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Quote:I believe it was last season where they go into the whole thing about her being linked to the warehouse. It was that which let her take inventory of the warehouse in Egypt.It's obvious that they didn't put the bomb inside the shield because then there wouldn't have been a cliffhanger ending for the season.
I'm sure everybody is going to be back but what I want to know is which artifact is keeping Mrs Frederic from aging. It's obvious that it either is in the warehouse or is the warehouse itself. -
Quote:Well the flying the Tardis part was kind of explained in Let's Kill Hitler. She said that the Tardis showed her how to fly her.Glad to see there are still some parts of it we need filling in, like how she learnt to fly the Tardis so well, when they get married for real, etc.
Unfortunately I think the character has run her course considering they have covered both ends of her life really. -
Quote:There have been a couple pictures tweeted with the two with the most recent being of them tied up together from last night's episode.NoooO! We still need the very special episode of her and Myka inna hot tub together!
My first thought about the explosion was about how the dog would no longer be in the show even though he was only in just small bits. With Mrs. Frederic gone, does this mean that Claudia takes over like they almost had her do last season? -
Quote:That does give him a big advantage when it comes to saving others.Not quite what I was getting at. Suppose the following conversation:
Dalek 2: "NEGATE! The Doctor's death is a fixed point in time! Extermination here would destroy time itself!"
The *Doctor* knows that he can be killed by Daleks without destroying the universe. But *they* don't know that. They all think he died in 2011, and nothing in the universe can change that. Hence, they'll know to not even try. -
Well the design of the wannabe Tardis was the same as the room that the Silence used when they held Amy at the beginning of the season.
I imagine it was all just a simulation put on by the Teselecta to sell it as real. I don't see how a shape shifting robot that can replicate a working motorcycle can't produce a little bit of a light show. They saw Melody regenerate right in front of them so they had reference to work from.
Yeah, after seeing a bunch of photos with various characters wearing them, I started to lean towards that conclusions. There was even a wallpaper released that has The Doctor wearing one.
Did anyone else notice in the shot of River under water that there was some kind of object in the background on her left that looked somewhat like a rope?
So I have been thinking. I recall it being mentioned in Let's Kill Hitler that his death was a fixed point in time yet the Tardis said in The Doctor's Wife that she had a number of console rooms archived that hadn't even been used yet. That now has me thinking more that the Doctor does something to fake his death so that he can go back to staying in the shadows.
Quote:Actually I think it is more that time has gone all wibbly wobbly since that is Churchill and he is being fanned by Romans. There has been more info that I have read about but as River says, "Spoilers."In the previews for the next/final show...it does seem that there may be a lot of time traveling in it...I think I saw Winston Churchill in it (or was it a diff. fat guy in a tuxedo/suit shooting something?)....dinosaurs...hmmm...
And about the ganger idea with the real Doctor being the one left behind, I recall seeing at the end the Doctor that stayed behind burst into white goo when he activated his sonic. -
After trying out the beta, I can say I am rather unimpressed.
The setup is that you do indeed follow the story but what you follow is just the basics for each chapter consisting of a few panels of art depicting the scene. A lot of the scenes have a few things hidden in them but the whole thing seems to be made to make you read the books instead of just going to the site. If someone just goes through each of the chapters in the system, it could easily be completed in an hour. There is some interesting new information that you can read about as you move through the story such as information about wands or specific people. Getting a wand and getting sorted just involves a series of questions that don't really reveal their possible correlation. I came to that conclusion because all 4 house are about even in terms of members at the moment.
I wouldn't call Pottermore a game although it has a couple mini-games like brewing potions and dueling. Dueling is currently down so I have yet to try it. Potions on the other hand have no real purpose except to get 5 house points. The process is still getting worked out but right now, it is more frustrating because of time limits. To add to that, you can't do anything with the potions once they are done except store them or send them to others.
I wouldn't call the current version much of a social networking site either because there is no way to effectively chat with others. You can post comments in places like the end of chapters, the common room, and the great hall but that is it. It doesn't even look like there is a way to send messages to friends.
With how little there is to do, it doesn't deserve the hype that some have given it. It may be worth some attention when the new books are released but there just doesn't seem to be much to keep people there during the gaps. An actual MMO would have been a lot better than what they have done.
Note: Since this thread isn't that old, I decided to just post here instead of taking up forum space with another one. -
Based on how next weekend is the season finale, I guess they have been going slow this entire time to cram a whole bunch of stuff into a single episode.
I am definitely thinking that he did something after he heard "fish fingers and custard" in the Tardis. He had 30 minutes to do something whether it was to visit someone or set something in motion and here is some time missing from when he sent the Tardis off after that segment and when he showed up wearing the suit.
Actually none of those. I am talking about the base effect that was placed over everything to make it look cartoon like. It is a default plug-in for After Effects and is also created in a few other methods and plug-ins. It is just really cheap.
I seriously hope that they did not spend much on that effect in warehouse 13 since it is pretty much a preset and can be applied in just a couple minutes.
Warehouse 13 has already been picked up for another season.
Since the series finale of Eureka was already written and set to start filming tomorrow, Syfy and Universal have given them an additional episode to wrap up the show.
I posted this in the Eureka/Warehouse 13 thread but it seems more fitting here.
Eureka writer Amy Berg posted an explanation for the cancellation on twitter this morning.
Quote:While we can blame Syfy for a lot of things horrible decisions, this time it looks like it is Comcast to blame. Filming for what is now going to be the series finale begins on Thursday according to Wil Wheaton.Everyone is asking why. It's simple, really. We are the network's golden child in every way, except profit margins. Fact is, Eureka is an expensive show to make and we could not maintain the quality of our show with the cuts it would take to make us profitable for Syfy's new parent company. Our creative execs at Syfy fought hard to keep us. Trust me, they LOVE us. We just couldn't make the numbers work. -
Eureka writer Amy Berg gave an explanation for the cancellation.
Quote:There you have it, for once Syfy isn't to blame but rather Comcast in this case.Everyone is asking why. It's simple, really. We are the network's golden child in every way, except profit margins. Fact is, Eureka is an expensive show to make and we could not maintain the quality of our show with the cuts it would take to make us profitable for Syfy's new parent company. Our creative execs at Syfy fought hard to keep us. Trust me, they LOVE us. We just couldn't make the numbers work. -
Eureka's cancellation is just one less thing keeping me with the channel.
I agree about there not really being anything to talk about. I usually end up thinking something along the lines of "wait, that is all this episode was?" by the end of the episode.
On the other hand, the series has presented some interesting sights that normally wouldn't happen such as the person that had the bomb still being alive after they cut his head off completely, the woman with the broken neck walking backwards, and the woman getting crushed then seeing her eyeball still moving inside the wreckage. -
This is something I started worrying about just now when I saw a preview and from what I can find online, she is playing the same character. I still don't care for Alphas and I think it may be a bit of a mistake to group this with them this soon but it could explain a couple of things.
I actually don't care for Alphas. Last week I decided to just give up on the show after giving it plenty of time pull me in. Reason for doing so was mainly because I found Gary to be flat out annoying. I gave it one more chance this week. Gary was better but the show still doesn't interest me.