Tron: Legacy First Impression (No Spoilers!)




Ossuary, what I'm talking about is a huge plot hole... I am not disagreeing that I might have got something wrong, but even looking at say the entire plot spelled out and explained... There is still a huge gaping hole with that whole issue. But yeah, 1 in depth explanation of the entire series with links to all the concepts and such and a review of who I consider to be often overly critical, but most of the time fair may be wrong and there may not be that plot hole.

Even removing that, as I said, the fact there is a "club" and a "crowd" especially given the whole idea of "perfecting" the world in a digital world as it is shows incompetence on some level of the films creative team.

There are just some ideas that before they get on the page, you should realize they don't belong in that setting... and those are among them.

But that being said I have heard it's good if you turn off your brain completely, which I don't see why you'd want to do, but whatever...



Saw it last night on IMAX.

Graphics & costuming were incredible.

Action sequences & fights were impressive.

"Young Bridges" worked for me in the virtual world, but was just a little "off" in the opening scene... Not off in a cartoony sense, more like in a "airbrushed" sense.

Michael Sheen... love that guy.

Storyline and character development were... light. Not saying the bits & pieces weren't there for the finding, just that I would rather have had more than just bits & pieces.

Overall, though, I came away with an enjoyable entertainment experience.


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What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Ossuary, what I'm talking about is a huge plot hole... I am not disagreeing that I might have got something wrong, but even looking at say the entire plot spelled out and explained... There is still a huge gaping hole with that whole issue. But yeah, 1 in depth explanation of the entire series with links to all the concepts and such and a review of who I consider to be often overly critical, but most of the time fair may be wrong and there may not be that plot hole.
All I and others are saying is that some of the "huge plot holes" you talk about may not actually exist. I'm sure you're trying to be sarcastic with the plot synopsis and review you read, but it actually does seem like they got it wrong. After all, wherever you got your information failed to explain even basic things like what the discs are and why certain characters might want certain ones. I mean, that's something the movie spells out in plain English, nothing hidden about it.

Even removing that, as I said, the fact there is a "club" and a "crowd" especially given the whole idea of "perfecting" the world in a digital world as it is shows incompetence on some level of the films creative team.
Hmmm...You might be right. A "club" might not have a place in someones idea of a perfect world. Though it could have its uses. Still, it probably would evetually outlive its usefulness. I wonder if something or other happens. But then, what is "perfect?"

Seriously, see the movie first. I am in no way trying to be rude, but you really have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I'm trying to keep with the idea of the thread and stay away from spoilers, so that makes it hard to converse, especially with someone that seems to have read spoilers from a different movie.

But that being said I have heard it's good if you turn off your brain completely, which I don't see why you'd want to do, but whatever...
I don't know you, but it sounds like you like Smallville. Really, what part of that show requires deep thought? I would wager to guess that a majority of movies/shows that you and I like are as deep as a puddle.

I think I'll take back my hope that you just go see and enjoy the movie. You seem to be vehemently against anything this movie stands for, even though you've got what it stands for incorrect. If you're just going to hate it regardless, if you're just going to insult it with no actual knowledge if your insults are true, then why bother wasting the money and time? Just watch something you think you'd enjoy instead.

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Originally Posted by Ossuary View Post
I don't know you, but it sounds like you like Smallville. Really, what part of that show requires deep thought? I would wager to guess that a majority of movies/shows that you and I like are as deep as a puddle.
There is a difference between an enjoyable story that isn't deep and a pretty light show that the moment you think about any facet of it you realize that none of it makes sense.

Smallville has little depth.

Tron Legacy is a pretty light show that makes no sense from what I've heard and those people make a damn convincing argument with the facts presented.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Tron Legacy is a pretty light show that makes no sense from what I've heard and those people make a damn convincing argument with the facts presented.
How can you possibly say that when everyone else in this thread has vehemently disagreed with the erroneous conclusions the rabid squirrel jumped to and you are piling on to? The plot is far too basic to have any holes in it, which is a strength. the action sequences that you are complaining about (and haven't even seen, which frankly makes your argument beyond ridiculous), especially the disc scene, are awesome. ESPECIALLY the disc scene.

I'm not even going to use the word "suspect" because simply based on what you're saying, I know for a fact that Spoony did not get what happened during the disc fight. He missed the significance of the ending of that fight entirely, especially regarding how it ultimately plays out in the end of the movie.

