was bad on its face, without seeing it first, which is what we've been calling you out for. Now that you've seen it, you're still trying to say the movie is horrible because of X,Y, and Z (never mind that the vast majority of posters here liked it and either didn't see the same problems or they didn't affect us as much) when all you really need to say is that you personally didn't care for it, and move on.

And I call BS on your explanation of not being affected by reviews before watching a movie. You can't possibly watch a review and then shut that review out of your mind while watching the movie. Just like you can't not think about a spoon when I tell you to think of a spoon.

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Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
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WHF, what are you talking about? I didn't give an explanation as to why my opinion isn't affected. I simply said it wasn't. That's not an explanation. That's a statement.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
WHF, what are you talking about? I didn't give an explanation as to why my opinion isn't affected. I simply said it wasn't. That's not an explanation. That's a statement.
You focusing on one word he misused doesn't really detur the truth of his statement. Nor does it mean you've actually addressed anything that was said. It's still BS to say that reviews and spoilers have never affected the way you watch a movie and that they never will.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



My friends, you are arguing on the Internet, we all know how this will end. No ones opinions will change, it will just sour this thread and form bad blood. So how about, instead, we talk about what we liked about the movie. I for one giggled with delight when pixelized water splashed into the air. I also loved the Obi-Wan spoof.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Spoilers *must* affect your opinion, because then there are no surprises. Discovery is pretty much the entire point of storytelling. Nevermind plot twists like the Kobayashi Maru reveal in Star Trek II or the "I see dead people" twist of Sixth Sense, the unfolding of the story and revelation of character are why we watch movies and television and read books at all. If you already know what's going to happen, you can't experience that. It's impossible, in fact.

Therefore spoilers ruin your experience, period. Seeing something cold is always better. Always. Anyone who says differently is wrong.
Always better for you, perhaps. If a movie or book is truly good, in my experience the whole will hold up just as well if you learn about bits of it piecemeal or not. If that were untrue, then re-watching/reading a book/movie later would always be an unpleasant experience given that you'd already experienced the whole of it. Then again, maybe that's true for you: maybe you have to have shiny new surprise at all times to find enjoyment in something; for my part, it's rare that I'm surprised by character/plot payouts anyway.

Like a good taco, it doesn't matter that I'm well acquainted with the individual ingredients and flavours, I enjoy the process of chewing and tasting. A good story is happily digested in the same way.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



I think Ironik is talking about how spoilers alter the experience of a person going to see a movie for the first time vs. seeing a film over and over again and expecting different.

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If you go into anything expecting bad, it's not surprising if the bad is all you can see.


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Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
WHF, what are you talking about? I didn't give an explanation as to why my opinion isn't affected. I simply said it wasn't. That's not an explanation. That's a statement.
You're right, Dur. Looking back at your responses, I see that you avoided it and just said "It just doesn't."

Still don't believe you, so I'll end the argument by quoting NinjaPirate:

If you go into anything expecting bad, it's not surprising if the bad is all you can see.

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Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
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Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Spoilers don't ruin my experience, never have, and never will.

If you think the movie was good with it's rushed action scenes and horribly plot holed story then great, you enjoyed something. If you don't see the problem with what was stated in the movie then I'm not going to convince you, no matter whether I'm right or wrong, that that there is a problem so I don't see the point in continuing this conversation.
You didn't like the action because someone told you not to.

As for the plot holes, well, that's case of you Just Not Getting It. Sorry.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
WHF, what are you talking about? I didn't give an explanation as to why my opinion isn't affected. I simply said it wasn't. That's not an explanation. That's a statement.
Because it's impossible. That's why. Knowing the outcome, knowing the twists, knowing the character arc... that changes your experience. Claiming otherwise is utter BS. You were one of those kids who snooped his Christmas presents, too, weren't you?

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Always better for you, perhaps. If a movie or book is truly good, in my experience the whole will hold up just as well if you learn about bits of it piecemeal or not. If that were untrue, then re-watching/reading a book/movie later would always be an unpleasant experience given that you'd already experienced the whole of it. Then again, maybe that's true for you: maybe you have to have shiny new surprise at all times to find enjoyment in something; for my part, it's rare that I'm surprised by character/plot payouts anyway.
Wow, what a load of nonsense. Did you get a discount on that load?

The second time you watch a movie the EXPERIENCE IS DIFFERENT. Why? Because you know what's going to happen. That colors everything you see. Seeing The Usual Suspects the first time is a gobsmacking experience when you get to the end. Watching it the second time, on the other hand, you're looking for the hints and clues that lead to that ending.

