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  1. Ummm do Lightsabers count ?

    I think thats a sword of Geekdom one of the greatest. I'll vote in Darth Mauls
  2. Man that was one of the best WHO episodes ever. I gotta give it a 8/10 only because River kinda wanted to save the DOCTOR after wanting to kill him so much kinda quickly. Otherwise the Episode was great . Full of surprises and shocking revelations. I havent had a curve ball thrown at me like that since Adric died(I know some folks thought that was a good thing) just saying. 8/10 but a classic
  3. Thanks guys for the advice . I figured I would be using IO with defense on them in the sets . I'm glad some folks have found uses for ninja/MM. AT your giving me hope
  4. I got a toon that's a ninja/forcefield MM. Ok its a fun toon to RP with, but at level 37, I'm not seeing any pyoff with this toon . Its great to ff teammates and use dispersion bubble, but other than that the ninjas seemquite useless. They go down fast and don't seem to do a lot of damage..The forcefield doesn't even seem to protect them much either. Is there any hope for my toon, or should I bet happy to attain my first lev 50 rp only toon?

    Do ninjas get any better even with all the power-ups later on or did I just waste time making one ?

    Go Team Venture!

    GO TEAM VENTURE for two more seasons. This makes up for losing GI JOE RENEGADES. Series 4 took a big risk this past year and it paid off big time. I like volume 1 and 2 of series 4. Character development was great and unexpected. Especially with Henchman 21. Great evolution of the character. I don't care how long it takes to make, as someone said Ill take quality over quanity anyday.
  6. I'm a fan boy also to TRON. TRON has a hardcore fan base and is very different from other SI-FI. Tron has the potential to appeal to all audiences. We have the action, fun and excitement for the kids; we also have the semi adult side with all the sexy costumes and get ups. You can go in so many different directions with TRON and that is what makes it so different. The first one was able to cram corporate corruption, dystopian rule, gladiatorial combat, religion, savior theme, freedom fighting and even a love making scene (see cut scenes on DVD). They only lightly touched on all this in just that movie.

    The second movie still had corporate corruption, dystopian rule, and gladiatorial combat, loss in faith of the creator, conquest goals, and sacrifice, taking responsibility in life and folks who might have seemed good but were not. Once again many themes that were just scratched on in the movies. The 12 part mini series is a nice teaser , but I got a feeling, if done properly, and not with too much over hype, TRON franchise can go on for a very long time

    Sucker Punch

    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    If that's a shot at the prequels, then frankly you can't really give them credit as each film, like any other film, must be judged separately and they didn't exist way back when, well, Star Wars came out.

    So no. They were not right.
    Yeah and I acutally liked the Prequels 1 and 3 more than 2 but teh prequels were good decent watching
  8. Flynn assumed it was CLU2 who sent the page . CLU2 was glad it was SAM or any user that came because he knew it would involve Flynn back into the activity of the GRID. If this was CLU2, he assumed someone else would come not SAM . Also TRON/RINZLER had to be involved in everything, because TRON got turned on the day CLU2 betrayed Flynn. By all accounts as Rinzler, he was most definatly involved in all the murders and genocide that he caused. Hell he wasn't converted back till the end of Legacy when he announced he fought for the users again and fell into the Sea of Simulation and his armor turned back. So for 20 year or whatever grid time there was Rinzler was doing a lot of bad things that he needs to make up for and would weigh heavy on his/TRON's heart.

    I know CLU2 was waiting on someone else. Because if CLU2 was in the GRID the whole time, how was he able to communicate with a pager device? I'm telling ya this isn't a writing gap since the same writers were contracted for TRON3 as well. CLU2, for all his character flaws was honest . Brutal but honest(even when you read BETRAYAL he is honest in his motives). He never said he sent the page. He just asked SAM was he the only one who got the page to come. He had no way of communicating with the outside world or what was going on with the outside world till he even looked at SAM's disc. Remember CLU wasn't the MCP. He had no way to acess our real world or internet technology like the MCP had even back in 82..

    Maybe we can call it bad writing, but I dont think the writers were that insulting to the audience leaving them hanging like that without a third one to answer those questions .
  9. I got a idea.. It might seem strange for the next one, but why not make TRON 3 about the redemption of Dillinger and RINZLER/TRON. It would make more sense considering the bad names both would have in their respective worlds. I think it would throw a spin on how we would see Dillinger Jr and also make the story about redemption and reconciliation of the Flynn's and Dillinger's. It might start out with the Dillingers wanting revenge and control of ENCOM, but something happens and forces them into the GRID changing their whole perceptions about life and control and making them wanting to be better men Yeah it sounds corny and lame and (gasp) Disney .

    But seriously it would be interesting to see and would not be the normal storyline.

