63 -
Rest in peace, sir. You were an inspirational actor, and by all accounts, a good and decent man. Thank you.
-LR -
Quote:There was a great inside joke on ST:TNG in the two-parter where they go back in time and meet Mark Twain. They decided that their cover story was that they (the bridge crew) were travelling actors who were going to put on "A Midsummer Night's Dream". When someone comes to the hotel room where they are, they quickly pass out scripts and pretend to be rehearsing a scene. Data, who played Puck in Gargoyles, starts reading lines for Puck in the scene. He does it in his "Puck voice" that he used in Gargoyles. I laughed like a madman at that, and so many friends didn't know why. :-)Look up the Voice Cast for Gargoyles some time...
Riker, Troi, Worf, Data, & Janeway off the top of my head. As well as the rest of the overall cast of that show. Now that is a show I miss...
Thank you for the time...
-LR -
Rest in Peace, Time Lady.
-LR -
Rest in peace, good sir.
You've earned it.
-LR -
I've been perfectly happy with my Elec/Elec/Elec since Beta (when he was just Elec/Elec....because that's all we had!). :-)
I know I'll never do as much damage as some of the other sets, and I can live with that, as long as he's still fun to play, both solo and on teams, and so far, he is.
I don't care for all of the powers offered, I have no interest in VS, so buffing that won't affect me. I don't have any interest in Lightning Clap, so the only thing I'm getting out of this "buff" is that my Snipe (which I do love) will be instant while BU and/or Aim are active, or while I'm "inspired" or when I have other buffs on me that add up to the magic number 22.
Since I was cool with my character before, I'm still cool with him now. In fact, as long as they don't nerf anything, or touch my nuke, I"m good.
In other words, I don't think I'm broke, so I'm not asking to be fixed. If anyone doesn't enjoy their Elec/*/* then I'm sorry for them, but there are plenty of other ATs and Powersets out there. Perhaps another would be more to that person's liking. Me, I'll keep blasting lightning, draining power, trapping foes in electric cages, and dropping entire spawns with Ball Lightning + Thunderous Blast, and grinning the entire time. :-)
-LR -
He will be missed. RIP Mr. Dawson.
-LR -
Phineas and Ferb's British Dad (Flynn Fletcher) is RIFF RAFF from Rocky Horror.
Their grandfather is Malcolm McDowell.
(Quite a few other neat connections on that show too).
Before Mark Hamill became the voice of the Joker, he played a similar character on the Flash TV series, the Trickster. He reprised that role in an episode of JLU.
That same JLU episode had Alexis Denisoff (Wesley Wyndham-Pryce of Buffy/Angel) playing Mirror Master. He also cameo'd in the Avengers as the guy that gave Loki the Chitauri army (and again in the post credits scene, which I won't spoil if you're one of the 12 people who haven't seen Avengers yet).
Cersei Lannister on Game of Thrones was Sarah Conner on The Sarah Conner Chronicles, and also the Queen of Sparta in 300.
Tyrion Lannister was the villain in the live action Underdog movie (among lots of other roles).
Tony Stark was in "Back to School" with Rodney Dangerfield.
Captain America was the Human Torch.
Green Lantern was Deadpool.
Gambit was John Carter of Mars.
Okay, I'm grasping now. :-)
-LR -
He will definitely be missed. :-(
Rest in peace, Mr. Clark.
-LR -
The wife and I loved it. Definitely want to see it again on the big screen.
-LR -
Quote:Yes. :-)The strip-naked-to-use-thermoptic-camo Major from the movie, or the skin-tight-catsuit-bad***-longcoat Major from Stand Alone Complex?
Quote:Also, I decided to watch Once Upon a Time on Hulu and I quite liked it. I think Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold is my favorite character so far. He seems to be the driving force behind what a lot of the characters are doing. I wonder if he's the ultimate big-bad of the series and he's working on the mother of all Xanatos gambits.
-LR -
I would have a very difficult time accepting a big-screen version that did not at least co-exist with the TV version.
If Matt Smith regenerates into the actor who plays the Doctor in the movie version, with that Doctor being acknowledged as the 12th, and in turn THAT actor regenerates into the actor who plays the 13th Doctor on TV.....then I could run with it. But if it's a "not related at all, totally different continuity" type thing, then I dunno....
-LR -
Good to see Tigra brandishing his whip again. I was afraid he had forgotten that he had that....
Looking forward to new episodes.
-LR -
Quote:Quoted for truth.Still, as long as i can find people who will play Pathfinder, it does't really matter what WotC does.
