Sucker Punch
I have to agree. To those seeing all the negative reviews. Don't listen to them. Those reviewers are basically fixating on the action scenes. And not paying attention to the rest of the movie.
Yes. The movie has stylized fights with girls in tight and/or revealing outfits. This is the anime/comic influence for sure.
But I have to say it again. Don't listen to the reviewers. They're not watching the movie to understand it. They're watching the movie to just bad mouth it. No Really. They are.
The plot is simple admittedly. But it doesn't need a complicated plot. There are no major complications, because there doesn't need to be.
The story is simple, fun, and leads to the FUN FACTOR. It's seeing this depressing hell, then being taken away to a fantastical world, then going back to the depressing hell, then being taken back to the ESCAPISM!
Knowing what happened to all the girls (outside of Baby Doll and Sweet Pea) is really not a concern. The movie alludes to what happened to the other girls through Baby Doll's imaginary worlds.
The Sucker Punch at the end of the movie. Is it this big OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE IT ENDING? No. I'd say it's the reason for the title of the movie, but it's not like it's going to leave your jaw dropped and asking "WHAT?!" like you did at the end of Inception.
Now, spoilers ahead, but I don't think you can really know how wrong the reviews have been (imo anyways) without spoilers, or just seeing it for yourself.
When reading the reviews, I heard such things as the head pyschologist of the mental institute that the main character (Baby Doll) is sent to basically believes in "Here, you've been *****, escape into your own world"
That's not what is being said AT ALL. The real world of this film doesn't take place in modern times. It takes place in something more akin to a stylized 1950's.
Like Inception, this is very much a world within a world. There's the real world, there's Baby Doll's imagination, and then there's Baby Doll's imagination within the imagination.
In the first imagination world, I can't help but see it as her stylized thoughts in how they (the girls) are treated in the mental institute. The head orderly cares little for the girls, mistreats them, uses them, and I'm pretty sure has had his way with a few of them.
Not being with the head psychotrist long, this is basically her imaginary world. One where she goes on to fight for freedom from the mental institute.
There were complaints about not seeing her dancing and instead just seeing everyone's reactions to her dancing, and what little you do see, is just of her face and her basically swaying her shoulders back and forth.
That's the point! You're not suppossed to see her dance. That's just the slow start. Her imaginary world within the imaginaary world is the true dance!
The styled action and awesome effects, the superhero/anime/steampunk/cyberpunk hybrid world that you see in the trailers, THIS IS THE DANCE. But instead of the dance she's showing the audience, we're seeing the fight for freedom going on her head in amazing, AWESOME action!
Is some of the tech in the imagination out of place for a girl from a time that looks to be the 1950's? YES! BUT THAT'S NOT THAT POINT! The point is to give the awesome comic book/anime world of action sequences and awesomeness!
Zombie Steampunk Nazi's being killed? AWESOME!
Chaingun toting Demon Samurai? AWESOME!
Fire breathing dragon chase scene? AWESOME!
Those professional reviewers just don't get the movie!
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Just got back from seeing it and it was quite good. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Right now, Snyder is battin' 3 and 1 for me (Dawn of the Dead, 300, and SP vs Watchmen).
Yeah, I said it.
Because it's true.
Hopefully I'll be seeing this Sunday afternoon.
Watchmen (movie) was better than Watchmen (graphic novel).
Yeah, I said it. Because it's true. Hopefully I'll be seeing this Sunday afternoon. |
From what I have read, I was not nearly as entertained as I was by the movie.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Watchmen (movie) was better than Watchmen (graphic novel).
Yeah, I said it. Because it's true. Hopefully I'll be seeing this Sunday afternoon. |
And spot on there BrandX. Though, like I said, I really would've liked to have seen her dance.

The 15 or 20 minutes of "action scenes" of this movie were just about its only saving grace. The "movie" that links together these scenes was pretty much absolute drek. When people start ripping these scenes and posting them as remixes on YouTube you'll have something worth spending a few minutes to watch. The rest of the entire 109 minute movie? Not worth the few dollars we spent on it. currently has this movie rated at 20%. There -is- a reason for that. I've loved the movies Synder has made so far but this was easily his worst one to date. Better luck next time Zack...
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
I haven't read all the Watchmen graphic novel. But I'd agree with you Starflier.
From what I have read, I was not nearly as entertained as I was by the movie. |
And about Sucker Punch, the reviews I read actually said the opposite of "mindless action and that's why it sucked". They said that the action scenes are so amazing and ridiculous (in a good way), that the rest of the movie felt like a chore.
50Soulsunder: DM/Regen Scrapper
50Limitshift: EM/WP Brute
Victoria Nox: Dark/Dark Dominator
And about 5 others that change constantly...
Have you ever done fight choreography?
It is dancing.
And I enjoyed the movie, though the mix of genres was... ambitious.
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

