Kinectic Combatants! I need your help!

Adeon Hawkwood



Ok, so i'm working on an i19 stone/stone build and i came across a very interesting puzzle...

Kinectic Combat gives the following with 5 slotted:
... improves your Run Speed by 5%.
... improves your Flight Speed by 5%.
... improves your Jumping by 5%.

Aegis gives the following with 2 slotted:
...improves your Run Speed by 5%.

Now, Mids is calculatiing this as the same bonus (namely the Run Speed portion). However, I am not certain if this is accurate in-game and unfortunately, I am unable to access the test server at this time due to some weird crashing to desktop issue. Can anyone confirm if the above bonuses are truly considered the same or is it possible that it qualifies as a third type of movement increase.*

*For those also aware I have assumed that Movement bonuses still count as separate bonuses and that has not changed since I last played from i16. Example being 2 IOs from the Performance Shifter set increase "Improves your Movement by 5%." and is independant of the sets mentioned above*

Main Server:Victory

***"When you surround an enemy, leave an outlet free [...] to make him believe there is a road to safety, and thus prevent his fighting with the courage of despair." Sun Tzu ***



Last i knew movement and run speed were separate for set bonuses.

I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.



Yes, i managed some quick buys and crafting last night to confirm the movement and the run speed are calculated separately so thats one fact easily confirmed.

I also have some Aegis ready now as well so i'm currently waiting on some Kinectic's to fill on the market to test out the first question. I see some price-creeping is already starting in anticipation of the weekend so i'll do some marketeering to gain enough cash for 5 sets. So if anyone out there has those sets already crafted and slotted you can send me a tell so we can work out a try-out on test? I'm willing to send whatever other IOs are needed to confirm this.

Main Server:Victory

***"When you surround an enemy, leave an outlet free [...] to make him believe there is a road to safety, and thus prevent his fighting with the courage of despair." Sun Tzu ***



Unfortunately I don't have any characters with KCs slotted but I checked on one of my characters with several different speed bonus sets slotted and based on that I am 99% certain that Mid's is correct.

The issue is that in the game there are 4 different types of speed boosting set bonuses:
<Size> Improved Run Speed Bonus
<Size> Improved Flight Speed Bonus
<Size> Improved Jumping Bonus
<Size> Improved Movement Bonus

The Movement bonus boosts all three movement types and, since it's a different name, is separately subject to the law of fives (i.e. you could stack 5 Moderate Movement Bonuses with 5 Moderate Run speed Bonuses).

The problem is that not all sets USE the Movement bonus even when they boost all three speeds. Compare the wording for Thunderstrike and Gaussian sets:

Both provide a buff to all movement types as a single bonus but Gaussian uses the single Movement Bonus while Thunderstrike actually provides all three different bonuses. Given the wording on the KC set it looks like it follows the Thunderstrike route and also provides three bonuses.

I hope that helps.



If youre wanting to increase your run speed, check out the Gift of the Ancients run speed 7.5%. Those are great for stone tanks. And yes, movement speeds help with run speed.

My wifes GA runs 28mph. It can outrun or keep up with a toon running with sprint. No more SB PLS... lol.