Glee: 11/16/10 "The Substitute"
This will either be an epic failure or an epic win.
And Holly Holiday? Glee sure does love to come up with funny names for their guest stars (Brian Ryan springs to mind. Or was it Ryan Brian?)
"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie
And Holly Holiday? Glee sure does love to come up with funny names for their guest stars (Brian Ryan springs to mind. Or was it Ryan Brian?) |
This show's introduced some pretty amazing villains. I wish they would write them out of the series so much. Both the Reform School for Girls and the Academy for the Deaf were great. Sunshine Carazon... she needs to come back. She's the perfect "I'm you... but evil" for Rachel, because she's her but nice.

I too was just recently thinking that Sunshine needs to come back. She is coming back right? I mean, I read all the hooplah surrounding her character...
"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie
So far, the verdict is...
"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie
Their cover of F--- You (censored to "Forget You") is pretty dang epic. Their "Under My Umbrella/Singing in the Rain" mash-up has me grabbing holy water and a crucifix.
Brian Ryan. And yes, agreed on the names. I assume that Holly Holiday will be a villain, then. This show's introduced some pretty amazing villains. I wish they would write them out of the series so much. Both the Reform School for Girls and the Academy for the Deaf were great. Sunshine Carazon... she needs to come back. She's the perfect "I'm you... but evil" for Rachel, because she's her but nice. ![]() |
50Soulsunder: DM/Regen Scrapper
50Limitshift: EM/WP Brute
Victoria Nox: Dark/Dark Dominator
And about 5 others that change constantly...
Charice ( Sunshine Corazon ) is due to come back as the season reaches regionals to be competition for new directions.
I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.
Mostly good songs except for the last one and, of course, the abomination of "Make 'Em Laugh," a song that was born as a direct rip-off of the superior "Be A Clown". The Cee Lo song was superb, as was the number from Chicago.
I do wonder how much they charge for brownies at their bake sales, though, because the production numbers are insanely expensive. My high school wouldn't have been able to afford the outfits, nevermind waterfalls and giant TVs. Mostly our sets were fingerpaints on cardboard taped together with masking tape and the "costumes" were things we found in our parents' closets.
Less message, more fun, the way Glee is supposed to be. "There must be a Journey song we haven't covered, yet!"
That's right Marcian, this episode didn't totally suck. Pick your jaw off the floor.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
I did love how Glee made fun of itself re: Journey.
Also, around time the Chicago song came on, I was like "Is Gywneth going to be in every number? Way to cater!" But then again, I did love the mash-up at the end.
"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie
I did love how Glee made fun of itself re: Journey.
Also, around time the Chicago song came on, I was like "Is Gywneth going to be in every number? Way to cater!" But then again, I did love the mash-up at the end. |

50Soulsunder: DM/Regen Scrapper
50Limitshift: EM/WP Brute
Victoria Nox: Dark/Dark Dominator
And about 5 others that change constantly...
... Hit it ...

I do love mash-ups. So I am weird that way.
"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
I love Umbrella. I love lamp...
Though the ridiculous staging of that number was, well, ridiculous.
"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie
I just started watching this right now and... I want Conjunction Junction on iTunes. Now.
The way the show owns up to its own flaws is one of its biggest redeeming qualities.
"Come on guys! There has to be a Journey song we haven't done yet!"
Edit: Really glad that Mike Change got another dance number. He's really great at physical comedy. If you really want to see him bring down the house, watch The LXD. There, he plays Elliot. In that world, dancing can generate Chi. Elliot keeps up not because he can dance, but because he found the enchanted shoes of a better dancer. It's surprisingly awesome and he's easily my favorite character.
Anyway, still watching...
Next update! Glad to see that they remembered the best part of this show: Petty people doing petty things for petty reasons. The war on Tater Tots continues.

Edit: Wow, has it been this long since we've had a number that was Rachel Berry showing off her incredible talent purely for the sake of showing it off? I don't even know if we've had one "pure joy" moment with her all season.
Ironik's right: This episode's awesome.
Note: Good heavens, is Kurt ever gay...
Note: Holy hell, Will is evil. "I'm sorry I slept with you. I was vulnerable and you yourself were a mistake in my life. Leave and never come back." How selfish can he get?
Note: Is this absolutely ludicrous (in a good way) Mash Up the first confirmed song for Nationals? If so, it's exciting to see that begin to build up!
Note: Is it weird that I could tell which writer did this episode based on how much I liked this episode? Since it was "Quite a bit", I knew it was Ian Brennan.
Regarding the school budget: It's been referenced since very early in the series that the school has a staggering and overly comedically sized budget that has just been misdistributed. It can be assumed that more and more of the money is going to the Glee club.
I caught it last night. And liked it quite a bit, I'll have to keep tuning in.

