Tron: Legacy First Impression (No Spoilers!)




Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Armagetron? GLTron?
Armagetron. I was going to grab GLTron, but Armage seemed the most updated and workable to me at 2AM in the morning.



Saw it and dug it, taking my son to see it in 3D. and I want one of those light fighters...

Oh and Flynn's black trench coat..



First place opening weekend with 43.6 mil/66 mil worldwide. Production cost likely means it will only make profit due to international sales and DVD/Blue-ray, but to be honest I think a lot of movies fall underneath that category.



Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
though i think my favorite performance in the whole movie was Castor/Zoos (i think that was his name). the guy running End of Line. completely over the top and awesome.
Yes. That's Michael Sheen, and there's nothing he can't do. Easily one of the best actors working today, probably one of the best of all time. You may recall him as Lucian in Underworld, or Tony Blair in, well, a lot of things, or David Frost in Frost/Nixon, or as Nero....

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Nice montage there, Ironik! And yes, Michael Sheen very nearly stole the movie with his scenes.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Yes. That's Michael Sheen, and there's nothing he can't do. Easily one of the best actors working today, probably one of the best of all time. You may recall him as Lucian in Underworld, or Tony Blair in, well, a lot of things, or David Frost in Frost/Nixon, or as Nero....
Also got Kate Beckinsale pregnant and is currently dating Rachel McAdams.



Originally Posted by ShoNuff View Post
Oh and Flynn's black trench coat..
I desperately want that coat. To me, it was the real star of the show.

Also; I thought the CLU CG was great. In fact, it never occurred to me that it was CG until that final scene. Otherwise, it looked perfectly fine.

Also, also; I liked the movie. Not sure about all the complaints about the plot. I thought it was pretty straight forward. Now some of the details, such as most of the gibberish Flynn drools out about his creation and stuff, I still have no idea. The plot, however, I never had trouble following. Though I will admit I still don't know what that girl is supposed to do.

I want that coat.

The friend I went to see it with loves electronica, Daft Punk, and any story involving robots and/or computers. He was in heaven.

The coat will be mine.

All that said, I liked it enough to consider watching it again. My fiance said she'd go with me. Now, I saw it in 2D, but it sounds like 3D might actually be worth the extra dough. Is this true? I hate paying for 3D and seeing a movie that has a grand total of maybe 3 scenes that are noticeably 3D, and otherwise forgetting that the movie is any different. I get free movie passes but have to pay the difference for 3D shows, so it's not a huge hit to me. But if the 3D is minimal or just sucks, I wouldn't want to waste my money.

We often sit and think of you,
We often speak your name;
There is nothing left to answer,
But your photo in the frame.



From what I have heard, I haven't watched it yet, the plot sucks... why? Simple...

CLU needs to get x... Why? To take over the world. How? What does x do? No clue.

The plot is the basic story that is laid out with major details such as what the **** does x do and why it is needed to do something.

The Premise is great... however, it's not this creative team's premise so you can't count that. And the basic idea of "lets go see what happened in this world!" isn't really a novel idea.

The story itself is full of holes from what I understand and more or less dismisses the premise to be more of an action flick with babble put in to sound smart, but fails to miss out on everything that the original was trying to do and both in my opinion fails to live up to the great premise that is there is this digital world where the programs you load are manifested as actual people.

Whether the effects are great or not I have no idea, but from what I hear the effects were garbage and this I really must wonder about because they aren't doing anything revolutionary in the film or even slightly new for most if not all of the movie... and CLU didn't need to be a younger version... so if it was even average i'd have to say it failed in terms of graphics.

Of course there are also people saying that the graphics weren't used the same way... and I gotta say if what i heard was true of how the bike and frisbee scene were...then the movie did a complete disservice to the original concepts those things were going for and I would go so far as to say the writer or director, whoever did that, had no understanding of the original and shouldn't have been involved with the movie if they had the power to get that in there.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
From what I have heard, I haven't watched it yet, the plot sucks... why? Simple...

CLU needs to get x... Why? To take over the world. How? What does x do? No clue.