The "perfect world" thing makes absolute sense... ONCE YOU SEE THE MOVIE.

Clu's motivations and actions make perfect sense... ONCE YOU SEE THE MOVIE.

The existence of the club... you know the rest.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



From what I have read around the net discussions on Tron Legacy either go all one way or all the other.

Like I said, I will watch and decide then, but I am very highly unlikely to change my opinion about how a club or a crowd even remotely makes sense in that world nor how the plot itself even remotely makes sense.

If you think that them needing to get Kevin's (that's his name right?) disc makes sense, PM me the explanation, I'm pretty sure it doesn't, but again that still doesn't make having other things in there make any more sense.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Tron Legacy is a pretty light show that makes no sense from what I've heard and those people make a damn convincing argument with the facts presented.
To put it bluntly, "what you're heard" is simply wrong.


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Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
From what I have read around the net discussions on Tron Legacy either go all one way or all the other.

Like I said, I will watch and decide then, but I am very highly unlikely to change my opinion about how a club or a crowd even remotely makes sense in that world nor how the plot itself even remotely makes sense.

If you think that them needing to get Kevin's (that's his name right?) disc makes sense, PM me the explanation, I'm pretty sure it doesn't, but again that still doesn't make having other things in there make any more sense.
Before seeing the movie, research the following terms: "worm", "intelligent agent", "zen Buddhism", "hippie", "ghost in the machine", "1 Corinthians 13" (no, I'm not kidding) and "go."

That knowledge will give you a leg up on the tiny minds who are apparently incapable of understanding this movie.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
But that being said I have heard it's good if you turn off your brain completely, which I don't see why you'd want to do, but whatever...
You can't possibly say that, and then talk about how great Smallville is.

Follow forumites, it should be widely assumed at this point that Dur has something wrong with his world perception. He either has a strong urge to argue for the sake of arguing, or a deeply rooted super ego hell bent on proving anything he says as infallible and that all his opinions are indeed fact. It's highly imparative that when talking to him, that you use the kiddy gloves and try not to say anything that threatens his world view.

Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
but I am very highly unlikely to change my opinion
While this quote is taken out of context, it holds true to his everday interpersonal actions with fellow human beings. It doesn't matter how many people will tell him the sky is blue, if he's formed the opinion that it's more of a minty-green, minty-green it must be!

Furthermore, try not to explain to him how his "opinion" is solely based off what other people have told him. It's important for him to believe he's made these criticisms on his own, from his own self-perceived superior intellect. Telling him that the originator of his comments has misrepresented events in the story, will only convince him further that he is right about things he's never experienced. If you fail to understand the logic in that, it only proves you are below his intellect.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Rylas, do I really have to point how much BS you've spouted again?

I said PM me. I don't care about spoilers. You haven't, instead you've taken to quote mining and using other fallacies. That just shows your intent as not having a discussion, but for something else.

Also, my opinion is formulated based on the facts of what I have heard. Not the opinions about about those facts, and I made it clear that that opinion is subject to change once I've seen the movie. So far none of the facts I have said is wrong, but there may be more facts that make those things alright, but then, none of those extra facts have made it any better so meh.




The "perfect world" thing makes absolute sense... ONCE YOU SEE THE MOVIE.
I really liked the conclusion Flynn arrived to in regards to this at the end.

The more I think about the movie, the more I actually just want to pay the extra for 3D and see it again, for the first time!

Like I said, I will watch and decide then, but I am very highly unlikely to change my opinion about how a club or a crowd even remotely makes sense in that world nor how the plot itself even remotely makes sense
I honestly have no idea why you are so hung up on a club and a "crowd" (what are you even referring to with that?) It made perfect sense in the movie, was used well, and was dealt with just as certain characters would deal with it.

If you think that them needing to get Kevin's (that's his name right?) disc makes sense, PM me the explanation
Well of course getting the disc makes sense. They explain it quite plainly. How whatever reviewers you've read missed what was spelled out for them is a mystery, though. I guess it's just another side affect of terrible internet reviewers, who almost seem to want to hate every movie so they can come up with "clever" rants and ways to hate it. I used to roll my eyes when people talked about "professional" movie reviewers, but I'm beginning to see their point.

And yes, the characters name is Kevin. Though I am still confused as to the reason you believe you can speak on such authority about the movie when you aren't even certain of the lead character's names.

