VGA Announcemnts




For those who didn't watch the Video Game Awards on Spike TV tonight, here's the announcements you'll be sorry you missed:

Mass Effect 3 confirmed for holiday 2011.

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim confirmed for holiday 2011.

Uncharted 3 confirmed for holiday 2011.

It's gonna be a long year.

Oh and Red Dead Redemption won Game of the Year. As it should.



You missed Resistance 3. Trailer is up on IGN.

Also isn't Sony announcing a big exclusive title today?

@Radmind - Justice Server
ClintarCOH - Twitter




In before lock.



Anything about the new X-Men game?



Teaser trailer for Del Toro's Insane has me interested. Wasn't it mentioned that he was doing a game and that it would be influenced by the H.P. Lovecraft mythos.

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Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



... oh, and the cheese that is Sega's Thor, another good opportunity for a good Marvel superhero game missed.
With this and Captain America handed to the clowns at Sega after the botchjob that was IronMan, I absolutely despair.

On the upside; Mass Effect 3 ! - woo hoo!!!



Mass Effect 3... *unf unf unf*



Wow. ME3's already going to be out next Christmas? That seems rather quick; hope it doesn't suffer for it.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



i wish we could have these kinds of threads, but yeah, me3 is great...but, as anyone knows my pants exploding news was tes 5, i'd have prefered akavir to skyrim, but i will take it, the chanting was suitably epic in the trailer, im already ready to go nuts. the fact tht this year will have a zelda too is just the icing on the vial of addicitve narcotic substances..please dont stink.

now to finish my love fest, finish beyond good and evil 2, and i will transcend my humanity.



Originally Posted by Cowman View Post
Anything about the new X-Men game?
No, but the classic X-Men Arcade game comes to Xbox Live and PSN next week.




Originally Posted by Cowman View Post
Anything about the new X-Men game?
asides for the extended trailer, nada but it seems like it will be a Mass Effect style RPG. (from what the three silhouettes at the end imply). If so I severely hope it has some vertical content (sorry but a superhero game that keeps you on the ground doth not a fun experience make)



Marvel said to watch the VGAs for an anouncement. Capcom set up a viewing party for the VGAs after a Marvel vs Capcom 3 event. I watched, waiting for some more MvC3 news.

Instead I got Thor, mostly predictable awards, and people failing miserably at being funny. The only interesting bits were Batman and Skyrim.

BTW, there was also a trailer for SSX: Deadly Descents.



Originally Posted by Mothers_Love View Post
Don't forget the premiere of the full Arkham City trailer !.


NEXT FALL???!?!?


Never has the internet phrase Do Want NAO! been so apt!

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Originally Posted by Night-Hawk07 View Post
Wow. ME3's already going to be out next Christmas? That seems rather quick; hope it doesn't suffer for it.
ME2 was released about two years after ME, so ME3 coming two years after ME2 is an appropriate time frame.

Was hoping to hear something about The Old Republic, but I'm not seeing anything here. :/



Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
Mass Effect 3 confirmed for holiday 2011.
Could've sworn the trailer I saw said 1Q 2011. That seemed awfully quick to me.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by treboreleets View Post

BTW, there was also a trailer for SSX: Deadly Descents.
ah, i watched that, was not impressed, the ssx series has been about fun, bright colored and goofy characters, and i really liked it, only "extreme sports" game i enjoyed., but the realistic look does not really seem a good fit to me. maybe they will pull it out, but if it were me, i'd have gone for crazy colorful and stylized(big surprise, i know) make it stand out.



Hey, you got your Black Ops in my Tricky.
No, you got your Tricky in my Black Ops.

Wait a minute...



SSX is not SSX without it's colorful stages and stylish characters. I hope, for everyones sake, that this is only to show some sort of freestyle downhill segment and that they'll come out with another trailer that shows something more familiar.