    Even if they don't use that idea, I hope they explain one thing from Legacy. A friend of mines and I noticed CLU's line to SAM about him being the only one who got his message. It even seemed like CLU might not have sent the message at all. I would like that issue explained in Tron 3
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
    I saw it at the midnight release, just getting a chance to post.

    I really enjoyed it. I think it stood well on its own, yet also tied into the older movie enough to keep the name more then just seeming like it was tacked on.

    My only gripe honestly is that i was wondering what all the board room stuff was about and then seemingly just dropped. Since it was dropped i dont consider it a spoiler, but when they introduced Dillinger's son as a member of the tech development team i was expecting that to go somewhere but it was just forgotten. Makes me wonder if there was a subplot or something that got kicked out for time or something like that.

    However overall one of the most enjoyable movies i saw this year.
    I think that scene was setting up the next movie. Honestly you don't get someone that famous just to play a bit role like that and mention the guys name for cameo sake. Something tells me we will see him again in TRON 3.

    My take on the movie..8.8/10.. I will say this for folks who have never experienced or seen TRON this movie will rate higher. It felt like we were seeing the original TRON all over again. This isn't a bad thing, but I at least watch the original Tron twice a year. This movie felt like a reboot/sequel.. I loved it though just felt like TRON 1 a lot. Once again don't get me wrong I geeked out at all the tributes to the original. Especially when at a certain point in the movie when CLU says "END OF LINE" and well... Non spoilers seciton I forgot. The movie was good , very good, cant wait to see how they make part three
  11. Id like to bring my 50 fire rad controller
  12. My rooomate has had this game since beta. He has onl y had to change two things on his computer..well three. His harddrive space, added 2 gigs of ram to it and got a new agp video card. That's it. His cpu is either 6 or 7 years old and although mines loads the game up faster and zones a little faster than his, his cpu is holding up very well playing the game.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MRDEANE View Post
    To answer your question let me tell you a story about what happened to my roomate and I when we jumped another friend of ours who had a couple of IO sets back in mid 2009. My roomate and I were PvPing each other in that heroes and villiand zone where you can be attacked by anyone. Our friend was ther to make sure it was a fair fight and no one interfeared. All our toons were 50 amy roomate and I battled a best 2 out of three session. He won the first and third by a sliver. Anyway after our last fight, our refree friend asked us to jump him. Although he was. A scrapper, my roomat and I were blasters. I even had generic SO's on my toon. We jumped him thinking he could take one of us down but not both...Boy
    was I wrong. I never seen a scrapper take off life so fast and regeneraate health so fast.

    I have never ,ever,ever tried to jump someone ten time and. Get wiped out instantly.

    I never seen a scrapper recover attack rate so fast either. He took out my roomate and I in less than 30 seconds. He had IO sets up the YING YANG...IO SETS NOW. Yes they are worth it from my experience . I am gonna hit 50 then start saving for IO sets.
    Correction I talked to. My roomie last night. He said that we actually lasted 120 seconds and almost got or scrapper buddy.. He did say that those IO's gave him a recovery rate out this world. To make matters worse our scrapper friend had only level 35 and 40 IO's on him.
  14. To answer your question let me tell you a story about what happened to my roomate and I when we jumped another friend of ours who had a couple of IO sets back in mid 2009. My roomate and I were PvPing each other in that heroes and villiand zone where you can be attacked by anyone. Our friend was ther to make sure it was a fair fight and no one interfeared. All our toons were 50 amy roomate and I battled a best 2 out of three session. He won the first and third by a sliver. Anyway after our last fight, our refree friend asked us to jump him. Although he was. A scrapper, my roomat and I were blasters. I even had generic SO's on my toon. We jumped him thinking he could take one of us down but not both...Boy
    was I wrong. I never seen a scrapper take off life so fast and regeneraate health so fast.

    I have never ,ever,ever tried to jump someone ten time and. Get wiped out instantly.

    I never seen a scrapper recover attack rate so fast either. He took out my roomate and I in less than 30 seconds. He had IO sets up the YING YANG...IO SETS NOW. Yes they are worth it from my experience . I am gonna hit 50 then start saving for IO sets.
  15. Nice to know much hasn't changed since I left . Let me ask this as well. Has being able to up the baddies in your mission improved leveling of your toons later on in the game or made missions that much harder?
  16. OK I'm starting to understand this new expansion a lot more thanks to you guys who stuck around ... I have noticed that the toons are a little stronger in the lower levels now as well. No big deal, just surprised . I got another question to ask also. Back in the day, I use to just do radio missions on the way to 50.. It was fast exp and quick missions and could even battle a boss in those bank missions. My question is this is it now worth doing story arcs besides just getting a badge?
  17. Wow interesting responses, even the parol one . Man I never knew the game could. Bring folks together like that. That is very cool indeed. Please folks I would like to hear more stories.
  18. I got into COH because most of my college buddies made me play it. I loved the game. I never have interacted much with others because well I mostly still play with my college buddies. Anyway, I was wondering if many folks made new friends playing COH/COV/GR ?. Also if you have made friends on here do you communicate with them offline as well as online?