Not that any of this matters, since, as you say:

...I am very highly unlikely to change my opinion
You've judged the movie without ever seeing it. Why you'd bother to see it now is yet another mystery.

Regardless, I greatly enjoyed it and would even like to see it again, this time in 3D. I saw it with two other guys who both liked it a lot. All of us said it was much better than we expected. Let those who read this take that for what it is.

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The plot is simple: CLU needs x to take over the world. Why does he need x? Because x allows him to take things into the real world. It's as easy to follow and accept as a magical laser beam that transports a human being into a digital civilisation.

Just saw the movie in IMAX 3D. Seeing it in 3D was pointless, I'd say, as it was the least immersive 3D movie I've seen.

The hair that annoyed me in the trailers, was even worse in the actual movie. Combined with the absence of surreality in the setting that was present in the original, the computer realm almost didn't seem like a computer realm so much as a high tech/future world.

I'm not sure I liked the chakrams that they were calling "discs", either.

Flynn's son exhibited no User abilities, that I noticed, other than bleeding.

I miss the Grid Spiders.

The club scene was the worst. It reminded me of something from the Matrix sequel.

And while the music throughout was decent, I was disappointed that there was no recognizable mix of the original theme for the credits, at least.

All that said, I enjoyed the story and found the movie to be decent overall, though I can't recommend seeing it in 3D.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
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-- The Fox and the Hound



Ossuary, that's quote mining. I didn't say "I am very highly unlikely to change my opinion" about the movie. I said I am unlikely to change my opinion about those things being in that world.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Ossuary, that's quote mining. I didn't say "I am very highly unlikely to change my opinion" about the movie. I said I am unlikely to change my opinion about those things being in that world.
Oh, I know. I wasn't trying to be tricky. I even have your whole quote in that same post. It is really the sentiment I was pointing out. You've decided a part of a movie that you haven't seen doesn't make sense because...because? And there is seemingly little the movie could say to change your already made up mind.

To me, it's all just a shame. It was a fun movie, at least I thought so. I had little issues with it here and there, but greatly enjoyed it overall. I just think it's too bad you're so determined to rob yourself of a good time. I mean, if you walked in not expecting much and wound up not liking it, that's one thing. But you've already decided. The way you post, it sounds like that's not going to change.

I still wonder why you even intend to bother seeing it. Oh, well. To each their own, I suppose.

We often sit and think of you,
We often speak your name;
There is nothing left to answer,
But your photo in the frame.



That's a pretty sad way to look at things Ossuary.

#1. Unlike some people... actually most people... I am open to being proven wrong and changing my mind on anything.

#2. I've not made up my mind. I have said what I think based on what I know.

#3. The reason people are disappointed or whatever are because they state something as such and don't want to be wrong so they maintain their position regardless. I don't do that. I take in things on their own merits, not based on what other people say or even what I have thought previously. I have fun because something is fun, not because I thought I would have fun with something.



I liked it. Clu/Young Flynn still had a few toes in the Uncanny Valley for me, mostly when he moved. When he was still he looked good.

3D worked for me. I guess the director said he thought of the screen as being a window into the TRON world, so there's not much in the way of things coming out at you, it's more about the depth of the scene going in. I think I do like that approach more than stuff constantly flying at my face.

I'm looking forward to the inevitable sequel.



What I'm not clear on, Dur, is why you're so all-fired insistent on presenting and defending an opinion based on secondary sources, that even you say might change when you actually see the movie.

Especially since pretty much everyone here is telling you the base source material you are forming your opinion from is wrong.

It's pointless. You'd have been better served by just stating, "I've heard some bad stuff about the movie, but I'll form a final opinion after seeing it." and leaving it at that.

Which is what you're planning on doing anyhow.

Or are you arguing just to have an argument?

Just stop until you've seen the movie. Your source information is just wrong.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

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Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Ossuary, that's quote mining. I didn't say "I am very highly unlikely to change my opinion" about the movie. I said I am unlikely to change my opinion about those things being in that world.
Dude, your silly behavior in this thread has opened you up to being a target to any and all derogatory tactics. I have no idea why you're behaving this way, but here's a bit of folk wisdom: "If one person calls you an ***, ignore them. If two people call you an ***, check behind you for hoofprints. If three people call you an ***, get fitted for a saddle."

