Tron: Legacy First Impression (No Spoilers!)




Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
But I think Jeff Bridges is channeling too much of The Dude.
Actually if you go back a rewatch the original Tron (something we did about a month ago in prep for watching the new one) you'll realize that The Dude was actually sort of there from the beginning. A younger version at any rate.

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Beggers can't be choosers.
If you want "real" 80s styled arcades you'd probably need a time machine at this point.
All I was offering is the most obvious alternatives that exist today. *shrugs*

[EDIT] Either that or go to other countries.
****pardon the threadjack****

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I saw this two days after Christmas as sort of a late present to myself, and I was surely not disappointed. A lot of reviews had said that both movies were sort of a cultural snapshot of the times and I think that's pretty spot on, really. Tron: Legacy feels very now, just in terms of how we think about the virtual space and the possibilities.

Seeing it in 3D just took my breath away; this is the only other film since Avatar that I felt used 3D properly and to its fullest advantage. And the echoes and references to the original film were totally great.

And I loved the soundtrack so much that I own it now and even posted that we should have it playing in Pocket D and Club 55! If you want cool music to groove to, that is the music!

Anyways, amazing film. I may well go see it again.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by Moderator 05 View Post
I love Daft Punk, but the my jaw hit the floor when Sam hit the jukebox in the arcade and Journey's "Separate Ways" came on. I had the biggest smile on my face. That was the musical highlight of the film for me.
I still don't grasp the significance of this.

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Originally Posted by NiVra View Post
****pardon the threadjack****

I love living in New York! Your wish is our command (since 2004!)
From a post in this thread a few days ago...

Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I'm sure there are other alternatives sprinkled around.
Yep, wished I had thought of the idea that there are probably a few good arcades still around.

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Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
Seeing it in 3D just took my breath away; this is the only other film since Avatar that I felt used 3D properly and to its fullest advantage.
I agree with most of what you said but I just wanted to comment on the latest 3D initiative. We chose to watch the new Tron in 2D not only as a tribute to the original but because (except for maybe Avatar) I've yet to see a truly good example of a 3D movie in the last year or so that really needed to be in or made good use of 3D. *shrugs*

I have no doubt that eventually most if not all movies will be in 3D and it'll become as accepted and perfect as color in movies has been for many decades now. I also think that the latest wave of 3D is indeed a big improvement over previous attempts at it. But with all that said I still think 3D in movies, as of 2010, is still annoyingly experimental and far from what it should and/or could be.

Basically 3D in movies today is not -quite- worth it. Avatar shows us what it could be like, but until movies of that quality can be made for far, far less than like $500+ million I'm not really going to consider the technology "ready for prime time" yet. I figure we have at least another 5 or 10 years before it's really worthwhile.

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Watched TRON Legacy again and still enjoy it. A nice sequel, with a couple of loose ends that could spawn a sequel.

One minor thing though is this: given how Ed Dillinger Sr. gained control of Encom in the first place via the MCP and swiping Kevin's files, and how the evidence was revealed at the end.......I find it surprising that Dillinger's son would be part of Encom at all. Granted this is the son and not the father, but that Encom would take such a gamble no matter how smart junior is...... OF course this also presumes that Dillinger Sr. was prosecuted at all or if he copped a deal and stepped down as Senior Exec. Neither movie nor the other TRON related items a few years back ever clarified Dillinger's fate.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Watched TRON Legacy again and still enjoy it. A nice sequel, with a couple of loose ends that could spawn a sequel.

One minor thing though is this: given how Ed Dillinger Sr. gained control of Encom in the first place via the MCP and swiping Kevin's files, and how the evidence was revealed at the end.......I find it surprising that Dillinger's son would be part of Encom at all. Granted this is the son and not the father, but that Encom would take such a gamble no matter how smart junior is...... OF course this also presumes that Dillinger Sr. was prosecuted at all or if he copped a deal and stepped down as Senior Exec. Neither movie nor the other TRON related items a few years back ever clarified Dillinger's fate.
Dillinger Jr looks to be about Sam's age and Flynn's been out of the picture for 20 something years; DJ had to have been hired long after that. Even so, I don't see Flynn as the type to hold a generation spanning grudge against a kid

I don't see anything odd about someone of his talents working for what is essentially the Microsoft of that world. Not really a gamble just because his father was a jerk...we don't know anything about the kid other than who he is, that he's a capitialist and is good with software.

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Originally Posted by Furio View Post
Dillinger Jr looks to be about Sam's age and Flynn's been out of the picture for 20 something years; DJ had to have been hired long after that. Even so, I don't see Flynn as the type to hold a generation spanning grudge against a kid

I don't see anything odd about someone of his talents working for what is essentially the Microsoft of that world. Not really a gamble just because his father was a jerk...we don't know anything about the kid other than who he is, that he's a capitialist and is good with software.
Well as Flynn described Dillinger "not as smart, but very sneaky." The impression I got from Dillinger Jr. was that he seemed like he could become very much like his father.

And yes I cant see Flynn holding a generational grudge, it just seems odd that the son of Dillinger would be there. But again, the kid is talented.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Well as Flynn described Dillinger "not as smart, but very sneaky." The impression I got from Dillinger Jr. was that he seemed like he could become very much like his father.

And yes I cant see Flynn holding a generational grudge, it just seems odd that the son of Dillinger would be there. But again, the kid is talented.
Oh no doubt the intention's there for him to be a problem in the next movie. His open scoffing at Bradley is proof enough that he's going to be at odds with the the new regime at Encom, and just going on who they cast (Cillian Murphy) and how little he was used you can tell they're planning for the future of the franchise.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
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Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
I still don't grasp the significance of this.
Journey was on the soundtrack of the original

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
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"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
I still don't grasp the significance of this.
As Furio says, they did two tunes on the original soundtrack, but more than that, this particular song is very, very much 1982-ish in its impact. For anyone (raises hand) who was there as a teen in the early 80s and listened to ANY amount of radio (and in arcades, that would be "all of us") Journey was there as a backbone of the era.

Plus, "Separate Ways" is kind of a theme here in this movie. Sorta nice they did that. And Sweet Dreams which was playing moments later, kind of hitting the other side of the musical spectrum of "listenable Rock" of the era.

It really was like stepping into a world which had stopped in 1983-5 and had the dust taken off it. They did a great job of spinning their world straight off from the one they built in the original. Action figures, modern technology, but very clearly they'd gone into the Tron-verse, not "our" universe.

And I have to say I liked the 3d. Anyone who's read my posts about the subject knows that I'm rather hard to persuade to like the stuff, but in this case it was subtle and well done. It wasn't all IN YOUR FACE! like the 3-d advertisements before the movie. Those were just plain tacky.

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