That's a different experience. That's what spoilers do to you. Q.E.D. Anyone with half a brain can see that. I know you half a brain Tenzhi, so arguing the opposite is ridiculous.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Moderator 05 View Post
I love Daft Punk, but the my jaw hit the floor when Sam hit the jukebox in the arcade and Journey's "Separate Ways" came on. I had the biggest smile on my face. That was the musical highlight of the film for me.
I wouldn't swear to it, but I think the songs playing on the jukebox were hits from just after Tron ended. Lyrically, both the Journey song and the Eurythmics song underscored the theme of Sam's quest.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Shadowclone View Post
Originally Posted by Ironik
For instance, the End of Line Club that everyone is grousing about -- it helps if you're familiar with WHY Mcihael Sheen's character is named both "Castor" and "Zuse." (People think he's named "Zeus," but that's incorrect.) Those names are chosen for a very specific reason, they weren't picked just because they sound cool. I can see if one isn't aware of what those names mean then you are missing an entire level of meaning in that sequence. Once you know what's going on, it takes on a fuller flavor.
I looked Zuse and Castor up, thats really cool! Thanks for sharing that!
Makes the whole thing cooler, doesn't it? It also gives a second explanation as to why the End of Line club exists. The movie is actually full of such subtext.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Shadowclone View Post
My friends, you are arguing on the Internet, we all know how this will end. No ones opinions will change, it will just sour this thread and form bad blood. So how about, instead, we talk about what we liked about the movie. I for one giggled with delight when pixelized water splashed into the air. I also loved the Obi-Wan spoof.
Actually, i have changed my opinions many times, both in real life and on the internet, after discussing a topic with others. The insights and thoughts of others actually do affect my own, much like any other additional infromation can.

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Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
The 3D version isn't worth it. It's not bad, but it's no Avatar. The entire first part of the movie is is 2D anyway. The specifically point that out at the beginning of the movie, in fact.
My feeling is: see this in IMAX 3D, or don't bother with the 3D at all. The non-IMAX 3D was a bit dark, and the 3D does not add as much as I'd have hoped (like Avatar does).



I went to see this film twice before I actually watched it. We went last week intending to see Tron only to find out that Black Swan was playing, so we saw that instead. Then we went two nights ago to see Tron only to find out that True Grit was playing, so we saw that instead. Finally, actually, watched Tron last night.

It was pretty good. Music was good and it was very nice to look at. And I'll watch just about anything with Jeff Bridges in it. The 3 D...I didn't even notice it. I only saw it in 3 D because my friend insisted on it and yet again...I don't get it. I really can't tell the difference.

But yeah, other than having to pay five dollars extra for the 3 D that did nothing for me, I enjoyed it. I'd say that out of the three films I've seen this past week, it was the worst one, but it was still fun to watch.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Wow, what a load of nonsense. Did you get a discount on that load?

The second time you watch a movie the EXPERIENCE IS DIFFERENT. Why? Because you know what's going to happen. That colors everything you see. Seeing The Usual Suspects the first time is a gobsmacking experience when you get to the end. Watching it the second time, on the other hand, you're looking for the hints and clues that lead to that ending.

That's a different experience. That's what spoilers do to you. Q.E.D. Anyone with half a brain can see that. I know you half a brain Tenzhi, so arguing the opposite is ridiculous.
Anyone with half a brain knows that "different" and "better" aren't the same thing, and anyone who's literate can see which of the two I was making a point about.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



I saw it in IMAX in 3D. I wasn't impressed with either, but I thought the movie was great... so I suppose that's all that matters.



I saw it last night me thoughts were:

Plot - Eh, not good. But I wasn't watching it for the plot.
Action - Entertaining, I liked the frisbee combat the best, the transformations for the cycle and planes were very neat to watch but the action in the vehicles didn't ever really draw me in.
3D - was OK, I honestly thought the 3D in the trailers that were shown before the movie were more impressive than what was in the movie.
Jeff Bridges/Flynn - His beard was FANTASTIC, his acting was ok.. it was like he couldn't decide if he wanted to be a Jedi or a pot-head.
CG Jeff Bridges/Clu - Was FANTASTIC. Each scene I saw Clu I was always impressed with how they used CG to make him look younger.
Daft Punk - Was brief but Fantastic
Son of Flynn - He was alright but the one thought that kept popping into my head was how he would have played a good Anakin Skywalker.
Michael Sheen - Looked a lot different in this movie than he did in Underworld. I honestly thought it was Martin Short until I looked it up on wikipedia.
Music - I liked it a lot. It reminded me of the music in Mass Effect and I <3 Mass Effect.

Overall it was fun to watch and didn't feel like it was overly long or boring. So I'd give it a 8/10.



Just saw it. There were major pacing problems. I was utterly bored for the majority of the movie. The plot was weak and predictable. It was pretty obvious the are at least attempting to set it for a franchise, but I won't need to see any others that might come out.