    I might be crazy asking that uestion, but I'm just wondering if the community goes beyond the game as far as social interaction?
  19. Akira
    Vampire Hunter D
    Vampire hunter D Bloodlust
    Legend of the Overfiend(18+ only)
    Fatal Fury
    Full Metal Alachmist
    Excel Saga
    Hukuto No Ken series
    Excel Saga
    Prince of TENNIS
    Love Hina
    Ninja Scroll
    Record of the Lodoss War
    Eureka 7
    Dragon Ball Z first Brolly movie
    Princess Monokiee
    Crying Freeman
    Project AKO
    Howles Moving Castle
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tired Angel View Post
    I have to disagree. I find nothing wrong with adding realistic reactions of an average person when put into extreme situations.

    One reason is that there is also plenty of media out there that doesn't do this either at all or to a different extent. And this is me thinking as someone who watches this as entertainment.

    To take your example of Russell T. Davies. In recent years he has bought back Doctor Who, created a new series Torchwood and re-introduced another character in the Sarah-Jane Adventures. All three programs are based around the same franchise but each approach the idea of realism of the characters reactions in very different ways.

    On one side you have The Sarah-Jane Adventures. Although this has been created as a kids program me and my partner find the program great fun to watch. The characters have interesting adventures, real life situations are dealt with in a mature yet understandable way but everything does turn out ok in the end.

    In the middle you have Doctor Who. This program has a mixture of realistic reactions (for example loss, ie the doctor losing his companions) and having fun and thrilling adventures. Not everything is ok at the end, but the spirit of adventure remains.

    And on the other side you have Torchwood. This was always billed as the dark side of Doctor Who and it does what it says on the tin. It takes ordinary people and put them in extreme distressing situations. As you mention there is Childrem of Earth but there is always the cannibal episode and the deaths of Owen and Toshiko. Nothing ever seems to turn out ok and every character takes away something from each episode to digest about their inner nature.

    Now each of these approach the idea of realism of human nature in different ways and I find each of them as entertaining as the other. If current media was flooded with just the extreme then, yes, it would be a problem but its not.

    There are also programs that try to find a balance with extreme realism and the "its ok in the end" approach. My main thoughts here are about the series Glee. It has dealt with some extremely difficult issues with some quite painful reactions (e.g. Kurt coming to terms with his homosexuality and Quinn's pregnancy) in both hard hitting ways (some intense well acted scenes) and in more approachable ways (when they sing). At the same time it also has a sense of fun and humour to the program.

    Now if I look at this as a trained counsellor (which I am) I find I want to respond to what you say here:

    I personally think that the characters that are put accross in some of these extreme situations (such as Children of Earch) are quite realistic. You've also got to remember that the point of programs like that is portray the character first and the situation second. When you compare them to media such as Star Wars or Superman the focus is different, these aren't trying to portray the story/situation first and the characters second.

    In some ways programs like Torchwood has more in relation with Friends than it would to Star Wars/Superman. It may be a weird analogy but looking at the characters in Friends they are, although slightly exagerated, having realistic reactions to more 'general life' situations (e.g. the Ross/Rachel relationship) while Torchwood has realistic reactions to exagerated circumstances.

    Now I am going to stop there as I am getting slightly lost in my own thought process!!
    Man I love Torchwood, but sometimes that show is a little too dark. But it is a great show cant wait till series 4
  21. I have to agree with the one assessment that the teams might have to stick to one cube and one only for each team. I had never done that TF till last night. I could be wrong in my thinking, but perhaps a scrapper and a tank should each be placed at a cube to take on the regenerated baddies. Perhaps for each cube three or four team members out of 8 should concentrate on the boxes and the rest concentrate on the AV. Again, I could be wrong, but its my only thought I could think of to kill baddies faster and get that shield down
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
    Why not slot common IOs at 25-35 levels.

    Save replacing the IOs and save a decent chunk of amount of inf over the remaining levels ?
    I use to do that when market prices were reasonable actually
  23. I would love to get in on this. Ill switch accounts on my friends acct where all my 50's are . I have a 50 scrapper, a 50 controller and a 50 tank there

    I can either get my spine scrapper, my fire rad controller, or my fire ice tanker

    Ill be on my Roommates account @turboninjabk
  24. I liked Caprica. thought It was a program with lots of potentional. I loved Battlestar also. It was good dark "realistic" sifi. Im gonna miss the program
  25. Thanks guy you guys are great on this site . I have no idea why I never interactedwith these boards before now. Man I missed out on a lot.. Anyway, I guess Ill do this the hard way and just get SO's up to 50 then start getting money for the market . Goodness this supply and demand thing is like real life economics now.. Better get cracking on my controller and get it ready .