Tron: Legacy First Impression (No Spoilers!)




Just came back and enjoyed it, would probably go see this movie a second time. The plot is predictable, but there was just some kind of feeling with this movie were I didn't mind it nor care for the predictability of the film plot and thought it enjoyable.

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Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Some things in the "game" world just look to mundane.
There's your problem right there. They're not in a game world, like the original movie. Flynn said it during the exposition when he finally met with his son. He took Tron out of the game world and copied him over to this place, to help them build a new place. It had games in it, yes, but it's not a game program.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



I'm hoping to see it this weekend, but I've been annoyed with the characters having hair in the trailers, and with Flynn's son having his normal clothes when he gets digitized.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



My biggest gripe with the movie?

The sound.

When you have people talking, DON'T have a blaring over-score playing at the same time. I swear, about half the damn movie I couldn't understand because the music was about 80 times louder than the dialog. Try to lay off the modulation of voices too. Sure, it's kinda neat, but if you can't understand what's being said, it ends up sounding like the adults in a Charlie Brown cartoon.



Originally Posted by Dollymistress View Post
There are many moments of pure awe and the effects are stunning. However, these parts are let down a little by some key flaws:

- Clu's CGI is far from perfect. The creative team didn't make use of the cutting-edge CGI from Avatar, so CLU looks more like a character from Final Fantasy: The Spirit Within than something realistic such as Gollum. At some point during initial filming, the director should have altered the storyline so CLU didn't need to be young Jeff, saving the production a tonne of sub-standard work.
Yes, that was actually the point.
Remember that, technically, CLU is a nearly 25 year old program in-universe, and the uncanny valley about him was supposed to highlight just how wrong things were about him.

Originally Posted by Dollymistress View Post
- The writing could have forged a much stronger emotional connection between some of the characters. I don't want to give anything away at all but there are moments later in the film where things could have been made far more desperate and tense than they were. I was really hoping for the plot to go in a dark direction that is heavily hinted at near the end, but it didn't. It also didn't even scratch the surface of what was going on or paint a picture of the broader world of the grid.
Many of the points are granted, and we end up with a number of hanging plot threads (but I think that was deliberate in hopes of baiting for another sequel), but also remember that the writing of the original Tron was actually... A lot worse than this, still an enjoyable and lovable classic, but I'd say Legacy is leaps and bounds better in writing.
Grid spiders, anyone?

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Was pretty hyped about this movie from being a big fan of the original. Probably one of the few times i'll ever REALLY look forward to seeing something in the theaters. So, i actually sucked it up and laid out what was essentially double the normal ticket price to go and see this in IMAX and 3D. i figured why not? i never bother otherwise, so if im going to continue to despise the wave of 3-D, may as well pay for it at least once...

saw it and was not disappointed. was actually pretty jazzed coming out of the movie. there were more than a few moments that were a bit on the meh and eyeroll side of things. but they did well enough with everything else that you bump through the various potholes in the movie without getting jarred by it. the soundtrack was awesome, and while i wish they'd gone a bit further with some elements of the story, especially once they hit the Grid, it was a solid story. nothing too out there and handled pretty well. but then, despite how cool the original Tron was, it's story was also pretty basic. just dressed up all nice and pretty.

i definitely recommend seeing the movie. mebbe not seeing it in imax or 3D, unless you REALLY want to. i did, and to be honest if you're going to make people wait almost 30 years for a sequel, this is how it should go. unlike some other franchises i could think of.



Originally Posted by Mothers_Love View Post
I thought Gamer was a blast, and Dragonball Evolution was surprisingly fun.
That eight there tells me everything I need to know about this person's review credentials.

If you go to see TRON: Legacy expecting dialogue worthy of Shakespeare or a plot worthy of Citizen Kane... well... frankly you deserve disapontment. On the other hand, if you go expecting great visuals, light-vehicle chases/battles and glowy combat, with a story that stays true unto itself and its legacy, you'll have a really good time.