I was very displeased by the 4th Edition rules. Gave them a fair shot, and while I know some folks that love it, it just wasn't for me. Then I found Pathfinder. Very happy with it.
Monte has done some really good stuff (his take on the World of Darkness was very interesting.....not as good as oWoD, but far better than nWoD, in my opinion. A very interesting take on the subject matter though), so I'll probably take a peek at 5th when it comes out, but I don't see it replacing Pathfinder for me.
Just my thoughts.
-LR -
Rest in peace, LoT. You are missed.
Quote:In "The Doctor's Wife", he mentioned knowing another Timelord that always had the same tatoo, even over multiple generations, and I believe he mentioned that Timelord swapping genders a couple of times during said regenerations. Awesome episode that one, will have to watch it again.personally I'd love to see something where regeneration resulted in a different gender too, but nevermind that
Between that episode and this one, we've pretty much confirmed cross-gender and cross-racial regenerations. Always assumed possible, but nice to see direct references to it.
-LR -
Loving the show. Artwork is really good, voice acting excellent, love the depiction of the Sword of Omens, and even from the glimpse we just got, I can tell the Thundertank will be awesome.
My ONE complaint so far is that Tygra keeps using that pistol instead of his awesome whip. We know he has it, we saw it in the first episode. Who cares if it makes more sense to shoot an energy pistol the WHIP has infinitely more STYLE! :-)
Otherwise, the show is rocking on all cylinders so far. Looking forward to more.
-LR -
I love Thunderous Blast just like it is, thank you very much. I do NOT want it to be crashless if it means losing damage.
From a comic book standpoint, it fits Blasters perfectly. Put everything you have into a massive blast that wipes you out, but also wreaks havoc on a lot of bad guys. Situational, but oh so worth it when you decide to make an entire spawn vanish in one massive blast.
The ONLY way I would be okay with a change is if they made it optional. As someone else posted, give us a choice between the crashing, mega damage version, or the crashless, less damage version. I'll pick the crash every time with Thunderous Blast on my main, though I might go a different route with my alts.
I get what people are saying, but thematically, and as just my personal preference, I don't want ANY change to my Thunderous Blast that would lessen its damage at the time of impact. I don't want it crashless, or faster recharge (I have plenty of powers to use, I don't need to cycle my big nuke into a normal rotation), or a rain, just leave it alone, or give me the option to keep it if you decide to make an alternate version for the folks that would prefer it to be different.
tldr: Leave my Thunderous Blast alone! I love it just the way it is, and DON'T want it to change! :-)
-LR -
Statesman just throws arrows at people now. He don' need no steekin' bow....
-LR -
Enjoyed it. Name-checks that I caught were 456, UNIT, and Owen Harper. Overall, I think it's off to a good start, but I'll be kinda sad if they don't restore Jack's immortality at the end. I kinda like that trait about the character.
I'll definitely keep watching.
-LR -
Rest in Peace, Mr. Falk, and thank you for so many amazing memories.
"As you wish."
-LR -
Quote:Agreed. No way they take Kate out of the series.Ya, she's pretty much a MC. No way they could kill her off. Ryan? Espizito? Ya, those two could get offed, even though they are two of the best supporting actors on a show (and should get awarded as such). It took the thought of her dying to get Rick to finally man up and say it.
But ya, that was a helluva twist in there. Didn't think they'd have the stones to do what they did.
And I reiterate...Molly Quinn would be a most excellent Barbara Gordon...
Ryan and Esposito are solid in every episode, but they really brought it home last night with their reaction to the reveal about the Captain. Very well done.
And yes, Molly Quinn for Barbara Gordon (and oddly, Robin Sena, from Witch Hunter Robin).
-LR -
The wife and I both loved it. So very very VERY much looking foreward to both Captain America, and The Avengers.
-LR -
Yeah, some things the wife and I commented on:
No medbay in the TARDIS?
The Doctor doesn't know CPR?
The Doctor, Amy, and the Captain not put in stasis for their cuts?
And proof that a scene got cut somewhere, what happened to the guy that the Captain's son injured with the cutlass? Last we saw of him (on BBC America at least) was him re-barricading the door after the only un-injured pirate left him behind. We never saw him again, except there at the end. I'm assuming he got taken by the siren, but we never say it.
Side note: Afterwards, Graham Norton had "The Doctor-Donna" as guests, so we watched that too. They were talking about their upcoming turns as Benedict and Beatrice in "Much Ado About Nothing". I'd love to see them in those roles.