SyFy Monday 8/15
I loved the old Trek fight music in WH13. I wonder if they wrote the episode just so they could have an excuse to play it.
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
I seriously hope that they did not spend much on that effect in warehouse 13 since it is pretty much a preset and can be applied in just a couple minutes.
Given that that effect was because of a (probably) extremely limited plot device, I don't think we'll see it again. But dom-Myka was hawt. I had figured that she would be the princess rather than Claudia, though in hindsight, not so much. You know what though? Cheese can be good, and in this case, it was.
Will Wheaton is and forever more will be The Westley. I don't like his character and I wanted to yell at him, "Westley! Get up and help 'em you git!". Which is really weird since I'm not British and I've not even watched that much ST:TNG... Also, we got to see, IMO, a cape-from-The Incredibles moment with Jack and his tie. Figured Senator Wray was going to try for a little power play and keep control of GD. Kinda figured that was why Zane was in there; I don't think he'd intentionally jepardize Jo's chances like that.
Gary has got to be the star of Alphas. He's just a fun character. Not expecting Alphas to get another season (or more), given that Summer Glau is showing up next week. Her track record is not too good so far for shows sticking around once she's on 'em.
I seriously hope that they did not spend much on that effect in warehouse 13 since it is pretty much a preset and can be applied in just a couple minutes.
I'd chalk it up to Eureka and the difficulty that show has had turning a profit. WH13's smaller main cast and lower quality FX are probably there to make sure the show stays in the black.
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
Spoilers (somewhat)
Artie is smarter than this episode portrayed him. He's the only one who was on to HG's schemes last year. Now he only has a feeling something's wrong. Based on the events that happened just prior to that, he should have been Tesla'ing the daylights out of a certain sweet talker.
Also how did the warehouse gang make it to the video game party in mere minutes? Last I checked South Dakota was not that close to California. Yet the first guy they talk to states the status of his buddies was only minutes.
I seriously hope that they did not spend much on that effect in warehouse 13 since it is pretty much a preset and can be applied in just a couple minutes.
Also how did the warehouse gang make it to the video game party in mere minutes? Last I checked South Dakota was not that close to California. Yet the first guy they talk to states the status of his buddies was only minutes.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
Actually none of those. I am talking about the base effect that was placed over everything to make it look cartoon like. It is a default plug-in for After Effects and is also created in a few other methods and plug-ins. It is just really cheap.

Funniest part of the entire WH13 episode...
Pete: "What I would give for some Gold Bond."
HAHAHHAHAH, priceless. Ok, maybe not the exact quote but crose enough!
I love Warehouse 13, it was a great episode.
Wil Wheaton as far as I know is a whiny little *itch in real life so no matter what character he plays I am not gonna like him. (He *itched for months that his character Aofel or whatever died plus he was a complete *ick to everyone who called his character Al or an elf, yeah I would get tired of that and purposly kill his character and never raise him again) If you don't know what I am talking about he played D&D with the people from Penny Aracade and yeah he was a complete whiny *itch, he ruined everyones fun.
For Alphas I love Gary he actually makes the show.
Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!
Which effect are you talking about? The derezing? The yellow brick road? The quicksand?
What, you think they don't have some artifact means of rapid transit on hand. You think they get a ping on a world ending artifact and they book a flight through Travelocity? ![]() |
I can't quote chapter and verse, but I do believe the show has referred to airline flights before. I'm guessing that make the warehouse close to Bismark, since being near a small town airport might not be so swift.
This has got me thinking that I need to do a "thoughts about Warehouse 13" thread.
Actually, I'm surprised they've not explored the possibility of a rapid transit artifact. I'm thinking 7-league boots would be good, though it is only a single pair. Not good for a team. Good for emergency help from Artie.
I can't quote chapter and verse, but I do believe the show has referred to airline flights before. I'm guessing that make the warehouse close to Bismark, since being near a small town airport might not be so swift. This has got me thinking that I need to do a "thoughts about Warehouse 13" thread. |
Also, there's an inherent problem with Seven League Boots...namely the fact that one step puts your one foot seven leagues away from the other.

<<< Deep South boy. (hmm, there's a hero name there...) only been to the Dakotas once, and that was North, up by Fargo & Grand Forks. Never saw the Badlands, sadly.
Also, there's an inherent problem with Seven League Boots...namely the fact that one step puts your one foot seven leagues away from the other. |

Namely, an artifact that grants the capability to travel through shadows |
<<< Deep South boy. (hmm, there's a hero name there...) only been to the Dakotas once, and that was North, up by Fargo & Grand Forks. Never saw the Badlands, sadly.
Though not shadows, this made me think of The Philadelphia Experiment. Now there's a story begging for an artifact to be found. |

Not kidding.
BTW, what are the lottery numbers going to be this week? |

I see a power ball of 42. Now to find out which lottery in the world it will be, you'll need to build a computer planet.
wow, what are the odds? Almost as cool as the time I unwittingly predicted 3 accidents for 3 days in a row. (not kidding) Maybe I should go stare at a goat or something. (kidding).
Since nobody started a thread or added to a previous one.
Eureka - Honestly I think Wil Wheaton is trying to damn hard to escape from his days as the Wesley. Not that I think he can't play the obnoxious jerk well, it's just getting to be his new stereotype.
Warehouse 13 - This episode is so full of cheese somebody needs to open up a wine shop next door. Original Star Trek battle music? Claudia as an Elf. Myka as a dominatrix. Wii controllers. Then you have the B-plot with Artie, Jynx and bad girl chick of the season. So who is the person pulling all the strings?
Alphas - Well it was OK. Basic odd couple/buddy cop plot. At least Gary got to drive at least once.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet