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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post

    Sorry, but of course most players can't stand the market. The devs are certainly aware of this, almost all their market related changes since I12 have been directed at letting people avoid it.

    Alignment Merits
    Sig Story Arcs
    Astral Merits
    Empyrean Merits
    Resetting the market in I18, may or may not have been primary purpose

    You can see the thought process playing itself. Pre I9 they were thinking a competitive PvP oriented market would open new vistas for the game, completely ignoring the fact that many people came to the game because it didn't have "LEWT" or "LEWT GRINDS". Guess what as wealth got concentrated, the few people who actually enjoyed the market game got to control the bulk of the wealth, and everyone who came to play a superhero game got ticked off.

    The only people I have ever seen defend our market system as a good idea are people who were defending their ability to benefit from it or people that were too foolish to understand what people could and did do with it.

    The only problem with the market is that it doesn't work for people who feel entitled to IOs. The market is not a store but people don't understand that concept and / or the concept of supply and demand so therefor they complain about the supposed hardship of making enough to afford IOs.

    This entitled group of people has been less vocal in the last couple years. The reasons for this include but are not limited to : increased knowledge of how the market works, increased desire to participate in the market, alternate paths to getting loot in game and alternate paths to getting loot "out of game" ("out" only because the PM is in fact accessible in game).
  2. How do PPM procs work in aoe powers? Do they only have a chance to fire on one target in the time window? If so wouldn't this be a colossal nerf to procs ?
  3. I'll be holding a costume contest in AP at 8pm EST tonight.
    First prize is 1 billion influence.
    Second gets 500 million
    Third 300 million
    4th/5th 100 million each
  4. Im expecting prices to drop a bit more 50-300m for purples and 100-200 for pvps. Not a huge drop but enough for them to consistently be lower than the current high tide.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
    I better test this then before it goes live, and let them know if they really fixed it this time.
    I'm not sure if you'll be able to test it because the settings are apparently specific to each build, with beta and test having different settings than live in some cases.
  6. I'm pretty sure I figured out Arcana's converter niche, there are only 2 really good options in it but 5 million to 80 million is a solid ROI while the niches hold out.
  7. the reason things havent gone the way we expected is because the devs *****'d on enhancement converters and still haven't gotten them available via the other merit types.
  8. Enhancement converters are only purchasable via reward merits on live.
  9. the pvp IO niches are down to about 1 billion for glad proc and pancea. Shield wall is at 200m.
  10. April 1, 2012

    All open bids and sales will be filled by a dev script during maintenance. The market will be annihilated mwhhahahaha.
  11. Sounds good. Fire/Time rolled and waiting.

    *PS* My purpled out warshade is staying on Guardian but I do have one
  12. Regen does infact regenerate more than willpower when you take IH and RTTC out of the picture. If you count IH and RTTC you are no longer comparing passive regeneration because IH is a temporary click and RTTC is based on foe density.

    With Willpower you just hope to stand there and take it, regen on the other hand has the ability to hit reconstruction, moment of glory, instant healing or dull pain to scale up at the right time. Reconstruction amounts of 50 hp/sec near the top end of recharge and healing enhancement, even though it only happens in 12-18 second bursts. MoG makes you practically unkillable for 15 seconds, which amounts to around 500-700 hp regenerated.

    Willpower is slightly more durable than a regen who doesn't use all their powers at once or even timed well, but willpower can't really increase it's survivability outside of strength of will. Willpower is either unkillable or it is mathematically going to die over time.

    Of course the same is true of regen but the difference is that regen requires player input such that you have a direct effect on living or dying outside of just mathematical equations.

    As far as changes to regen go, I'd get rid of the unenhanceable attribute in integration and then I'd change the unenhanceable portion of instant healing to an upfront unenhanceable heal.

    I'd also add endurance drain resistance to QR.
  13. Arcana is correct in that dark and electric could both be similar in overall survival. I feel dark wins out because it gets Cloak of Darkness and Cloak of Fear to stack with defense buffs from IOs where electric does not.

    Dark can cakewalk most pre incarnate content once you IO it out. Electric is better in incarnate level stuff due to its better resistances to that particular set of damage (90% to energy combined with reasonable psi resistance).
  14. There are plenty of us dabbling in the converter craze but doing so on the scale you suggest requires effort. Between multiple 12 hour shifts a week and taking classes, I dont have the energy or desire to do things on that scale. I only market on maybe 8-10 toons now compared to 12-15 of last year.

    Additionally with prices set to drop and people like us already owning 'infinite influence', there isn't much of an outlet for such massive amounts of profit. Crazy 88s are mostly quiet now.
  15. The best is granite armor. After that would be dark armor. Dark has solid resistance paired with the best heal in the game.

    *edit* as far as pairings go, stone melee has fault and energy melee has whirling hands which can stack with oppressive gloom.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
    Speaking as a newly minted PVP farmer myself, I have to say, these guys 'generate' very little inf in the big picture. The kill rate and inf rewards are utter crap in this sort of farm.

    All this does is move inf from a source to a sink (my pocket, thank you.) In the process, you destroy rather a lot of inf, likely more than you generate by a WIDE margin.

    Trials make a little inf, yes. Astrals/Empy's are a completely separate currency, which (as far as I know) has no arbitrage mechanism with inf. All these guys are doing is lowering demand/increasing supply of the shiny goodies via a different mechanism.

    NOW you're talking some serious inf. These guys roll in inf at rates of several millions per minute, and there are a lot, I mean A LOT, of people that run AE farms, or run 'farm style' normal content looking for purple drops. It's simple, it's fun, it's profitable. Tickets are, again, a separate currency with no exchange to inf, and so, just serves to increase supplies of shiny's.

    And here we have the crux of the problem.

    The MARTy code is a valuable insight into exactly the massive scale of the RMT issue. Those limits are so sky high, nobody could possibly hit them, right? Well, then, why put them in at all?

    I have personally seen an RMT farm a few times. The one I saw was eight controllers, 4 identical builds and four different identical builds. (4 fire/kins, 4 fire/force, all with the fire mastery epic.) I tinkered up some numbers on what that sort of team could do.... And it was sobering. For example, that team could aggro and attack 500+ mobs simultaneously. And the damage output would destroy that sort of mob in seconds. Every defense is capped and every attack is made at the capped limits of the game engine.

    Work the math on that, inf-wise.

    I'm a firm believer than the RMT'rs are the source of most of the inf in the game.

    Just my thoughts, make of it what you will.
    You are underestimating pvp farmers. TopDoc is vastly wealthy and he isnt the only pvp farmer by a long shot.

    Also RMT may be a cause of influence inflation to be sure but they are a symptom of people's laziness and need for instant gratification not the cause. If no one wanted to buy, then you wouldnt have them as an issue.

    I cant say for certain how long someone would stick around if they are the type to buy influence. Their interest is fleeting at best, so their foot print on the market would serve to drive up influence on desirables and then vanish while not necessarily venting all of their influence into the game.
  17. This socialist plot is so heinous, how dare I enrich the less fortunate. I must be insane...

    Oh well off to acquire another 9 billion...
  18. Clearly if a few people are claiming a strategy that generates hundreds of millions per converter and converters are used in 3s for in set conversions then the IOs must be selling at 400m+ and multiple IOs in the set must be selling for that high.

    This indicates pvp IOs and purples. Everyone already knew that, so is it possible there is some other group that has multiple conversion targets that sell at 400m+ ?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
    From what I remember, Ion really is autohit, while all the others are regular powers. This is why so many people choose Ion. Well, one of the main reasons.
    No. As released, Ion jumps were effected by +damage from sources other than the alpha slot. This lead to people hitting for 1500+ damage per target.

    So farmers took it and ran with it until it changed. Even after the correction, Ion can hit up to 44 targets in a larger area than other judgements.
  20. I typically 4 slot stamina with 4 performance shifter IOs.
  21. the best place for this is in an aoe attack that recharges in under 10 seconds. You'll be able to double stack pretty frequently from my testing using FSC.
  22. Some people here are not volume crafters like me. I'll get deep into a given IO. For example I'll craft and sell 30 numina's heal/endurance at a time (I bought extra tray and auction slots). Oh and I also sell that many 2-3 times a week, despite there being around 200 up for sale. I do this with 3-5 different IOs with similar profiles.

    Typically the cost will be 100k to 2 million for the recipe and another 2.5 - 3 million for salvage and crafting costs. The max cost is about 5 million.

    The lowest you can list for and make profit is 1.11x the total cost, so you could list at 5.6 million or so and make profit.

    I typically list around 6.7-7.2 million and almost all of my IOs sell at 8-12 million.

    By being a vertical volume crafter vs a horizontal shallow crafter you open up the risk of glut if you dont price aggressively enough, but I'm lazy so that risk doesn't bother me.

    In exchange for that risk I can do marketing in 5-10 minutes per toon and keep profits rolling in and workload down.

    I do handle some horizontal niche toons but they may not turn over as often.
  23. A_F is one of those people that think all market prices should be 1 inf and charging anything more is akin to worshiping satan.

    I think his actual point is that you are 'jumping ship' now right before it sinks and the prices plummet. Knowing that prices are going to drop and selling before then makes you evil to A_F. The rest of the modern world calls you smart.
  24. With converters on the horizon I forsee a drop in prices for high cost items.