The plot is the basic story that is laid out with major details such as what the **** does x do and why it is needed to do something.

The Premise is great... however, it's not this creative team's premise so you can't count that. And the basic idea of "lets go see what happened in this world!" isn't really a novel idea.

The story itself is full of holes from what I understand and more or less dismisses the premise to be more of an action flick with babble put in to sound smart, but fails to miss out on everything that the original was trying to do and both in my opinion fails to live up to the great premise that is there is this digital world where the programs you load are manifested as actual people.

Whether the effects are great or not I have no idea, but from what I hear the effects were garbage and this I really must wonder about because they aren't doing anything revolutionary in the film or even slightly new for most if not all of the movie... and CLU didn't need to be a younger version... so if it was even average i'd have to say it failed in terms of graphics.

Of course there are also people saying that the graphics weren't used the same way... and I gotta say if what i heard was true of how the bike and frisbee scene were...then the movie did a complete disservice to the original concepts those things were going for and I would go so far as to say the writer or director, whoever did that, had no understanding of the original and shouldn't have been involved with the movie if they had the power to get that in there.
Again, Durakken, you speak without knowing for yourself.

Go watch the movie, and then you can talk intelligently about it. Or don't watch, and just point to the reviews you're basing your opinions on.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



White Hot Flash,

I am speaking of what is said of the movie. All that is required is to say I am wrong about the plot and it is a good plot is to say, and explain why CLU needs the item he is after the entire movie.

With the story holes, you expect some problems and over sites, but no where near what was described. The fact that there is a "club" in the movie shows that their is somewhat a lack of understanding of why the original movie was the way it was. Even without seeing it I can say that much.

And the graphics.. My point is that Tron shouldn't be using anything hard to do so if they are even remotely commentable as "bad" it shows that they are far worse than what people think because they are so standard and easy... and if they are going beyond the standard and easy they are trying too hard.

But like I said, I haven't watched it, but from what I have heard there is a lot of problems with it and my opinion will only likely get worse after I watch it.

As far as the main review I am basing what I am saying off of... It's our favorite neighborhood Spoony of course.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
White Hot Flash,

I am speaking of what is said of the movie. All that is required is to say I am wrong about the plot and it is a good plot is to say, and explain why CLU needs the item he is after the entire movie.

With the story holes, you expect some problems and over sites, but no where near what was described. The fact that there is a "club" in the movie shows that their is somewhat a lack of understanding of why the original movie was the way it was. Even without seeing it I can say that much.

And the graphics.. My point is that Tron shouldn't be using anything hard to do so if they are even remotely commentable as "bad" it shows that they are far worse than what people think because they are so standard and easy... and if they are going beyond the standard and easy they are trying too hard.

But like I said, I haven't watched it, but from what I have heard there is a lot of problems with it and my opinion will only likely get worse after I watch it.

As far as the main review I am basing what I am saying off of... It's our favorite neighborhood Spoony of course.
Aren't you usually defending my criticisms of Smallville (most of which are for huge plot holes)? Yet you're hung up on a movie you didn't even see? Your dependence on someone else's thoughts aren't the best way to show yourself as someone capable of forming their own opinion. See the movie, then talk.

As for the highlighted part of your post: That's the most words I've ever seen put together without actually saying anything coherent. What were you trying to say there?

My reponse to the movie: It was great. Some people may be trying to ask too many questions. Like, why would Villain A want Item B. But if you're watching a movie in which someone somehow gets zapped into the cybernetic world without asking about the implications of such a predicament, then you shouldn't ask too much about other items in the movie.

Anyone saying the FX didn't follow the first movie well enough, needs to understand that there were extreme limitations in the production of the last movie. After filming the first movie, they blacked out a lot of things they couldn't make work with special effects. Hence, when you watch it, much of the movie looks dark. The running gag behind the scenes was, "when in doubt, black it out." I'm very pleased with the FX in Legacy. I think it updated the set design and character designs in ways that completely complimented the original.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Rylas, when you comment on Smallville you almost always miss the details or for some reason don't remember details from earlier that are presented. What I am commenting on is the plot from my understanding relies on something that makes no sense and isn't explained why.

