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  1. I should be to make it home in time so count me in with my Dark/Rad Defender: Nystra.
  2. I'm in for the run at @Nivra, using Nivra, 50 DM/Regen scrapper. for your requirements, I have all of those items ready, including the alternates your listed. Just tell me what you'll need upon inventory.
  3. I always thought it was "Brothers and Sisters say we came to House!"
  4. NiVra

    Hey guys!

    Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
    Irony is being unable to comment on the "Discussion: Forum Changes: All Access Sections - 12/16/2011" thread about how everyone can now post because I don't have clearance to post on such threads.

    You know this the just the'll pay for the good stuff soon enough.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
    My thought process is that you don't need to choose.

    I know its stating the obvious, but you can have multiple Incarnate powers for a single slot.

    Quite true, but as Elegost mentioned it does become a "what will I be doing for the next few moments..." planning exercise that really happens prior to engaging targets because of the cooldown. Scrapper-lock addicts aren't really known for the ability to stop, stop attacking (and if you are in a team, its even more difficult because the whole team must do so as well), and switch a power.

    However, I personally have had great results from switching from situation to situation, I currently will have all Destiny buffs and i'm actually quite enjoying Ageless at the moment. I want to recommend this for the Dm/Regen like me who is sitting on the low/mid 30s Def in S/L/M and has enough recharge that Dull Pain is actually usable as a HEAL for 30secs. One purple inspiration and I am set to go and the Debuff Resistance is a great boon that goes well with that. In addition to the fact that click heals and IH comes back faster, it adds to my scrapper-lock. On a personal note, being at such high recharge is particuarly glee-full when you can stack Soul-Drain with the help of a Speed boost/AM. Yay, dmg cap (for like 2 seconds but still...)!

    Come to think of it, I do use rebirth in hard target tasks or missions. Like for instance AV tanking and auto-hit powers. In the cases where i'm going to get hit and hit hard, regen was my ticket out. But with the fun i've been having with Ageless, that might replace this preference.

    Also, I should point out that the inherit benefit of a Dm/Regen toon that really wants to go the route of Defense is the to-hit debuffs off of our ST attks. I don't have Mids access but i'm pretty sure i remember -10% to-hit was common for me when I tried out Diamagnetic (?) Interface slot. That helps toward soft-capping a bit. Sadly, i dont think our few PBAoEs have that component which would be amazing and admittedly, potential broken if it did.*

    *although it wouldn't be thematically unreasonable: you are strengthening yourself by weaking your opponents. Actually, i'm pretty sure other such attacks from say, energy or electic or ice do have a nice secondary effect as well as a bonus for powers that work same.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
    Only thing that worries me with Rebirth on a none Katana/BS Regens are those back to back big hits that gets through that even on cap regen could take you down.
    But it is a matter of pride to be able to regen cap on your own though.

    Plus, there are cases where it matters, such as against Hamidon and Keyes. If the resistance boost is as credible as it sounds, Rebirth might be worth another look great for survivrabilty post-alpha for ANY situation. I doubt however, we will get to the level of being a Stone Armour-type resistance, but its a step in the right direction and change of pace in a "Moar Def!" game setting.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Beggers can't be choosers.
    If you want "real" 80s styled arcades you'd probably need a time machine at this point.
    All I was offering is the most obvious alternatives that exist today. *shrugs*

    [EDIT] Either that or go to other countries.
    ****pardon the threadjack****

    I love living in New York! Your wish is our command (since 2004!)
  8. So I saw the Tron, and I liked it!

    The music was all kinds of cool, and I loved the club scene (although i got Blade and Matrix flashbacks when the fight scene began.)

    Also, i hope this doesnt count as a spoiler, but was that an actual Daft Punk cameo in there? (i'm being vague in the hopes that those that saw it would figure out which two i'm talking about.)

    I never got to see the original version but I had no idea that "Reboot" , was a 90s Tron. With that in mind, i was able to pick up a lot of things really fast that probably left my friends for a loop since they pretty much follow the same rules. I wanted a lot more action but i guessing that it was going stay an "eye-candy" movie and probably Disney couldn't turn it into an action flix without some angry parents somewhere. I hope there is a sequel!
  9. Yes, i managed some quick buys and crafting last night to confirm the movement and the run speed are calculated separately so thats one fact easily confirmed.

    I also have some Aegis ready now as well so i'm currently waiting on some Kinectic's to fill on the market to test out the first question. I see some price-creeping is already starting in anticipation of the weekend so i'll do some marketeering to gain enough cash for 5 sets. So if anyone out there has those sets already crafted and slotted you can send me a tell so we can work out a try-out on test? I'm willing to send whatever other IOs are needed to confirm this.
  10. Ok, so i'm working on an i19 stone/stone build and i came across a very interesting puzzle...

    Kinectic Combat gives the following with 5 slotted:
    ... improves your Run Speed by 5%.
    ... improves your Flight Speed by 5%.
    ... improves your Jumping by 5%.

