Dr. Graves hurts my brain...




In light of my attempt to not demonise their creators when speaking of certain pieces of content, I shall attempt to comment only on what's in the game and not on the people writing it. And using the word "shall" in a gramatically correct fashion, which is to say in the first person only.

I had the opportunity to play through Twinshot's "continuing training arc" hero-side on Beta long ago, and for the most part, it was fun and quite well done. This has been my first opportunity to actually play through Dr. Graves' counterpart of the same arc villain-side, and I must say that I am sorely disappointed in what I'm seeing. Now, I'm not exactly happy with the writing of this thing - almost every named character has typos in their descriptions and a lot of the mission texts have really inexcusable errors in the (an DNA sample), but that's really not what I had in mind to demonise.

No, what this arc has proven to me is that just because you CAN make conversation trees and interactive dialogue, it doesn't mean you should. I will admit that at the time of writing this, I'm not very far into the actual arc, but just the first mission itself has been enough to piss me off to no end with the things it has already made me say and do. Let's look at a few examples:

A machine requests a DNA sample and I'm given the option to refuse. I would have hoped to be given the option to put an axe through it, but I'm not. The machine then draws a sample on its own (begging the question of "how," but that's besides the point). At this point, I wanted the option to put an axe through the machine THEN, but I was not allowed. Instead, my character was forced to sit like a goon and wonder aloud about the obvious lies the machine was saying. And you know what the kicker is? The machine blew up on its own afterwards anyway. So why couldn't I break it, instead?

I'm led to speak with several people, all of whom are gigantic ********. I'm allowed to threaten to kill each and every one of them, and at every opportunity we are both cowed by Graves warning us we will be disqualified. And somehow, this works to scare everyone, myself included, despite the fact that no-one has ever told us what we're competing with, aside from "power." I can get "power" by sticking a fork in a wall socket. Could you give me a bit more context than that?

At several points, the game forces me to say some very blockheaded things, like backing away from an obvious sicko or underestimating a seemingly incapable character who is - to one even slightly genre savvy - obviously more powerful than first appears. Oh, and I get mind-controlled. That's always charming.

Here's the thing - having a contact give me a basic description of what needs to be done without telling me why I want to do it leaves the door open for me to fill in the blanks. I can elect both WHY I am doing this mission and HOW I go about doing it, interpreting the game's "kill everyone in the instance" mechanics as representative of more complex actions. When the game goes out of its way to overtly write my character as a foul-mouth, impatient, easily-intimidated ponce, there really isn't much room for reinterpretation, now is there? I look forward to the game taking pity on me and permitting me to kill all of these people the very next mission, but I rather doubt this will happen. And even if it did, I'll still have gone through the initial humiliation to get to that point.

Dialogue trees are an interesting idea with much potential. However, dialogue trees, by their very nature, have to infer things about our characters that aren't always safe bets. Why would you draw DNA from a cybernetic organism, just as a random point. When done well, these can offer a range of responses, from professional to playful to malicious to disconnected. When mishandled as they are in this arc, they twist my hand behind my back and make me say "uncle." Literally.

Unless magic happens within the next hour, I won't be playing through Dr. Graves' arc again. The forced humiliating conversation is not worth it and the text errors grate my nerves.

Ah, there we go. I found something to criticise. I knew it was only a matter of time.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
The machine then draws a sample on its own (begging the question of "how," but that's besides the point). At this point, I wanted the option to put an axe through the machine THEN, but I was not allowed. Instead, my character was forced to sit like a goon and wonder aloud about the obvious lies the machine was saying. And you know what the kicker is? The machine blew up on its own afterwards anyway. So why couldn't I break it, instead?
The machine doesn't draw a dna sample, its all one big wind up to see how gullible you are. It blows up to try and kill/injure you. Your survival is the first test.

Personally I found the dialogue choice far more preferable to the Blue side. The only thing that in any way spoils the little arc for me is when *spoilers* turns up at the end. If the complaint was "why can't I rip him to bits?" then I would be with you

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



I ran Graves' first arc last night and I agree with and endorse everything Sam said.

Railroading characters into saying, doing, and thinking (!!!) things the story wants for its own sake is both bad writing and bad GMing. Graves should be named Marty Stu, just so we're all on the same page with the level of maturity displayed towards the player character role in the story.

