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Here are my lore questions. Sorry if I repeat anything that was already said.
1). According to to Paragonwiki, we know about the Praetorian versions of three members of Arachnos. They are Recluse (dead), Ghost Widow (Resistance member) and Wretch (PPD member). What about the Praetorian counterparts of the other Patrons and their Lieutenants?
2). What was the story behind the Radio and the Television? What are their origins and why do they hate each other?
3). Was it all a Nemesis plot? If not, how much of it was?
4). Does the real Nemesis actually exist now, or is his mind spread through all of his robotic duplicates?
And some more questions that aren't Lore related:
5). Were there any more Mastermind powersets in the pipeline? And was there ever a chance for a Pirate MM set?
6). Was Mastermind henchmen customization ever a possibility, or was it too unfeasable to implement? -
Bird heads and feet. I suggested them in every single costume suggestion thread I could find. I doubt I was the only reason for it though.
I also think I'm one of the reasons they changed the drones in PVP zones to be able to kill phased players. Several times I used a temp phasing power on my Mastermind and ran around the hero base in a PVP zone. Watching multiple players and pretty much every mob in the base chasing and attemptng to kill me was rather entertaining. -
I had been console gaming all day. I got stuck, loaded up GameFAQs to find a guide and saw it on the recent headlines tab. My jaw hit the floor and I stared at my screen in disbelief for about 5 minutes.
Back to full time console gaming for me. I've disliked almost every other MMO I've tried. I might go back to Dungeon Fighter Online for a while, but that got old pretty quick and the community was not even close to being as good as this one.
Might try Team Fortress 2 now that we have a comp that can actually run it (which we got for CoH of course).
EDIT: I'll also still hang out on GameFAQs where I have changed prt of my signatire to this: "RIP CIty of Heroes and Paragon Studios - Killed by NCsoft" -
Nolan North. It blew my mind when I read through his IMDB page. He's been Deadpool, Nathan Drake (Uncharted), Desmond Miles (Assassin's Creed), the Penguin (Batman: Arkham City), and Raphael (TMNT) among others.
And David Hayter, best known as Soild Snake in Metal Gear Solid, was also Captain America in a 90's Spiderman cartoon. And he was a writer on X-Men, X2, The Scorpion King, and Watchmen. -
"All right, I've been thinking, when life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade! Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man whose gonna burn your house down - with the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that'll burn your house down!" - Cave Johnson
I've been wondering about this myself. I have a great name I want to use, but it has the word "Hell" in it so I'm afraid I'll offend somebody and get generic'd.
Though we do have Hellions and one of their boss types is Girlfriend From Hell so I guess I'd be fine with the name I want. I'm probably just being paranoid. -
G4 is pretty bad. The only things I watch on it are X-play and their E3 coverage.
I'm still suprised that I got "Not A Nemesis Plot"
He's a AR/Energy Blaster and is a Nemesis Automaton. -
I'm just gonna re-post 3 things I've asked for in various other threads.
First: Would it be poosible to use Robotic Arms in conjunction with sleeveless jackets, robes, and trenchcoats? I've got a few characters who would love to be able to combine them together.
2nd: Freakshow costume parts or just robotic bits in the same jury-rigged style they use.
Examples with picture links:
This guys shoulder pad (and maybe his jacket too)
Arms and jaw plate (though the arms would probably need to be altered so an actual hand can go on it)
Meat Doctor backback for Crab Spiders
The shoulder/neck rig from the Stunners. If the arcing electricity could be done as well it would be fantastic
And this. All of it
Granted it probably isn't feasable to just port all of these over to players, so parts in the same style would be awesome too. And if new parts are developed the Freakshow could get a graphical update as well.
3rd: I have a character that's supposed to look like a Fake Nemesis. Unfortunately he doesn't. Some Fake Nemesis parts would be epic. -
Not A Nemesis Plot will be onhand to fight against this dastardly plot! Because he's a hero and definitely isn't one of those Nemesis Automatons.
I made my SoA with the intention of making him a Crab. However, I enjoyed the "Huntsman" path so much that I couldn't keep him as a Crab and respeced back into the Huntsman.
The long description for Staff Fighting on the market has a typo. It says it's available for "Brute, Scrapper, and Tanker Archetypes" but doesn't mention Stalkers.
Just give me some Freakshow arms and I'll be happy.
A lot of my characters are kinda crazy in concept and have little to nothing to do with the actual lore of CoX. Trying to make them fit into the lore would be like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.
I do have a few characters that are closer to the lore too. I have a Hellion whose Mutation manifested and gave him dark powers similar to high ranking Skulls, a new model of Nemesis Automaton, a former Freak who left the group to seek enlightenment and has come back to Paragon to show his Freak brothers the light, and an Arachnos Soldier who simply wants to hurt people.
I also ignore things like Day Jobs, Shops, Inventions, etc. They're just game mechanics to me. -
I /bugged this the other night, but I'll put it here too. SoA powers involving a rifle are displaying the muzzle flashes and grenades to the right of the gun instead of the end of it. Not sure if it's affecting Assault Rifle as well.
I had a glitched newspaper mish full of high level 7th Generation Paragon Protectors on a lowbie Stalker. Had to drop it because I couldn't beat them.
Professional Wrestling melee powerset. With suplexes, powerbombs, etc. And Villains with the powerset get a different tier 9 power: Foriegn Object (Superior Damage, Foe Knockdown, Foe Stun)
I can't go to the Player Summit, but could somebody please go to the "Design a Powerset" panel and suggest Pirates for MMs?
Quote:No "Radioactive" but you could use "Irradiated." You get it for spending 5 hours in Bloody Bay.My main, Radiac, is a rad/rad def and is still not really wearing a badge that I feel fits his backstory in any really significant way and I'm still looking. Is there a "Radioactive" badge? I don't even know, I'll have to look.
My favorite badge/character comboes include:
"Chum" for Just For The Halibut (a human-fish hybrid)
"Assassin" for Yellow Chaos (an assassin)
"Predator (and eventually "Weapon of Mass Destruction") for Break Stuff
"Eyes of Nemesis" for Not a Nemesis Plot
"Kill Skuls" for Total pwnage (former Hellion). If I ever decide to take him Heroside he'll pick up "Pwned" or "Pwnz"
Shadowninja has been "Man in Black" "Demon Slayer" and "Soul Taker"
And though I haven't done it, I always wanted to make a character named Villain of Villainy. Give him the "Villainous" title is 15. Then the "Redundant" badge title. -
D because it reminds me a certain weapon from another game
C. Simpler is better imo.
I picked B because it reminds me of a gun one of my action figures had when I was a kid.
If we do get to submit our own characters, I may throw Not a Nemesis Plot's hat in the ring in just for giggles. Because he's a hero, and totally not one of those Nemesis Automatons.