    Aegis gives the following with 2 slotted:
    ...improves your Run Speed by 5%.

    Now, Mids is calculatiing this as the same bonus (namely the Run Speed portion). However, I am not certain if this is accurate in-game and unfortunately, I am unable to access the test server at this time due to some weird crashing to desktop issue. Can anyone confirm if the above bonuses are truly considered the same or is it possible that it qualifies as a third type of movement increase.*

    *For those also aware I have assumed that Movement bonuses still count as separate bonuses and that has not changed since I last played from i16. Example being 2 IOs from the Performance Shifter set increase "Improves your Movement by 5%." and is independant of the sets mentioned above*
  11. One thing thats been irking me though...wasn't Tess actually in love/lust with Lex when she came to the show? Or is that like a Star Wars kinda hand-wave?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    But... Tuesday night is Glee night!

    Trust me, i've been watching and its entirely tape-able. Besides you should be watching No Ordinary Family! Its game-appropriate!

    Oh, and I might be in on this and working on moving my schedule around for Tuesday nights to be free. If i can make it the first night, i should be able to be there consistently.
  13. Thats much better than me, the Incarnate Arc was the very first arc I tried with my namesake scrapper since i've been back and I completely forgot that I had set my missions for +2 Levels and +6 players.

    Needless to say, I had a terrible time with both Holtz and the Honoree AVs but yes, i'm ashamed to admit it, i completely forgot i could make them EBs. I didn't remember that unfortunately until i depleted my stockpile of tier 3 reds and purples and took down Holtz. Honoree took 3 attempts alone before hurting him. So even though I was waay over my head i like the arc for the difficulty. I mean, we ARE supposed to be on a path of accessing a whole new level of power right? This is like the 80s training montage of our careers that makes us awesome at the end!
  14. Aww, you always get the good lewts! = )
  15. Hey, Flarecrow. I was actually drafted into the SG you speak of sometime ago as a favor for a RL friend with my Warshade, Vexxus. I did take a little hiatus from March to October from the game due to failing computer issues but i believe I was actually leader at one point myself when I logged in for a bit during the summer. However I believe that upon logging in last week i was kicked out of the SG. If someone is actively running it, they have been since the summer and did a bit of "housecleaning" since. That person might still be on the global channel that was once active so that might be a place to look?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
    Here's some of my thoughts on Dr. CDC.

    1) Agree with Frogfather: I got the impression the guy was despondent from long isolation, feeling like he failed and possibly thinking he's the last person left alive.

    2) I don't think he infected himself. Whatever that stuff was he spilled was VERY corrosive and he didn't seem to be in pain, so I don't think it burned his skin.

    3) As to why he said "Go away," well, I believe anything we can come up with for that is pure speculation. Anyway, my pure speculation is that he has something to hide. I'm guessing that he maybe killed someone to keep them from leaving and possibly letting zombies in. Or he killed someone to extend the food supply (not cannibalism, just fewer mouths to feed). Or maybe...maybe...TS-19 (the destroyed tissue sample) was from someone he infected before and he's afraid he'll do it again, or that he'll be found out.

    4) From #3...why *is* the CDC empty except for this guy? I'm guessing there are at least a few hundred people who work there, counting all the scientists, clerical staff, maintenance, etc. It seems that SOME of them should still be there. More than just Dr. CDC, I would think.

    You know, I'm starting the think the easiest answer might be he ditched everyone when the crap hit the fan. He might have had the same kind of thinking that St0ner brought up; he saw people dying and getting infected and he just happenned to be able to shut down the base from the inside and saved himself.

    He's probably been working on the cure out of guilt for saving his own hide when he had the chance. Finding the cure might not be his attempt to maintain his duty to humanity but a desperate act of redemption? Maybe he didn't want the others outside to find out what he did, especially when he lost any chance of a cure so maybe it was desperation/shame?

    Or maybe i'm giving the writing too much credit and the obvious answer is the right one? Everyone just died...
  17. Nice!

    And wasn't there supposed to be a Glee episode titled "Michael"? I was assuming that it was going to be his chance to show his stuff to some Michael Jackson, like Brittney got to do?

    Also looking up Heather Morris just now apparently overheated my computer...true story!
  18. I'm surprised that no had mentioned the whole "X-Files" like intro to the episode.

    (TBH, i was expecting them to give us a DS9 injoke with Robert Picardo flashing in and out of his invisibility.)
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
    Oops. Wrong thread.

    hehe, i see what you did there.

    I'm starting to enjoy this series and may catch up on past seasons.

    To the Stackhouse Fans: totally dig the True Blood mythos sharing thing too!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
    I just started watching this right now and... I want Conjunction Junction on iTunes. Now.

    The way the show owns up to its own flaws is one of its biggest redeeming qualities.

    "Come on guys! There has to be a Journey song we haven't done yet!"