CLU's plan is to take over the world using his army that he has assembled by taking them through to the real world. To do this he needs the gateway open. The reason the gateway wasn't open pre-movie is he didn't have time to get this plan all together until after the gate closed...Therefor, all he needs to do now is find some way to open the portal, which happens in the first what? 10-20 mins of the flick?

So...movies over at that point...No of course not... We need some reason to explore the world and such so they say we need this ID disc...but never answer why from what I have heard. It's not to form in the real world because if it were the son would have to use one and again...movies over in 20 minutes... The only thing I can think of is that the disc has some sort of proof of who the guy is, but if that's the case he has misconception of how the world works and that doesn't seem to be the case either and even if it were he wouldn't need the disc nor would the disc be used to confirm his identity and it still wouldn't be useful because its the son the owns everything already so CLU still couldn't do anything without the son allowing it.

So what it ends up being is all filler, which I could accept on terms of well it's jsut an excuse to look around this world and explore the premise of the world of digital processes, but it isn't, not with crowds and clubs and such things that shouldn't be in the digital world so the plot aspect is crap, it ruins the premise aspect, and apparently the guy can't tell a story based on the various details Spoony pointed out.

As far as the CGI... everything that should be in that movie should be very simple to do by todays standards and so if they are bad at all it shows a lack of talent or focus on those aspects in favor of something which whether it was good or bad doesn't matter cuz it didn't need to be in the movie. I'm not saying that the CGI itself is bad, but rather that if it is to anyone then there is a problem...and I have heard people say they are bad so I am left with the conclusion that they are indicative of other bad decisions on the film.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
As far as the CGI... everything that should be in that movie should be very simple to do by todays standards and so if they are bad at all it shows a lack of talent or focus on those aspects in favor of something which whether it was good or bad doesn't matter cuz it didn't need to be in the movie. I'm not saying that the CGI itself is bad, but rather that if it is to anyone then there is a problem...and I have heard people say they are bad so I am left with the conclusion that they are indicative of other bad decisions on the film.
The only major recurring complaint regarding the movie's special effects are the CG'd face of CLU (and, to a lesser extent, younger Flynn in the beginning). And while it's not perfect (IMHO, the only time it's really shaky is in the early scenes under the real world's lighting), I personally think it's still pretty darn good. It's not flawless, no. But that's because there are limitations on the technology that I get the impression you're not aware of. This video has probably one of the best examples of a CG'd face (even one that's been scanned and recreated with a computer) that our software is capable of, and it's not flawless either.

It's not that the CLU effects are 'bad'; if you stop and think about the fact that there are people who still insist that it's just clever makeup, it's pretty impressive. It's just that the technology hasn't quite gotten us across the 'uncanny valley' yet, and some (but not all) people find that near miss a little less acceptable than a computer generated person who clearly doesn't match reality. Some people would prefer a crappy fake robot head or something to a computer generated face that's just 'off' enough to be noticeable.

Global: @mythicfox
Servers: Virtue, primarily
Published Arcs: The Lost Scion of the Vane Consortium (#410978)
Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
No AT/powerset, AFAIC, is "undesirable." Give me a halfway competent player - or at least one willing to listen and go with the rest of the team - and we're good.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
The story itself is full of holes from what I understand and more or less dismisses the premise to be more of an action flick with babble put in to sound smart, but fails to miss out on everything that the original was trying to do and both in my opinion fails to live up to the great premise that is there is this digital world where the programs you load are manifested as actual people.
Dunno who told you that, but it's simply wrong. The plot is simple and straightforward and exceedingly easy to comprehend for anyone who has two brains cells to rub together. Simple doesn't mean bad, however.

Also, it actually takes the original premise of "programs" as people and follows it to its logical conclusion, with parallels to current technology

Whether the effects are great or not I have no idea, but from what I hear the effects were garbage and this I really must wonder about because they aren't doing anything revolutionary in the film or even slightly new for most if not all of the movie... and CLU didn't need to be a younger version... so if it was even average i'd have to say it failed in terms of graphics.