Just thought I would quickly point out incase anyone doesn't know; Tron: Legacy in 3D isn't another one of those conversions. It is a legitimate 3D film and gives purpose to 3D by having it in use when in the digital world.

Edit: Just recalled that someone in here mentioned that these characters don't glow like in the original. Regarding that, I don't think the actual intention was to have the entire characters glow. I watched an interview with Jeff Bridges and he said that for the original, it was filmed in black and white and then outsourced to companies that added in all the color frame by frame. For this, they did it the way it should have been done by actually having the lighted suits when it came to filming so the completely glowing look is taken away.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mayhem View Post
Just thought I would quickly point out incase anyone doesn't know; Tron: Legacy in 3D isn't another one of those conversions. It is a legitimate 3D film and gives purpose to 3D by having it in use when in the digital world.
Anyone who knows me knows I *LOATHE* the trend of putting 3D into movies because they either do it without thinking as a cheap marketing ploy, or they abuse it so it becomes all about the 3D. TRON: Legacy does not fall into either of these traps. This is one of the few movies that makes legitimate use of 3D to ENHANCE the movie. It's much the same way that the original Wizard of OZ used Black and White and Color to help contrast the real world and the world of OZ.



i liked it..



Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
Was pretty hyped about this movie from being a big fan of the original. Probably one of the few times i'll ever REALLY look forward to seeing something in the theaters. So, i actually sucked it up and laid out what was essentially double the normal ticket price to go and see this in IMAX and 3D. i figured why not? i never bother otherwise, so if im going to continue to despise the wave of 3-D, may as well pay for it at least once...

saw it and was not disappointed. was actually pretty jazzed coming out of the movie. there were more than a few moments that were a bit on the meh and eyeroll side of things. but they did well enough with everything else that you bump through the various potholes in the movie without getting jarred by it. the soundtrack was awesome, and while i wish they'd gone a bit further with some elements of the story, especially once they hit the Grid, it was a solid story. nothing too out there and handled pretty well. but then, despite how cool the original Tron was, it's story was also pretty basic. just dressed up all nice and pretty.

i definitely recommend seeing the movie. mebbe not seeing it in imax or 3D, unless you REALLY want to. i did, and to be honest if you're going to make people wait almost 30 years for a sequel, this is how it should go. unlike some other franchises i could think of.
Watched TRON on my new 55" LCD TV with upconversion player and 5.1 sound and loved it. Went and saw TRON Legacy in the theatre and loved it. An excellent sequel. Now to reinstall TRON 2.0 into my PC....



You'll never convince me this movie was 'well written' in any meaningful sense.

it's slightly less of a crime against language than some other mainstream multi-megamillion budget Hollywood blockbusters of recent vintage....MAYBE, but I'm still skeptical.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I saw it at the midnight release, just getting a chance to post.

I really enjoyed it. I think it stood well on its own, yet also tied into the older movie enough to keep the name more then just seeming like it was tacked on.

My only gripe honestly is that i was wondering what all the board room stuff was about and then seemingly just dropped. Since it was dropped i dont consider it a spoiler, but when they introduced Dillinger's son as a member of the tech development team i was expecting that to go somewhere but it was just forgotten. Makes me wonder if there was a subplot or something that got kicked out for time or something like that.

However overall one of the most enjoyable movies i saw this year.



Just got back from seeing it with some friends, and we all enjoyed it tremendously. There are a LOT of little moments and visuals that are there specifically for fans of the first movie (which my friends and I are).

Definitely was a TRON movie, and there's certainly room, and a setup, for the story to be continued one way or another (movie, comic, game, etc).

Great use of 3D (as others have mentioned), great score, lots of fun.

Thumbs up from me.