I'm gonna go with "it's a generational thing". I've watched paint drying that had more emotional depth and a deeper plot than this movie.
Something witty and profound
Can't wait to see this...
the Watchmen movie (didnt read the graphic novel) was bag of mixed emotions for me soooooo...
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@Fire Chief
I'm gonna go with "it's a generational thing". I've watched paint drying that had more emotional depth and a deeper plot than this movie.
I consider Sucker Punch to be more of an aesthetic piece than emotional. Not to say there weren't emotional moments, but they were definitely overwhelmed by the "ooooo shiney".
The difference for me is that the more I mull it over, the more I actually think there is more to the plot of Sucker Punch than what might be readily apparent. I plan to see it again.
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

Watchmen (movie) was better than Watchmen (graphic novel).
Yeah, I said it. Because it's true. |
The comic book is a metacommentary on both the political climate of the day *and* on comic books. By turning it into a movie, they lost that entire layer of the story. And by losing that layer, they made it just another adventure movie, because they didn't substitute an equivalent commentary on cinematic or pop culture. Which would've been pointless even if they had, since there are numerous movies which have done that over the past 70 years.
Duplicating the drawings shot for shot doesn't make up for losing the entire point of the comic.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
So not. There is a Scale of Wrongness that measures how wrong people are, and I'm sorry to say you are so far off the scale you can't even see it from where you're sitting in your Big Chair of Wrong.
The comic book is a metacommentary on both the political climate of the day *and* on comic books. By turning it into a movie, they lost that entire layer of the story. And by losing that layer, they made it just another adventure movie, because they didn't substitute an equivalent commentary on cinematic or pop culture. Which would've been pointless even if they had, since there are numerous movies which have done that over the past 70 years. Duplicating the drawings shot for shot doesn't make up for losing the entire point of the comic. |
I haven't read all the Watchmen graphic novel. But I'd agree with you Starflier.
From what I have read, I was not nearly as entertained as I was by the movie. |
Watchmen is my second favorite book of all time after Catch 22.
The film was drivel made by a slow mo obsessed child with an ultra violence fetish.
I don't expect sucker punch to be better since it didn't even have good material to murder, just his dumb ramblings.
I'm really put off by the whole Lolita vibe of the film.

I never really listen that much to critics anyway. They are almost always wrong. Anyone remember Star Wars' critical reception? Case. In. Point.
And thanks Ironik, for your post. You said everything I wanted to say, but saved me the trouble of having to say it and you probably said it better than I would have, anyway.
I have not seen Sucker Punch, and pretty much despising Zack "Slow Motion" Snyder, I never plan to see it. A couple friends of mine stopped by yesterday because they were at the theatre we like to go to and it's about four minutes from my place. Apparently, they made it about 45 minutes into the film before walking out to get thier money back. According to one of them, it was " even worse than The Spirit."
So, yeah. Haven't seen it, so I can't say from experience, but I've not been hearing good things, personally. Although, to be fair, if you ignore critics entirely and just read the reviews on Rottentomatoes from general movie goers, the response seems to be pretty heavily split down the middle. And I mean, drastically. Seems like people either thought it was amazing or the sort of garbage that leaves you dumber for having seen it.
Just read a synopsis and my skeeviness prediction has been confirmed. I might just watch that Casshern movie for over the top action.
So far the general idea I've been getting from this is that it is a failed movie about why movies fail.
Or is it that the main character is in pig tails and a fuku?
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Just got back from seeing it and it was quite good. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Right now, Snyder is battin' 3 and 1 for me (Dawn of the Dead, 300, and SP vs Watchmen).
Before going into it, I had heard that it has a very Inception-y vibe to it and I can't disagree on that. There were definite hints of 300 as well, especially in the train scene. In fact, I'd venture an opinion that this is 300 w/fetish girls (ok, 5 w/fetish girls) as opposed to 300 w/muscular guys.
Babydoll is...beautfiul. Amber is definitely underused. There is reference throughout to Baby's dance, which is, unfortunately, unseen.
The action scenes are very well done, which seems to be Snyder's forte. I love the juxtaposition of the various action scenes. One that is shown in the trailers, namely Baby vs the demon samurai, epitomizes that. On the one hand you have a "traditional" old school fight brewing with demons and old-school samurai w/katana and naginata. But that is offset by the schoolgirl with a .45 and a demon with a chaingun and a rocket launcher.
I'm half-tempted to go see this again.