Of course there are also people saying that the graphics weren't used the same way... and I gotta say if what i heard was true of how the bike and frisbee scene were...then the movie did a complete disservice to the original concepts those things were going for and I would go so far as to say the writer or director, whoever did that, had no understanding of the original and shouldn't have been involved with the movie if they had the power to get that in there.
This is so wrong on so many levels it makes me wonder if whoever told you this hooey saw the film at all.

The disc scene was AWESOME. It was beyond awesome, in fact. Especially when you realize what actually happened and how that manifests at the end of the film.

Maybe the dolts who told you about the film weren't bright enough to understand what actually happened. Of course, if they'd actually seen the original film and had paid attention to the opening scenes of this one, they would've known.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
White Hot Flash,

I am speaking of what is said of the movie. All that is required is to say I am wrong about the plot and it is a good plot is to say, and explain why CLU needs the item he is after the entire movie.
This is a spoiler-free thread. Clu has a valid reason for the disc. The people who told you it had holes were retarded.

With the story holes, you expect some problems and over sites, but no where near what was described. The fact that there is a "club" in the movie shows that their is somewhat a lack of understanding of why the original movie was the way it was. Even without seeing it I can say that much.
There's a reason for the club's existence, but it's not explicitly stated. That's probably why whoever told you about the film didn't understand it. Not everything is spelled out. I find in this day and age if something isn't just out-and-out talked about, people simply don't get it.

And you really should see it before talking about it, because it makes you sound pretty stupid, frankly.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by NorvellDevelopment View Post
The only major recurring complaint regarding the movie's special effects are the CG'd face of CLU (and, to a lesser extent, younger Flynn in the beginning). And while it's not perfect (IMHO, the only time it's really shaky is in the early scenes under the real world's lighting), I personally think it's still pretty darn good. It's not flawless, no. But that's because there are limitations on the technology that I get the impression you're not aware of. This video has probably one of the best examples of a CG'd face (even one that's been scanned and recreated with a computer) that our software is capable of, and it's not flawless either.

It's not that the CLU effects are 'bad'; if you stop and think about the fact that there are people who still insist that it's just clever makeup, it's pretty impressive. It's just that the technology hasn't quite gotten us across the 'uncanny valley' yet, and some (but not all) people find that near miss a little less acceptable than a computer generated person who clearly doesn't match reality. Some people would prefer a crappy fake robot head or something to a computer generated face that's just 'off' enough to be noticeable.
I have no major complaints about the movie or the CGI Flynn. A lot of the griping I've seen elsewhere is mostly nit picking.

The digitization process can send people and objects into the computer and back out again....but how can a program get rezzed up into our world? Does the program suddenly gain a human body or did I miss something? Ah well, an excuse to see it again



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Rylas, when you comment on Smallville you almost always miss the details or for some reason don't remember details from earlier that are presented. What I am commenting on is the plot from my understanding relies on something that makes no sense and isn't explained why.
Your complete hand-waving disregard for my very concise complaints of Smallville make me laugh. I know you just want to fan wank your arguments for the plot holes, but fan wanking is all it is. I'm not the only person to point out the plot holes I've pointed to, but of course, you won't bother listening to anyone that says opposite of what you want to believe. Really, if Tess suddenly being revealed as a Luthor is good writing for you, then I'm not surprised you love the show. Still, plenty of people will always point out your inability to think critically and with logical reasoning.

The reason the gateway wasn't open pre-movie is he didn't have time to get this plan all together until after the gate closed...
This line. This one line. It sows why you need to see the movie before you run your uninformed mouth off. You're parading around, waving someone else's words as if they're your own, saying you've already figured out all the flaws of the movie. In truth, you haven't even got a clue of the plot. The reason the gateway isn't open pre-movie is explained in the movie, and it's not the reason you want to say it is.