Lightning Rod

"I am certain that all CoX will be humbled by the might of the Lightning Rod." -Lady_Sadako



I for one have not seen it yet but i remember the first one i saved all the money i could when i was a kid just to see it and was wow. But then i was a boy now i am a man and it looks like the movie has kept up as well i hope. For me i love very complex movies most movies i can solve whats going on in about 5 - 10 minutes if i go for more than a hour then its a good movie to me or has unforeseen elements in it that could not be predicted. love surprises and movies that do this are great if you can not fallow these type movies than i feel sad for you the way Hollywood is now days they have a tenancy to dumb things down for the general public so when one comes along that is those that do not under stand it condemn it. with this type of behavior we would still be riding horses and using stone tools. Sorry for the rant but creativity should be encouraged not condemned or scorned if you do not like it that is fine i can respect that just do not put it down just because you lack comprehension of the complexity of the movie.

Some of my suggestions from posts i have done
Here is all My toons



As a Tron and Daft Punk fanboi, I give this movie an eleventy out of 5 stars. Saw it in IMAX 3D (first time since Attack of the Clones). It has also convinced me to upgrade my home theatre to 3D, something which Avatar did not.

- SFX were great
- Really dug the costume design, no more hockey helmets! (and dang Quorra and Gem are teh sexeh)
- Soundtrack is awesome, fits the scenes and isn't overbearing.
- Use of 3D was great (only one gimmicky "at-yo-face" moment)
- The story actually made sense, in a "Matrixy" kind of way. Actually, better than the Matrix.
- Pacing was good, in fact way better than the original, which sometimes dragged.
- Acting was better than average, the main trio did a good job portraying believable characters. I almost shed a tear at Kevin and Sam's reunion.
- CLU looked no worse than Benjamin Button, considering the same SFX team did the work. Yeah, CGI is still no substitute for a human actor, but they made it work.
- If I have one gripe: the light-cycle battle needed to be faster. The wide shots made it lose its sense of speed. But that was made up with the light-plane dogfight [Spoiler] When Sam says to get behind one and Quorra pulls up into a hammerhead I got goosebumps, absolute genius flying for a newbie pilot.

Kill me now, I want a remake of the original with today's SFX technology and another Daft Punk score... BLASPHEMY I KNOW!!!

Edit: Sorta related, but WANT NAO!!!



Originally Posted by Alpha-One View Post
- CLU looked no worse than Benjamin Button, considering the same SFX team did the work. Yeah, CGI is still no substitute for a human actor, but they made it work.
Honestly, I didn't even notice that CLU was CGI, until his final scene as he yelled and flailed his arms. My stepfather still thinks it was just Flynn with hair dye.

During the movie, I was so inspired to work on something. I've downloaded a SourceForge project on an already complete 3D-lightcycle game in hopes of gathering some ideas, and eventually making a small freeroam for a portfolio.

I need to pick of the Evolution game. Even with the bad reviews from Game Informer, I hardly believe what critics say, since I take their reviews as an under-the-table-payment-for-higher-reviews grain of salt.

Oh, and that keyboard is amazing.



Originally Posted by Bringer_NA View Post
Honestly, I didn't even notice that CLU was CGI, until his final scene as he yelled and flailed his arms. My stepfather still thinks it was just Flynn with hair dye.

During the movie, I was so inspired to work on something. I've downloaded a SourceForge project on an already complete 3D-lightcycle game in hopes of gathering some ideas, and eventually making a small freeroam for a
Armagetron? GLTron?

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Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Yes, that was actually the point.
Remember that, technically, CLU is a nearly 25 year old program in-universe, and the uncanny valley about him was supposed to highlight just how wrong things were about him.
Ack, don't use this argument, it is badly flawed. The CLU CGI effects are also used at the beginning of the film for the young Jeff in the "real" world, and look exactly the same there. Arguing that CLU's less-than-perfect (I won't say "bad", since it's not bad at all) CGI is somehow deliberate and meant to reflect CLU's existence as a program is nonsense.