Were this an AE arc, I would be Zero-starring it and recommending to everyone that they steer clear of it.

Instead, I'm posting here. Unless your character is meant to be a two-bit twit, steer clear of this arc. Because that's how you're going to be treated.

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
Personally I found the dialogue choice far more preferable to the Blue side.
The thing is, if we HAVE to have dialogue trees, then those need to cover a much wider range of responses. If they're not going to cover a wider range of responses, then they really shouldn't be handled by dialogue trees. Sure, I hate not being given the opportunity to respond to NPC smack talk when they deliver it in a non-interactive clue or text dump window, but being given the opportunity to respond yet no choice in HOW I respond is actually worse. The old system had no freedom, that much is true, but it was easier to write that off as the system itself being incapable of giving me said freedom. The new system very much has the capacity to give us freedom of interaction, which makes it all the more grating when it DOESN'T.

I get that dialogue trees have been the new shiny for some time now. Great. Good. Go at it. But if you use a dialogue tree, then make it a damn TREE, not a single linear conversation where my "next" button is masked behind inane dialogue that my character would never say.

Dean McArthur's arc had dialogue trees, and at nearly every step those trees had multiple options. Sure, none of them really amounted to anything other than moving to the next mission, but at least it gave the appearance of choice. These don't have choices. Ever. Why are we bothering with dialogue "trees" if I have no choice in how to answer and the answers don't cover more than one specific set villain concept?

Considering the log-in music makes me feel like I'm about to log into Jurassic Park, it seems only fitting that I quote the movie: "You were so busy trying to see if you could that you forgot to think whether you should." Yes, we know that dialogue trees can be put in every mission. That doesn't mean they should be, and if they are, they should be put in with more interactivity than one option on every window.

Originally Posted by Casual_Player View Post
Instead, I'm posting here. Unless your character is meant to be a two-bit twit, steer clear of this arc. Because that's how you're going to be treated.
That's really my biggest grief with this. My impression with the new mission tech that Dean McArthur and Keith Nancy introduced was to give us more options in the type of personality and disposition our characters had in interacting with the environment. It lets us have at least cosmetic choices. So why can't we have them here? Why can't the arc play out as it does now, only give me options that don't make me sound like a lost chihuahua?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I've played it with two characters so far and didn't have any issues with my choices, or the dialogue, unlike the blue side. Since we trick our way to a win I most certainly didn't leave feeling like a half wit. Graves does not like you and the dialogue reflects that but unlike the blue side nothing that happens actually makes you "smell of fear" or do anything stupid. Plus if you read the dna machine dialogue you will see that you realise its all a trick and jump out of the way.

So I am happy with the mission other than not getting the opportunity to fight the final character.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



The arc left an extremely bad taste in my mouth. Not in the "nerdrage" sense, but in the "oh holy hell what did I get into by going villain? These people are crazy. Time to ramp up the diff and hurry to 20 and go rogue."

It's either that, or just reroll. I thought the grave's arc was fine for atmosphere, great even, but like you said, Graves and the other NPC's just weren't...well...scary and I probably would have waxed them early if I had gotten a chance.



Oh, this is rich. Now I'm having to act like a retard for the Arbiters. Never before in the game have I had to make myself look DUMBER in order to progress. I'm sure this counts as a "trick," but it's the sort of humiliating, self-deprecating "trick" which makes the reward at the end not worth pursuing. I'm definitely never running that arc ever again. I don't have many villains who enjoy being stooges.

Arbiter Richard visciously snarls as if he is seriously considering striking you.
From a dialogue. So the game really is suggesting that I'm going to get backhanded like an errant puppy, and the only reason I'm not is because the Arbiter doesn't feel I'm worth the effort. And, of course, if he did, we'd have that lovely "You can't overthrow Arachnos" dialogue for the umpteen bazillionth time. Why must the stories keep putting me in these situations? I thought the revamped villain-side was supposed to let me kill some of my contacts? Why am I being forced to humiliate myself publicly?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



You are told up front you need to make them think you are not worth their attention. If you don't want to do that you can abandon the mission/arc. No problem. Again, you are the one doing the deception here. Unlike the other times this has occurred, when its supposed to be genuine.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
You are told up front you need to make them think you are not worth their attention. If you don't want to do that you can abandon the mission/arc. No problem. Again, you are the one doing the deception here. Unlike the other times this has occurred, when its supposed to be genuine.
Yes, and that's a choice I intend to make for every subsequent villain. I can't abandon the arc itself, since that means I'll have an open arc forever and ever. Even if this no longer blocks subsequent arcs, I hate having old contacts stuck on my list.

I'll run the arc once. I'm all about giving content a chance. But I sure as hell hope that the payoff for this humiliation I apparently chose to put myself through in the name of extremely undefined "power" and empty promises is worth it in the end. And I mean Time After Time levels of "worth it." I have a sneaking suspicion it won't be, but if I get to kill any or all of these people, I'll consider that a success.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I wonder what a viscious snarl sounds like. I'm assuming the writer was going for 'vicious,' but now I'm imagining an arbiter making an angry face into a bowl of jell-o.

Also I ******* hated this arc. The only character I considered to be an actual villain was Crosscut, because he reminded me of a really frightening cross between Hannibal Lecter and a not-campy Freddy Krueger.

Other than that:

Dollface is stupid. She's just flat out stupid. She wipes your mind of recent (see: before level 7 and after level 6 because you didn't forget how to USE YOUR POWERS) memory with no effort whatsoever, and then when you confront her and use the parent-talking-to-a-naughty-child interrogation method ("The bad men will come after you if you take the cookies, you little brat") she breaks like a dry spaghetti noodle and acts like a toddler who's had her toy taken away. Lame, boring, disappointing.

Zephyr is a total loser. "I'm THE Zephyr wind, brah! I like totally dump boats over, tcheah!" It's like someone combined a frat boy with a cloud of dust and put the Ascension Belt on it (which is BS, by the way). The guy does NOTHING but yammer on about how funny it is to sink boats. Yes. We get it. You like to make wind that crashes boats. Stop talking. Seriously, stop talking. Why am I still clicking?

Finally, Omnicore is probably the worst NPC I've ever interacted with. I'd much rather listen to Infernia's 5 minute rant in the LGTF or Becky the Tarantula Mistress than spend six seconds reading her dialogue. She's a forum whiner! That's all she is! She insults you for merely showing up, she uses the term 'indisputable facts' and gets her robotic panties in a wad when she gets moderated and ragequits the conversation. All she does is whine and talk herself up and insult you. Whoop-de-doo, while she's busy yammering like a beta forum poster who just found something they consider a nerf, I'm busy fighting and actually being a villain.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



I thought the three arcs were good.. Maybe a lil wordy but for new players just learning where basic stuff in the game (tailor fate waver, university, black market, etc.) It is sorta like missions and a tour of the more important useful things. Id rather have new people go through that arc than see a ton of people asking in help channel where these things are over and over.
That's my stand point. I myself didn't "read" much of the dialog I mainly did them to see what they were like first hand so when new players come I knew what I was doing. As well as for the badges :3

VIG0S: 1356 badges in counting
Something for ppl to use



Yeah, I plan to avoid Grave's arcs, because I was NOT impressed with what I saw in Beta. The utter, blatant and badly done rail-roading was atrocious.

And yeah, it's ok to give NPCs the Incarnate armour at low levels, Posi, but heaven FORBID that Players who have got to level 50 and got the damn thing can use it on new alts, nooooo. Apparently we're not UBER enough for that!


Graves one of the few Bad bits in I21. End of.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Yeah, I plan to avoid Grave's arcs, because I was NOT impressed with what I saw in Beta. The utter, blatant and badly done rail-roading was atrocious.
That's the impression I'm left with. Having run the first "trial" of this competition, I left the mission thinking "What is this I don't even." Maybe it's my poor understanding of English, maybe I missed something, maybe my brain died, but I have not the slightest clue what the hell I just did in this mission, how I achieved victory or what that magic voice-activated "secret-telling device" that Crosscut gave me was. I remember Yahtzee talking about going through a particular game with no knowledge and zero understanding, and that's me going through this arc. I don't know why I'm competing, I don't know what I'm competing for, I can't understand what I'm doing...