Everlasting Ruling Authority@President SK
SPOILER... maybe...
After watching last night I had a thought:
What if Terri actually gets preggers for real since she slept with a sick and half delerious Will, epic drama if that comes true.
50Soulsunder: DM/Regen Scrapper
50Limitshift: EM/WP Brute
Victoria Nox: Dark/Dark Dominator
And about 5 others that change constantly...
I just started watching this right now and... I want Conjunction Junction on iTunes. Now.
The way the show owns up to its own flaws is one of its biggest redeeming qualities. "Come on guys! There has to be a Journey song we haven't done yet!" Edit: Really glad that Mike Change got another dance number. He's really great at physical comedy. If you really want to see him bring down the house, watch The LXD. There, he plays Elliot. In that world, dancing can generate Chi. Elliot keeps up not because he can dance, but because he found the enchanted shoes of a better dancer. It's surprisingly awesome and he's easily my favorite character. Anyway, still watching... Next update! Glad to see that they remembered the best part of this show: Petty people doing petty things for petty reasons. The war on Tater Tots continues. ![]() Edit: Wow, has it been this long since we've had a number that was Rachel Berry showing off her incredible talent purely for the sake of showing it off? I don't even know if we've had one "pure joy" moment with her all season. Ironik's right: This episode's awesome. Note: Good heavens, is Kurt ever gay... Note: Holy hell, Will is evil. "I'm sorry I slept with you. I was vulnerable and you yourself were a mistake in my life. Leave and never come back." How selfish can he get? Note: Is this absolutely ludicrous (in a good way) Mash Up the first confirmed song for Nationals? If so, it's exciting to see that begin to build up! Note: Is it weird that I could tell which writer did this episode based on how much I liked this episode? Since it was "Quite a bit", I knew it was Ian Brennan. -------- Regarding the school budget: It's been referenced since very early in the series that the school has a staggering and overly comedically sized budget that has just been misdistributed. It can be assumed that more and more of the money is going to the Glee club. |
I want to counter-point on your note to Will being "evil". Terri is shown as being petty and manipulative in the show, and it was her that came over knowing Will was "weak". Remember, he was really sick, lonely, feared unemployment, and was being shut out of the one thing that he enjoyed.
After being a part of, and seeing some one-sided relationships I know how easy a person like Terri can hover around waiting for an opening like that. Those situations are usually the ignition switch to start a bad relationship all over again. Actually its stuff like that that makes couples you know are bad for each other breakup and makeup over and over again. You notice that Terri came back the next day as Will's "wife" when Holly was over. She thought she had Will turned around.
One note of my own: That last scene with Kurt and the bully was great. I sense this is going to be significant later on the series and I hope they show just how serious it can be. To paraphrase Holly's words, kids do deserve more attention these days to what they are doing and what's going on. Bullying isn't about stealing your Tot-money these days but can get dangerous very easily. I, for one, completely believe what the bully said was not a threat but a guarantee.
I want to second your recommendation on the LXD! I'm trying to get as many people interested in it as possible myself.
*second edit*
Ok, i'm going to admit I do not like Ms. Paltrow at all. She cut in front of me and a group of people once without even an "excuse me" at a restaurant in ny once. I'm trying to believe that she was really in a rush to get inside or something but at least apologize for using your bodyguard as a battering ram. It wasn't California with paparazzi everywhere, geez...
If she becomes a recurring character, i'm going to unintentionally distrust and dislike anything she's a part of, so i'm going to admit that the last mash-up was ok but would probably have been better to me if she wasn't there.
Main Server:Victory
***"When you surround an enemy, leave an outlet free [...] to make him believe there is a road to safety, and thus prevent his fighting with the courage of despair." Sun Tzu ***
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Aside from the abysmal "Make 'em Laugh", that was a pretty darn good episode.
Side note: Becky is both terrifying and hilarious. Just like Sue.
SPOILER... maybe...
After watching last night I had a thought: What if Terri actually gets preggers for real since she slept with a sick and half delerious Will, epic drama if that comes true. |
Terri has grown on me since the tail end of the fake-preggers storyline (It helps her uncomically over-the-top "comical" sister is nowhere to be seen in the past year or so). I'd hate for her character and Jessalyn Gilsig to be written off the show like she was last night, with basically a single line.
"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie
I think that this is what's most likely...
Glee takes a Holiday.
Today's episode has the awesomely surprising guest star Gwyneth Paltrow. Playing Holly Holiday, she takes over for Will Schuester when he is forced to stay home sick.
Your immediate thought may be "Paltrow can sing?" If you can't wait to find out, click here for the answer.
See you tonight!
Oh, and alternate discussion: It's still a discussion as to who Kurt's boyfriend is going to be. Speculation?