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  1. I'd troll you with "Paranoid much" but you said that was the case already so I will go with Don't the forums randomly boot us off enough with out extra random bootings for being afk to get a damn drink?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    None of the arcs treat players as either of those things
    Just because everyone treats you like a moron doesn't mean the rest of us are used to it.

    I would go in to detail as to way but spoilers are mean.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Big_Lunk_NA View Post
    But 500m buy in? how big a prize are we talking here?
    Because you're looking at about 16 people to get any kind of decent ladder going, so that's 8bill floating in the prize fund. How're you looking to divvy that up?
    Makes it smell like a scam to me. way to much cash for something that should in theroy be it own reward like for instance the gladiators thing (I think) Pious did.
  4. You think anyone's dumb enough to fall for a scam that wants 500 mill off each player? I don't think most RPers even have 500 million...
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Right, well that's a complaint that people have already and I think it's been addressed pretty clearly: You'll have more trials as fast as the Dev's can make them. I should have been more clear in my first post, any trials that came out with the new slots in addition to any that followed should award the xp for the new slots.

    So farming the BAF wouldn't achieve anything in terms of progressing towards new goodies (aside from collecting components, which I think is fine.)
    Your not being unclear. Your missing the point, they are designed as repeatable content, not as one off's. So have a lot of "challenges" they they would never put in one off content because it would just be annoyingly frustrating.

    This started with the Task forces and the Punchy Mchit point model of bosses.
  6. Those aren't ears, they are part of the mask pushed up. the part that made them more tech looking in earlier photos.
  7. I loved it, I think it great.

    I also hated the fact that my character is treated both as a praetorian (why?) and a moron, specially in the later arcs.
  8. On the most basic level, didn't everyone buy their vet rewards?

    Since people that didn't subscribe, didn't get them.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
    Really don't know what to do here...
    Rock on Rabbit, rock on.
  10. It's not even just this arc, some of the new first ward ones are the same, railroad the hell out of for no real gain to me or mine or acknowledgement that you might be anyone other than the role assigned by the arc.

    Which is "your a colossal moron who takes everyone at face value all the time despite the clearly amoral world you live in"

    Not badly written, just that the protagonist is a dunderhead of epic proportions who should not be allowed super powers or indeed outside.
  11. Yeah, multiple currencies are complexity for the sake of complexity, they only add problems, not solve them.
  12. Science booster pack.

    That lets you change even the gender if you so wish. so it's just something you have to buy.
  13. Cass_

    Hi again

    Sweet! and yeah, this month feels like more down time than up (it really hasn't been)
  14. Cass_

    Hi again

    Strangely that never comes up in conversation.
  15. Cass_

    Hi again

    That would be awesome wouldn't it.

    Also sorry for the horrible off topicness, GG is crazy.
  16. No thanks the Stockholm syndrome hasn't kicked in for me.

    But it's a nice thought.
  17. Cass_

    Hi again

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    What does butter have to do with outdated ideas about the internet?
    My use of pronouns has to do with who I am, nothing else. perhaps you need to stop worrying about something you can't change.
  18. Cass_

    Hi again

    Originally Posted by Lethal_Lana View Post
    Hey LL, if that's the same LL that was in TANC. If not sorry for over the top greeting.
  19. Cass_

    Hi again

    What does that have to do with the price of butter?
  20. Cass_

    Hi again

    Being a man I default to he when unsure of... well anything about the other person.
  21. Cass_

    Hi again

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Welcome home
    What he said.
  22. every single "go defeat x of x"

    seriously those filler pieces of horriblness need to be dumped fast.
  23. What's really odd is when I try to use /getglobalname to find out who has it, it never returns the correct name with the global.
  24. Start Time: 3:00 a.m. PDT / 6:00 a.m. EDT / 11:00 a.m. BST / 12:00 CEST
    Expected Duration: 10 hours

    why is everyone supprised by the 11 am thing? still 10 hours fea.