NPC Costume of Choice?
Knives of Artemis
Just one, huh?
Okay, then, Tsoo. This was a lot easier than i thought it would be given what all else I'd want, but Tsoo just have the most items at the moment.
Unique spears, hats, tattoos for women, glowing tattoo auras, sleeveless baggytops, facemasks for men, long skirts, geta sandals, belt options, thin lower face and shoulders mask detail, back swords, ancestor spirit armor. spear for staff fighting.
They've got a heck of a lot.
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I really meant one specific NPC model, like I've seen people in atlas who were Rikti and things like that, but it's no big deal. If you want ALL the Tsoo, I'm confident that my hypothetical dev is awesome enough to give you ALL the Tsoo! If you just want the dress, my hypothetical dev will just make her stand there in her underwear.
It's probably Dink. Definitely not the pic swiping Zwil!
I really meant one specific NPC model, like I've seen people in atlas who were Rikti and things like that, but it's no big deal. If you want ALL the Tsoo, I'm confident that my hypothetical dev is awesome enough to give you ALL the Tsoo! If you just want the dress, my hypothetical dev will just make her stand there in her underwear.
It's probably Dink. Definitely not the pic swiping Zwil! |
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Well then you might wanna word your OP a bit better. The topic implies only a single one, but you say "The Sky RaiderS", without mentioning a specific member of the group.
War Walker! Wait... I take that back! GOLIATH WAR WALKER!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
I can't honestly say I'd kill to have Sister Solaris' outfit for my main, but I would definitely consider causing greivous bodily harm.
A circle forms, everybody comes round
Just to hear the incredible sound
Of a genius smashing expectations
- Jonathan Coulton

ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.
A Mitochondria. Though I'd want to colour it grey. So I could make one of my PnP characters - The Grey Amoeba. Let's see, it's been nearly 20 years, how did it go?...
In dankest pit, in blackest grime
No evil can escape my rhyme
Let those who would commit a crime
Beware the Grey Amoeba's slime!
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Lord Recluse.
Right now Talons of vengeance.
I want those metallic bracers and talons boots, tattered waist-capes, scales tights, hoods and hoods with hair.
But this would be for females.
Unisex costume I think it would be between AWESOME Dark knights from Night Ward or DA's Tsoo with sashes, glowing tattoos and conical hats.
I've always wanted a Man O War. They look like an awesome alien.
NCSOFT may take away our servers and beloved dev team, but they can't break our spirit and community. with all your power, NCSOFT, your victory will be bitter-sweet. I, personally will be there to laugh at you when you face-plant into the ground.
Laser Corrupter.
Sybils - that is all
Id love to have Scirocco's stuff in my wardrobe!
Rockshock (Druid Tanker), Medicat (Combat Medic), Dwarf From the North (Ice Mage), Rocket Gal (Energy Blaster), Graveborn (Undead Mastermind), Streeker (Punching Speedster), Op. Sidewinder (Recluse's pet Spider)
No doubts.
Black dontmesswithmeh Scorpion
In the game now, or do future releases count also?
Tsoo (I want that sash) The Ancestral Sorcerer would do I guess. He has the hat, the skirt, the Sash, and the glowing tats.
If not that
The CoT death mage. He has all the parts that did not come with the CoT pack.
If it can be a future release.
The Black Knight Templar costume.
Types of Swords
My Portfolio
If a Dev offered you the NPC costume of your choice, what would you take?
Personally I like the sky raiders. I know they're not as epic as some of the other NPC's out there, but I don't always want crazy epic. My main rerolled to FF/BR, and I think it would be hilarious to be just a shield generator floating around with lasers coming out of it! O.o