Whoever was writing this arc was just trying WAAAY too hard. I mean, I actually like Twinshot's arc hero-side. It's just as railroading, but at least the action makes sense and I'm allowed to not be a dunce. But this one is just a miasma of "what the hell?!?"


Also, to reply to Nalrok_AthZim (what can I shorten your name to? ) without doing a huge quote:

I kind of agree with you, but then I kind of like these characters, too. Yeah, Zephyr is useless, Omnicore is a troll and Dollface is a brat, but I kind of think that's the point. They're the pathetic villains we're supposed to beat because we're not mentally handicapped. Hell, even Crosscut - the most unsettlingly creepy villain I've seen in the entire game - is kind of drawn up to the same purpose: They're all flawed and broken and there for us to beat.

The problem, to my eyes, is more that we're not really allowed to beat them. I mean, OK, you can't kill all competitors on mission 1, that would negate the whole arc. But at least let me humiliate them, or at the very least let me defend myself so they don't humiliate me. I don't need Dr. Ugly to play big daddy for me. If Omnicore wants a piece of me, let her have it. I'll kick her ***, won't kill her and we all go on our merry way. But no, we can't lay a finger on each other. Or on Dr. Graves - funny how his name was prophetic, by the way.

I must admit that I don't hate everything about this arc. I do enjoy watching Graves be endlessly irritated with practically everything I do. It gives me an almost childish glee to piss him off and then watch him metaphorically stomp on his hat, unable to take action. That's exactly what I wanted to see more of.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
I get 'Nal' a lot.
I was going to go with Zim, but Nal works, too I've always found it useful to have a shorthand name for people in conversation so you don't end up saying something like "Farewell, John Spartan. Be well." Incidentally, I kind of wish in-game contacts would stop calling me by my full name, too...

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



During beta, I wrote up a four page list of criticisms of these three arcs. A lot of my suggestions got used, but you've put your finger right on the biggest things that didn't: the whole concept of "I'm in a competition with a bunch of really unpleasant people" sucks, and all the way through from beginning to end it assumes that you are human, and that you're rude, dismissive, and prone to over-estimating yourself. At the risk of channeling Venture, there is an Idiot Ball in this arc, and you spend a lot of time holding it.

Heroes definitely got the better end of the deal on the tutorial missions. Twinshot's arcs do a better job of teaching the material, they work better as the tutorial they're supposed to be. Twinshot's arcs actually tie into the issue 19-22 storyline; Dr. Graves' arc is just kind of random. And even on her worst day, Flambeaux is less annoying than even the least annoying of the characters in Dr. Graves' arc.

These arcs didn't need to be fixed, they needed to be yanked out and replaced with something completely unrelated, done over, and done right, from scratch. Unfortunately, as I pretty much expected, by the time any players saw them and were able to give feedback, it was way too late for that.

My advice? Skip it altogether; just grind the Death from Below trial. It's more fun, and will level you past Dr. Graves before you can blink.



i dont like dr graves lvl 5-9 arc, but his 10-14 and 15-19 arcs were quite enjoyable

i do agree the 5-9 arc had WAY too much talking in it

(i personally disliked ALL of twinshots arcs, none of them were really enjoyable too me, it felt like all the heroes i was forced to work with were complete imbeciles in one way or another)



Done the first arc, the one thing I've liked in the Villain arc is Crosscut. He's all kind of nuts, the good kind of the bad kind of nuts. I'll run through them on one character I think, and on a badger or if I want the badge titles for them, but... yeah, Death From Below sounds a better way to level during the lowbies.



While the initial arc isn't as good as it could be, the overall story that progresses through the teens in does become enjoyable, IMO. Don't just base your opinions completely off the initial arc (in before "first impression"), because things aren't as they appear.