Durakken, you should note that EVERYONE so far has disagreed with you, and we rarely agree on anything. That alone should give you pause to reconsider that maybe you're really far off base.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Also, my opinion is formulated based on the facts of what I have heard... ...So far none of the facts I have said is wrong,...
Do you have people on ignore? There have been numerous people telling you the "facts" you quoted are wrong.

Durakken, you should note that EVERYONE so far has disagreed with you, and we rarely agree on anything. That alone should give you pause to reconsider that maybe you're really far off base.
Don't bother trying. He may say he can change his mind, but I've never seen it. No matter how many people will tell him otherwise, he's not the kind to listen.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Rylas, do I really have to point how much BS you've spouted again?
You always use similar phrases to this. You never actually go through and point each thing out without making erroneous arguments about each item. And yeah, I quote mined, if that's the way you want to phrase it. But I commented on it being out of context to what you said, but being incredibly indicative of your behavior. So show me how it's not the way you behave on these forums. I'm not sure many people will back you up in your defense.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Rylas, I have always discussed each point you bring up. I keep on forgetting you are not actually interested in discussing anything and you never actually argue any point. You simply disagree again and again, expecting to piss me off, but instead I stop the conversation and just leave it at saying that you have made several fallacies and there is no reason to discuss them because you know what you are doing. Which it is obvious you do. And you know, for someone who thinks I'm unreasonable you always start these conversations with me and despite my unreasonableness I always defend every point I make and change my mind when shown to be wrong. That to me sounds an awful lot like... oh, whats the quote, "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

NinjaPirate, I am not all fired up. I stated my opinion of the movie and how I arrived at it. People are saying I'm wrong without saying why and I said I don't care about spoilers so PM if I'm wrong telling me what I'm wrong about. I have gotten one PM and what it said doesn't change my opinion about the plot and I'm not sure it's completely accurate but if it is it changes my opinion about the clubs and crowd a little.

Ironik, I'm sure being told your an *** is a valid way of figuring out whether what you are saying is right or wrong in a world where you're an *** if you say someone looks fat when they do is considered being an ***.



Ok... so I listened to the entirety of Spoony's "review" of TRON that Durakken seems to have based his "facts" and opinions on.

It's quite possibly the most flawed attempt at a review I've ever seen. I'm not talking about the fact that he tries to be "edgy" by constantly cursing. I'm not talking about the fact that he rambles on in a full-blown, unending, semi-incoherent ADD episode. I'm not talking about the fact that he can't remember some of the most basic names or scenes in the movie.

I am talking about the fact that he pretty much misses half the important plot-defining details in the movie and every minor detail that has any degree of subtlety. "This movie never explains anything!" he laments, and then proceeds to draw the most brain-dead conclusions, or proudly proclaim how little he knows. He also just plain makes things up.

It's my belief that Spoony had written his own movie in his head, and when the movie did not progress the way it was "supposed to", he flew into a fit of nerd-rage.

How anyone can use this total failure of a review as a basis to criticize the movie, especially without having seen it themselves, is utterly beyond me.



Given the drubbing that Durraken is getting here, I'm kinda reluctant to post this, but here goes.

I saw Tron: Legacy and found it very flawed. The art direction was nice, but after you've watched twenty minutes of the Grid, you've seen it all. The plot was paper-thin and failed to capture me. Since I was so disengaged, I ended up poking holes in the plot. Not that it was a tough job, huge plot holes abound in this movie. The characters were very flat, without any clear motivations or direction. They moved where the plot needed them to move, simple as that.

I'll probably talk about the plot holes later next week, as I'd rather not give away any spoilers.



Originally Posted by wei yau View Post
Given the drubbing that Durraken is getting here, I'm kinda reluctant to post this, but here goes.

I saw Tron: Legacy and found it very flawed.
There's nothing wrong with that stance. The issue here is not that Durraken doesn't like the movie, it's that he's advancing flawed criticisms for a movie he hasn't even seen.

The plot for the movie isn't great. It's not particularly bad, but it's got similar flaws that you will find in most high-production, action blockbusters.

However, it does seem to stay solidly within its own logic. If you can accept the concept of humans being digitized into a living, breathing computer world, then you should not have problems with any of the other more far-fetched concepts the movie advances.



Originally Posted by wei yau View Post
Given the drubbing that Durraken is getting here, I'm kinda reluctant to post this...
I believe that Durraken is getting all the drubbing because from what I can make out from his posts. He's based all his opinions about Tron Legacy off an internet reviewer's, Spoony, angry rant, and hasn't even seen the movie yet.

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