Torchwood: Miracle Day




Reminder that the new Torchwood series airs today in the US on Starz, tomorrow in Canada on Space, and Thursday on BBC One.

Should keep us Doctor Who fans mildly entertained until the new season is out.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



If it's as good as Children Of Earth was, I'll be more than mildly entertained.

Still annoyed that the US gets a BBC made show first though.

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*stares into Jack's sexy eyes*



Originally Posted by Coin View Post
Still annoyed that the US gets a BBC made show first though.
Isn't this at least partly funded by a US company?

Although, I must say that waiting almost a week is very, very annoying.



Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
Although, I must say that waiting almost a week is very, very annoying.
This is what bittorrent is for.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



A while back there were rumors going around that somebody was going to develop an American version of Torchwood and have Barrowman and Myles guest star to add legitimacy to it. They decided to drop the idea because too many fans complained that it was a stupid concept and they would rather see more real Torchwood than another abomination like the American version of Red Dwarf.

Well, after watching the first episode I've come to the conclusion that they didn't actually give up on the idea but rather decided they would try to stealth it in by pretending it was a new season of Torchwood that was going to be bigger and better due to having a major cable channel backing it. This just felt like an Americanized version of the show. Not as bad as Red Dwarf but not as good as The Office so far as adaptations go.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
A while back there were rumors going around that somebody was going to develop an American version of Torchwood and have Barrowman and Myles guest star to add legitimacy to it. They decided to drop the idea because too many fans complained that it was a stupid concept and they would rather see more real Torchwood than another abomination like the American version of Red Dwarf.

Well, after watching the first episode I've come to the conclusion that they didn't actually give up on the idea but rather decided they would try to stealth it in by pretending it was a new season of Torchwood that was going to be bigger and better due to having a major cable channel backing it. This just felt like an Americanized version of the show. Not as bad as Red Dwarf but not as good as The Office so far as adaptations go.
I think you have a few of your facts mixed up. This, Torchwood in America with Barrowman and Myles was always the plan.



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
Should keep us Doctor Who fans mildly entertained until the new season is out.
Bleugh. Watching Torchwood because I miss Doctor Who would be like eating gravel because I miss Sugar Puffs.

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crud I forgot it was going to be on... Should be OnDemand though so I can watch it before I watch Outcasts tonight.



So far, so good, I like the new Ep of Torchwood, There a strange Mystery going on, Jack is back.

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Loved the Wales-Jersey connection.

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Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
I think you have a few of your facts mixed up. This, Torchwood in America with Barrowman and Myles was always the plan.
Well, when the original news came out it was Fox which was going to produce the show and Barrowman was only possibly involved. I stopped paying attention to any news about it after that (Fox was involved after all) until I heard about this latest incarnation. Thought it was a different approach not just a different studio.

I still think it's a bit too americanized but we'll see how it develops.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



The real question is does this new series even take place in the same continuty as COE? .. I mean after every child over the whole planet starts talking in unison you'd think something like everyone is now unable to die wouldn't be that big of a shock.



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
Well, when the original news came out it was Fox which was going to produce the show and Barrowman was only possibly involved. I stopped paying attention to any news about it after that (Fox was involved after all) until I heard about this latest incarnation. Thought it was a different approach not just a different studio.

I still think it's a bit too americanized but we'll see how it develops.
Fox wanted the property but tried to strongarm Davies in to making Jack strictly straight, absolutely no hint of bisexuality. Davies (rightly) refused point blank, insisting that the sexuality was an integral component of the character. So Davies walked away from Fox. Starz pretty much gave him a budget and said "it's your show, you know what works, have at it"

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



Hmm Interesting so Jack stays injured and no one else on earth can die. Heh. That's really screwed up.

Oh and here is link to watch it streaming.

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I am thinking that someone tapped into Jack's life force. As long as Jack is on Earth, then no one can die. Just need Jack to leave either through time travel or an alien ship and everyone can start dying again.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Immortality was transferred, but not the healing. Where did the healing go?
Immortality and regeneration transferred to 6 billion people would explain why immortality works, but not regeneration. How much faster can you regenerate when it is shared between 6 billion people?

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Now that was one creepy decapitation.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
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Originally Posted by Matthew_Orlock View Post
The real question is does this new series even take place in the same continuty as COE? .. I mean after every child over the whole planet starts talking in unison you'd think something like everyone is now unable to die wouldn't be that big of a shock.
Yes, the contunities are the same. The 456s got name checked a couple of times in Ep 1 as did Owen Harper. The repercussions of the British's actions before and during CoE are the justification for forcing Torchwood into the US. Expect many more refrences to previous episodes as well in the future.



Originally Posted by Redbone View Post
Yes, the contunities are the same. The 456s got name checked a couple of times in Ep 1 as did Owen Harper. The repercussions of the British's actions before and during CoE are the justification for forcing Torchwood into the US. Expect many more refrences to previous episodes as well in the future.

It made me wonder since the CIA deskjockey Jack saved acted surprised when he mentioned aliens..when Torchwood is in the same timeline as Doctor Who..and we all know how many times one of his adventures caused worldwide and VERY public Invasions.

Speaking of which, I would love to see The Doctor pop up



Originally Posted by Matthew_Orlock View Post
Speaking of which, I would love to see The Doctor pop up
It didn't happen when both shows were both made solely by the BBC and under the same showrunner, in Wales. It's certainly not going to happen now.

The question is, are Doctor Who and Torchwood even in the same continuity now?
I got the impression that the Cracks hit the reset switch on humanity's alien knowledge.



Originally Posted by Matthew_Orlock View Post
It made me wonder since the CIA deskjockey Jack saved acted surprised when he mentioned aliens..when Torchwood is in the same timeline as Doctor Who..and we all know how many times one of his adventures caused worldwide and VERY public Invasions.

Speaking of which, I would love to see The Doctor pop up
In the Doctor Who/Torchwood universe, most invasions and alien incursions get hushed up fairly quickly with various agencies using a variety of cover stories. Some have been very hard to cover up and just go on without much being changed; for instance, the downing street incient was covered up as a huge hoax, the Daleks moving the whole planet was a totaly different story to even try to cover, and people are scared to death to stay in London around Christmas because something screwey always happens but Wilf is considered a bit weird for thinking those screwey things are alien related. Very few people have any idea what really happened with the 456s. It's more surprising an FBI agent (even a ranking one) would know the 456 Amendments than wouldn't know what the 456 incident really was.

Even as far back as the Seventh Doctor the human race has been amazingly adept at explaining away unusual events. In Rememberance of the Daleks, he mentions several large, unmissable invasions to Ace, who'd never heard of them and with mild frustration comments that "your species has such an amazing capacity for self-deception."



Enjoyed it. Name-checks that I caught were 456, UNIT, and Owen Harper. Overall, I think it's off to a good start, but I'll be kinda sad if they don't restore Jack's immortality at the end. I kinda like that trait about the character.

I'll definitely keep watching.


Lightning Rod

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Originally Posted by Lightning_Rod View Post
Enjoyed it. Name-checks that I caught were 456, UNIT, and Owen Harper. Overall, I think it's off to a good start, but I'll be kinda sad if they don't restore Jack's immortality at the end. I kinda like that trait about the character.

I'll definitely keep watching.

There was that comment that Jack made a few years ago that he was called the Face of Bode which implies that he will be one of the oldest beings in the galaxy. Although they could pull a this is a different reality trick and keep Jack mortal.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.