You really need to follow the advice of your clearly mature avatar, and gtfo of your house and go see the movie if you want to talk about it without looking like an idiot.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



I'm not parading around using someone elses words. I clearly stated these things in the moves have been pointed out. My opinion is of what I think of those stated things that happen.

The reason why the gate way was not opened was because specifically there is only a certain amount of time that it is open once someone comes through. Apparently this CLU guy isn't smart enough to get his people together either before the guy comes through or while it's open.

If this is not the case then the only thing I can presume is that the disc opens and shuts it from inside, but then so what, just go out in to the world and station someone there to turn it on and off... it's already been shown they can communicate.

As far as "Tess being revealed as a Luthor" I have said nothing on the matter as far as I remember but that's besides the point. That is not a hole at all and there is nothing wrong with it from a technical point of view. There is a taste issue, but that is not what a plot hole is.

Oh and I will be watching Tron 2 soon as I can, but when that is i don't know. Doesn't mean that I can't comment on what has been said, which is what I'm doing.

PS: as far as the maturity of my Avatar image. I laugh, that's all that needs to be said about that oh Mature one with the Lost avatar.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post

The reason why the gate way was not opened was because specifically there is only a certain amount of time that it is open once someone comes through. Apparently this CLU guy isn't smart enough to get his people together either before the guy comes through or while it's open.
Durakken, you need to stop right here. I won't spoil the movie for you or anyone else who hasn't seen it, but this statement is completely wrong. Apparently the "reviewer" you're quoting was either sound asleep or is the dumbest person on the face of the Earth to have said that. When you see the movie, you're going to feel mighty foolish.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



I keep thinking about the film and I keep thinking that I really need to go back and see it again in case I missed something. Still seeing a lot of mixed reviews between people on the movie although I am going to continue to tell people to go see it.

I am going to side step a little bit in this thread. IMAX is having a contest on Facebook to design a Tron: Legacy inspired Light cycle. Now entries have closed but it is in the voting phase which is the reason for this. Could you wonderful beings vote for my design, the Light Chopper? I would really appreciate it. Thanks!



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
...Apparently the "reviewer" you're quoting was either sound asleep or is the dumbest person on the face of the Earth to have said that...
I believe Durakken said that he based his opinion off of Spoony's VBlog review of Tron Legacy. I seen that review and honestly it seems, to me anyways, to be more like an attempt to troll the fanbase then be a review of some kind, but hey the Spoony One is entitled to his opinion. At least he went and saw the movie and ripped it a new one after the fact.

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Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
I am speaking of what is said of the movie. All that is required is to say I am wrong about the plot and it is a good plot is to say, and explain why CLU needs the item he is after the entire movie.
"The unanswered mystery is what stays with us the longest, and it’s what we’ll remember in the end." -(Writer of) Alan Wake

"As Confucious once said, five hundred million Red Chinese don't give a ****." -Stephen King

But in all seriousness, CLU needed said item, because without it, he would be considered a Program and be unable to enter the "real world." A plot device explained by Flynn himself and Cora.

With the story holes, you expect some problems and over sites, but no where near what was described. The fact that there is a "club" in the movie shows that their is somewhat a lack of understanding of why the original movie was the way it was. Even without seeing it I can say that much.
Having seen the first movie several times, I'm a little confused as to what your trying to say here. The first movie was about Flynn attempting to prove Dillinger was stealing his work. The beginning of this movie showed a hint of that, but there was a drastic plot change.

There's a tyrannical utopia in this movie. The club, like in a real world instance, seems to be the resistance to change. It is dealt with as hastily as it is introduced.

There's an opening for a sequel, and without ruining the movie, I can't attempt explain WHY something could have happened.

The rest of what your saying is beyond scrambled. I have no idea what you're saying.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
I'm not parading around using someone elses words. I clearly stated these things in the moves have been pointed out. My opinion is of what I think of those stated things that happen.
Someone stated to you that there were plot holes/bad CG/unexplained phenomena. You have no first hand knowledge if this is true or not, but have decided to agree with them, apparently. You are, in effect, using what other people have said to condemn a movie you haven't seen.

Apparently this CLU guy isn't smart enough to get his people together either before the guy comes through or while it's open.
This CLU guy is a lot smarter than you've been led to believe by...whoever gave you your opinion.

If this is not the case then the only thing I can presume is that the disc opens and shuts it from inside, but then so what, just go out in to the world and station someone there to turn it on and off... it's already been shown they can communicate.
So, now you're just...guessing? I'd assume whoever told you your information would have given out a bunch of spoilers, but you don't appear to have even that.

Oh and I will be watching Tron 2 soon as I can, but when that is i don't know. Doesn't mean that I can't comment on what has been said, which is what I'm doing.
There is a distinct difference from commenting on others statements versus what you're doing. If I were to give a major spoiler and explained how the Discs worked, for instance, I wouldn't think anything of it if you commented about how you thought that sounded awesome/stupid. But that's not what's happening. You are taking someone else's opinion, and then adding your own reasoning to said uniformed opinion without having seen the flick.

For instance, you keep talking about the portal and how CLU needs to use it, then saying how many plot holes it opens with the way CLU uses it. I suppose it would open up a lot of plot holes, which is probably why it wasn't written the way you say it was. Really, there is a difference from saying you heard the movie sucks and so you don't want to see it, and what you're doing, which is explaining in detail why the movie sucks when you don't even know the details you're trying to talk about.

There are certainly plenty of things you could pick apart in this movie, but that's true of most films. Ultimately, I hope you can just go and enjoy it as opposed to walking in with all your preconceived notions, deciding that you think it sucks and why before even watching it. It's a fun movie, nothing more. It wont change the world of film, but it sure was a fun ride.

We often sit and think of you,
We often speak your name;
There is nothing left to answer,
But your photo in the frame.




Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
I'm not parading around using someone elses words. I clearly stated these things in the moves have been pointed out. My opinion is of what I think of those stated things that happen.
I don't mean to insinuate that you're plagiarizing. I mean, someone made an opinion, and the best you can do right now is echo it. You're prancing around like you've figured it all out. It only makes you look stupid. Instead, see the movie before you start postulating its flaws.

The reason why the gate way was not opened was because specifically there is only a certain amount of time that it is open once someone comes through. Apparently this CLU guy isn't smart enough to get his people together either before the guy comes through or while it's open.
Again, see the movie. CLU doesn't have clairvoyance, so he won't know when it opens. Also, there are outlying circumstances making a move difficult. Also, he needs an item before going out.

If this is not the case then the only thing I can presume is that the disc opens and shuts it from inside, but then so what, just go out in to the world and station someone there to turn it on and off... it's already been shown they can communicate.
Considering we don't know anything about how it works to be able to leave the grid in the first place, you can't make the assumption that this would work.

As far as "Tess being revealed as a Luthor" I have said nothing on the matter as far as I remember but that's besides the point. That is not a hole at all and there is nothing wrong with it from a technical point of view. There is a taste issue, but that is not what a plot hole is.
Nothing wrong with Tess conveniently turning out to be a Luthor? Maybe not if you're trying to manufacture drama and soap-like scenarios, but from the stand point of good-writing, it smacks of desperation. They couldn't even bother forshadowing it. It was just, "oh hey, I'm a Luthor now!"

Oh and I will be watching Tron 2 soon as I can, but when that is i don't know.
Good, you'll look less ignorant that way.

Doesn't mean that I can't comment on what has been said, which is what I'm doing.
Without context of experienced-knowledge, the best you can say is "I hear people say this." Beyond that, is purely speculation based on hearsay. It's a good thing you don't run a court of law, I'd hate to see what you allow as permissable evidence.

PS: as far as the maturity of my Avatar image. I laugh, that's all that needs to be said about that oh Mature one with the Lost avatar.
I'm not sure what's immature about making a fan avatar. Not by comparison to one that tells others simply to "GTFO." Especially one that doesn't show the lower half of the poorly drawn figure, but takes the time to draw in the bulge of the crotch.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.