NPC Costume of Choice?




Menders, duh. If not them, then the Legacy Chain.

{}... .-



I would not go for a normal looking character even an NPC
Seed of Hamidon would just be silly

But a gear would be fun, or one of the DE emitters if you could still move

a mushroom would be great



I want to punch Marauder out and steal his hair.

But barring that, I think I'd like that cop Drudge. That is one cool costume.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Right now Talons of vengeance.
I want those metallic bracers and talons boots, tattered waist-capes, scales tights, hoods and hoods with hair.
But this would be for females.
Unisex costume I think it would be between AWESOME Dark knights from Night Ward or DA's Tsoo with sashes, glowing tattoos and conical hats.
Hoods with hair.




Just give me some Freakshow arms and I'll be happy.



Arachnos Widow: I've wanted those metallic tights forever.


Talons of Vengeance: SO SO many pieces I'd be thrilled to have, especially the snake body.

Tsoo: Mostly the new female corset

Seers: I WANT those boots, gloves, and funky shoulder pads.

The Praetors: We're killing them for lewts. We might as well steal their clothes too. I've wanted Mother's Boots since I saw them. Nightstar's arm blades, Domi's whip, etc.



I would want Sister Solaris's outfit- I like it so much I'm designing a real life version (modified a bit for modesty!)
I also want all those missing bits from the CoT costumes, an arachnos-style buttcape that males and females can wear, and something akin to Scirocco's egyptian-style kilt.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



The CoT stuff that should have been in the CoT costume pack. Following that, the CoL stuff that should have been in the CoL costume pack.

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