    Edit: Really glad that Mike Change got another dance number. He's really great at physical comedy. If you really want to see him bring down the house, watch The LXD. There, he plays Elliot. In that world, dancing can generate Chi. Elliot keeps up not because he can dance, but because he found the enchanted shoes of a better dancer. It's surprisingly awesome and he's easily my favorite character.

    Anyway, still watching...

    Next update! Glad to see that they remembered the best part of this show: Petty people doing petty things for petty reasons. The war on Tater Tots continues.

    Edit: Wow, has it been this long since we've had a number that was Rachel Berry showing off her incredible talent purely for the sake of showing it off? I don't even know if we've had one "pure joy" moment with her all season.

    Ironik's right: This episode's awesome.

    Note: Good heavens, is Kurt ever gay...

    Note: Holy hell, Will is evil. "I'm sorry I slept with you. I was vulnerable and you yourself were a mistake in my life. Leave and never come back." How selfish can he get?

    Note: Is this absolutely ludicrous (in a good way) Mash Up the first confirmed song for Nationals? If so, it's exciting to see that begin to build up!

    Note: Is it weird that I could tell which writer did this episode based on how much I liked this episode? Since it was "Quite a bit", I knew it was Ian Brennan.

    Regarding the school budget: It's been referenced since very early in the series that the school has a staggering and overly comedically sized budget that has just been misdistributed. It can be assumed that more and more of the money is going to the Glee club.

    I want to counter-point on your note to Will being "evil". Terri is shown as being petty and manipulative in the show, and it was her that came over knowing Will was "weak". Remember, he was really sick, lonely, feared unemployment, and was being shut out of the one thing that he enjoyed.

    After being a part of, and seeing some one-sided relationships I know how easy a person like Terri can hover around waiting for an opening like that. Those situations are usually the ignition switch to start a bad relationship all over again. Actually its stuff like that that makes couples you know are bad for each other breakup and makeup over and over again. You notice that Terri came back the next day as Will's "wife" when Holly was over. She thought she had Will turned around.

    One note of my own: That last scene with Kurt and the bully was great. I sense this is going to be significant later on the series and I hope they show just how serious it can be. To paraphrase Holly's words, kids do deserve more attention these days to what they are doing and what's going on. Bullying isn't about stealing your Tot-money these days but can get dangerous very easily. I, for one, completely believe what the bully said was not a threat but a guarantee.

    I want to second your recommendation on the LXD! I'm trying to get as many people interested in it as possible myself.

    *second edit*
    Ok, i'm going to admit I do not like Ms. Paltrow at all. She cut in front of me and a group of people once without even an "excuse me" at a restaurant in ny once. I'm trying to believe that she was really in a rush to get inside or something but at least apologize for using your bodyguard as a battering ram. It wasn't California with paparazzi everywhere, geez...

    If she becomes a recurring character, i'm going to unintentionally distrust and dislike anything she's a part of, so i'm going to admit that the last mash-up was ok but would probably have been better to me if she wasn't there.
  21. I thought they were going to insinuate that Kenny is an immortal spirit from the same dimension as Cthulu due to his parent's probably being suckered into a ritual during those meetings. Hmm, actually i think thats heavily insinuated thinking back on the clues they gave out, especially about Cthulu could possibly kill Kenny for real according to the 'prophecy'.
  22. I was expecting a climatic battle duel to the "death" with Kenny as well and was disappointed that it ended that way. But i suppose that helps us relate to Kenny more since after all of that and all he's went thru to get sooo close to closure...just for it to be wrapped up like that.

    I would "go to bed" too.
  23. Actually I'm surprised no one has just linked the episodes for those who haven't seen it:

    The Premiere of The Coon!
    *if you look at the South Park Opening, Mysterion is now there to the right of Kyle and the South Park sign*

    It looks like the others will be available starting on Nov 27th from this season apparently but Cartoon Network does do repeat, so they might do a whole block of the series like they did Imagination Land at some point for those who've missed it.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nova Knight View Post
    I thought that the boys knew each other's secret identities. Didn't they address Kenny as both "Kenny" and "Mysterion?" At any rate, the gravelly, Christian Bale-esque voice definitely added to the episode's Awesome Quotient.
    Well yes and no, the boys do know who each other is but part of the gag is that the audience doesn't really know and they have been dropping hints thru-out the episode.

    Like when Stans dad mentions that his entire toolbox keeps disappearing only to have the "Toolshed" character appear or when we were down to guessing the identity of 3 of them, one of the character's mom asks them to take out the trash, all three heroes turn and look at each other but after awhile only one of them replies.

    As for the Kenny reveal, it was revealed in a tongue in cheek way as when he unmasks at a news conference, the audiences goes "ooohh, its him!" and Mr Garrison states that "wow, all this time it of the students in my class!". I dont think they admit it being actually kenny until later on.
  25. I can see Sheen as Uncle Ben, but Sally Field? Poor lady isn't that old! Well, at least not when i imagine what Aunt May looks like.