Disney shouldn't have used the CGI model in the "real" world scene. If they hadn't done that, this argument would have been valid and the movie could have even played on the point as a part of the plot.

Better still, they could have just had some other character instead of CLU who didn't need a CGI face. That would have improved the movie for me quite a lot.

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
It's much the same way that the original Wizard of OZ used Black and White and Color to help contrast the real world and the world of OZ.
The recent Alice and Wonderland movie did a similar thing with 3D. The real world was kind of flat, but as Alice ran away from it things started to go more 3D until she fell down the rabbit hole and it went full 3D.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Bringer_NA View Post
Honestly, I didn't even notice that CLU was CGI, until his final scene as he yelled and flailed his arms. My stepfather still thinks it was just Flynn with hair dye.

During the movie, I was so inspired to work on something. I've downloaded a SourceForge project on an already complete 3D-lightcycle game in hopes of gathering some ideas, and eventually making a small freeroam for a portfolio.

I need to pick of the Evolution game. Even with the bad reviews from Game Informer, I hardly believe what critics say, since I take their reviews as an under-the-table-payment-for-higher-reviews grain of salt.

Oh, and that keyboard is amazing.

The new game isn't bad. The story line falls in between the 2 movies. The graphics aren't the greatest, it's a solid game, but it's hella short. Very assassin's creed/prince of persia freerunning/parkour type gameplay. Team multiplayer is a good time.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Originally Posted by Dollymistress View Post
Ack, don't use this argument, it is badly flawed. The CLU CGI effects are also used at the beginning of the film for the young Jeff in the "real" world, and look exactly the same there. Arguing that CLU's less-than-perfect (I won't say "bad", since it's not bad at all) CGI is somehow deliberate and meant to reflect CLU's existence as a program is nonsense.

Disney shouldn't have used the CGI model in the "real" world scene. If they hadn't done that, this argument would have been valid and the movie could have even played on the point as a part of the plot.

Better still, they could have just had some other character instead of CLU who didn't need a CGI face. That would have improved the movie for me quite a lot.
Not having CLU would have changed the whole story, and would have taken much of the motivation away from Flynn to fix what he broke.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Watched TRON on my new 55" LCD TV with upconversion player and 5.1 sound and loved it. Went and saw TRON Legacy in the theatre and loved it. An excellent sequel. Now to reinstall TRON 2.0 into my PC....
yeah, i horked a friend's copy of the original and watched on a nice big, uber HDTV screen too before going to see Legacy. as i mentioned earlier, it was awesome seeing so many callbacks to the original movie and most of them without being blatant about it.

though i think my favorite performance in the whole movie was Castor/Zoos (i think that was his name). the guy running End of Line. completely over the top and awesome.



Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
I saw it at the midnight release, just getting a chance to post.

I really enjoyed it. I think it stood well on its own, yet also tied into the older movie enough to keep the name more then just seeming like it was tacked on.

My only gripe honestly is that i was wondering what all the board room stuff was about and then seemingly just dropped. Since it was dropped i dont consider it a spoiler, but when they introduced Dillinger's son as a member of the tech development team i was expecting that to go somewhere but it was just forgotten. Makes me wonder if there was a subplot or something that got kicked out for time or something like that.

However overall one of the most enjoyable movies i saw this year.
I think that scene was setting up the next movie. Honestly you don't get someone that famous just to play a bit role like that and mention the guys name for cameo sake. Something tells me we will see him again in TRON 3.

My take on the movie..8.8/10.. I will say this for folks who have never experienced or seen TRON this movie will rate higher. It felt like we were seeing the original TRON all over again. This isn't a bad thing, but I at least watch the original Tron twice a year. This movie felt like a reboot/sequel.. I loved it though just felt like TRON 1 a lot. Once again don't get me wrong I geeked out at all the tributes to the original. Especially when at a certain point in the movie when CLU says "END OF LINE" and well... Non spoilers seciton I forgot. The movie was good , very good, cant wait to see how they make part three

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