Oh, and it's explained later on why Zephyr wears the Ascension belt. It won't pacify the folks who rage because NPCs are not under the same costume limitations as players are, but at least it's explained in-story.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



I think I'm starting to put my finger on one big aspect that really sours my impressions of this arc - it's really sloppily written from a technical standpoint. The "viscous snarl" I posted before is a typo I didn't even catch when I posted it. It's just what I copied of my text box. I pick text out of the arc at random and it has a typo in it. Oi... But here's another one:

I approach an "Intercept Team Alpha" which consists of one guy standing around, not intercepting. He says this:

[NPC] Longbow Interception Alpha Team: You might come out with your hands up, criminal!
Yes, indeed, I might come up with my hands up. I also might come up with my hands at my hips, or with my hands on my face, as turned out the be the case. Also, come out of where? we're in the middle of a giant room, indoors, underwater. At most, I'm coming IN, not out, and how am I really coming in or out when all I'm doing is crossing a big open room.

Look, I'm a non-native speaker of English, and to be perfectly blunt, a lot of this text seems to have been written by someone who speaks English as a foreign language. I know I said I wouldn't demonise the writers, but a lot of these mistakes just make no sense unless the writer responsible genuinely didn't speak English very well.

This is Roy Cooling all over again - an idiot ball storyline which explains nothing at no point in its plot and that's written badly and rife with text errors. It's almost go out on a limb and say the same person must have written both arcs, but I'm probably going to be wrong and there's no way to tell. But my point is that this arc in particular is just really, really poorly implemented.

The central idea is not bad. I don't mind competitions, I don't mind competitions with rules, but we have to be competing for SOMETHING. I don't want to compete for "the portal tech" ... Sorry, I don't want to compete for "power," I want there to be a tangible price that would make logical sense for someone to want. We don't know who's giving the reward, we don't know what the reward is, and chances are we're just being used by some yahoo with too much time on his hands. And yet we never stop to question what the bloody hell we're doing and why we're doing it, like we're all a bunch of fools who can't see past their personal squabbles to grasp the big picture. For the NPC, that might be the case - they're all head cases. But for my characters? Mine should be better than that. I wrote them to not be idiots.


I'm going to follow the arc to its end. As I said, it should be worth doing at least once. It's new content and I'd be a fool if I didn't at least try seeing it. If the subsequent arcs are good enough, then I can re-run the first one without reading any of its text, like I ended up doing for Roy Cooling on characters who accidentally got stuck with his arc. However, I have to say that a lot of the newer stuff I've seen smacks of fanfiction Architect work, and this one is one of the worst offenders. It's unpolished, it tries to do way too much and detracts from actually playing the game with gimmicks and endless dialogues and it assumes way, way, WAY too much about a character, rarely in flattering ways. If this were a standalon story or a single-player game with a fixed protagonist, these stories would work, but in a custom-character MMO, they just come off as GM god modding.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.




You complain too much.



Maybe it's intended as a more light-hearted look at Villains to balance out the darker stuff in the Mercy Island revamp? The blue side training arcs play a similar role to the semi-apocalyptic tone of the tutorial and following Atlas content revamp.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Oh, and here's another gem:

So you gave me the bombs... To blow up myself?
That's "blow myself up." I get that these thing still exist in old content from before proof-reading was invented, but why are things like that in newer content.

Also, finally, "he" shows up, and says "Do not presume I think as you do." First of all, how do you know how I think? Secondly, why is the game assuming how I think? Thirdly, why am I still carrying the idiot ball? Like, really, why? Who thought it was a good idea to radically re-write my villain into something completely different and then give me dialogue "trees" that don't give me any options?

And why are all of my clickies not clickes but actual conversations, too?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



You do realize you don't have to take the arcs so seriously right? I thought they were a nice little addition to the Mercy revamp personally.


- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
The machine then draws a sample on its own (begging the question of "how," but that's besides the point).
The text says it extends a 'probe' and starts probing, IIRC.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I look forward to the game taking pity on me and permitting me to kill all of these people the very next mission, but I rather doubt this will happen. And even if it did, I'll still have gone through the initial humiliation to get to that point.
You get to beat up Crosscut, Graves, and Dollface once; the others three you beat up twice. In the end, none of them are dead.

Overall, I find the arc amusing. There are spots that I really don't like (mind time-bomb? Really? And even assuming my character believes the existence of such a thing, I can't figure out the truth from Dean John Yu's reaction?), but there are other parts I really do like (I found the whole playing-dumb-for-the-Arbiters hilarious. I also really like the dialogue from the Technology Quartermaster).
