I Sing The Praises of First Ward
According to the Ustream, New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina was a BIG inspiration.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
It has one of my favorite moments in the game - the way the spirit council gathers around you with that soft music in the background - it was very mystical, and totally unexpected.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Still playing through it, but it's a great zone so far. Really fantastic content.
I loved it except for my complaint below that the ending felt quite abrupt. If the arc just continues at 30+, though, and they're still programming that, then I guess it's all good!
Another player, M I Abrahms (he'd post this himself but CAN'T because he's unable to log in), pointed out that the Binding Ceremony seems to have a marriage theme...
In order to erect the barriers to protect the Midnighters' Chapel from the Apparitions, you need...
Someone Old: Makwi
Someone New: Sister Nadia
Someone Borrowed: Vanessa DeVore
and Someone Blue: Cerulean
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
I'm still chuckling over the notion that *Percy* is Mr Midnighter and is a totally hopeless skirt chaser of powerful, mystical women! The way he hits on EVERYTHING with a pair of X chromosomes is ... amusing ...

That was one of my favorite bits too - he was kinda like Robert Flores and his tangents about Belladonna :P
Also, did you see that one of his zombie guards was called Montague?
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.
Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?
A: You crash into another one.
Yeah, I'm told that the devs have declared this issue closed. And in fact, changing my game password does work, as long as I stay logged into the forums. However, the way it looks now, I will have to change my game password every time I get logged out of the forums.

playing through it solo now. I must say the apparitions might just be the creepiest opponents in the game. Also, love the sunken floors and the mildew on the walls (never thought I'd say that!) The pathing is clever, though the creation of hoverboards pretty much negates its use.
I absolutely got immersed in the FW story arc...some of it was so sad, and other parts made me actually laugh out loud. As far as creepy, I think the gorgons rank right up there.

The Officer Orb...that is all
That's Officer Orb, sir.
My characters - all on Virtue.
Gabe's Internet [censored] Theory
RMT spammers WILL steal your credit card.
I like so much about this zone. They really hit it out of the park with this one. The Monarch handing things over to Palatine was a bit silly though. One could certainly understand the Hetman rebelling.
I love Vanessa's bit about her own death.
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
I would read this story in novel form. I LOVE this zone.
From the sharks to the flowing sand in the crags, everything about this zone is breath taking. It also gives me hope that weather effects are not too far off. I really hope we get access to some of the amazing costumes that are displayed in the zone also.
Types of Swords
My Portfolio
Whilst it is quite a fun play through I hate missions where you have some npc tagging along, which seems to happen an awful lot as a plot device to lead you to your next contact within these arcs.
I also can't understand why they released more content for the 20-30 range which is already saturated, when the 30-40 range is still suffering from a lack of 'proper' content.
Whilst it is quite a fun play through I hate missions where you have some npc tagging along, which seems to happen an awful lot as a plot device to lead you to your next contact within these arcs.
I also can't understand why they released more content for the 20-30 range which is already saturated, when the 30-40 range is still suffering from a lack of 'proper' content. |
Types of Swords
My Portfolio
I'm simply glad to have Praetorian content that isn't yet another bloody Incarnate Trial grind. That the First Ward is so atmospheric and well designed is better still.
Also, hooray for more GR day jobs! What does Tyrant have against them?
I also can't understand why they released more content for the 20-30 range which is already saturated, when the 30-40 range is still suffering from a lack of 'proper' content.
It's part of the larger revamp that's been going on for the past 5 Issues - Issues 17 through 21 have now added the newer style of content for both factions to be able to level up 1-29, with only a few gaps where older content is needed - but even those can be filled with the new sewer Trial or things like the Faultline arcs.
First Ward takes the content revemp past the halfway point on the path to 50.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Some parts of the zone creeped me out, which is a good thing!!! Means its immersive.
A+ devs.
Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!

I have one question about this arc - it is very enjoyable and you face some stiffly fought battles and foes.
However why is the first arc which is very long only worth 2 merits? I got done with the first arc and felt completely underwhelmed when I had fought so hard and so long and got 2 merits............
The Midnighters arc is much shorter and easier and it is 8 merits!
Do they have a wheel that they roll to determine the points or is it a straight out dart board selection?
I'm loving it... very desolate and some great stories. I haven't completed it all (so no spoilers please) but there have already been a few "oh wow" moments.

Thelonious Monk
Great zone, lovely atmosphere, awesome story arc, amazing new instance maps, excellent new NPC groups, just all around well done.
Was there a particular inspiration for its design?